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选择期刊Scientometrics、Journal of Informetrics 2003-2012年期间发表的论文和国际科学计量学与信息计量学大会(ISSI大会)论文集论文为样本,对中国大陆和台湾地区科学计量学与信息计量学的发展进行比较研究。研究从4个方面展开:论文计量分析、引文计量分析、合作研究以及研究内容考察。研究结果表明,中国大陆和台湾地区已经成为国际上科学计量学与信息计量学论文产出大户,但是中国大陆地区论文年篇均引文略低于世界平均水平,AR指数低于台湾地区;两地区学者已经产出合著论文,但合作局限于少数学者和少数机构之间;两地区的研究对象和研究方法有共性又各有特色,中国大陆地区学者更重视科学计量,台湾地区学者更重视技术测度。最后提出促进两地区科学计量学与信息计量学发展需要深入讨论的几个问题。  相似文献   

American newsrooms are adopting social media as an innovation for greater engagement. However, several organizational and individual factors may affect the extent to which news outlets adopt social media innovations. In particular, there is assumed to be a divide among different age groups of journalists in embracing social media. Utilizing a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study seeks to understand how social media culture in newsrooms affects journalists’ strategies of taking social media as an innovation, and how journalists of different age groups differ in the SEM model fit. The analyses indicated Twitter engagement mediates social media culture and journalists’ attitude toward social media. However, that was not the case with Facebook. Additionally, while younger journalists favored Twitter, older journalists embraced Facebook and middle-aged journalists adopted both Facebook and Twitter. The analyses showed the more that middle-aged journalists interacted on Twitter, the more they tended to have a positive attitude toward social media. However, the more that younger and older journalists engaged on Twitter, the more they tended to have a negative attitude toward social media. Journalists from all three age groups tended to hold a negative attitude toward social media if they engaged more on Facebook.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, 25 professional female journalists were interviewed, to understand how they negotiate gender and professional identities online and offline through the lens of Shoemaker and Reese’s media routines and the socialization theory as articulated by Rodgers and Thorson. The findings suggest that while Taiwanese women journalists found that gender in some aspects of reporting is an asset, gendered harassment online and incivility in the digital sphere are important issues with which they have to contend. Comments on stories and professional identities online primarily focused on their looks and physical attributes. They were openly uncivil and abusive. Such incivility affected normal journalistic routines and prevented them from being impartial conveyors of information. Not just online abuse but cultural norms that expect women to be subservient deterred them from promoting stories on personal social media and negatively affected their coverage of controversial issues. In some cases, though gender provided certain advantages, the participants were aware that these gains were limited and ultimately patriarchal in nature. Although the study’s primary focus is on Taiwan, the analysis is applicable beyond national boundaries.  相似文献   

我国大陆学术期刊地址栏内有关"台湾国、一中一台、为台湾正名、两个中国、中华民国"的英文版政治性错误已经相当普遍和严重,亟待有关部门把关和杜绝.  相似文献   

When people perceive events that conflict with their expectations they can easily express their agitation and concerns online and likely find others who share their opinion. When large quantities of messages containing negative word-of-mouth suddenly spread in social media we speak of an online firestorm. By covering the outcry, journalists elevate it onto a mainstream communication platform and support the process of scandalization. Content analysis was used to explore how journalists, working for German-language media, cover this phenomenon. Over a period of 16 months, 130 online firestorms were identified and analyzed. Based on a typology of online firestorms, we have found that the majority of cases address events of perceived discrimination and moral misconduct aiming at societal change. Vilification of the organization or person occurred to a much lesser extent. Thus, journalistic coverage of the phenomenon focuses on the rectification attempts of an aroused public. Image-repair responses of the firestorm objects are quoted by journalists in about half of the articles, thereby providing some balanced reporting about the online criticism. This study provides an initial insight into how online firestorms are used as a topic of news coverage by journalists and explores journalists’ contribution to attempts of online scandalization.  相似文献   

This article explores three national and local journalists’ experiences of reporting on child sexual exploitation by so-called “Asian street grooming gangs” in UK towns and cities, with a particular emphasis on journalists framing journalists. In response to coverage of a series of cases, journalists have been accused by academics, policymakers and rival media organizations of fixating on perpetrators’ ethnicity and creating distorted, racist media frames. Few, if any, studies have garnered practitioners’ perspectives on how framing occurs, so we interview three prominent journalists who have covered such cases in order to deepen our understanding of the processes and causative factors behind particular editorial angles. While offering only a snapshot view, our findings reveal these individual journalists to be caught at the nexus of a range of factors that impact upon their work, both internally and externally driven.  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

采用网络调查的方式收集整理香港、台湾和内地共24所高校开展读者培训的数据信息。通过对其读者培训的组织形式、开展形式、内容、实施者等进行对比分析,探寻我国内地与香港、台湾地区高校图书馆在开展读者培训方面的异同,最后从组织管理、内容广度与深度及特色培训等角度,提出内地高校图书馆有效开展读者培训的方式方法。  相似文献   

中国大陆图书馆文献保护灾难预案调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解中国大陆图书馆文献保护灾难预案制定与实施的情况,采用问卷调查方法对中国大陆50家图书馆进行了文献保护灾难预案调查,有31家图书馆返回问卷.调查结果显示:受访图书馆全部没有设置专门的文献保护部门,其文献保护工作大部分局限于馆藏古籍的保护;图书馆的文献保护灾难应对能力较薄弱,其馆藏全部没有保险,疏于防范造成的突发灾难发生率较高,灾后恢复缺乏行业指导及社会协作;图书馆对文献保护灾难预案的认知度较低,没有符合规范要求的成文灾难预案.  相似文献   

港台学术机构知识库的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐义  肖希明 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(4):38-41,9
对香港和台湾地区学术机构知识库的建设状况进行整体调查,在对其进行详细分析的基础上从宏观上探讨了港台地区学术机构知识库的发展特点,提出了大陆地区可资借鉴的措施。  相似文献   

Taiwan is close to Mainland China both geographically and in culture, although the long-time antipathy between the governments of Taiwan and China after the civil war ended caused isolation for almost four decades. In 1987, cross-strait communication was re-opened, and since then socioeconomical as well as political ties between the countries have been growing closer. However, along with more frequent cross-strait business activities, business contract problems faced by Taiwanese businessmen in China have been growing in number as well as severity. This paper explores problems that Taiwanese businessmen in China have with their business contracts and discusses how Taiwanese government offers on-line business contract legal support to Taiwanese businessmen as e-government implementation. By doing so, this paper proposes a knowledge-based decision support system integrated with the functions of case base, rule base, and relational database developing on a Web-based architecture. Prototype system implementation is presented, some managerial issues on this paper are discussed, and future works are suggested.  相似文献   

Doubly Dominated     
Based on comprehensive surveys in 2005 and 2013 among journalists, professional critics, and artists in Norway, this article analyses the cultural journalists’ position within the fields of journalism and culture. Although increasingly adhering to journalistic ideals and becoming more similar to other journalists through education and social recruitment, cultural journalism is still not the place to gain prestige and honour in the journalistic field. As cultural journalists tend to be recruited more from journalism schools than from higher education in the humanities, they also lack the skills and knowledge to be properly recognized within the cultural field. Cultural journalists seem to occupy a subordinated position in both fields—they are doubly dominated. The analysis also shows increasing differences between cultural journalists and professional critics. Cultural journalists are more anti-elite and populist in their view on culture than critics (and artists), and they are more likely than these groups to be supportive of the idea of culture as a private realm of leisure that should be guided more strongly by economic interests. There are signs of a division of labour where critique and high culture are left to professional critics, while employed cultural journalists with less formal competence adopt an advisory role in the realm of popular culture. With increasing coverage of popular culture and traditional criticism under pressure, these are signs of a less-critical cultural journalism that falls short of the idea of a cultural public sphere as a site for acquiring intellectual and cultural resources to (better) cope with the complexities of modern life.  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of online journalists reveals that online journalists' emotional responses to their competitors' coverage are significantly correlated with their job satisfaction, workload, and the perceived quality of their news website. The more negatively online journalists feel when they get scooped by their competitors, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more negatively the journalists feel about getting scooped, the more the workload the journalists feel that they have. The more positively online journalists feel when they scoop their competitors, the more positively they perceive the quality of their news website. In addition, the greater the workload the journalists consider that they have, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more positively the journalists perceive the quality of their news organization, the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  相似文献   

China plays an increasing role in the wars and conflicts around the world with its expanding political and economic interests overseas and its diplomatic role in international affairs. More and more Chinese journalists go to the frontlines overseas to cover distant conflicts for domestic audiences. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese correspondents who have covered conflicts outside China, this study examines Chinese journalists' perceptions and reflections on objectivity in the war zones. The author adopts a term of Chinese-style pragmatic objectivity to mean that objectivity is a convenient approach for Chinese journalists to do war journalism in the field. At the level of objectivity-as-a-value, objectivity is defined as a pragmatic value and a practical ritual for Chinese journalists to do news within the scope they can reach, to protect themselves from criticisms, and to justify their version of the truth. It promotes allegiance and patriotism. At the level of objectivity-as-a-practice, objectivity in war coverage is compromised by China's foreign policies, military constraints, the press's political orientations and editorial polices, and journalists' personal experiences and values. Chinese journalists use Chinese-style objectivity to negotiate their roles in the power struggle with the state, foreign militaries, the newsroom, and journalists.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):339-355
Drawing on procedural justice research from social psychology, this study explores the role that journalistic practice plays in telling community members about whether local politicians are behaving fairly. Qualitative interviews with 24 community journalists working in cities in Upstate New York are used to answer the following research questions: (1) how does content regarding authority fairness find its way into news stories, and (2) what facets of justice—whether distributive, voice, or relational—do journalists emphasize. The interviewed journalists said that they often used their evaluation of local politicians’ fairness in deciding whether to pursue a story. In doing so, these journalists highlighted questions of whether politicians were listening to community members and the degree to which they appeared to take the best interest of citizens to heart. There was little agreement among journalists about the degree to which citizens could adequately make fairness judgments based on local news coverage, although the television reporters believed that television's visual component provided key information about the fairness of local politicians.  相似文献   

论文通过采集2005—2010年被SSCI收录的海峡两岸图情学科论文的数据,对图情论文的文献数量、著者情况、SSCI来源期刊、主题、被引频次等情况进行比较和分析,从而得出如下结论:我国大陆地区图情研究领域比较单一,国际影响力较小,相对而言,我国台湾地区图情研究的领域比较前沿,产出率相对较高,在国际上影响力相对大一些。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理我国三网融合的代表性业务——IPTV的发展历程,对主导三网融合发展的力量做出探讨,认为从国家层面自上而下的促进是关键力量。  相似文献   

图书馆版权政策是图书馆尊重版权的宣示,也是图书馆工作者和用户规避版权风险的指南性规章。鉴于国内制定版权政策的图书馆比率偏低、政策构建体系不完善等现状,文章通过网上调查,对大陆、香港、台湾部分高校图书馆版权政策进行比较与评估。认为香港图书馆版权政策形式更为灵活,结构更为完善,管理机构更为健全;而台湾图书馆版权政策在宣传力度、执行绩效上具有更大优势;港台经验值得大陆高校图书馆借鉴。  相似文献   

Children’s status as a particularly vulnerable group in society implies a journalistic obligation to shed light on children’s stories and listen to their perspectives, but their vulnerable position also means they deserve protection from potentially harmful news coverage. Based on a close-reading of two extensively covered news serials concerning irregular migrant children facing deportation, and on in-depth interviews with journalists, editors, and key actors working on behalf of irregular migrant children, the present article sheds light on how journalists balance competing, ethical, professional, and organizational concerns when reporting on issues concerning children. The article shows that while journalists say they are aware of the ethical aspects concerning extensive media exposure of young children, they justify the reporting by foregrounding children as innocent victims of the immigration system and by highlighting the journalistic obligation of shedding light on the wrongdoings of this system. The potential burden of media exposure is relativized as less harmful than the alternative—deportation. Theoretically, the article contributes to the literature on children in the news media, human-interest stories and journalism, and the role of journalism reporting vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

During the mid‐1980s political pressure upon Chinese journalists decreased, financial pressure upon their newspapers increased and photojournalism gained importance. This study compares the content of photographs in three ‘official’ and three hybrid ‘official‐commercial’ Chinese newspapers. Photographs were found to be less important in ‘official’ newspapers. Subjects and values of concern to government and Party leaders appeared more frequently in ‘official‐commercial’ papers. This study also shows that in a period of political and economic reform, diversity exists in photographic news content and that photographs frequently serve public interests.  相似文献   

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