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探索党史学习教育的新载体、创新形式,促进党史学习教育贯通专业学习的全过程,形成协同机制.红色建筑既是优秀的建筑案例,又蕴含着丰富的党史,建筑文化与红色精神的统一性使之具备工程管理专业育才和党史的精神内涵育人双重价值.以红色建筑为载体,分析红色建筑的特征和党史精神内涵,理顺红色建筑党史对工程管理人才培养的逻辑,通过多元、...  相似文献   

当前我国成人高等教育质量危机主要表现在培养目标不明确、培养资源严重匮乏、培养过程监管不利等方面。提高成人高等教育质量是一项需要全社会共同关注和参与的系统工程。成人教育系统内部的自我维护与自我更新,应当从成人高等教育质量危机的三大根源入手,以增强学生学习能力和职业发展水平为培养目标,大力加强成人高等教育培养资源建设,进一步加大成人高等教育培养过程的监管和调控力度。  相似文献   


Maddux, Johnson, and Willis mentioned in 1992 some “yet-to-be-developed types” that “have the potential to be Type II software if they are used in such a way that the user is given the ability to learn in new and better ways.” The authors of this paper will frame the discussion of learning management systems (LMS) around the concept of Type I and Type II applications of computers in education. We suggest that with the new trends of interoperability within WebCT, more researchers will accept WebCT as a potential Type II application. As more interactive learning objects are developed and shared on the WebCT format, it should be easier for instructors to create and teach courses that reflect the value systems expressed in the concept of Type II learning.  相似文献   

本文以地质工程专业"岩土钻掘工程"课程本科课堂教学为例,从不同学科侧重点入手,尝试进行课堂授课设计,培养学生多学科交叉综合学习能力。探讨了现阶段该课程的创新教学实践,突出了以人为本、在满足课程核心内容的认知的基础上,力争打造以开放性、实践性为主的教学模式。以当前地质工科实践热点、难点技术为吸引力,鼓励学生打好专业应用基础,提高创新能力。  相似文献   

The increase of individualised customer demands and tough competition in the manufacturing sector gave rise to more customer-centric operations management such as products and services (mass) customisation. Mass customisation (MC), which inherits the ‘economy of scale’ from mass production (MP), aims to meet specific customer demands with near MP efficiency. Such an overarching concept has multiple impacts on operations management. This requires highly qualified and multi-skilled engineers who are well prepared for managing MC. Therefore, this concept should be properly addressed by engineering education curricula which needs to keep up with the emerging business trends. This paper introduces a novel course about MC and variety in operations management which recalls several Experiential Learning (EL) practices consistently with the principle of an active learning. The paper aims to analyse to which extent EL can improve the efficiency of the teaching methods and the retention rate in the context of operations management. The proposed course is given to engineering students whose’ perceptions are collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The paper highlights the relevance (i) of teaching MC, and (ii) of active learning in engineering education, through the specific application in the domain of MC.  相似文献   

To ensure proper competence development and short graduation times for engineering students, it is essential that the study motivation is encouraged by new learning methods. In game-based learning, the learner's engagement is increased and learning is made meaningful by applying game-like features such as competition and rewarding through virtual promotions or achievement badges. In this paper, the state of the art of game-based learning in building services engineering education at university level is reviewed and discussed. A systematic literature review indicates that educational games have been reported in the field of related disciplines, such as mechanical and civil engineering. The development of system-level educational games that realistically simulate work life in building services engineering is still in its infancy. Novel rewarding practices and more comprehensive approaches entailing the state-of-the-art information tools such as building information modelling, geographic information systems, building management systems and augmented reality are needed in the future.  相似文献   

Design-based learning is a teaching approach akin to problem-based learning but one to which the design of artefacts, systems and solutions in project-based settings is central. Although design-based learning has been employed in the practice of higher engineering education, it has hardly been theorised at this educational level. The aim of this study is to characterise design-based learning from existing empirical research literature on engineering education. Drawing on a perspective that accounts for domain-specific, idiosyncratic and learner-centred aspects of design problems in the context of engineering education, 50 empirical studies on project-based and problem-based engineering education, to which the design of artefacts is central, were reviewed. Based on the findings, design-based learning is characterised with regard to domain-specificity, learner expertise and task authenticity. The implications of this study for the practice of engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

As the sophistication of technology has increased, so has public demand for quality. This expectation of quality has occurred across a broad range of products and systems, including education. To meet the demand for quality, many products and systems (including educational ones) have become increasingly complex. Within education there are also other factors which have driven up levels of complexity. These factors include increased diversity in the student body, a greater emphasis on collaboration and the drive to replace simple “delivery models” of teaching. It is well known from other fields, though, that as systems become more complex, they become more vulnerable to failure. For this reason, a formalised methodology known as “systems engineering” is often applied in industry to the management of large systems. The author argues that the use of systems engineering concepts in education would be likely to reduce failure rates and improve quality. This is particularly so in large-scale complex learning systems. The paper also discusses some implications of trying to use systems engineering methodology in modern educational systems.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,成人高等教育的不断推进,成人高等教育在全民教育体系中占据着越来越重要的地位。成人高等教育有着不同于普通高等教育的教育教学特点,从学习对象、学习内容、学习目标等方面对成人高等教育管理类课程教学进行研究,找出改进现阶段成人高等教育管理类课程教学的方法。  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, meeting our technological challenges demands educational excellence, a skilled populace that is ready for the critical challenges society faces. There is widespread consensus, however, that education systems are failing to adequately prepare all students with the essential twenty-first century knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life, career, and citizenship. The purpose of this paper is to understand how twenty-first century knowledge and skills can be appropriately embedded in engineering education finalised to innovative product development by using additive manufacturing (AM). The study designs a learning model by which to achieve effective AM education to address the requirements of twenty-first century and to offer students the occasion to experiment with STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts. The study is conducted using the quality function deployment (QFD) methodology.  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命深刻影响着高等工程教育的未来走向。针对面向工程应用的普通本科高校存在学生学习能力较差、缺少应用实践,同时教学内容与行业需求之间存在巨大差距等问题,对新工科背景下软件人才培养体系进行研究与实践,提出“厚基础、窄口径”的人才培养模式;将产业与技术的最新发展、行业对人才培养的最新要求引入教学过程,更新教学内容和课程体系;落实科教结合、产学融合、校企合作的协同育人模式,秉承以学生为中心的理念,加强大学生科技园建设。通过南阳理工学院计算机与软件学院的教学实践,建立以学生为中心的软件人才培养体系,打造工程教育开放融合的新生态,从而切实提高教学质量,形成办学核心竞争力。  相似文献   

安全生产工作已成为建设高水平、研究型大学和全面培养学生综合素质的迫切要求,作为研究型的理工为主的高等学校,如何建立卓有成效的校园安全生产管理体系,成为现代高等教育工作面临的一项现实而又意义重大的课题.作者提出了重点建设和完善"教育、预防、整改"三项措施,构建"教育在先,预防为主,整改不断"为核心内容的高校安全生产管理模式.  相似文献   

班级管理是一个系统工程,涉及到学生日常学习、生活的各个环节,学生成长的方方面面,良好的班级管理是教育成功的最大关键。  相似文献   

网络教育资源在共享和重用中存在资源非标准化建设和数字资源版权归属问题。文章提出以学习对象为基础的教育资源版权管理模型,将学习对象的数字版权管理整合到e-Learning系统中,构建了一个标准化的、安全的网络资源共享环境。最后,结合具体的视频教学资源案例分析,探讨基于对象的网络教育资源版权保护的具体执行方法,以促进教育资源的合理使用。  相似文献   

Even though behavior management is a very high priority of teachers of young children, systems of behavior management receive less attention than do methods of teaching academic content. Even when there are well developed sytems of behavior management, they do not necessarily reflect the same philosophy and methods of teaching that are used to teach content. The authors report on “cognitive-mediational behavior management”, a system designed to be consistent with a cognitive early education program, the Cognitive Curriculum for Young Children. In both behavior management and all their other teaching, teachers use in this program a mediational teaching style. Teachers emphasize thinking processes rather than correct answers, take a problem-solving approach to learning, help children to acquire generalizable strategies of thinking and problem-solving rather than using trial-and-error learning, are optimistic about children’s abilities to learn, and facilitate children’s acquisition of fundamental thinking modes. This system is seen as basically incompatible with a behaviorist, contingent reinforcement system. Behavior sequences are suggested for working with unacceptable behavior so as to produce both behavior change and cognitive change.  相似文献   

重视学生工程能力的培养已成为高等工程教育的一种必然。本文以机械设计基础实践课程建设为案例,采用CDIO的教学理念与标准,以基于项目的教学组织原则,以基于问题解决的学习方式,通过对课程目标、内容设置和教学方式的实践,从低年级开始引导学生主动探究、分析解决问题,激发其研究兴趣并促进其工程能力的提高,探索高校低年级学生工程能力培养的有效方式。  相似文献   

在构建学习型社会的时代进程中,成人教育不应成为被忽略的一环.成人教育的基本特点决定了其在构建学习型社会中的具有重要且不可替代的作用.成人教育的基本特点主要表现在其教育对象多、教育内容多、教育途径多的"三多"特质;成人教育是构建学习型社会的主体和关键,是建设学习型社会的主要渠道,是提升学习型社会层次的主要手段.  相似文献   

Most of the current theoretical perspectives espousedby many South African engineering educators arecommensurate with some radical internationaldevelopments in the engineering realm. Thesedevelopments are aimed at getting students to think,or go beyond the information given with theintegrative skill of bringing knowledge, skills,understanding and experience together in problemsolving activities and environment, which providesstudents with the best kind of preparation forlifelong independent learning. The rationale of thispaper is determined by an understanding thatengineering education at most higher educationinstitutions in South Africa is dominated by theacquisition of content, that is, ``knowing-that'.Limited epistemological and pragmatic space are beingallowed for students to engage critically withengineering knowledge, as well as to apply suchknowledge skillfully. This idea of engineering education isincommensurate with a general principle that ought toshape any form of education whereby students ought toengage not to do ``this or that', but to learn how tothink, understand and imagine themselves.In the first part of the paper a critical reflectionon the literature aims to establish connectionsbetween an understanding of engineering education andpatterns of meaning which make the concept what it is.Secondly, it is argued that an eclectic approach toengineering education is necessary in order that bothfacts (``knowing-that') and skills (``knowing-how')acquisition and application become the rationale whichwould enhance and expand engineering teaching andlearning beyond its present reduction to factual,technical content. Finally, it is shown that an eclecticapproach to engineering education has its limitationsand needs to be supplemented by the notion ofdialogical agape (love) which allows space fortransformatory learning, respect for persons and``imaginative reconstructions' of learning that canmove beyond the boundaries of socially negotiatedoutcomes.  相似文献   

现代远程教育管理模式初构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程开放教育管理模式是以开放教育理念为基础,由管理者、管理对象、管理内容、管理方式、管理环境五大要素,在共同完成管理任务、实现管理目标的过程中,共性化和个性化管理服务基本运作程式的有机组合方式。它具有开放性、灵活性和信息化、现代化的特点,是与现代远程开放教育育人模式和教学模式以学生个别化自主学习为主,受众面大、环节多、强调过程监控等主要特征相适应的管理模式。  相似文献   

Current trends in the management of e-learning content in Korean higher education are reviewed, along with important issues for future development. South Korean technological infrastructure, among the most advanced in the world, provides the necessary conditions for e-learning to proliferate, but as e-learning in higher education approaches a certain level of maturity and proliferation, there will emerge issues to be resolved at the national level. Suggested future considerations include establishing a national level of overarching planning for courseware management; university and consortium level planning for quality content management; e-learning content sharing systems through such methods as learning technology standardization; and a training and support system for specialists in educational development, instruction, and administration that can operate mutually and concurrently. By Insook Lee  相似文献   

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