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我国著名高校的博士生培养往往面临着院系和导师之间争夺博士生名额的问题.为了解国外是否存在类似问题及其解决方式,本文作者对美国的俄亥俄州和乔治·华盛顿大学、英国的诺丁汉大学和香港的情况进行了调研.研究发现,这些学校并没有出现博士培养方面的供需矛盾,主要原因在于,国际上普遍的做法是层层放权,最后的决定权集中在基层的研究中心以及教师个体手中.这对我国高校的博士生名额分配机制有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   

德国、意大利、法国、瑞典、英国、美国、日本七国高等学校的学术权力与行政权力关系模式,既有共同性,又有差异性。归纳和提炼七国高等学校的学术权力与行政权力关系模式,借鉴七国高等学校学术权力与行政权力整合的做法和经验,建立起具有中国特色的高等学校内部管理体制具有重要意义。我国高等学校内部的学术权力与行政权力关系配置,应先以加强学术权力为基础,从二元权力渗透、行政权力主导向二元权力渗透、学术权力主导转变,进而建立起学术权力与行政权力耦合的新机制。校务委员会制、董事会制、教授委员会制是高等学校内部管理体制改革的取向。  相似文献   

Although we know a great deal about college choice in nations such as the United States, we know considerably less about how college choice operates in settings lacking well-defined hierarchies between higher education institutions. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, students from high socio-economic status backgrounds are over-represented in the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and grandes écoles, respectively. In nations without these hierarchies, how do privileged families distinguish between very similar institutions? Using the example of Canada, notable for its relative institutional flatness, I show that privileged families construct their own hierarchies and tap into established hierarchies in other nations. The data come from an ethnographic study of two elite private high schools in Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):146-154
In November 1918, Germany accepted the armistice conditions of the Entente nations, and World War I came to an end. On January 18, 1919, the Entente victors gathered in Paris to convene the conference to ratify the peace treaty. Twenty-seven nations participated in the Paris Peace Conference, but in reality the conference was controlled by just three imperialist powers, Great Britain, France, and the United States. The leadership of the delegation of the three powers was divided among the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George (1863-1945), the French Premier Clemenceau (1841-1929), and the American President, Wilson (1856-1924).  相似文献   

在美国,不管是公立研究型大学,还是私立研究型大学,它们都各有特色,其办学理念和管理模式也各不相同。其中,伯克利加州大学的成功对中国的研究型大学建设似乎更有借鉴意义。因为,作为公立大学,伯克利加州大学的办学目标和社会责任与中国普通高等教育中的大学存在许多相似性。然而,它能够在1938--1958年短短的20年中,获得12个物理和化学诺贝尔奖,一举成为世界瞩目的研究型大学,其奥秘值得探讨。本文仅从大学管理机制的角度探讨该大学成功的经验和面临的问题。  相似文献   

农业合作经济组织是现代化农业发展的重要制度供给,在当前乃至今后的农业现代化过程中都将是举足轻重的。本文通过对美国和日本农业合作社的性质和特点的介绍,对比我国农业合作社发展情况找出其中的不足。汲取美日合作社发展的成功经验,从而促进我国农业合作社的发展。  相似文献   

中美学校道德教育内容比较及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校道德教育的内容很大程度上影响着道德教育的实效性,为此,各国都非常重视道德教育内容的改革。美国是世界上教育和经济最发达的国家之一,研究分析中美学校道德教育在内容上的异同,进而批判地吸收和借鉴,将为我国学校道德教育改革提供一些探讨性的思路。  相似文献   

在发达国家高等教育体系中,董事会制度是大学治理结构的中心环节,在筹集办学经费、选拔校长、监督裁决和沟通外界社会等方面扮演着关键角色,为大学的发展提供了强大动力。美国和日本的大学董事会在职责、成员构成、组织结构和运行机制等方面存在较大差异。以美、日两国为代表的大学董事会制度在一定程度上可以纠正我国高校行政化倾向。  相似文献   

造就高素质的知识产权人才队伍是实施河南省知识产权战略的重要内容,而知识产权专业人才的匮乏是制约河南省科技创新能力提高的关键因素之一。高校作为人才培养的基地,在知识产权人才培养方面还存在着诸多不足。文章结合河南省的实际情况,分析了目前河南省高校知识产权人才培养的现状及存在的问题,总结了美国和日本等发达国家知识产权教育的成功经验,并在此基础上提出了河南省高校知识产权人才培养模式构建的建议。  相似文献   

This article investigates the interactions between identity and career aspirations among Taiwanese Aborigines and American Indians. While many similarities exist between the two indigenous groups, several differences remain as well. In comparing the identity issue between these two groups, this study shows that American Indians generally live in a more multicultural society than Taiwanese Aborigines. American Indian students do not experience the same degree of stereotype or racial discrimination from their teachers and peers as experienced by Taiwanese Aborigines. However, affirmative action policies are more favorable in Taiwan than they are in the United States. Drawing from a critical standpoint theory, we argue that families, tribes, and communities should play a more prominent role in the education of indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

This paper defines the two-year college as an institution offering tertiary education for any of a broad range of needs terminating in a sub-baccalaureate degree with perhaps various certificates as well for completion of still shorter programs. A global overview of developments outside of the United States is followed by an intensive discussion of two-year college developments in Japan and in Canada. In the final section of the paper, some of the chief areas of concern in this phase of higher education are noted. The number of two-year colleges outside of the United States is growing steadily and will soon exceed the number within that country. The private junior college, vocationally oriented, is the principal type to be found in Japan. In Canada, three types are noted, the Western colleges fitting quite well the definition adopted here, the heavily career-oriented schools, and the unique CEGEP's of Quebec province. Other nations offer still more variations on the basic theme. Access to higher education and the generally lower prestige of the two-year college are the two chief issues in the university parallel curriculum. Economic development of nations is brought to bear upon career curricula. Student services and community services are fields not yet widely ventured upon. The questions of support, control, and development are complex ones, concerning which each nation may learn much from the experiences of others.  相似文献   

Good and Poor Sources of Educational Aid: A Five-Nation Study College students in five nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, the U.S.) were asked their opinions about which nation would be the best and which the poorest source of aid for 10 hypothetical educational-development projects in the Indonesian province of North Sumatra. For the 10 projects as a whole, the majority of respondents in each of the five countries chose an industrialized, formerly colonialist nation as the best source of aid in preference to the two developing nations, Indonesia and Malaysia. Of the three industrialized nations, the United States was selected considerably more often than the second choice, Japan; and Australia was a distant third.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的科学、技术、经济一体化促使美英两国重视产学研协同创新,美国和英国分别形成了合作式创新生态和竞争式创新机制。美国在制度支持和产学研合作的良性循环中激活了学术知识的经济引擎作用。而英国低水平、不合理的政策干预未能扭转校企相对隔离的状态,大学在市场机制影响下难以充分发挥高质量学术知识的预期经济效益。为有效促进学术知识的生产与转移,政府应在国家创新体系中合理施为,成为政策目标的执行者、信息沟通的桥梁、政策实效的支持系统,直接并积极参与创新生态的构建、激活并稳固产学研合作的社会基础、保障创新活动的质量,促进产学研合作以保障国家创新的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The article explores sign language interpreter training, testing, and accreditation in three major English-speaking countries, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, by providing an overview of the training and assessment of sign language interpreters in each country. The article highlights the reasons these countries can be considered leaders in the profession and compares similarities and differences among them. Key similarities include the provision of university interpreter training, approval for training courses, license "maintenance" systems, and educational interpreting guidelines. Differences are noted in relation to training prerequisites, types and levels of accreditation, administration of the testing system, and accreditation of deaf interpreters. The article concludes with predictions about future developments related to the establishment of the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters and the development of sign language interpreting research as a research discipline.  相似文献   

艾德礼政府大国防务政策解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾德礼政府坚持维护英国的大国地位,与之相对应的就是全球防务政策,这一目标主要体现在1947年与1950年的两个防务计划上。两个防务计划有五个特点:在防务上依赖美国的同时又与美国拉开距离;把苏联作为主要敌人又避免过度刺激苏联;英帝国和英联邦是防务的重要组成部分;中东在战略上的重要性;远东在防务中处于次要地位。防务政策的演变体现出两个重要趋势:从软化苏联到更加依赖美国;中东防务的重要性逐渐倾斜为欧洲本身的防务,而冷战的爆发与升级是促成这两大转变的主要原因。  相似文献   

为了解决乡村教师的发展问题,美国联邦政府、州政府、高校和社会组织等多方协作,发挥了重要作用。联邦政府通过制定教育法案,为教师培训提供了宏观支持,并组织实施了多种项目和计划。州政府根据乡村地区教育实际,采用多样形式推行教师培训计划。高校深度介入乡村教师培训,解决关键问题,促进乡村教师的长远发展。社会组织为乡村教师培训提供了外部支持,减轻了乡村教师的发展压力。美国乡村教师培训的经验为我国提供了有益借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The educational concerns of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), whose headquarters are in Paris, were in the past focused mainly on education in the fields of science and technology, as well as on national planning for the expansion of educational opportunities. The member nations - including the United States, most West European nations, and Japan - collaborated in producing survey studies of national and regional developments in these fields.  相似文献   

中国、日本、美国社会体育指导员管理体制比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国、日本和美国社会体育指导员的管理机构、级别划分、分类、课程与培训时数、执照更新方式等方面进行了比较,并对我国社会体育指导员管理的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

中美关系、中日关系、美日关系组成了中、美、日间不均衡的三角关系。日美之间是同盟关系,而中日两国关系自建交以来就一直是起起伏伏,时好时坏,日本是中美两国交往中都可以借助的因素。  相似文献   

美国和日本两国“后大众阶段”的高等教育体系均为三层结构,但在具体构成上存在差异。美国高等教育体宗由私立大学、州立大学、社区学院三种类型、三个层次的高等教育机构构成,分别对应精英、大众和普及三种“理想型”;日本高等教育体系是由国立大学、私立大学和短期大学、高等专科学校、专修学校构成的三层构成,经历了一个调整完善的过程。我国缺乏面向大众化和普及化的制度设计,必须根据“后大众阶段”的发展需要,加强高等教育体系建设。  相似文献   

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