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化学学科"教师教育一体化"的模式中的化学专业有关课程设置,要体现出对教师职前培养和职后培训的全程规划。用"无机化学中的一些热力学问题"这一为高年级师范生开设的课程为例,讨论师范生在职前培养中的大学——中学化学教学的衔接问题的意义。并要注意其与职后培训的相互衔接。  相似文献   

绿色化学与实验室管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭绩业 《大连大学学报》2004,25(2):73-74,96
绿色化学是一门从源头上阻止污染的化学,绿色化学作为一种新兴的策略方针引人瞩目.高等学校实验室作为人才培养基地,在我国科学和教育发展中起着至关重要的作用.学生们应该懂得人类的活动如何影响地球的健康,他们应该为后代留下一个健康的地球.因此,必须加强实验室管理.  相似文献   

新一轮国家基础课程改革已在各级各类学校积极展开,高师化学课程教学如何紧紧跟上时代步伐,更新教育教学观念,充分发挥化学实践性学科的特点,积极推进化学教学改革,以实现通过素质教育培养创新人才的历史性跨越,是我们必须努力探索和实践的课题.  相似文献   

新一轮国家基础课程改革已在各级各类学校积极展开,高师化学课程教学如何紧紧跟上时代步伐,更新教育教学观念,充分发挥化学实践性学科的特点,积极推进化学教学改革,以实现通过素质教育培养创新人才的历史性跨越,是我们必须努力探索和实践的课题。  相似文献   

Studies of the philosophy of chemistry over the past 15 years suggest that chemistry is a hybrid science which mixes scientific pursuits with technological applications. Dominant universal characterizations of the nature of science thus fail to capture the essence of the discipline. The central goal of this position paper is to encourage reflection about the extent to which dominant views about quality science education based on universal views of scientific practices may constrain school chemistry. In particular, we discuss how these predominant ideas restrict the development of chemistry curricula and instructional approaches that may better support the learning of the ideas and practices that studies of the philosophy of chemistry suggest are at the core of the discipline. Our analysis suggests that philosophical studies about the nature of chemistry invite us to transgress traditional educational boundaries between science and technology, inquiry and design, content and process, and to reconceptualize school chemistry as a paradigmatic techno scientific subject. To support these changes, chemical education researchers should expand the scope of their investigations to better understand how students and teachers reason about and engage in more authentic ways of chemical thinking and doing.  相似文献   

有机化学作为高校的基础学科,在给学生传授有机化学的专业基础知识的同时.应注重激发学生创业意识,提高学生就业能力,转变教育教学理念,促进有机化学课程改革。要运用启发引导教育法,培养学生创新创业意识;运用探索试验教育法,优化学生创新创业思路;运用类比创新教育法,提高学生创新创业能力;运用借鉴移植教育法,搭建学生创新创业平台,通过多种方式鼓励学生转变就业观念,将创业作为未来职业的一种选择。  相似文献   

Given the diversity of materials in our surroundings, one should expect scientifically literate citizens to have a basic understanding of the core ideas and practices used to analyze chemical substances. In this article, we use the term ‘chemical identity' to encapsulate the assumptions, knowledge, and practices upon which chemical analysis relies. We conceive chemical identity as a core crosscutting disciplinary concept which can bring coherence and relevance to chemistry curricula at all educational levels, primary through tertiary. Although chemical identity is not a concept explicitly addressed by traditional chemistry curricula, its understanding can be expected to evolve as students are asked to recognize different types of substances and explore their properties. The goal of this contribution is to characterize students' assumptions about factors that determine chemical identity and to map how core assumptions change with training in the discipline. Our work is based on the review and critical analysis of existing research findings on students' alternative conceptions in chemistry education, and historical and philosophical analyses of chemistry. From this perspective, our analysis contributes to the growing body of research in the area of learning progressions. In particular, it reveals areas in which our understanding of students' ideas about chemical identity is quite robust, but also highlights the existence of major knowledge gaps that should be filled in to better foster student understanding. We provide suggestions in this area and discuss implications for the teaching of chemistry.  相似文献   

立足于“关系”的教育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育现象是复杂的,我们从复杂性思想、现代哲学、思维方式等方面入手,把教育世界还原到教育中的事件与关系,使教育中的关系成为我们进行教育研究的基本出发点。教育研究应关注教育中的关系:就教育活动本身而言,应关注教育场域;就教育研究者而言,应持一种介入的态度;就教育学科而言,应努力跨越边界,实现学科之间的穿梭。  相似文献   

Today's out-of-school learning is dominated by PC games, videos, and TV. These media provide children with optimal conditions for nurturing their visuospatial intelligence. In chemistry and biochemistry, over the past 125 years, thinking has shifted from the logical–mathematical to the logical–visuospatial. In chemistry visuospatial thinking has never been so dominant as today. Thus in chemistry, a truly international, pictorial language has evolved. Yet, the founding and growth of chemical education as a separate discipline has resulted, albeit unintended, in an alienation of chemistry educators from these dramatic changes in chemistry. By confining themselves in their teaching of chemistry to the logical–mathematical and the verbal, teachers and chemical educators are conveying a false and abandoned conception of chemistry in the class rooms. And, they fail to address the most important developed intelligence of our young.  相似文献   

While research on and development of evidence‐based instructional practices (EBIPs) in STEM education has flourished, implementation of these practices classrooms has not been as prolific. Using the teacher‐centered systemic reform model as a framework, we explore the connection between chemistry instructors’ beliefs about teaching and learning and self‐efficacy beliefs, and their enacted classroom practices. Postsecondary chemistry faculty present a unique population for the study because of their role in teaching prerequisite courses, such as general and organic chemistry, which are key to many science major fields. A measure of teacher beliefs and self‐efficacy was administered to a national survey of postsecondary chemistry faculty members. Instructional practices used in a chemistry course were also collected via self‐report. While instructional practices were not directly observed, a cluster analysis of our data mirrors patterns of instructional practices found in observation‐based studies of chemistry faculty. Significant differences are found on teacher thinking and self‐efficacy measures based on enacted instructional practices. Results support the hypothesized connection between beliefs and instructional practice on a larger scale than in previous studies of this relationship, bolstering the evidence for the importance of this relationship over previously criticized results. These results present a call for reform efforts on fostering change from its core, that is, the beliefs of those who ultimately adopt EBIPs. Dissemination and design should incorporate training and materials that highlight the process by which faculty members interpret reformed practices within their belief system, and explore belief change in the complex context of education reform.  相似文献   

从高考化学分析高中化学课程实施理念的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高考化学作为高中化学课程的一种特殊形式,在高考成绩价值导向规律的影响下,并没有远离新课程的实施理念。本文借助高考成绩的价值导向规律、研究高考化学试题的理论视角、学习者个体获得发展的基元模式和促使化学学习者的学科学习水平获得发展的课改理念等四个方面的理论分析,以精选的化学高考试题为例,提出了在高中化学教育课程的具体实施过程中应受到普遍重视的基本理念。  相似文献   

高校化学教学中的绿色化学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色化学作为新的环保理念引人瞩目.通过对绿色化学的介绍,就高校化学教学中如何渗透绿色化学教育作初步探讨.  相似文献   

有机化学实验教学中渗透创新教育的研究与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实施素质教育的核心是创新教育,创新教育的重点是培养学生创新精神和实践能力.该文从有机化学实验方案的设计、学会质疑培养创新意识、克服心理障碍培养创新心理素质、培养学生的创新人格、尝试运用有助于创新的思维模式分析和解决问题等方面介绍了作者在有机化学实验教学中渗透创新教育的研究与实践.  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, the international community has acknowledged the role education might play in environmental awareness and conservation. The last major initiative came when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed a Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014). In the final year of the decade, teachers still struggle to realise education for sustainable development (ESD). One of the challenges teachers face with respect to ESD is the inclusion of even more content into an already overloaded curriculum. In response, it has been suggested that ESD should be introduced as an integrated perspective across the content of all existing subjects. This paper offers a model for how ESD can be realised in chemistry education. The model has been developed to support chemistry teachers in their educational planning and consists of 5 categories: chemical content knowledge, chemistry in context, the distinctiveness and methodological character of chemistry, ESD competences and lived ESD. The ESD model is illustrated through 5 ellipses, visualising the hierarchy of the categories, as they exist in different levels. All 5 ESD categories need to be considered in a holistic ESD approach.  相似文献   

创造性思维能力的培养和内化将有利于学生的全面发展.要把对学生进行创造性思维能力培养作为学院教育的一项明确要求.教师在化学教学策略上要充分利用学科的内容与特点,注重激发兴趣,强调积累知识,探求掌握方法,倡导自由体验,注意联系实际,多角度多层面有意识地培养学生的创造性思维能力.  相似文献   

为提高学生的综合素质,树立化学实验的绿色理念,在有机化学实验教学过程中,引入绿色化学实验技术——固相法,以对甲基苯甲醛和丙二氰为原料,固相研磨15分钟,快速高效地合成对甲基苯乙烯基双氰,将环保教育融入有机化学实验教学活动中,在锻炼学生实践动手能力的同时,又有意识地培养学生的环保思想,达到了绿色化实验教学的目的。  相似文献   

化学的新理念--绿色化学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
评述了绿色化学的研究内容、研究重点、应用原则和研究进展,提出把绿色化学融合于各级化学教育中,使绿色化学成为化学教育的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

"从学生已有的生活经验出发"——化学新课程的理念。化学教师从生活中要更多地开发化学课程资源,为新课程建设服务,为学生学好化学服务,从而体现化学教育的意义。  相似文献   

扩招后高师化学专业课程体系改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等教育正处于精英教育向大众化教育的转型期,为此高师化学专业课程设置要从纵向深入型转为横向宽广型,化学专业的课程有必要向综合化方向发展,在尊重学生个人成才愿望的基础上,为学生提供一个多样化、多元化的成才空间.  相似文献   

教师教育惩戒不同于学校惩戒,通过对《关于深化教育教学改革全面提高义务教育质量的意见》的解读可以发现,其中所使用的“教师教育惩戒”一词与广义上包含了警告、退学等学校处分在内的惩戒概念不同,而是属于狭义上的惩戒概念。通过与日本中小学教育惩戒权中相关狭义惩戒内容的比较分析,研究者认为,当前我们的视野不应该仅仅局限在如何设定教师教育惩戒的方式与程序上,而是应该将学生失范行为当作一个更大的课题。教育惩戒的目的在于帮助学生遵守正确的校内规范并进一步养成健全的人格,其所要面对的不仅仅包括违反课堂纪律、不认真对待学业,更有可能包括但不限于校园欺凌、校园暴力等等,而后者的问题很难单纯地通过教师教育惩戒进行应对。应该允许教师在实施教育惩戒上具有一定的裁量权。如果认可教师教育惩戒包含一定物理有形力的行使,那么有必要在惩戒方式的客观必要性、相当性与实施主体的主观目的正当性上进行限定,根据事件的具体情境进行判断,防止惩戒过当变为体罚。  相似文献   

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