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Many clients requesting assistance in Career Centers are mismatched with their career due to issues of occupational choice. In addition, personality conflicts with co-workers, lack of interpersonal skills, and the individual's personality characteristics can affect vocational success. Theories of personality are incorporated into several theories of vocational choice and development (i.e., Holland, Roe) resulting in some attention to personality. Likewise, client personality can affect the career counselor's ability to intervene effectively to assist the client in making effective career choices and decisions. More direct attention to the impact of personality on an individual's career and vocational success can enable the Career Center to increase the effectiveness of their interventions. This paper will discuss the methods for increasing the effectiveness of career counseling through the use of the Five-Factor Model of Personality into our therapeutic work with clients.  相似文献   

David Nevo 《Prospects》1998,28(1):77-89
Conclusion Evaluation can play an important role in improving education within a school, but to make this possible it must change its nature--and not merely in a technical way. So far the relationship between art evaluator and a client has been conceived essentially as an asymmetric one. Such asymmetry goes against the principles of constructive dialogue and presupposes a distinction between evaluator and client that has to be reconsidered. The distinction, suggested by prominent evaluators with the good intention of developing client-oriented approaches to evaluation, stresses the importance of serving the information needs of identified clients rather than the research interests of individual evaluators. Original language: English David Nevo (Israel) Ph.D. Professor of Education and Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, Tel Aviv University. Professional interest in evaluation theory, programme evaluation, school-based evaluation and student assessment. Current research is focused on combining internal and external evaluation, and working with schools to improve evaluation. Author ofSchool-based evaluation (1995). Editor-in-Chief ofStudies in educational evaluation.  相似文献   

In most counseling classes, entering students are very eager to learn techniques and theories of counseling. It is as if the students believe that these techniques will then enable them to be good counselors. If students were to succeed at their initial intention—the mastery of counseling theory and technique—all they would have are tools to distance them from their clients. In essence, the students would have the tools to work on clients and not with them. This article comments on the paradoxical nature of the teaching of counseling theory. The article demonstrates that what is correct are people and not the image people have of themselves. What is correct are the counselor's feelings between his or her clients and him or her. All counselors need do is pay attention to the correctness of their own responses to each client. They can only take a client as far along the road as they have traveled. All counselors really need to know is themselves. At this point their imperfections may be viewed as perfect and they need not depend on theories of counseling.  相似文献   

Child protection workers (CPWs) are frequently exposed to client violence, both psychological and physical, in their line of work whether they operate in the community or in residential settings. Despite this known vulnerability, research on the subject has lagged. The current study sought to analyze CPWs’ experiences with client violence, their interpretation of it, its perceived consequences and their coping strategies. Specifically, 30 CPWs working both in the community and in residential settings, took part in an in-depth, semi-structured interview. A thematic analysis revealed that CPWs view client violence as a recurring and pervasive problem in their line of work. Residential workers described a greater frequency of violence, especially physical violence. CPWs however perceived violence differently, with some viewing this problem as ‘part-of-the-job’ while others described client violence as a ‘call-for-help’ on behalf of clients. Perceived consequences varied in severity and breath. CPWs reported consequences at the psychological (e.g. fear, hypervilence, sadness, nightmares), organizational (e.g. loss of motivation, turnover intention, sick leaves) and clinical levels (e.g. emotional detachment from clients, avoiding clients). CPWs also described numerous coping strategies, some effective while others appeared short-sighted. This study concludes with recommendations with regards to client violence in child protection work.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to educating and training social work students and professionals about working with suicidal clients. This article summarizes the literature on client suicide and the professional social worker, as well as presents results from a mixed methods study, which utilized both qualitative and quantitative data collected from a national study on client suicide among social workers. The results indicate that 55% of social workers will experience at least one client suicide attempt and 31% will experience a client suicide completion during the course of their career. Additionally, less than 50% of the social workers surveyed received previous training or education about client suicide in their MSW programs. Suggestions from social workers for the content of training classes on client suicide are included. Implications for practice and research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Counsellors, in a variety of settings, use counselling tools to assist clients in the conceptualization of issues and in developing coping and problem solving strategies. Counsellors are limited only by their creative abilities in selecting and developing tools and methods that will effect client change. This article explores the use of metaphor as a versatile and viable tool to facilitate client growth and transformation. After a brief review of definitions and historical perspectives, this paper outlines skills and considerations for using, creating, and delivering effective metaphors within a variety of theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

美国基础教育项目效果评估不仅实践起步早、根基相对坚实,而且目前也已发展成为教育科学研究的重要类型以及循证教育改革的证据来源,积累了较为成熟的实践经验。本研究对25项高质量评估研究进行主题文本分析后发现,其实践经验主要表现为:第一,充足的评估经费是评估的首要前提。评估经费来源于以政府为首的各界支持,经费筹措是集体同心的智慧行动,经费使用贯穿评估全程。第二,专业的评估人员是评估的核心输入。评估人员来自高校等专业组织,其选择确定往往会历经多方因素的全面考量,目前存在内部、外部、内外合作等三种评估人员角色定位。第三,科学的评估开展是评估的关键过程。评估规划会确定评估类型与问题,评估设计会厘清理论基础、评估方法和效果指标,评估实施会做好样本招募、干预实施以及数据收集。第四,实用的评估成果是评估的重要输出。评估发现会被恰当分析与合理解释,评估结果会被规范撰写与多样呈现,评估产品还会被进一步大力传播与有效使用。此外,美国基础教育项目效果评估在努力提升质量的同时也开始不断迸发出新的实践趋势。  相似文献   

大学生寻求专业心理援助的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查的方法,以650名在校大学生为研究对象,调查结果证明,处理心理问题的自我效能越低,求助意愿越强烈;对心理学的接纳程度、作为咨询当事人的自我效能和对咨询师的评价越高的个体,越倾向于寻求专业心理援助。因此,提高大学生对心理学的接纳程度和作为咨询当事人的自我效能以及使大学生正确评价自己处理心理问题的能力,应成为对大学生进行相关宣传教育的入手点。提高咨询服务的质量是使大学生对专业心理援助产生信任的根本保证。  相似文献   

Training counselors to work effectively with complex client presentations requires a variety of methods. These methods not only need to be aimed at developing conceptual understanding but also must assist counselors in managing their own emotional reactivity when working with such clients. The author describes the curriculum and experiential training processes of a course in a transtheoretical program, which draws on psychodynamic concepts to help counselor trainees develop competencies with more disturbed clients. These competencies include alliance building and repair, understanding and working with transference and countertransference, and using an understanding of personality structure in case conceptualization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Together for Kids is a child abuse prevention project that serves children and families in two neighboring communities in a mid-sized Canadian city. The project, a collaborative endeavor of various agencies in the health, social services, and law enforcement sectors, focuses on preventing child abuse and neglect through family support and programming. This article presents the results of a formative evaluation of the project focusing on client and team member views on project implementation. METHOD: The evaluation strategy was primarily qualitative. In-person interviews following a semi-structured format were conducted with 17 clients and 10 team members by an external evaluator. In addition a review of all client records was conducted. RESULTS: The community-based approach, the multidisciplinary composition of the team, the ability to seek services when needed, the immediacy of the response time and the availability of support during stressful times were all aspects of the project that clients found beneficial. The most beneficial aspect of the project, however, was the informal support received from team members who were accepting, non-threatening, and non-judgmental. Team members found the collaborative approach made access to services easier for clients, particularly for those who were more socially isolated. CONCLUSIONS: Multidisciplinary, community-based models of service delivery contribute to a more effective and compassionate response to vulnerable families. Attention to the variables identified as important aspects of the project from the clients' perspective in this evaluation may assist others in developing similar programs.  相似文献   

Early research on the effects of audio recording on counselors and clients found no adverse effects, particularly on clients. This research fostered a set of beliefs about recording which is now being extrapolated to the area of video observation. Recent research, however, does suggest that audio and, in particular, video recording has an inhibitory effect on clients and counselors. The nature of these effects on clients has been found to depend on several client characteristics. Although recording is not as inhibitory as clients expect it to be, counselors tend not to be sensitive to the inhibiting effects that do occur in their clients. Implications of recent research for counselors and counselor educators are examined.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between attrition after intake and the length of time that clients spent on a waiting list by client race and problem type. Participants were 1,461 clients who completed an initial intake evaluation at a large, Mid‐Atlantic counseling center over a 6‐year period. Full‐factorial hierarchical logistic regression analyses revealed that African American clients were less likely to return for counseling than were European American clients, regardless of the problem type.  相似文献   

The full service extended schools (FSES) initiative in England sought to build the capacity of schools to deploy multiple interventions across a range of child, family, and community contexts in order to improve the lives of children and families, and to enhance the sustainability of the areas where they live. As such, it was part of wider international developments to broaden the role of schools and integrate their work with that of other child and family services. The complexity and indeterminacy of such initiatives present particular challenges to evaluators, and mean that simple input–output approaches to evaluation are inappropriate. This paper reports the use of a theory of change approach to the FSES evaluation. It argues that an approach of this kind is better able to deal with complexity. However, in practice, this approach did not simply replicate standard outcomes evaluation processes in a more context‐sensitive way. Rather, it involved fundamental shifts in what counted as valued outcomes, in a focus on potential rather than effectiveness, and in the roles of actors and evaluators. The paper concludes that, as the role of schools widens, educational evaluators will also have to rethink their roles.  相似文献   

Most counselors recognize the importance ofcultural competence in their work. As part ofeffective treatment, skills in accuratelydiagnosing clients from diverse backgrounds areessential, yet specific techniques addressingcultural differences to aid in the diagnosisprocess are underrepresented in the counselingliterature. The purpose of this article is tooffer one step toward the development ofdiagnostic methods suitable for an increasinglydiverse client base. The importance ofcultural competency during the diagnostic phaseof counseling is discussed, the nature ofculture and its influence on diagnosis isreviewed, and a practical conceptual frameworkthat can assist counselors in makingsystematic, culturally sensitive diagnosis ispresented.  相似文献   

This paper arises out of the experience of two British Council sponsored specialist tours to Kenya in 1982 and 1983. The purpose of the tours was to work with Kenyan colleagues involved in the Kenya Adult Literacy Programmes on the development of evaluation strategies. In attempting to support this evaluation work a number of questions have been generated which point to the need for a clearer definition of what constitutes an evaluation activity. The process of re-definition raises further questions on the nature of the relationship that evaluators should have with evaluatees.  相似文献   

Summary We have reviewed the problems in counseling or psychotherapy posed by cultural differences. Few if any solutions to these problems have been proposed. It has been the general conclusion that theories and methods of psychotherapy developed in Western culture are not applicable in other cultures.This view is rejected on the basis that there are universals of human nature, a basic one being the common motive of self-actualization. The goal of counseling or psychotherapy is to facilitate the development of self-actualization in clients. Cultures can be evaluated in terms of their contribution to the self-actualization of their members. The major conditions for the development of self-actualizing persons are known, and must be present in counseling or psychotherapy as practiced with any client, regardless of his culture. These conditions are not time-bound nor culture-bound. The problems of practicing counseling or psychotherapy in other cultures are viewed as problems of implementing these conditions. Certain characteristics of clients which present obstacles to the implementation of the conditions are associated with certain cultures. Until cultural changes lead to changes in these characteristics, counseling or psychotherapy will be difficult and in some cases impossible with certain clients from certain cultures. Structuring and client education and training may change client expectations and make therapy possible. In any case, however, to accede to client expectations, abandoning methods which have been demonstrated to be related to self-actualization as an outcome of counseling or psychotherapy, is to abandon self-actualization as the goal, and to accept goals which are often inconsistent with self-actualization.  相似文献   

Conclusion To summarize, the techniques provided were intended to serve as a springboard for career counselors to employ creative strategies in their work. There also are important individual difference variables in career counselors that would make some of these techniques more desirable than others. It seems critical to explore different ways of being creative in our work in order to ensure that students develop an interest in vocational counseling and clients receive excellent services.As surveys of counselors as well as clients continue to show a dissatisfaction with career counseling it seems imperative that we investigate dynamic new ways of helping our clients think about their life/ career planning. As we model creativity in our own lives and practice, our clients will vicariously experience people who are truly excited about their occupational employment. This alone may assist career clients in achieving their dreams and maximizing their creative potentials.  相似文献   

提高质量是办好人民满意教育的核心内容,福建某重点建设高校在课堂教学质量监控与评估体系实践中创新引入全面质量管理理论,构建一套健全有效的学院课堂教学质量监控与评估体系,实证高校学院在课堂教学质量监控与评估体系上存在学生评教有效性未达到最佳效果,教师听评课重形式轻实质,学生教学信息员工作不到位;高校学院可以通过提高学生评教的有效性,建立全方位的课堂听评课制度,制定学院学生教学信息员工作管理办法,实现有效监控与评估,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

箱庭疗法是游戏疗法的一种形式,来访者在治疗者所创造的"自由和受保护"的空间内利用沙、水和玩具模型游戏,治疗师通过对作品的分析协助来访者自由地表达情感唤醒他们的自我治愈潜能。文章首先从箱庭疗法产生的历史渊源和形成过程入手,接着分别谈论箱庭疗法的治疗要素、治疗阶段、治疗的主题和适用范围,最后探讨箱庭疗法在研究及实践中存在的问题以及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

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