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技术创新是农业科技企业持续、健康发展的关键,不同创新模式下有效地进行资源整合有助于提高创新绩效。探究农业科技企业背景下技术创新模式对资源整合和企业绩效关系的影响。利用314家农业科技企业的一手数据进行实证研究,研究结果显示内部资源整合对企业绩效有显著的正效应,但是不同技术创新模式的影响有所差异。与合作创新模式相比,自主创新模式和模仿创新模式下资源整合对企业绩效的影响更为显著。研究结论对指导农业科技企业技术创新有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

The modern sensation the field of Library and Information Science is the word e-library where information's are stored in a digital format. It actually enables the use of the new emerging technique XML for transporting information over internet and thus nullifies the disadvantages (viz. rigid transaction set, fixed business rule, high cost, and slow pace) of previously used EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technique. Keeping in mind the necessity of rapid and dynamic information explosion the library in the modern era should be universal. This concept of spreading a centralized system in a geographically dispersed system is known as distributed system. In this work we represent a model that is distributed in nature and information is transferred by means of XML.  相似文献   

科技创新是推动山西省转型跨越发展的关键力量。在划分区域科技创新子过程基础上构建山西省区域科技创新效率模型及指标体系,运用二阶段网络DEA方法测算山西省2001—2012年科技创新效率值并对4种分布类型加以分析。实证结果得出优化科技管理模式、提高科技成果转化效率、培育市场导向下的科研体制是山西省提升区域科技创新效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

樊庆  徐扬 《科技管理研究》2020,40(10):238-243
在综述国内外相关研究的基础上,基于4…062份有效样本数据,通过模型构建、变量定义、数据采集与分析,并结合开放性问题的语义分析等,对中国科技馆观众满意度进行研究。主要从用户期望、服务感知、用户信任和用户抱怨等4个维度构建科技馆观众满意度模型;通过对观测变量进行探索性因子分析,提取服务内容、展品状况以及参观效果3个公因子,按照方差贡献率大小赋予每个因子不同的权重,深入分析观众需求。通过对样本数据分析,以及对开放性问题的文本分析和语义理解,为中国科学技术馆更好地提高观众满意度,有针对性地对其建设和管理提出建议及改进方向。  相似文献   

基于广东省科技计划项目监测管理的新要求及挑战,在研究分析广东省科技计划项目监测体系建设现状的基础上,借鉴科技计划项目信息化监测的研究成果与成功案例,探讨基于数据驱动的科技计划项目监测模型,开展广东省科技计划项目数据监测管理机制研究,分析科技计划项目全过程管理关键风险点,设计科技计划项目全程监测系统.基于以上理论,开发广东省科技计划项目监测平台,有效解决传统科技计划项目监测管理模式效率低、监管零散、信息被动等问题,实现精准化、智能化、自动化的科技计划项目监测管理服务.  相似文献   

科技金融是实现广东省创新驱动发展,自主创新能力提升的重要引擎。在建立科技金融投入产出效率评价指标体系的基础上,采用数据包络分析法,首先将2014年广东省的科技金融结合效率同全国其他省市对比,进行初步评价;然后对2000—2014年广东省自身科技金融结合效率作进一步研究,挖掘其存在的问题。研究结果表明,一味地扩大金融投入并不能有效提高科技产出,深化管理体制改革,推进市场化进程,优化科技金融内部结构才能实现科技金融的协调发展。  相似文献   

不同于“合作社+小农户”、“公司+小农户”等工商带动型的脱贫模式,科技特派员制度下的“科研人员+合作社+小农户”等路径显现了科技和产业带动的双重效应。在科技特派员制度下,“科技兴农”显示了科技创新、市场培育和素质提升的“研究—扩散—衔接”逻辑框架,联结科技与市场协同创新对小农户的带动具有明显的效应。从农业推广绩效和影响角度来说,运用科技特派员制度中蕴含的经济性内涵脱贫模式与路径,对促进农业生产力的变革和发展,建立可持续发展的农业经济,以及对小农户衔接农业现代化有直接影响和作用。  相似文献   

文章从机构建设、科研成果、人才队伍建设等几个方面对山东省计量科学研究院“十一五”期间大力实施“科技兴检”战略所取得的科研工作进行了总结,然后对“十二五”期间计量院科研工作的目标和应采取的措施进行了探讨。文章指出“十二五”期间,省计量院应继续实施科技兴检战略,发挥计量科技对经济发展和社会进步的支撑作用,打造核心竞争力,推动差异化发展。  相似文献   

Agile methodologies were introduced in 2001. Since this time, practitioners have applied Agile methodologies to many delivery disciplines. This article explores the application of Agile methodologies and principles to business intelligence delivery and how Agile has changed with the evolution of business intelligence. Business intelligence has evolved because the amount of data generated through the internet and smart devices has grown exponentially altering how organizations and individuals use information. The practice of business intelligence delivery with an Agile methodology has matured; however, business intelligence has evolved altering the use of Agile principles and practices. The Big Data phenomenon, the volume, variety, and velocity of data, has impacted business intelligence and the use of information. New trends such as fast analytics and data science have emerged as part of business intelligence. This paper addresses how Agile principles and practices have evolved with business intelligence, as well as its challenges and future directions.  相似文献   

科技园区是构成区域经济发展的重要载体,科技园区发展的目的是进行科技成果转化、创立成果转化市场。而当前我国科技成果转化需求包括:对科技创新的需求日益增大、低碳绿色经济对新能源、新商业模式提出了新的需求、已经具有相当规模的园区经济发展的需求和中小企业保持创新能力的需求。因此在科技园区的建设中应着重把握这些创新需求。  相似文献   

Federated Learning (FL) has been foundational in improving the performance of a wide range of applications since it was first introduced by Google. Some of the most prominent and commonly used FL-powered applications are Android’s Gboard for predictive text and Google Assistant. FL can be defined as a setting that makes on-device, collaborative Machine Learning possible. A wide range of literature has studied FL technical considerations, frameworks, and limitations with several works presenting a survey of the prominent literature on FL. However, prior surveys have focused on technical considerations and challenges of FL, and there has been a limitation in more recent work that presents a comprehensive overview of the status and future trends of FL in applications and markets. In this survey, we introduce the basic fundamentals of FL, describing its underlying technologies, architectures, system challenges, and privacy-preserving methods. More importantly, the contribution of this work is in scoping a wide variety of FL current applications and future trends in technology and markets today. We present a classification and clustering of literature progress in FL in application to technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, Natural Language Processing, autonomous vehicles, and resource allocation, as well as in application to market use cases in domains of Data Science, healthcare, education, and industry. We discuss future open directions and challenges in FL within recommendation engines, autonomous vehicles, IoT, battery management, privacy, fairness, personalization, and the role of FL for governments and public sectors. By presenting a comprehensive review of the status and prospects of FL, this work serves as a reference point for researchers and practitioners to explore FL applications under a wide range of domains.  相似文献   

2016年5月,习近平总书记发出了"为建设世界科技强国而奋斗"的号召,并在"科技三会"上明确了"我国要建设世界科技强国,关键是要建设一支规模宏大、结构合理、素质优良的创新人才队伍"。近年来,我国相继出台各项政策以构建科技人才队伍。在引进全球科技人才方面,公安部在上海、北京、广东等地,依托对人才、企业、产业具有高度聚集效应和政策先行优势的中国(上海)自由贸易试验区、中关村国家自主创新示范区等园区推出了一系列政策,在聚集科技人才方面发挥了重要的作用。文章对科技人才、科技人才政策及其对世界科技强国的作用做了简单阐述,分析了我国国际科技人才出入境政策突破现状、国内外最新发展形势,提出了放宽外国留学生在华实习就业限制、吸引优秀留学人员回国创新创业、实施华裔卡制度吸引海外科技专业人士贡献力量、推动科技人才职业资格国际认证、进一步推动创新资源向国际开放、强化知识产权保护和服务等政策建议,以期助推我国世界科技强国建设。  相似文献   

国家公共财政新型科学技术投入体系初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对现行国家公共财政科技投入体系存在基金设立分散、缺乏顶层设计、难以统领全局、效率低下等弊端,本文建议增设公共产品类科研的资金投入的拟成果购买制,使拟成果购买制、课题制和事业拨款制三制一体相互协同、取长补短、互为补充。并建议将国家自然科学基金转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金,以兼并利用公共财政特别是中央财政分散设立的大多数科技基金;将国家自然科学基金会转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金会,统筹公共财政对科技的资金投入、资源配置和管理。本文认为新体制具有统领全局、优势互补、提高效率、促进政府科技行政管理与科技资金专业化配置之间的分离以及促进项目、成果和专家的统一管理与全国共享等优越性。  相似文献   

张军  任杰慧 《科技风》2011,(3):28-29
社会团体的科普活动可以弥补政府科普工作兼顾不全的不足,特别是对弱势群体上的不足;可以充分利用科普人才资源;可以合理解决科普人力资源上的不足,实现双赢;可以促进互助博爱理念及公益志愿精神的形成。它是国家和社会的需要,也是科普实质的表现。  相似文献   

In the last five decades, maturity models have been introduced as reference frameworks for Information System (IS) management in organizations within different industries. In the healthcare domain, maturity models have also been used to address a wide variety of challenges and the high demand for hospital IS (HIS) implementations. The increasing volume of data, is exceeded the ability of health organizations to process it for improving clinical and financial efficiencies and quality of care. It is believed that careful and attentive use of Data Analytics in healthcare can transform data into knowledge that can improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency. A maturity model in this conjuncture, is a way of identifying strengths and weaknesses of the HIS maturity and thus, find a way for improvement and evolution. This paper presents a proposal to measure Hospitals Information Systems maturity with regard to Data Analytics. The outcome of this paper is a maturity model, which includes six stages of HIS growth and maturity progression.  相似文献   

李永发  张晓玲  赵毅 《科研管理》2017,38(9):124-131
本文研究目标是识别出哪种商业模式关键品质属性组合将会给企业带来高市场绩效。首先,定义商业模式品质,并推导出关键品质属性。其次,基于99个调研企业数据,选择模糊集定性比较分析法,实证分析作为结果变量的市场绩效与商业模式品质关键属性组合之间的因果关系。最后,研究发现:(1)焦点企业获取高市场绩效的通路不止一条;(2)成立时间较长的企业可选择的路径较多;(3)每种路径实质上是一组关键品质因素组合;(4)两者间的因果关系为商业模式测评开启了新的思路。  相似文献   

科技企业孵化器作为促进科技成果转化、培养高新技术企业和企业家的科技创业服务载体,已成为科技创新资源集聚的高地,为区域创新体系建设提供了重要支撑,但广东目前仅有4家省级农业领域科技企业孵化器,农业科技企业孵化器建设相对滞后。分析广东农业产业科技企业孵化器建设的基础优势和存在问题,提出应加大财政资金投入、完善建设路径模式、明确和放宽相关认定标准、推进专业化与特色化发展、建立对口帮扶机制、营造良好建设环境,以加快广东农业科技企业孵化器建设的步伐。  相似文献   

The recently passed European Directive on the Protection of Personal Data aims to harmonize European data protection law at a higher level of protection than exists now. It represents a European consensus on a standard for personal privacy and a model for countries without data protection laws. The protracted process for agreement and ratification, however, has produced a document with many derogations and ambiguities, reflecting the wider moves towards 'subsidiarity' within the European Union. Of concern to North America is the stipulation that transborder data flow may not be permitted unless the receiving country can demonstrate an 'adequate' level of protection. While the process through which this provision will be interpreted and applied is so far found to be complicated and unclear, nevertheless European authorities will be reluctant to tolerate 'data havens,' a fact that should concern North American business that relies on the unimpeded flows of personal data from and to Europe. Neither Canada nor the United States can claim 'adequate' data protection according to the European standard. However, Canadian efforts through the Canadian Standards Association and the Federal Information Highway Advisory Council signal an attempt to fashion a more comprehensive policy framework for privacy than the more incremental and reactive approach of the United States. This divergence is explained by key cultural, economic, and political factors within Canada, which have caused a different reaction to the extraterritorial effects of the European Union's Data Protection Directive.  相似文献   

科技服务平台在创新体系中发挥越来越重要的作用。本文在对科技服务平台发展现状分析的基础上,从价值网结构的视角,分析了科技服务平台价值网模型,进而构建基于价值网的科技服务平台商业模式框架,并结合科技服务平台的属性提出了科技服务平台商业模式的构成要素,讨论了各个构成要素的内涵。  相似文献   

The science-technology-innovation system is one that is continuously and rapidly evolving. The dramatic growth over the last 20 years in the use of science, technology and innovation (STI) indicators appears first and foremost to be the result of a combination of, on the one hand, the ease of computerized access to an increasing number of measures of STI and, on the other hand, the interest in a growing number of public policy and private business circles in such indicators. Such growing interest might be expected in societies that increasingly use organised science and technology to achieve a wide variety of social and economic objectives and in which business competition is increasingly based on innovation. On the basis of 40 years of indicators work, we argue that frontiers and characteristics of STI indicators that were important last century may no longer be so relevant today and indeed may even be positively misleading.  相似文献   

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