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在回顾感觉统合训练在自闭症康复中的作用的相关研究的基础上,以华北地区中小型自闭症教育和康复机构的5名感统训练师为个案,从教师在教学过程中占主导性的视角出发,研究该机构中感统训练师教学现状及影响其教学效果的因素,针对该机构感统训练师的发展与培养提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

重庆市康复机构中自闭症儿童家长需求的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过问卷调查法、访谈法对重庆市6个康复机构中近60名自闭症儿童家长的需求进行调查研究。研究发现:自闭症儿童的家长在家庭教育中的内部与外部需求众多且极为迫切,主要表现在:需要机构教师的长期帮助;希望设置更多的自闭症儿童疗育机构;提供医疗补助与更多的咨询信息。文章在对家长的内部与外部需求进行分析讨论的基础上,从家长本身、康复机构、政府部门及其他相关专业人士等四个方面提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

专门职业大学是以培养产业急需的专业性职业人才为目标的本科层次职业大学.专门职业大学深刻认识到师资力量对人才培养的重要性,对教师的能力素质予以高度关注,积极与地方政府、行业企业及相关机构开展合作,力图通过提高教师准入门槛、完善教师研修制度与考核评价体系等举措打造出一支高水平师资队伍.专门职业大学是在遵循相关政策文件要求的基础上,结合自身办学定位建设师资队伍的,其经验对我国本科层次职业教育的师资队伍建设具有积极借鉴意义.面对当前我国经济社会发展迫切需要大批复合型技术技能人才的现状,我国本科层次职业教育必须按照更高标准建设师资队伍,为产业转型升级提供高素质技术技能人才支撑.  相似文献   

为了了解特殊教育康复教师的职业认同感现状,本文采用问卷调查法,以269名特殊教育康复教师为被试进行了职业认同感调查研究。研究发现:特殊教育康复教师职业认同感水平处于中等偏上,在年龄、教龄、职称等方面存在显著差异。研究建议加强教育康复师资队伍建设;提高教师薪资待遇、减少其超负荷工作;出台康复行业标准,减少行业乱象,对私立机构进行规范化管理和建立康复教师学习平台等多个方面促进特殊教育康复教师职业认同感的提升。  相似文献   

国内康复机构自闭症儿童评估情况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用问卷法和访谈法,对33家自闭症儿童康复机构在自闭症评估方面的现况和需求进行了调查与分析.结果显示:康复机构比较重视对自闭症儿童的诊断评估工作,但评估人员相对欠缺、学历层次有待提高;评估工具适用性不强,评估过程不够规范.研究最后指出本土化评量工具的开发应注重与实际的康复需求相结合,尽量做到评量范围全面化.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查、访谈走访的方式对赤峰市星之路自闭症儿童康复中心的教育的特点、现状及存在的问题进行了调研和分析,主要对患儿的基本信息、家长的康复需求和教师的康复需求方面进行了数据统计和分析,本文的目的是全面了解星之路自闭症儿童康复中心的教育现状和存在的问题,为后续为该机构设计和开发符合他们的三维虚拟训练场景做准备.  相似文献   

采用访谈法和观察法从办学条件、师资力量、招生情况和教学实施四个方面对目前重庆市开展学前自闭症儿童融合教育的现状进行调查和研究.研究结果表明:重庆市学前自闭症儿童融合教育办学条件好、学前自闭症儿童融合教育教师专业技能缺乏、学前自闭症儿童融合教育机构招生困窘和学前自闭症儿童融合教育实施效果欠佳.为促进重庆市学前自闭症儿童融合教育的发展研究,从制定政策保障、营造社会氛围和提高教师专业水平三个方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

郭雷祥 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(12):139-141
自闭症是一种较为常见的儿童广泛性发育障碍,对自闭症儿童的康复治疗一直是自闭症研究的热点和难点。体育游戏作为一种适合儿童心理特点的活动,为自闭症儿童的康复治疗提供了广阔的空间。文章通过对自闭症康复中心实地调查和查阅大量关于自闭症的文献资料,对自闭症儿童的问题行为表现及体育游戏干预对自闭症儿童发展的影响进行分析,探讨体育游戏干预对自闭症儿童康复治疗的对策及重要性。  相似文献   

芬兰职业教育发展日趋成熟与完善与职业教育师资培养培训体系是密不可分的.中等职业教育师资队伍建设关系到中等职业教育的发展和教育质量的好坏,芬兰为此不仅设置了专门的职业教师教育机构,还有严格规范的录用机制、规范职业教师任职资格和准入制度等.  相似文献   

民办自闭症机构是目前自闭症儿童康复训练的重要组成部分,生存现状不容乐观。因此,以当前所取得自闭症研究成果为理论依据,对宁德市的民办自闭症机构进行个案研究,探讨目前民办自闭症机构的生存现状,为其发展提供策略性的建议。  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities have received services in special education programs for many years. Unfortunately, many of these students continue to need services after they exit high schools. Vocational rehabilitation has begun to provide services for young adults with learning disabilities; however, there continues to be a discrepancy between the number of adults with learning disabilities who need vocational rehabilitation services and those who are receiving them. This article describes the definitions and eligibility criteria used by vocational rehabilitation agencies to serve adults with learning disabilities. By understanding the vocational rehabilitation system, teachers, it is hoped, will be better able to access these services for their students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

采用问卷法和访谈法,对福建省某市多家儿童康复机构的教师进行调查与分析。对普通幼儿教育和特殊幼儿教育的教师工作压力进行了比较,继而对特殊幼儿教师的工作压力进行了人口学分析。结果显示:特殊幼儿教育教师在许多维度上的压力大于普通幼儿教育教师,人口学诸多因素也和工作压力密切相关。  相似文献   

This study investigated the supports and modifications made available to students on the autism spectrum in Australian schools. Teachers rated the importance of several factors in determining the grades of their students and reported on the frequency of student engagement with a range of instructional materials. Eighty‐seven teachers identified the modifications, accommodations and additional assistance provide to primary school students on the autism spectrum. Teachers also compared the frequency of class engagement and methods of evaluating outcomes for students with and without autism. A range of modifications and adjustments were implemented to support students on the spectrum. There were no significant differences in the frequency of instructional material use of students on the autism spectrum compared to their classmates. However, teachers did report differences in their methods of determining the grades of their students with and without autism. This is an important first step in understanding the experiences of teachers who are educating students on the autism spectrum in Australian schools. The findings reveal that teachers are working to support the diverse learning needs of their students on the autism spectrum. Further investigation of the factors that are driving teachers’ use of school‐based supports is warranted.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implementation of formative assessment through the ‘autism lens’ in order to analyse why the process can be exclusionary for some learners on the autism spectrum. The central thesis of the paper is that, where teachers have no understanding of the autism learning style, they are likely to revert to a normative, ‘majoritarian’ construction of learning. Two problems may flow from this. First, majoritarian assumptions about learning could dominate the inferential process that is the foundation stone of formative assessment. This could lead teachers to mis-read what is going on inside the heads of learners on the autism spectrum, and cause them to make partial and inaccurate inferences about their learning. Second, majoritarian assumptions may also inform the interactive process that underpins formative assessment. Social interaction can be challenging for learners on the autism spectrum and can limit or exclude their participation unless sensitive modifications are made to the social and communication environment. The case is, therefore, made for teacher awareness of a ‘minoritarian’ perspective that foregrounds knowledge and understanding of the autism learning style. Arguably, this knowledge and understanding could enable teachers to adapt the formative assessment process so that it is more effective and inclusive for this group of learners.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编问卷调查北京市孤独症儿童早期干预中家长的参与态度和行为,并初步探讨其可能的影响因素。研究调查了三所有代表性的孤独症康复中心和一所医院的47名家长,结果表明,在孤独症儿童的早期干预中,家长参与态度较积极(M=3.77),但行为频率较低(M=1.75),参与效能感也比较低(M=1.81)。很多因素影响着家长的孤独症知识水平,但影响家长参与的因素较少;只有家长学历、家庭收入和孩子是否参与过ABA(应用行为分析)这三个因素。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童教育的核心是针对自闭症儿童的特点进行有效地评估,使评估成为教师教育训练的科学依据,并制定适合自闭症儿童的教育计划及教育目标。本文从自闭症儿童教育评估的内容、标准、方法、评估的流程等几方面论述了学校进行自闭症儿童教育训练的实践研究以及取得的效果。  相似文献   

Students with autism often are placed in general education classrooms, indicating general education teachers should be prepared to meet these students' needs. This survey study of teacher education students examined differences in educational training, beliefs about autism, and competence working with students with autism, according to college level and major area of study. Results showed that teacher education students held accurate beliefs about most aspects of autism, but they demonstrated misconceptions about special, gifted abilities. Secondary teacher education students were less likely to demonstrate accurate beliefs about the social emotional features of autism over the course of their training. General education teachers reported a lack of competence working with students with autism and believed additional training was needed. Findings suggested ongoing preservice training is needed to foster accurate beliefs about autism and competence working with students with autism.  相似文献   

Teacher self-efficacy refers to the beliefs teachers hold regarding their capability to bring about desired instructional outcomes and may be helpful for understanding and addressing critical issues such as teacher attrition and teacher use of research-supported practices. Educating students with autism likely presents teachers with some of the most significant instructional challenges. The self-efficacy of 35 special education teachers of students with autism between the ages of 3 to 9 years was evaluated. Teachers completed rating scales that represented self-efficacy and aspects of the following 3 of Bandura's 4 sources of self-efficacy: (1) sense of mastery, (2) social persuasions, and (3) physiological/affective states. Significant associations were observed between physiological/affective states and self-efficacy, but no associations were observed for the other sources.  相似文献   

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