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周仲炜 《兰台世界》2023,(S1):33-35
<正>数字化背景下病案质量监管数据源于病历档案。病历档案是国家档案的重要组成部分,是医务人员在疾病诊断、治疗、护理中形成的医院业务档案,以各种文字、图像等不同形式和载体,对病人的健康状况及诊疗过程所做的全面连续的原始记录[1]。医疗机构通过病历档案数字化建设,规范病案数据质量,以实现与监管机制相适应,为病历档案监管提供数据支撑。一、病案质量监管实施的背景2020年,中共中央、国务院印发《关于深化医疗保障制度改革的意见》,明确要求建立管用高效的医保支付机制和健全严密有力的医保基金监管机制[2]。2021年,  相似文献   

张利平 《湖北档案》2003,(11):20-20
我国改革的深入发展,以及国家医保改革政策的出台,对医院的经营管理提出了严竣的挑战,而不同的医保政策,又对不同类型、不同规模的医院的医疗管理产生重大影响,病案作为最基本最完善的医疗信息资料,对内为医院的医疗、预防、保健、教学科研和管理服务。对社会服务方面,是公安、司  相似文献   

病案作为医院重要的医学档案资料,它不仅是病人及家属向单位、保险部门寻求医疗保障和经济利益的依据,也是处理医疗事故和医疗纠纷、进行医疗技术和司法鉴定的重要依据。随着查阅利用病案资料的人越来越多,要求病案管理人员应本着以人为本的服务理念,倡导人性化服务,提升医院知名度,进一步提高社会的满意度,为促进社会和谐奠定基础。  相似文献   

病案作为一种重要的信息资源,既为本单位医疗、教学、科研提供第一手资料,又为外单位医疗费用报销、保险理赔、司法纠纷、伤残鉴定、交通事故处理等提供原始凭证。电子病案就是病案的电子化,是医院利用信息技术的必然趋势。如何全面开发电子病案,提高病案的利用率,更好地为医院和社会提供服务,是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

病案作为一种重要的信息资源,既为本单位医疗、教学、科研提供第一手资料,又为外单位医疗费用报销、保险理赔、司法纠纷、伤残鉴定、交通事故处理等提供原始凭证.电子病案就是病案的电子化.是医院利用信息技术的必然趋势.如何全面开发电子病案,提高病案的利用率,更好地为医院和社会提供服务,是一个值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

正新医改实施以来,国家尤其重视医疗卫生信息化的改革,2013年国务院办公厅《关于深化医药卫生体制改革主要工作安排》中强调,要积极推进医疗卫生信息化的配套改革。电子病案是医疗卫生信息化管理的必然趋势,也是医院信息系统建设的基础工程。因此,加强电子病案的管理,发现电子病案管理中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策,推动电子病案加速发展,有利于医疗体系的完善。  相似文献   

陈帅 《兰台内外》2023,(29):22-24
近年来,伴随着医保不断改革,医保档案管理的工作量与日俱增,针对医保档案管理开展数字化改革是迎合医保改革的重要举措,在推动医保发展、保障参保人权益,以及为医保决策提供依据等方面具有重要的作用和意义。但从当前数字化医保档案管理的实况来看,仍面临较多的阻碍,如缺乏统一的归档标准、基础设备设施建设投入不足、缺少高素质医保档案管理团队,以及医保档案管理缺乏制度创新等。因此,本文分析了数字化医保档案管理的必要性,以及当前数字化医保档案管理面临的阻碍,并针对当前存在的阻碍制定相应的措施,以推动数字化医保档案管理顺利开展。  相似文献   

全球健康治理行动已全面启动.从档案后保思想和精准诊疗社会需求角度,分析电子病案服务中心建设的动因;从电子病案科学管理和共享利用角度,研究电子病案服务中心的功能;从我国卫生和计生系统垂直管理的制度体系和医疗改革趋向角度,探索电子病案服务中心建设共建共享的集约化建设模式与服务型运作机制.  相似文献   

病案是医务人员记录疾病诊疗过程的件,是临床进行科学诊断、治疗的基础资料。随着医疗机构改革的深入以及社会信息化的飞速发展,病案资源信息开发利用已成为病案管理部门主动为医院医、教、研以及社会服务的重要手段,尤其是在已实施的医疗保险制度中更能体现其价值和作用。传统的病案信息管理以往大多局限于单一病案的收集、整理、登记和保管,而忽视了病案内涵信息的有效利用。在医疗卫生改革新形势下,病  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》于近日颁布,标志着我国基本医疗保障制度改革进入了新的发展阶段——国家将逐步建立起覆盖全民的基本医保制度  相似文献   

标准化的电子病历是现代医疗机构所必需的重要临床信息资源,也是居民健康档案的主要信息来源。本文在借鉴美国电子病历标准基础上,对中美电子病历标准化的发展历史、现状和内容等进行分析比较,找出我国电子病历标准化存在的问题和解决方案,使我国的电子病历标准建设走向更加健康和规范的道路。  相似文献   

为适应电子档案的安全需求,实现电子档案凭证性安全保障,本文提出电子档案身份证的概念并对配套技术进行分析研究,打破了目前电子档案凭证性保障技术依赖于PKI模式和基于License安全模型模式的现状。在提出的电子档案身份证的实现方案中,着重研究电子档案身份证技术凭证性的校验模型和凭证性保障安全模型以及关键技术。  相似文献   

Smart government is viewed as the highest modernization stage of public agencies. Governments seek to employ disruptive technologies to substantially transform government-citizen relationships, enhance citizens’ experiences, transform public decision making, emphasize citizen engagement in the democratic decision-making process, provide more agile and resilient government structures, create substantial public value and generally improve quality of life. Despite its numerous potential advantages, smart government is still in its early phases of development. Examining issues related to the usage behavior of smart government services has received little attention. Outcomes of the usage of online technologies in general, and electronic public services in particular, have been largely overlooked. Accordingly, this study aims at developing and empirically validating an integrated model of smart government usage by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) through the incorporation of a set of determinants and outcomes of smart government usage following an extensive review of extant literature. The data were obtained from 414 smart government clients in the United Arab Emirates through an online questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicated that, among all significant antecedents of smart government usage, performance expectancy has the strongest impact, whilst facilitating conditions has the weakest influence. It has been also reported that personalization has no significant effect on smart government usage. The results further revealed that the strongest impact of smart government usage is on information transparency. Implications for theory and practice are also offered.  相似文献   

王传华 《大观周刊》2012,(32):49-49
我国建立了城镇居民医疗保险、城镇居民医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗保险(以下简称“新农合”)三项基本医疗保险制度。由于各制度在参保对象、筹资水平、补偿标准以及基金管理等方面存在差异,导致制度运行成本高、卫生资源浪费、制度衔接困难等问题。因此。必须积极探索城乡基本医疗保障制度的衔接路径,构建城乡统筹的全民医保制度。  相似文献   

介绍了通识教育及其国内发展现状,分析了医学信息学纳入医学院校通识教育体系的必要性,提出了医学信息学课程教学改革的对策.  相似文献   

青年编辑是医学期刊编辑部的中流砥柱。对其需求进行分析,并采取相应的激励措施,直接关系到医学期刊的可持续发展,同时,在期刊编辑部体制改革的形势下,更具有时代紧迫性。本文根据马斯洛需求层次理论,分析医学期刊青年编辑生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求的特点,据此提出提高薪酬待遇、明确改革动向、培养社交能力、重塑行业形象、制订职业规划的相应激励措施。  相似文献   



What is the process of developing a clinical information tool to be embedded in the electronic health record of a very large and diverse academic medical center?


The development took place at the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System.


The clinical information tool developed is a search box with subject tabs to provide quick access to designated full-text information resources. Each subject tab offers a federated search of a different pool of resources. Search results are organized “on the fly” into meaningful categories using clustering technology and are directly accessible from the results page.


After more than a year of discussion and planning, a clinical information tool was embedded in the academic medical center''s electronic health record.


The library successfully developed a clinical information tool, called Clinical-e, for use at the point of care. Future development will refine the tool and evaluate its impact and effectiveness.  相似文献   

结合我国医疗卫生信息化发展对专业人才的需求,以济宁医学院为例,构建了由〈医学信息学〉、〈医院管理学〉、〈数据库原理〉、〈软件工程〉、〈病案信息学〉以及〈医院信息系统〉组成的医学信息学课程群,并对其内容整合优化、教学模式改革、师资培养、教材建设等方面进行了分析与探讨.  相似文献   

Governments across the world are experimenting with smart city technologies but recent studies suggest that not all citizens support this development. However, a comprehensive understanding of citizen discontent with the smart city is missing. This study systematically reviews academic research addressing citizen discontent with the smart city. Based on a set of 58 articles, two perspectives on citizens' discontent are identified. One perspective focuses on active discontent: citizens are dissatisfied with the technology, democratic process, and societal impact of the smart city and show different types of behavior to express their discontentment. The other perspective emphasizes passive discontent: citizen discontent does not manifest itself due to citizens' lack of awareness and skills and the absence of channels to express their discontentment. Both perspectives on discontent suggest different government responses respectively to overcome citizen discontent through ‘the right technologies’, ‘the right rules’, and ‘the right information’, or to stimulate critical citizenship through ‘the right to smart city education and empowerment’ and the ‘right to participate and challenge’. Based on our findings, a fine-grained understanding of attitudes and behavior, and government actions to address citizen discontent is developed.  相似文献   

The Health Sciences Library at the University of Washington initiated and continues to develop a role in the electronic medical record, starting with the development of the first integrated web-based interface, called MINDscape. An Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS) grant in 1992 began the process, which also led to the development of a clinical medical librarian position. Over the years, the librarian''s role in the clinical environment became more established, and with the advent of clinical online resources, it offered further opportunities for librarians to provide the expertise needed to incorporate the appropriate resources. The collaborative journey continues as librarians, now able to directly access the EMRs, provide information about what resources to use and where best to place them and design how best to provide notes or feedback to clinicians.  相似文献   

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