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从心理学、内因与外因的关系以及洛扎诺夫外语教学法多个角度论证脑科学与教育科学的紧密关系,认为教育科学必须重视脑科学理论研究、吸收脑科学研究的最新成果,加强脑科学与教育科学的结合,促进教育改革和教育实践。  相似文献   

脑科学是研究心智发展及其机制的一门新兴学科。脑科学的发展趋势及其相关研究成果不仅对教育教学实践具有重要意义,而且对我国教育政策具有重要启示。结合国际脑科学发展的趋势以及脑科学研究的现状,在脑科学成果的宣传和普及、脑科学与教育决策、教师资格认证等方面,脑科学研究对我国教育政策都具有重要启示,脑科学研究将在我国教育决策方面扮演越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

脑科学技术已成为推动现代教育研究发展的重要动力。在此背景下,文章首先梳理了脑科学技术与教育研究的关系,指出脑科学技术的应用,使教育研究的开展不再盲目、抽象。随后,文章分析了脑科学技术在教育研究中的基础功能。最后,文章重点从测评教学效果、设计教学内容、改革教学方式、甄别和补偿学习障碍等角度,通过案例研究,系统地介绍了脑科学技术在教育研究中的具体应用。研究脑科学技术在教育研究中的功能与应用,有助于推动脑科学技术与教育教学的深度融合,实现学用转化的良性循环。  相似文献   

脑科学研究与学校心理教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当代脑科学研究的最新成果是实施学校心理教育的重要理论基础之一。因此,加强和改进我国学校心理教育的策略是:自觉建构与脑科学的对话与交流机制,充分运用脑科学研究成果指导学校心理教育实践,积极实施“全脑”型心理教育。  相似文献   

脑科学从基础研究向应用研究展开,与教育跨学科融合形成了"脑科学与教育"新的研究领域。日本率先在世界上倡导"脑科学与教育"的跨学科研究,并且将脑科学研究作为国家教育发展的一项战略任务,将脑科学的原理运用到教育中去,进行面向教育理论和实践的应用研究。本论文介绍的日本近年来"脑科学与教育"研究的最新进展,对推动我国尚处于起步阶段的脑科学与教育领域研究的发展有一定的启示。  相似文献   

脑科学研究与心理教育范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑科学应当成为心理教育的基础科学,心理教育需要自觉吸收脑科学的研究成果。当今脑科学的最新研究成果为心理教育范式的建构提供了科学基础和理论框架,脑科学研究发展趋势对心理教育研究的方法论建构具有借鉴价值。树立脑科学与心理教育“一体化”发展理念,建构和实践全脑型心理教育范式,是我们必然的选择。  相似文献   

综合心理学、脑科学、认知科学的研究成果,用教育心理科学的理论、方法、技术去审视、指导教与学的全过程,探索、实施教育心理技术条件下高效学习的可操作性方法,开展高效率学习心理状态调节激励活动。对改进和解决基础教育学生学习负担过重、学习效率过低、推进教育科学研究理论与实际应用相结合、提高学生学习效能与教学效率,具有重要作用。  相似文献   

怎样进行卓有成效的教育,是任何教育理论所必须阐述的主要命题之一。本书的编著者张光鉴等在探讨科学教育的主题时,较详细地介绍了有关学科(认知心理学、脑科学、思维科学等)的新进展。脑科学研究与教育心理学、认知心理学的相互结合,将以前不同学派的各种观点和说法加以融会贯通,找到诸多差异现象背后的本源,使人们对教法、学法提出新的思路;对教育技术、教育艺术方面提出新的设想;对儿童以至人类的身心健康提出科学的保证。它与教育的结合,必然会对教育理论和实践的变革产生极其深远的影响。在脑科学与教育的结合上,本书精辟地…  相似文献   

随着脑科学研究的不断深入,越来越多的教育者开始关注教育问题的脑科学研究,以及相关研究成果在教育领域的应用与转化。本文综述了体育教育领域的脑科学研究进展,发现体育运动可以改善儿童大脑的可塑性、提高儿童大脑执行功能以及促进大脑的终生发展。这些研究成果提示:体育教育中应通过架设脑科学与体育教育的桥梁、消除错误观念、探索基于脑的体育教育等途径,加强和改善体育教育实践,更好促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

创新教育是以培养人的创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育。随着知识经济的到来和全球经济一体化的建立,创新教育也成了教育理论研究中的一个重要内容。脑科学、建构主义学习理论、多元智能理论为创新教育提供了重要的心理学基础,这些方面的深入研究对创新教育具有重大意义。  相似文献   

The Department of Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota and the Science Museum of Minnesota have developed and implemented a successful program for middle school (grades 5-8) science teachers and their students, called Brain Science on the Move. The overall goals have been to bring neuroscience education to underserved schools, excite students about science, improve their understanding of neuroscience, and foster partnerships between scientists and educators. The program includes BrainU, a teacher professional development institute; Explain Your Brain Assembly and Exhibit Stations, multimedia large-group presentation and hands-on activities designed to stimulate student thinking about the brain; Class Activities, in-depth inquiry-based investigations; and Brain Trunks, materials and resources related to class activities. Formal evaluation of the program indicated that teacher neuroscience knowledge, self-confidence, and use of inquiry-based strategies and neuroscience in their classrooms have increased. Participating teachers increased the time spent teaching neuroscience and devoted more time to "inquiry-based" teaching versus "lecture-based teaching." Teachers appreciated in-depth discussions of pedagogy and science and opportunities for collegial interactions with world-class researchers. Student interest in the brain and in science increased. Since attending BrainU, participating teachers have reported increased enthusiasm about teaching and have become local neuroscience experts within their school communities.  相似文献   

罗赟星 《科教导刊》2019,(10):178-180
研究生的就业情况是学生个人、家庭和社会密切关注的问题,也是检验高校研究生培养质量的重要指标之一。提升研究生就业能力,是研究生培养过程中必须重视的方面。本项目通过调查、分析基础医学研究生的就业期望与需求,了解研究生的就业能力,并提出了提升研究生就业能力的措施。  相似文献   

随着医学学科发展和社会需求的持续加大,医科院校研究生的就业质量和就业能力受到普遍重视和关注。作为培养医科高级专业人才的高等院校,其就业质量正在成为检验医科研究生培养质量的重要风向标,且直接影响着高校在招生环节对优质生源的吸引力和竞争力。本文就上海某高校医学院基础科研型研究生为研究对象,对其在2015—2016年毕业的研究生群体进行了就业数据分析和调查问卷,旨在分析近年来医科基础科研型研究生的就业现状和影响因素,同时结合研究生培养全过程来探讨研究生的就业能力提升策略,提出包括专业能力培养和科研诚信教育,职业指导课程体系建设和职能师资的配备,以及着眼于全局战略高度的就业引导等多项策略,以期指导基础科研型研究生更好地实现个人发展目标与国家医学类人才培养目标的统一。  相似文献   

贺斌 《远程教育杂志》2011,29(4):103-110
目前,绝大多数e-Learning系统是在传统智力观指导下设计开发而成,严重忽视了学习者情感智能的发展。脑科学研究表明,情感在注意、记忆、推理和决策等方面发挥重要作用。以情感计算学说、人工心理学、脑科学等相关理论为指导,赋予计算机和网络以情感智能,以设计出支持适应性学习的e-Learning情感计算模型。  相似文献   

This article examines the merits of WebQuests in facilitating students’ in-depth understanding of science concepts using the four principles of learning gathered from the National Research Council reports How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School (1999) and the How Students Learn: Science in the Classroom (2005) as an analytic framework. Modifications needed to make a well-constructed WebQuests for science teaching aligned to the four principles include (1) integrating student science interests and cultural and social backgrounds to curricular goals and then using this as means to design WebQuests, (2) providing students opportunities to examine science-related Internet websites to discriminate credible and false information and then giving them the opportunity to include and use the websites for the task step in WebQuests, and (3) providing cognitive tools and guidance within the process step so that students are engaged in argumentation and negotiation akin to a community of scientists.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):563-583

Summative assessment qualifies the achievement of a student in a particular field of specialization at a given time. Questions should include a range of cognitive levels from Bloom's taxonomy and be consistent with the learning outcomes of the module in question. Furthermore, a holistic approach to assessment, such as the application of the principles of the Herrmann Whole Brain Model, needs to be used to accommodate learning style diversity. The purpose of this study was to analyse, assess and compare the summative assessment of two third year level modules in the Bachelor of Science degree programme, namely Biochemistry and Zoology as part of action research with a view to enhancing the professional development of the lecturers involved. The questions posed in summative assessments were classified in terms of Bloom's differentiation of cognitive levels and the four different learning styles determined by Herrmann. Spearman's non-parametric analysis indicated that no correlation existed in this study between cognitive level and student performance based on achievement. In addition, there was not much difference between the cognitive levels and student performance between the two disciplines. Although the students seemed to do better at application level questions, the authors need to reflect on whether the assessments were valid with respect to the learning outcomes, methods of facilitating learning, and the assessments based on cognitive levels and learning style preferences. We conclude that continuous action research must be taken to improve the formulation of learning outcomes and students' achievement of these outcomes and quality of student learning – the main aim being the successful completion of the modules.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Science Cafés create open, public forums to promote the exchange of ideas between science experts and the public. This study explored Science Café...  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles describing the nature and historical development of the author's work on Epistemics. The author originally conceived Epistemics as the science of the structure and transmission of human knowledge, but this conception was later elaborated to enable separate emphasis to be given to the human and instrumental aspects of knowledge transmission. Part I of the paper relates the concerns of Epistemics to Instructional Science. Part II of the paper relates Epistemics to insight deriving from the Brain Sciences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Circadian rhythms, in particular the sleep–wake cycle, modulate most, if not all, aspects of physiology and behavior. Their impact on education has recently begun to be understood, including a clear positive relationship between sleep and learning. In fact, sleep deprivation, common to adolescents throughout the world, has a deep effect on academic performance, and this fact is often increased by inadequate school schedules. This special issue of Mind, Brain, and Education deals with the relation between biological rhythms and learning, as discussed in an International Mind, Brain, and Education Society meeting that took place in Erice, Italy in May 2007. The articles (with contributors from Brazil, Croatia, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Argentina) cover several aspects of this fundamental link between timing and education and suggest strategies to optimize school and sleep schedules for a better quality of life and improved academic performance of students.  相似文献   

教学设计学和教学论的语义结构网络分析得出:相对于教学实践来说,教学论层次较高,属于理论性的学科,教学设计学层次较低,属于应用性的学科;教学设计作为教学的理论之间存在直接、紧密的联系;教育学对教育技术学有较大影响,而教育技术学对教育学影响甚微。  相似文献   

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