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While some academics still maintain that an academic library is no place for leisure reading, many are in favor of maintaining at least a small distinct collection of such books. Strategically located and attractively displayed, current popular titles have the potential to generate traffic to the library and improve circulation statistics. Having taken the leap at Florida Gulf Coast University Library, a close statistical analysis of this new collection’s circulation over time has revealed not only that we all use it, but also that there are diverse but consistent patterns and preferences at play. Could the collection’s circulation rate be increased by tailoring it to an academic population? This study was designed to find out.  相似文献   

To help users find their way around the large number of titles available, public libraries organize the collection by placing titles on shelves by genre, by adding classification codes in their online catalogs, and by pictograms on book covers. However, users may have different perceptions of how titles are to be grouped in genres or categories. Public library collections will be more accessible when the way their collection is organized matches these users' perceptions. The authors show how user perceptions can be derived from library loan transaction data. To overcome the particular methodological issues in using such data, a method of ultrametric trees and latent class analysis is developed to determine segments of users and how they categorize the collection. Results show clear user categorizations that in particular respects differ from conventional public library categorizations.  相似文献   

Ways are explored in which public library children's librarians can help sighted children increase their understanding of persons with visual impairment and their skills in communicating with them. Interviews were conducted with six children's librarians and six BPH subregional librarians, and searches were made in the public library catalogs and the Regional BPH Library fiche catalog for selected titles. Three areas for discussion emerged: reader advisory and reference questions, collection development, and programming. Public library children's librarians and BPH subregional librarians can jointly coordinate provision of children's services by identifying and building on present strengths in collection development and programming.  相似文献   

In library literature, the collection of romance novels has produced a fairly vociferous debate that has not surrounded other genres. However, there is relatively little in the literature that examines current practices. The authors conducted a national survey, asking libraries how they acquired romance novels for their libraries, what their proportional expenditures were for romance, and the extent of their romance collections. Responses suggested that libraries in general have sizeable romance collections. Some libraries do indeed have smaller collections and spend little or no money on the romance genre. Little is known about public libraries' collection development practices for any genre, and these results help fill that gap in the library literature. Results also suggest that library and information science education, beyond supporting leisure reading, ought to emphasize the roles that leisure reading serves for readers.  相似文献   

苏晓明 《河北科技图苑》2020,33(2):72-75,79
地方名人专藏具有重要的科研价值、史料价值和社会教育功能,对图书馆发展特色化馆藏、开展主动服务、提升服务水平具有重要意义。以广州图书馆为个案,阐述名人专藏体系的现状与发展历程,梳理其依托专藏文献建设构建阅览空间的举措,分析归纳地方名人专藏推广的实践经验,以期为地方名人专藏阅读推广的深入开展、可持续发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

This case study describes the creation of a leisure reading collection in the Clifford Whitworth library at the University of Salford. It briefly surveys existing literature on leisure reading collections and looks at the growing interest among U.K. academic libraries in recreational reading. It considers the reasons for promoting reading as a leisure activity to students and describes the processes of selecting, purchasing, and marketing the collection at Salford. It also considers possible future developments for the collection and the evaluation of the library's attempts to encourage a culture of reading among Salford students. The positive response to the collection suggests the development of leisure reading is a worthwhile activity for academic libraries to focus on and the study contains useful information for others who are interested in creating a similar collection.  相似文献   

在技术时代,公共图书馆作为实体空间的"场所"价值,是关乎图书馆未来发展的重要内容。从公众认知角度探索图书馆"场所"价值,能够发现影响图书馆事业发展的重要因素。经过全面梳理和系统分析,选择上海图书馆、浦东图书馆和滨海新区图书馆三所代表性公共图书馆在公共平台上的网络评论信息,综合运用Python、Jieba分词、SnowNLP等数据采集与分析工具,从高频词分布、情感分析和时间序列三个维度,对社会公众认知情况进行了文本挖掘。分析结果表明,公共图书馆仍然是重要的公共阅读"场所";公共图书馆"场所"服务颇受欢迎,社会评价极为正面;促进文旅融合发展,是当前社会公众对公共图书馆"场所"价值认知的特征所在。在技术时代,公共图书馆应当高度重视"场所"价值的公众认知新变化,可以将文旅融合作为未来发展阶段的重要内容,助力公共图书馆高质量发展。  相似文献   

深圳图书馆新馆的发展目标是建成大众型、研究型和数字型三位一体的现代化公共图书馆。为此,必须千方百计地加快馆藏资源数字化;要建立数字化服务体系,例如开展视频点播服务、数字资源阅览和检索服务、虚拟信息服务、读者信息素养教育,等等。参考文献9。  相似文献   

This study surveys librarians' reactions to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) report on “Reading at Risk”. Using census data, the NEA concluded that there has been a drastic decline in “literary” reading and it is most sharply pronounced in the youngest group surveyed. To determine whether librarians' perceptions of reading, especially among youth, were consistent with the NEA findings, a Delphi study was conducted. Eleven youth library professionals and educators, identified as experts, responded to survey questions probing whether digital media impact leisure time reading for both adults and adolescents; whether reading is at risk; and whether the decline in literary reading foreshadows erosion in cultural and civic participation. Library experts tended to agree with the effects of digital media on leisure time reading for children. Experts were split on how digital media impact leisure time reading among adult readers. They were closely aligned against the assertion that participation in literary reading foreshadows participation in cultural and civic participation.  相似文献   

The mission of public libraries is to serve the unique needs of their local communities. Public library User's play a very vital role in the development of these libraries by suggesting or recommending additions to the collection. This study aims to evaluate the satisfaction of users with the quality and quantity of library collection. A self structured questionnaire based on open and close ended question was constructed. A purposive sample of one hundred users was selected. The data were qualitatively analyzed using a thematic approach. Positive opinion observed related to the library response towards the suggested titles. Almost half the population of respondents was satisfied with the availability of their suggested titles in library. Most of them were dissatisfied regarding the maintenance of equal collection of books and they are not encouraged by the library staff during the books suggestion process. It concludes that there is a need to evaluate the existing library collections.  相似文献   

凭藉强势媒体与学院知识分子联袂,央视《百家讲坛》对经典进行了全面的“解构”——伴生着思想精髓的流失和审美张力的消解,浅表思维成为《百家讲坛》上学院知识分子经典阐释的首选。尽管此乃是其面对媒体前的公众时所不得已的行为,但确实反映了他们对公众的低期望值,也导致了知识分子自身价值的贬低。《百家讲坛》的成功,表面上看为学院知识分子在传媒中赢得了更大的公共话语空间,但实际上却缩小或限制了学术和批判的话语空间;同样,《百家讲坛》的轰动效应,表面上看为经典赢得了大众,但媒体的同质化和浅表思维运作的后果却造就了一大批媚俗艺术爱好者。面对这一形势,作为公共知识空间的主体模块——国家建制中的图书馆,如能有效整合与合理利用现有物质、人力资源和馆藏经典原著文献资源,同时借助并聚合学院与媒体等诸多社会公共资源,重建崭新合理的公共知识空间,共同促使由媒体主导的经典“代读”向由图书馆主导的个体“经典原著深度的阅读”转变,不啻是其摆脱目前困境,成功实现服务转型,重获创造发展新生的难得机遇,将公共知识空间中心场域转移至图书馆,图书馆功能与地位将得以凸显。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆建设标准核心要素分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据有关标准,美国公共网书馆面积的确定综合考虑了服务人口、馆藏资源、阅览座位数量和非业务功能区所占比例等因素.服务人口指可以直接或间接享受图书馆服务的人口,计算方法因地而异;馆藏资源总目标以及由载体大小、书架类型和资源类型决定的单位面积馆藏量决定了馆藏资源所需的面积空间;阅览座位数的测算依据包括千人拥有座位量、到馆读者座位占用率和馆藏发展目标总量等;单个座位的面积空间要求,美国有较为详细的标准;非业务功能空间一般占图书馆总建筑面积的20%~30%.表9.参考文献11.  相似文献   

For decades, the Health Professions Library at Hunter College served the college's health professions programs, all housed at one campus. In 2011, part of the library's collection moved to follow the public health department to a new location, and in 2015 the entire library will relocate to an interim space before moving on to its final home several years later in a shared building yet to be constructed. These moves, whether accomplished or anticipated, raise collection management issues in several areas: geographic dispersal of programs, structural reorganization of schools and departments, and collaboration with other departments or outside institutions.  相似文献   

中山市中山图书馆推广社会阅读的尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以中山市中山图书馆为例,浅谈公共图书馆如何通过推广社会阅读,拓展自身的生存空间,充分体现公共图书馆社会教育职能,为构建学习型社会、和谐社会奠定基石。  相似文献   


Small business owners and entrepreneurs have the potential to be a large user group for public libraries and are in need of many of the library's resources and services. One opportunity that can be used to reach this audience is by offering specialized library programming. In this article, the author describes a small business lecture series that was launched at the St. Louis County Library in 2012, including how this opportunity was identified, the process for developing the programming, creating a community partnership, marketing and evaluating the series, and other benefits that have arisen from the library's new initiative.  相似文献   

"十三五"时期我国公共图书馆事业发展取得显著成绩:法制体系建设取得重大突破,总分馆建设深入推进,传承弘扬优秀传统文化的方式不断创新,全民阅读服务蓬勃开展,数字化网络化建设促进事业转型发展。在全球图书馆事业转型发展的背景下,我国图书馆事业发展也面临诸多问题和挑战,主要表现在:在不断拓展的跨界融合趋势下,图书馆的主动谋划和作为尚显不足;在信息技术的加速迭代下,图书馆业态的创新发展已迫在眉睫;营销意识缺乏、手段单一,使图书馆的社会影响力受到较大局限;多元文化体验需求日益旺盛,对图书馆的传统空间设计理念带来冲击;数字文明时代,图书馆的资源采集与保存体系亟待被赋予新的内涵;体制机制改革中仍存在某些错位与不到位的问题,一定程度上限制了图书馆的发展活力。全国图书馆界正在从传统文化传承弘扬、资源建设、服务创新、新技术应用、转型发展、跨界融合、营销推广、管理运行机制等多方面主动谋划,用前瞻思维引领更加长远的发展。  相似文献   

The Linda Hall Library, an endowed public research library for science and technology, has been applying the fair use criteria enumerated in Public Law 94-553 since December 1976. The application of those criteria has accounted for rejections of only 3.29% of all requests received. The library's experience with fair use as measured by the new law indicates that the collection, except for the restrictions that will be imposed by Section 108, will continue to be available to remote users to nearly the same degree as in the past, for over 96% of the requests received did not conflict with the fair use criteria.  相似文献   

哈佛大学的图书馆系统及馆藏管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述哈佛大学图书馆系统和馆藏管理的特点。哈佛大学图书馆通过开发不同类型的联合目录,有效管理和利用馆藏资源,并用一个现代化的共享式密集书库来解决馆藏空间不足的问题。另外,哈佛大学图书馆还采取分别协调、集中引进的方法对数字化资源进行管理。  相似文献   

While law students and faculty are content to research solely online, the librarians at Stetson University College of Law's Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library are actively involving every library department to analyze and develop both the print and digital collection. This case study will analyze the print to digital shift in academic law libraries and its effect on collection development. It will then describe the process of collection management at the Hand Law Library and how the entire library team is used to determine what is required of the collection to best serve our students, faculty, and the public.  相似文献   

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