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One hot day in May,I opened the door of a small Sicilian café and found an elderly woman sitting in the dark.Not realizing the café was closed,I told her in poor Italian about my hope to find a special type of chocolate which is 1)unique to the island. Surprised and happy to see a traveler so early in the season,she asked me to come in and pulled back a curtain.There was a wall of shelves holding nothing but dozens upon 2)dozens of chocolate bars in every 3)flavor 4)imaginable.  相似文献   

A Warm Light     
The story was set in the winter of 2005. I intended to pay a visit to my uncle by train. Unfortunately, as the train amved at the small town where my uncle lived, it was deep into night2 and what impressed me most was the chilling and penetrating wind.  相似文献   

was born in the historic city of York, England,one of the most famous and beautiful tourist destinations in Europe. I remember when I was still a young boy walking through the town and  相似文献   

My birthday. 2002: I go for a walk in the morning, grateful for the chilly breeze, the sunlight on the hills and birds turning in the air. Giddy children greet me when I get home, showering me with flowers, cards and a gift from my sister. Then Rob takes us out for coffee and donuts and a stroll around town, where we throw pennies in the fountain, and read a book about owls in the moonlight. Rob asks, what do you think of your life?And I'm not ready to answer.  相似文献   

Humour Page     
Passsge 1:It was one of those days in the Wild West. A rugged cowboy with a horrible scar on his face and a shiny gun at his belt rode very slowly into a dusty town as if he was a dead man. He left his horse outside the bar and stepped inside. The bar was full of people. They all gave the stranger a look in a brief moment of silence before they went back to their own drinking and laughing. The stranger ordered a glass of cold beer, gulped it down and walked out slowly-only to find his horse missing.  相似文献   

Tom and Nick were on vacation. They were driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lyrmsville. They came to a multiple fork in the road. The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions,  相似文献   

贺婷婷 《海外英语》2012,(16):140-141,158
The translation of road names from Chinese into English applies no specific standards up to date. Whether the roads should be re ferred in accordance with the nearby position or some symbolic buildings or simply be represented by a phonetic pronunciation which has no specific meaning in English has provoked some heated discussion. In this paper I employ the skopos theory and other relevant theories to put forward a new perspective of translating road and street names, with same emphasis on that of generic name and on specific name. Some illustrations will be made on the defects of the writing standard set by relevant Chinese laws and regulations as well as resolutions of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, i.e. the adoption of a Single Romanization System, and Lu to be the generic name in China’s case. Also, I will further probe the existing translations of road and street names in major Chinese cities, most of which to be Road, either go against relevant laws or fail to inform foreign visitors. Finally, I will come up with the suggestion of ap plication of a combination of Lu and Road in translation of road and street names in accordance with functional approaches.  相似文献   

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is the centerpiece of the North Coast Harbor skyline.
Cleveland grabbed headhnes in the 1970s as a financially strapped, rust-belt town with one of its waterways on fire. Today it boasts not only a very clean Cuyahoga River, but a stunning ( 令人震惊的), revitalized downtown area as well.The city is home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Muse um (a million facility designed by famed architect I.M. Pei)and the Great Lakes Science Center, which features an Omnimax theater.  相似文献   

An old lady who lived in a village went into town one Saturday, and after she had bought fruit and vegetables in the market for herself and for a friend who was ill, she went into a shop which sold glasses. She tried one pair of glasses, and then another pair and another, but none of them seemed to be right. The shopkeeper was a very patient man, and after some time he said to the old lady, "Now, don't worry, madam.  相似文献   

你有没有注意过,买手表之前,手表的时间总是设定在10点10分。这是为什么呢?有人说是为了纪念被刺杀的总统,有人说是为了纪念广岛、长崎原子弹爆炸的死难者,其实都不然。那真正的原因是什么呢?  相似文献   

黄斌 《今日中学生》2006,(11):30-31
Good luck Xiao Ming lived in a town. He worked in a big factory. There was a big park in the middle of the town. He often went to the park on Sundays.  相似文献   

在大跃进时,人们大肆办厂招工,盲目建校招生使得我国的城镇人口猛增,超过当时农业生产的承受能力,造成了粮食的严重缺乏,国家为度过灾荒不得不采取一系列的措施大幅度的精简职工,削减高校,降低招生,压缩城镇居民。  相似文献   

Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at it.Whenever he was free. he wouht go down to the small river behind the factory, and tried to catchsome fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Last summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel.  相似文献   

近代苏北市镇手工业的转型主要体现在两个方面:一是生产工具的进化,表现为传统手工工艺的改进、近代机器的推广以及非自然动力的使用;二是生产组织的进化,表现为手工工场的兴起以及手工工场向近代工厂的转型。近代苏北市镇手工业仍然是市镇经济的主要组成部分,它与近代工业形成互补,推动了市镇经济的发展。  相似文献   

科技与经济协调发展问题 ,既是一个实践问题 ,也是一个理论问题 ,欲在实践中彻底解决此问题 ,就必须在思想认识上实现从科学“不费分文”到“科学价值库”的飞跃。马克思的“不费分文”生产力论 ,是“科学价值库”理论的马克思主义经典理论依据。“科学价值库”中的价值存在形式是潜在的 ,它是科研人员所创造的所有剩余价值的总和。实现从科学“不费分文”到科学价值库的认识飞跃 ,对于全面贯彻马克思主义的劳动价值论、重新认识超额利润的实质、解决“无人工厂”中的价值来源问题、从全新的角度理解教育的社会功能及理解、贯彻党和国家制定的有关方针政策等具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

烟草加工企业采用传统的烟梗投料系统,存在异物难剔除、环境粉尘大等问题.本文设计新的烟梗投料系统,对烟梗的输送采用风送技术,并采用进料式储仓等新设备解决物料储存的需求.改造后降低了烟梗投料中的杂物率,并减少了投梗区域的环境粉尘量.  相似文献   

运用模糊综合评价法对庐江县罗河镇饮用水水源地水质进行了综合评价.根据罗河镇饮用水水源水的特点,选取了罗河镇的3处自来水水厂以及对照组的2处自来水水厂水源水水样水质进行检测,确定了8个指标作为评价因子,建立评价矩阵,计算出影响因子的权重,最后评价出水质级别.同时对模糊综合评价法与内梅罗指数法进行了对比.结果发现,模糊综合评价法评价结果为罗河镇3处自来水厂水源水水质级别分别为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类水,对照组均为Ⅰ类水;内梅罗指数评价法评价结果五处水厂水源地水质均为Ⅰ级.其中模糊评价法引用了权重值,对各污染因子的影响程度进行了细化分析计算,因此模糊评价法更适用于水质评价.  相似文献   

每个人都会有形形色色的糗事!请跟我们分享您自己的或者您听说到的糗事,千万不要把糗事憋在心里,这对您的健康非常不利!  相似文献   

1934—1936年间,为振兴江西景德镇瓷业,近代著名的爱国实业改革家杜重远在景德镇进行了现代化的瓷业改革,在景德镇成立陶管局,并在九江创办光大瓷厂,对景德镇的传统瓷业生产及组织进行近代化的改革。改革取得了一定的成效,但是改革还是以失败而告终,改革并没有根本改变景德镇瓷业落后的局面。杜重远改革失败的根源在于传统手工业市镇的发展逻辑与现代化工业的悖论。  相似文献   

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