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Ted worked in a factory in a big town.He worked hard from Monday toFriday,and on weekends he usually went fishing.He liked fishing and wasvery good at it.Very often he went down to the small river behind the factoryand tried his luck.But there were very few fish in the river,and he had  相似文献   

A Mr Leonard was twenty-three years old and very rich.He was not married and he lived in two rooms in a small house in a city.Every summer he went down to the sea for a holiday.He stayed in small,cheap hotels,but he always wanted to have a clean,tidy room.He hated dirty places. One summer a friend of his said,"Go to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.I went there last year,and it was very nice and clean." So Mr Leonard went to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.But there was a different manager that year.  相似文献   

I Save 20 Cents Less Bill is a doorman. He works in a factory, and he usually comes home at seven every evening. Last Friday he came back home very early, and he was very angry. He shut the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down. His wife…  相似文献   

Jack was an able worker.He could do 1 the work in the factory and often helped hisboss(老板)Mr.King.Mr.Kingliked himand he got much money.But he enjoyed drinking and he spent most ofhis money 2 the drinks.When he drank much,he 3 control(控制)himself.His boss hadtold himto stop 4,but he didn’t listento her.The woman hadtoleave him.Nowhe livedin a small and oldhouse alone.It was a Saturday evening.Jackfelt very 5 in his house.He couldn’t stay there and went in abar(酒吧).He drank 6,but he…  相似文献   

A "Good" Shot     
Mr Richards was quite good at shooting with a rifle, hadtaken part in several competitions in his small town.He had neveractually won a prize,but each time he had done well,and once he hadcome fourth. Then he had to go to a big city on business for a month,and as he hadnothing much to do in the evenings there,he joined the local rifle club,  相似文献   

Getting Impatient Roger sat in the waiting room of doctor's office waiting his turn. He has been there nearly 45 minutes, and he was begining to get impatient, Besides, his leg hurt. He tried to think about something else, so the pain was very seriously, and it was hard to bear. He looked at another patients for a while. There was two old men, a small girl and her mother, and three young mothers held babies. 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____  相似文献   

Mr Clark lived in a small village.He had a few pieces of land at thefoot of a mountain.He worked hard and got some money. His wife diedand left a daughter to him.The girl’s name was Linda.She was clever andgood at her lessons. Mr Clark liked her very much and tried his best tosatisfy(使满意)her.He thought he was poor just because he had littleknowledge. So he sent her to a middle school in the town after she had  相似文献   

Bill is a doorman. He works in a factory, and he usually comes home at seven every evening. Last Friday he came back home very early, and he was very angry. He shut the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down. His wife went to him and looked at him for a few seconds. Then she asked him, "Why are you so angry, Bill?" "Because tickets cost 70 cents last week, but now they costs only 60 cents, " he said. "But that isn't bad, Bill," his wife said. "It's good. Going by bus is muc…  相似文献   

Jim was in despair.Nothing was going right for him at the hospital.He had been strongly criticized.mainly for the mistake he made when called out to assist at a birth.He suspected that he was no longer trusted at the hospital and he decided to change his iob.As a result of reading an advertisement.he was able to arrange an in- terview with a doctor who was looking for a part- ner.The doctor.whose name was Scot,lived in Thorby,a small town in the North of England.  相似文献   

A man was travelling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a cirus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, “I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!” Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.  相似文献   

唐英是清代景德镇御窑厂督陶官,也是雍乾之际的杰出学家。其诗内容丰富,风格清新朴实。其心真而正,其语清而雅,写物画景,记事抒怀,诸多内容均以抒发性情见长。其诗有如人生传记。虽未经历科举,却因耳濡目染与善学上进至此,可见其求学之勤,心志之坚;也可见中原传统化影响之深,感召之力。  相似文献   

文启 《今日中学生》2012,(10):23-24
Mr and Mrs Brown lived in a small house with their child. Sometimes Mr Brown came back from work very late,when his wife and the child were asleep,he opened the front door of his house with his key and came in very quietly. But one night when he was coming home late,he lost his key,so when he reached his house,he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again,and nothing happened-nobody moved inside the house. Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window,he spoke to his wife,he shout- ed,but she did not wake up. At last,he stopped and thought for a few  相似文献   

小朋友们,请你读下列场景小故事,回答问题。故事分三个段落。每个段落后都有几个问题等着你哦。  相似文献   

1.从前,在太行山脚下住着老两口。他们靠种地为生,日子过得悠闲自在。 2.一天,天气很热。老头儿在地里干活时感到口渴得难受,于是他便到山沟里找水喝。  相似文献   

中国近代企业家朱志尧在创办求新厂取得成功的基础上,又接连投资了一系列民族工业企业。朱志尧身体力行,负责企业的经营和发展,集投资者和管理者于一身。在发展民族工业的过程中,朱志尧百折不挠,实干创新,努力生产适合中国国情的产品,并逐步形成独特的企业经营特色.  相似文献   

My Cat     
The name of my cat is Naty. This year he is one year old. He isvery fat, but he is very nice. He has a big round white head. His mouth and nose are small. His eyes are interesting. In the day,they are small and black,but at night they are big and blue.  相似文献   

《逍遥游》是《庄子》中非常重要的一篇,集中体现了庄子的自由思想。但后人对于“逍遥”的解释存在诸多分歧,对庄子自由思想的认识也是仁者见仁,智者见智。庄子从小大之辨开始,展示了对自由的不同层次、不同境界的认识,并提出了自己的自由思想,同时对达到自由的途径和手段做了论述。  相似文献   

一提到威廉。华莱士(William Wallace)的名字,人们会立刻联想起13世纪末、14世纪初苏格兰民族独立运动的那段峥嵘岁月。的确,华莱士可以说是苏格兰历史上最富传奇色彩的英雄人物。本期,让我们在苏格兰民族英雄威廉·华菜士的传奇故事中感受历史上苏格兰与英格兰的“恩怨情仇”。  相似文献   

中小企业在我国经济发展中具有重要地位,但其发展也是十分艰辛的,很多中小企业在渡过早期的快速增长期后,陷入了增长停滞的泥潭中。这是因为中小企业在营销管理中存在许多误区。对中小企业而言,应该在市场上找准位置,根据自己的特点,抛弃传统的被视作是成功经验的营销管理观念,走精细化营销之路。  相似文献   

从前有个国王,他非常老了,但他设有自己的孩子,于是他想在全国选一个新国王。  相似文献   

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