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康有为海外游记研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康有为流亡海外时期,曾打算全面考察各国的风俗政治,权衡优劣,以期为中国之时弊开出良方;而他主体心性中去苦求乐的态度与世界公民的胸怀,使他得以脱离国族主义的偏颇,建构出“大同”世界的人类社会的远景。本文讨论康有为的30馀篇海外游记和相关诗文,结合他的身世遭际与学问背景,考察其思想文化内涵中的真伪优劣。  相似文献   

The article is in four sections. First, a brief chronological recall of how written material started, and the practice of reading and the functions of writing. Discussed next are the nature and supply of electronic documents, then how paper and online electronic documents in higher education are dealt with by students. Finally, communication and speed, informational inflation and choice are considered. L’utilisation de documents imprimés et en ligne, charactérisation des pratiques des étudiants. Cet article est composé de quatre sections. Tout d'abord, supports de l'écrit, pratiques de lecture et fonctions de l'écrit; bref rappel chronologiques. Puis, spécificité et apports des documents électroniques. Puis, écrit papier at électronique en ligne dans l'enseignement supérieur; charectérisation des pratiques des étudiants. Et, enfin, communication et rapidité, inflation informationelle, et choix. Der Gebrauch von gedruckten und online Dokumenten. Dieser Artikel ist in vier Abschnitte unterteilt. Zunächst eine kurze chronologische Zusammenfassung über den Ursprung der Schrift, die Lesepraxis, und die Funktionen des Schreibens ; zweitens, eine Analyse über die Natur und den Beitrag von elektronischen Dokumenten ; drittens, eine Analyse über das Schülerverhalten bei der Konfrontation mit gedruckten und online Dokumenten ; abschliessend werden Kommunikation, Schnelligkeit, informative Inflation, und Informationsangebot betrachtet.  相似文献   

在后殖民主义女性批评的语境中,解读美籍华裔女作家汤亭亭在其作品《女勇士》中对华裔女性文化身份的归属与建构问题的思考,认为华裔女性被以男性、白人为中心的主流社会双重边缘化。对于男权制的压抑,作者试图通过女性的经济独立和“双性同体”等寻求突破,但终归于失败;对于美国白人主流社会的压抑,通过文化融合,作者已经寻找到了突破之路。  相似文献   

《离骚》与《浮士德》虽然是不同时代不同国度的作品,但两者存在可比性。从时代背景来看,《离骚》吸收了战国士文化的精神;《浮士德》虽然不是典型的狂飚突进时代作品,但歌德仍然将狂飚突进的时代精神带进了《浮士德》。从作品精神来看,《离骚》主人公用九死未悔、体解未变的精神来追求美政理想;《浮士德》则执著地寻求宇宙人生的真理。在求索形式上,《离骚》采用了上叩天阍、下求佚女的追求方式;《浮士德》则让主人公出入天人古今,在神魔幻境中展开热烈浪漫的追求。  相似文献   

As a result of the growth in student population, special attention is being given to the effectiveness of teaching at institutions of higher education.

The following article, written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Dr. Sigurd Höllinger from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, and Research, analyses the above problem in the context of the results of the. Seminar “Studienerfolg als Informations ‐ und Orientierungsproblem ‐ Konsequenzeh der OECD‐Landerpriifung” (Academic Success as Determined by Information and Orientation ‐Results of the OECD's Country Survey) held from 25 to 26 April 1977 in Vienna.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Vergleich der Lesekompetenz 15-j?hriger Schülerinnen und Schüler steht im Mittelpunkt des ersten Zyklus der PISA-Studie (Baumert u.a. 2001). Im Rahmen dieses Artikels wird ein überblick über die zentralen Befunde des 31 Staaten umfassenden internationalen Vergleichs gegeben. Neben den Leistungsverteilungen in den L?ndern wird der Anteil von Schülerinnen und Schülern auf verschiedenen Kompetenzstufen analysiert. Der relativ hohe Anteil an schwachen Lesern in Deutschland wird zum Anlass genommen, potenzielle F?rderm?glichkeiten von Lesekompetenz zu untersuchen. Hierzu werden auf Basis eines Vorhersagemodells die Effekte interventionsnaher Schülermerkmale (Lernstrategiewissen und Interesse) bei statistischer Kontrolle der Effekte der kognitiven Grundf?higkeit sowie der Dekodierf?higkeit der Schülerinnen und Schüler spezifiziert. Der relativ hohe Effekt des Lernstrategiewissens und der ebenfalls noch nachweisbare Effekt des Leseinteresses weisen darauf hin, dass eine F?rderung im Bereich der Informationsverarbeitungskompetenz sowie der Motivation vielversprechend ist. Zus?tzliche empirische Evidenz hierfür ergibt sich aus dem Befund, dass Schüler am unteren Ende der Leistungsverteilung über eine vergleichsweise geringe Informationsverarbeitungskompetenz und-bereitschaft verfügen.
Summary Reading Literacy of German Students in International Comparison (PISA): Results and Explanations A comparison of the reading comprehension (reading literacy) of 15-year-old students is the central focus of the first cycle of PISA (Baumert et al. 2001). This article provides an overview of the main evidence from the international comparison of 31 countries. Besides the ability distribution of the participating countries, the proportion of students at each competence level is analysed. The relatively high proportion of weak readers in Germany is taken as grounds to investigate opportunities to support reading comprehension. On the basis of a prediction model, the effects of students’ characteristics related to intervention (knowledge of learning strategies, interest) are investigated whilst statistically controlling for basic cognitive ability and the students’ ability to decode written information. The relatively strong effect of knowledge of learning strategies and the effect of interest in reading, indicate that support of information-processing ability and motivation are the most promising support strategies. Additional empirical evidence for this can be found in the fact that students at the bottom of the ability distribution also show signs of weak information-processing ability and lacking motivation.

This paper describes the structure and unique features of an inservice training course for science teachers (Pädagogik und Fachdidaktik für Lehrer, PFL). The course is based on the view that most issues of classroom practice are at the same time issues of pedagogy, methodology and subject knowledge. Therefore, the close connection between the participants' work required during the course and their teaching situation is most important: the teachers selected issues of direct concern to their daily work, performed research on these issues by methods of action research, analysed their findings, took appropriate action and documented the process in written form. They were supported by a team of mentors. A preliminary evaluation indicates a high degree of satisfaction of the participants and provides suggestions for the improvement of initial teacher education. In the PFL-project inservice science teacher education is considered not only an opportunity for professional development of individual teachers, but also a contribution to the development of science education and—in a larger context—school development.  相似文献   

教师对作文的书面反馈一直是EFL/ESL写作教学理论和实践的焦点。以国内外大量有关教师书面反馈实证研究和理论探讨为基础,从教师书面反馈是否有效,如何给出有效的教师书面反馈,教师书面反馈的重点三个方面详细讨论在写作教学中应如何利用书面反馈提高学生的写作能力,并提出了这一领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

运用考证的方式对每首雅诗进行推测,然后以考证结果为依据,总结出《大雅》、《小雅》各自创作年代的大致特点,然后对《大小雅》的创作年代进行比较,可以看到:《大雅》作于西周前期的诗较作于西周后期的多。《小雅》几乎全部产生于西周后期,只有极少数产生于东周时期。  相似文献   

王昌龄《诗格》考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《文镜秘府论》所收王昌龄《诗格》,可能经后人补辑,但基本内容是可靠的。其中有根据他为人讲作诗法时的纪闻辑录而成的语录体,也有有意著书而成的书面语体。一些内容作于为江宁丞时,但有些内容当作于贬龙标之后,包括语录体和书面体。以前我们只认为它作于贬江宁丞时,是不对的。王昌龄《诗格》的注文也可能为王昌龄自注。  相似文献   

文章通过对《文馆词林》所存两篇残敕的文本进行分析,并将其与历史资料对照验证,得出此二敕的作者均为唐太宗,此二敕的写作时间分别为贞观二年(528)正月、三月。  相似文献   

《说文解字》所阐述了汉字理论影响制约着书法理论,产生这样的现象,大氏因为:1.汉字理论和书法理论都有“法自然”的思维特质;2.书法理论惯于向汉字理论中“寻振”;3.《说文解字》在一定程度上揭示了书法理论;4.书法长期依赖汉字理论,以至于许多收论在讲书法之前,一定要先讲“字论”。  相似文献   

判文这一古代司法应用文体,萌芽于西周时期,繁盛于唐代。但唐代以前的判文留存极少,以至于被人忽略。本文从判文在唐代以前的萌芽、形成和发展入手,分析判文在唐代以前的沿革。  相似文献   

《葛藟》为周王族大夫刺平王东迁洛邑时弃其九族之作,当为周平王元年(前770年)东迁洛邑初期所作,或周平王元年(前770年);《黍离》为周大夫闵宗周颠覆之作,当作于周平王二十一年(前750年)秦文公将岐东之地献于王室以后,或周平王二十一年;《君子于役》为周王室戍守南申士卒妻子思夫之作,当作于周王室士卒戍守南申之时,即周平王三十六年(前735年);《扬之水》为周王室戍守南申士卒刺平王之作,当作于周王室派兵戍守南申之年或此后,即周平王三十六年(前735年)或此后;《丘中有麻》为周大夫写留邑女子与子嗟定情之作,《中谷有蓷》为周大夫闵周平王时民人夫妇遭遇凶年饥馑而室家相离弃之作,二诗皆当作于周平王之世(前770年-前720年)。  相似文献   

中国少数民族新创文字是在特殊的历史背景下制定并实施的,曾在不同的历史阶段发挥了一定的社会文化功能和作用,对我国少数民族的学校教育、扫盲教育起到了一定的推动作用。在新时期,新创文字的社会功能面临着来自外部社会和少数民族内部环境的巨大影响,有些功能受到了削弱。不能否定新创文字存在的价值和意义,其某些功能仍在积极发挥着其他文字不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

论六朝小赋对柳永词的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳永前期的艳词和歌妓词多是对下层歌妓的美丽姿色、气体、高超的歌舞技艺的描写和对她们内心情感和愿望的揭示,从审美水平、表现手法和创作技巧上都受了汉魏六朝小赋的沾溉。后期的羁旅行役词则从题材到创作方法都是从六朝纪行小赋继承和发展而来的。柳永将赋体学所擅长的铺叙手法引入倚声填词之中,为慢词创作开辟了新途径。  相似文献   

Research into sighted children’s reading shows that letter recognition skill predicts phonological awareness skill. Congenitally–blind children do not receive exposure to environmental print and do not generally learn to recognise written letters of the alphabet prior to schooling in Braille. A cross–sectional analysis revealed that blind children with no knowledge of written letters or written words showed no ability at measures of phonological awareness. Blind children with knowledge of written letters and no written words showed much increased phonological awareness scores and blind children with knowledge of written letters and written words scored higher still on phonological awareness measures. It was concluded that letter learning is a major contributor to the development of phonological awareness in blind children. It suggests key similarities in the underlying processes of reading development across two different populations using different modalities to learn to read.  相似文献   

Over the years, professionals have hypothesized that a positive relationship exists between children's oral language proficiency and their written language performance. This study examined the following two aspects of the relationship between oral and written language: (a) Are specific linguistic components of language more closely related than others? (b) Do groups rated high, medium, or low on written language measures differ significantly in oral language proficiency? Measures of oral and written language were administered to 77 third-grade students. Results indicated that moderate relationships existed between grammatical aspects of oral and written language. Oral language proficiency was significantly different for groups rated high, medium, and low on the basis of written language performance.  相似文献   

College and university programs that permit older persons to audit regularly scheduled classes free of charge through tuition waiver programs are open to those aged 60 and over or 65 and over in at least 44 states. A study of such a program at a medium‐sized state university included a survey of 135 faculty members teaching classes audited by elder students. Seventy‐four percent of faculty members surveyed returned a one‐page survey questionnaire that asked them to describe the behavior of older auditors and compare them to younger students. Findings indicate that senior auditors are conscientious, most attending classes regularly and some completing written assignments and taking tests. Faculty members indicated that older auditors make a positive difference in class, learn as quickly as younger students, and are more motivated than younger students. Ninety percent of faculty respondents felt that the free audit program offers older students something of value. No significant differences in responses were found when controlling for the teaching experience of faculty members, for their age, or for the number of older students who had audited their classes.  相似文献   

聋人书面语学习困难的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了了解聋人学习书面语的困难,研究使用资料检索和语料分析的方法,通过对手语和汉语书面语材料的对应研究,对“母语”、“第二语言”和“外语”概念的研究,对“过渡语”、“洋泾浜”和“克里奥尔语”概念的分析,发现手语和书面语在语言的载体、词汇语法、思维方式上存在着诸多的差异;聋人书面语的学习在语言环境、语言输入、语言迁移上存在比第二语言学习者更多的困难;聋人在书面语学习中出现的偏误是第二语言学习中的普遍现象,是一种有积极意义的过渡语;结论是要宽待聋人学习书面语中出现的偏误,要加强从语法的角度对手语和汉语书面语差异的研究。  相似文献   

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