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教师的成长与发展,是教师专业化的必然要求,也是一个持续的过程。优秀教师作为教师群体中的先进分子,其人格特征有别于一般的教师。认真分析优秀教师的人格特征,将有助于名师的培养。  相似文献   

教师的审美素养是教师素质的重要组成部分,它主要由审美观和感受美、鉴赏美、创造美的能力等构成。教师的审美素养不仅具有工具价值———可以促进教师创造教育艺术和提高教育艺术水平,而且具有本体价值———有助于教师自身的发展与完善以及生活质量的提升。教师要提高审美素养,最重要的是要直接感受美的事物,接受美的陶冶,并尽可能地从事美的创造。  相似文献   

合作学习校本培训与培养教师反思能力的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究主要探讨合作学习校本培训与教师反思能力的相关性。研究结果表明,合作学习校本教师培训为教师的教学反思提供了动力和支持,对教师反思能力的发展起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

在基础教育阶段,骨干教师发挥着重要的作用。但事实上的终身制,却已经对其作用的发挥构成了消极的影响。义务教育学校应当建立科学的管理机制,对骨干教师进行动态化的管理。优胜劣汰是压力,也是动力,有助于促进骨干教师不断提高自身业务水平,实现骨干教师队伍的良性循环和长远发展。  相似文献   

中小学教师是嗓音病的高发人群。通过发声训练和身体姿势调试,帮助中小学教师在课间和课后对发声系统的失衡进行简单必要的调整,有利于改善其嗓音过度疲劳状态,提高教学效果,重塑教师声音形象。  相似文献   

教育信念是教师信奉并付诸实践的教学观念,正确的教育信念对于教师专业化具有认知引领、情感认同、意志强化的作用。但是,当前高校内有部分非师范类教师存在教育信念陈旧、错误、贫乏、淡化等问题。为提升自己专业化水平,高校非师范类教师需要通过教育知识学习、教学实践反思、工作环境变换、学校文化提升等方式不断提升、更新和巩固自己的教育信念。  相似文献   

美国公立学校优秀教师激励体系及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,美国政府和教育机构为吸引、培养和挽留公立学校的优秀教师,在评估和激励机制方面进行了许多有益的探索。美国现行优秀教师激励体系大致可归纳为四个部分:优秀教师的国家级评价和标准、州级优秀教师评估标准和相应激励措施、把教师的工作表现与工资报酬紧密联系的教师报酬制度以及联邦、州政府和学区对优秀教师所授予的各种荣誉。该体系无疑也为我国优秀教师的培养和激励提供了制度上的借鉴。  相似文献   

Using the conceptual model of reasoned action, one would expect that what teachers do with instructional materials would be influenced by their internal beliefs and their external constraints. In this two-year study with elementary teachers, using a supplemental science instructional resource,Superscience, it was found that teachers' internal beliefs about what will benefit their students are linked to the external constraints of their students' interests and the expected curriculum. Even if the teachers believed that the content of the resource would be helpful, they were not likely to use it if they believed it did not fit the expected curriculum.  相似文献   

“同课异构”教学活动探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周庆 《石家庄学院学报》2012,14(4):83-86,114
"同课异构"活动的开展有助于提升教育质量、提高教学效益及教师专业成长。进行"同课异构"活动时,一方面应遵循开放性、真实性、创新性等原则的理性指引,另一方面在实践活动中应避免走入脱离目标过分求"异"、忽视特色轻"异"求"同"、不顾学情"标新立异"等误区。为推动"同课异构"活动有效开展,应进行集体备课,充分发挥教师群体智慧;积极反思,促进教师自我成长;集思广益,多种模式推动活动进行。  相似文献   

为了解我国高校教师对形成性评价的认识情况,为高校开展形成性评价提供参考,通过问卷调查全国19所高校385位教师对形成性评价的认识、意见和建议.结果显示,93.25%的教师认为形成性评价有助于了解学生的学习情况,75.06%的教师更支持使用形成性评价,尤其是教龄在20年以上、课堂结束会进行小测的教师,71.17%的教师认...  相似文献   

Our aim was to highlight the issues of the reflections of pre-service mathematics teachers in their learning portfolio about the teaching-learning process taking place in a university teacher-training classroom. Category systems were designed which, together with the analysis system used, could provide a method helpful to teacher educators, teachers and to future research. The pre-service teachers showed difficulty in considering themselves as ‘authentic’ mathematics teachers. The study revealed that the preparation of a portfolio can help pre-service teachers learn more about themselves and provide educators insight into how to help pre-service mathematics teachers engage in the teaching-learning process.  相似文献   

This paper re‐analyses data originally gathered as part of a longitudinal study of entrants to teaching in an effort to isolate the conditions which affect the development of a strong professional self‐concept. Differences were found between primary and secondary student teachers. For primary specialists, teaching practice had become the dominant influence in the development of their conceptions of themselves as teachers. Their academic courses were regarded unfavourably as not helpful in their professional development. Secondary specialists viewed their college courses very favourably as the foundation on which their development as teachers during teaching practice was based. Associate teachers in schools had their greatest influence on self‐concept development when they provided a climate marked by autonomy for the student teacher backed up by support and advice.  相似文献   

在网络背景下师生交往具有主体的多元化、关系的平等性、场景的异时空性、方式的间接性等特点。网络使师 生交往出现了一系列的问题:师生人机交往存在缺乏情感交流;师生人机交往不利于学生实现个体社会化和形成良好的个 性品质;师生人机交往与人际交往存在极大的反差。  相似文献   

大学英语教师的教学信念与教学方法个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过访谈和课堂实录等手段,对大学英语教师所持有的教学信念及其在课堂中采用的教学方法进行了个案分析。研究发现,大学英语教师持有的教学信念与他们所采用的教学方法密切相关.且教师的教学信念是一个复杂而变化的体系,主要受教师本人的学习经历、教育教学经历以及学生行为等内部和外部因素的影响和制约。文章对于教师更新教学理念,改进教学方法,促进教师职业发展等具有指导意义。  相似文献   

From interviews with seven blind New Zealand adults about their school experiences, this paper discusses how blindness has been constructed by some New Zealand mainstream principals and teachers. The experiences of these participants were not that of inclusion, despite being in ‘the mainstream’. The participants described how principals and teachers were both welcoming and unwelcoming. Inclusive principals and teachers were described as friendly, challenging, helpful and positive. They believed their blind students were like their other students. Principals and teachers who were remembered as excluding blind students were described as unfair, inflexible, unprepared and absent. They believed their blind students were different and did not find a social place for them.  相似文献   

This study examines how teachers actually cope with behavioural problems of included students. In order to understand the impact of individual differences on teachers' coping strategies, the authors looked at the relationship between these strategies and teachers' democratic beliefs and self‐efficacy. Participants were 33 teachers in Israel, who teach inclusive classes (1st–3rd grade). Data were collected through classroom observations, teacher interviews and questionnaires. In the interviews, teachers reported that they preferred helpful strategies as a solution to behavioural problems; however, classroom observation revealed that teachers actually used more restrictive responses. These results indicated that there is a gap between teachers' hypothetical knowledge and their applications of this knowledge in authentic classroom situations. In addition, positive correlations were found between teachers' democratic beliefs, teacher efficacy and the use of helpful strategies in regard to different behavioural problems. Practical implications for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

师幼比与外部中介对幼儿教师教学反思的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以8名幼儿园教师为研究对象,采用观察法和访谈法,探讨了不同师幼比和有无外部中介这两个外部因素对教师教学反思行为的影响。研究表明:(1)不同师幼比对教师关于幼儿学习情况的反思有显著影响:随着师幼比从低到高的变化,教师自发反思的重点从关注教学目标是否实现转向对幼儿学习情况的关注,对个体幼儿的学习情况的关注程度逐渐提高,表明提高师幼比有助于教师因人施教;(2)有无外部中介对于教师教学反思的影响存在明显差异,表明外部支持与合作有助于改善教师的教学反思。  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship of teacher and student ethnic background to their perceptions of teacher interpersonal behaviour. It is theoretically linked to research on multicultural education and teacher interpersonal communication styles. Perceptions of 27 Asian-American and Hispanic-American teachers and their students in culturally diverse high schools were gathered by means of questionnaires and structured interviews. Teachers had more favourable perceptions of their own behaviour than their students did. Student and teacher ethnic background had a small but significant impact on students’ perceptions of their teachers. Interview data provided some evidence that concepts studied in relation to the cultural dimensions of communication, such as respect from students, closeness, and identification of students with their teachers, are helpful in explaining the relationship between ethnic background and perceptions of students and teachers. The results merit further research into the effects of culture on perceptions and provide recommendations for improvements in culturally responsive education.  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革对教师素质的新要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基础教育课程改革对广大教师来说是一次严峻的挑战,同时也是一次难得的发展机遇。人才的需要,社会的发展,教师专业化的提出,特别是基础教育课程改革对教师的素质都提出了新的要求。本文从教师所应具备的网络型的知识结构,以及课程资源开发与利用的能力、时间管理的能力、教学反思能力、教育科学研究等专业能力两方面阐述对教师素质的新要求。这样的知识结构与专业能力有助于教师抓住机遇,应对挑战,不断地充实自我,发展自我。  相似文献   

中小学教师的自我发展需要是当前教育界普遍关注的热点问题。该研究采用问卷调查的方法,对揭阳市区高中教师的自我发展需要进行调查,为学校的有效管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明:高中教师自我发展需要水平偏低,影响高中教师自我发展需要的因素有自身因素、学校因素、家庭因素和社会因素。文章最后还就主要的阻碍因素提出一些相应的对策。  相似文献   

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