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通过对美国各州5岁儿童早期学习标准的内容分析发现,各州制定的5岁儿童早期学习标准充分考虑到了各州的地域经济和文化发展特点,也充分考虑到了幼小衔接的需要,同时文本内容具有较强的可操作性.这些特点对我国<3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南>的制定与实施有启示意义.  相似文献   

2007年以来,随着德国联邦制改革的进行,德国高等教育管理体制改革出现新发展动向,联邦和各州进一步明确了各自对教育的管辖权和财政分担办法,各州的教育自主权进一步扩大。为了继续推动高等教育的改革与发展,提高质量,保证数量,德国联邦和各州将密切合作,共同制定《2020年高校公约》。  相似文献   

通过对美国各州5岁儿童早期学习标准的内容分析发现,各州制定的5岁儿童早期学习标准充分考虑到了各州的地域经济和文化发展特点,也充分考虑到了幼小衔接的需要,同时文本内容具有较强的可操作性。这些特点对我国《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的制定与实施有启示意义。  相似文献   

美国文化多样性日益凸显,多元文化教师教育理念与实践较为先进。有关教师多元文化教育资质的认定,各州采取了各不相同的措施来实施认证,主要有三种制度:(1)专门的多元文化教育资质的认证;(2)将多元文化教育资质融入双语教育或以英语作为第二语言教师资质认证;(3)跨文化教育取向的大学专业项目。其成就和经验值得关注,但在观念、管理和培训者等方面也面临诸多挑战。  相似文献   

美国全国州长协会最佳实践中心和各州教育长官委员会公布了“共同核心(州立)标准(the common core state standards)”的最终定稿,这标志着由美国各州政府发起的制定全国统一课程标准的工作结束,同时,这也标志着各州采用并实施统一标准的开始。  相似文献   

《共同核心州立标准》的核心目标是统一美国各州课程标准,缩小各州教学质量差距,让所有学生在高中毕业时都能为升学或就业做好准备。为此该标准强调国家对学生学业进行监测,推进教育资源合理配置。然而自颁布之日起,《共同核心州立标准》备受争议,支持者与反对者就其开发过程、内容、适切性、有效性、前瞻性等展开论争。批评人士认为《标准》及其举措剥夺州和学校办学自主权,应予以废除。支持者们则通过调查分析,认为《标准》促进美国基础教育发展,值得肯定。针锋相对的论争及两任总统对《标准》截然不同的态度使其发展呈现出许多的不确定性。  相似文献   

美国、加拿大高等教育质量监控与评价系统及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国、加拿大在高等教育质量与评价方面的成功经验一、美国、加拿大政府对高等教育的管理1.州政府具有高等教育的独立主权美国和加拿大的高等教育管理有着共同特点,没有一个全国性的统一教育管理,教育行政管理权不在联邦政府,而在各州及各级地方政府或私人机构,教育标准和原则都是由各州来确立。美国联邦政府教育部的职权是十分有限的,其主要职责是按国会意图向各州分配教育拨款,以及向美国国内学生提供奖学金等。美国、加拿大各州(省)政府主管本州(省)的教育事业,制定教育政策,主持教育拨款和教育事业方面  相似文献   

20世纪末期,美国早期儿童教育的质量、公平、传统管理架构等问题共同推进了各州早期儿童数据系统的建设。宾夕法尼亚州于21世纪初期开始建设早期儿童数据系统,在改变该州早期儿童服务的管理架构的过程中,创建宾夕法尼亚州企业跨网络儿童信息连接中心作为早期儿童服务的数据整合平台。同时,为提升该平台的深度数据挖掘功能,建立了该州的早期儿童数据系统——早期学习网络。早期学习网络对宾州企业跨网络儿童信息连接中心的所有关于儿童、教师、机构的数据进行再次整合,并以"儿童为中心"分析儿童学习与发展的需求、早期儿童项目的质量等问题,为各层级利益相关者提供"基于数据"的科学决策支持,以不断提升该州的早期儿童服务的质量。本研究在介绍宾州基本背景与数据系统架构的前提下,着重介绍早期学习网络的实施情况及其面临挑战,以期对我国学前教育领域的数据系统建设有一定借鉴。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国各州对教师资格证书制度进行了一系列改革。由于各州教师资格证书制度的差异,在实施的过程中,教师资格证书制度仍然存在许多问题。教师资格标准的差异、教师资格考试效度、国家高级教师资格标准等方面存在的问题直接影响了教师资格证书制度的有效实施。  相似文献   

李茂 《教育》2010,(7):62-62
6月2日,在亚特兰大市举行的一个新闻发布会上,美国全国州长协会最佳实践中心(GA Center)和各州教育长官委员会(CCSSO)公布了“共同核心(州立)标准(the Common Core State Standards)”的最终定稿,这标志着由美国各州政府发起的制订全国统一课程标准的工作结束,同时,这也标志着各州采用并实施统一标准的开始。  相似文献   

美国社区儿童看护中心的申请与审批手续一般要经历筹划与准备、递交申请材料、情况核实、审批与指导四个步骤.具有审批权集中,但审查权相对分散;审批标准侧重于办学的经济基础;坚持证据裁判原则;将审批和引导相结合;审批程序规范科学,以人为本等特点,而这些正是我国托幼机构,乃至中小学校审批工作中最缺乏的方面,地方教育主管部门当着力借鉴.  相似文献   

Despite Minnesota's reputation for quality child care, recent changes in legislation and the impact of changing needs have raised concerns about the quality of child care available in the state. This paper presents an overview of Minnesota's current child care system including structural indicators of program quality such as licensing standards, staff wages, turnover, educational level, and program accreditation. The current situation is characterized by high levels of staff turnover, low wages, low levels of program accreditation, and increasing numbers of variances for child care licenses, all of which are disadvantageous to providing high quality child care to Minnesota's children. Efforts to decrease turnover through higher salaries and increase staff educational levels through tuition vouchers are explored. We find that there are a number of ways in which states can support quality child care, but stricter licensing standards are not likely to be sufficient by themselves.  相似文献   

有关我国动物保护法专家建议稿的主要争议在于其是否适应我国国情。美国动物福利法以维护动物福利为目的,以《动物福利法》、《人道屠宰法》和《1877年28小时法》为其主要构成,具体规定了相应的许可、登记、标识、记录、法定标准、执法检查、报告等制度。我国应当予以借鉴,并立足中国国情,在立法设计上坚持有限调整、多层管理、便于操作和责任适当的基本原则。  相似文献   

In the United States public concern about foster care drift is widespread. "Drift" means lengthy placement away from the natural family, without a clear goal to return the child or find some other permanent home. Concern is focused on the negative effect of lengthy foster care on the psychological health of the child, and also on the increasing cost of such placement. Recently, the federal government, in response to extensive testimony about these issues, passed landmark legislation designed to reduce foster care drift, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Funding Act of 1980. Thus the government has now become a leader in child welfare planning. The law requires a reporting and tracking system so that no child already in placement becomes "lost in the system." In addition, all proposed foster placements are now hedged with requirements that there be clear purposes and goals to be achieved by such placements. In effect placements must be defended, tracked, and reviewed periodically. The new requirements pose a rebuke to the professions serving children which have failed to stem the increase in foster care, and to control and place a time limit on such interventions in the family. Federal leadership has created a political climate in child welfare planning. The regulations issued to implement the law in the Carter presidency differ from those of the current administration. The current policy of the government of the United States is to provide protection of the family from excessive foster care placements by child welfare agencies. This is support for greater autonomy for the family, a more conservative approach.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发了国际金融市场的金融大动荡,诱发了百年不遇的全球性金融危机,这深刻暴露了美国金融监管体制存在的严重缺陷。美国奥巴马政府于2009年3月制定了《金融改革框架》,试图建立跨领域综合性监管机制。我国面对这次危机,应从中吸取教训,改革金融监管体系的不足,防范风险,维护金融安全。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate young children’s perspectives related to their experiences in child care. Researchers used individual interviews and drawings in an early childhood program in Denmark and one in the United States as the basis for examining children’s perspectives on their everyday lives in child care. Observations documented the everyday cultural practices for the children in the two child care centers and provided a foundation for interpreting the interviews and the drawings. The information collected was analyzed to determine what aspects of child care young children like best and least, as well as their thoughts on the adults and peers in their center.  相似文献   

Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   

Millions of children are cared for in child care centers or family day care homes. The care environment can be a significant source of foodborne pathogens if proper food safety practices are not followed by caregivers. To decrease children's risk of foodborne illness, caregivers must know and apply safe food handling practices. To identify what care providers need to know about safe food handling, and how they want to learn, needs assessment research was conducted with a random sample of child care centers and family day care homes in Michigan (n=335). Research Findings. Results indicate that persons who care for young children in licensed centers or homes wanted to know more about the relationship between food and illness. Specifically, they wanted information about what causes food to become unsafe and how to prevent foodborne illness in the child care environment. Providers in both centers and homes preferred print materials (booklets, fact sheets, and newsletters) to videotapes, audiotapes, workshops, teleconferences, or an informational hotline. Implications for Practice. Developing and providing food safety booklets, newsletters, and/or fact sheets which include application-oriented and understand- able food safety information consistent with licensing regulations could reduce the risk of contracting foodborne illness of young children cared for in child care centers or day care homes.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1636-1646
This paper investigates how adults respond to sexual behavior among children in child care. Culturally, childhood sexuality is variously understood as natural curiosity, a sign of sexual abuse, or a symptom of a sex-offender in the making. Given these competing cultural meanings, how are sexual-like behaviors by children managed by the adults who care for them? An analysis of qualitative data from Special Investigation Reports by childcare licensing consultants in the state of Michigan is used to examine how parents, child care providers, and child care licensing consultants manage and respond to sexual behavior between children in the context of child care. How sexual behavior is responded to depends primarily on who is doing the responding – parent, childcare provider, or state licensing consultant – rather than what type of behavior is being responded to. Parents respond to a wide range of behaviors between children as if they are incidents of sexual abuse. Childcare providers respond to many of those same incidents as misbehavior. Licensing consultants understand these incidents as violation of rules of supervision, but they were also the only group to ever ask if children's sexual behavior was potentially a sign of a child having been sexually abused in another setting. Providers and parents need more education about what kinds of sexual behavior to be concerned about and what kind to understand as common. More education that sexuality that is “rare” and persistent could be a sign of sexual abuse is needed by all parties.  相似文献   

Using international data on child well-being and educational attainment, this article compares child well-being in the United States to member countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Multiple measures of child well-being are analyzed, such as material well-being (including poverty, unemployment, and income inequality), child health and safety (birth weight, infant mortality, health care, and childcare), educational attainment, and family and peer relationships (including generational cleavages). Using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory as an organizational framework, the impact and interrelatedness of these systems on educational attainment are examined, with parallels drawn between a nation's social policies, child well-being, and educational attainment. The author asserts that social policy in the United States is more comprehensive than is commonly believed, although the redistributive benefits of social policies are allocated much differently compared to OECD countries. Explanations for comparative differences in social policy include differences in political culture and political development as well as racial and class conflict. The author concludes that it is difficult to ignore the role of race and socioeconomic class in explaining differences in social welfare expenditures between the United States and European countries because the pattern of social welfare distribution (broadly conceived—including programs, tax breaks, and incentives) falls largely along racial and class lines.  相似文献   

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