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Disparities in the technology practices, skills and knowledge of school students still exist, despite widespread investment, and use in schools. In order to understand why inequalities remain, we first need a more nuanced understanding of students’ technology practice, including understanding how their backgrounds, circumstances and experiences shape their perceptions of and engagement with technology. This paper proposes that research in the field of educational technology would benefit from a sociological framing in order to highlight how and why students use technology at school and in their everyday lives. The paper reports on a qualitative embedded case study of 13–16-year-old students in two Australian secondary schools. In-depth case studies of two selected students illustrate the complex nature of students’ technology practice. Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus and capital are used as a lens through which to view and understand inequalities in students’ technology practice. The findings demonstrate the utility of sociological theory in educational technology research by highlighting systems and structures of reproduction and transformation. Furthermore, the findings can inform an approach to teaching and learning that considers students’ varied experiences, knowledge, perspectives and backgrounds relating to technology.  相似文献   

教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的一种法定的职业许可制度,目前教师资格审核的基本条件由身份条件、思想品德条件、学历条件和教育教学能力条件构成,其中最重要的是教育教学基本素质和能力标准,而教育实习是形成教学能力的重要阶段,建立教育实习评鉴标准已成为教师资格制度改革的基本内容。当前我国教师资格认证申请采取属地化自愿申请的原则,教育教学基本素质和能力的测试标准和测试办法由各省确定,对申请者是否参与了一定时期的教育实践(教育实习)没有建立评鉴标准,本文就教师资格制度中建立教育实习体系评鉴标准进行分析和思考。  相似文献   

阅读教学在语文教学中处于基础和核心地位。分析“整体阅读教学模式”、“探究性阅读教学模式”、“创设情境阅读教学模式”这几种新型的阅读教学模式,有的强调培养学生的整体意识、大局观念,有的注重培养学生的探究能力,有的注意发展学生的创造性思维,各有所长。我们从中得到的启示是:语文阅读教学应回归学生个体,主张个性化阅读;应培养学生探究能力,发展主体性阅读;应激发学生阅读兴趣,倡导开放性阅读。  相似文献   

兴趣的三个定义,在解释力上依次递进,分别对应于不同的作用机制以及教育建议。其中,作为事物属性的兴趣,要求教师研究教学素材,在苦学与乐学传统中间做选择。作为目的的兴趣,要求教师研究学生,提供支持条件,引导和满足学生的需求。这两个定义,都没有正面回答在兴趣状态下,学习者心理感受的性质问题。阿诺德的兴趣定义强调,在兴趣状态下个人感受到的是紧张。这种紧张状态,可以推动学习活动的进展。这个定义,较为圆满地刻画了兴趣促进学习的作用机制。基于此,我们对学习活动的理解需要更新。一线教师们也可以据此调整自已的工作。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the philosophy, pedagogy and implementation of the third year course sequence in the M.A. in Educational Technology program at Michigan State University. We discuss how “little-r” revolutions in teaching and learning, i.e., technology facilitated revolutions specific to individual classrooms and contexts, are used to introduce our students to the thinking patterns of designers and innovators. This is accomplished by an overlapping emphasis on learning by design, trans-disciplinary creative cognitive tools, innovative technology, and reflective practice. In this environment, we also transition our students from acting as consumers of educational media to being producers of educational experiences. That is, not only do the students construct new educational media, they consider the aesthetic and affective implications of technology use for teaching and learning. Finally, given the rapid evolution of educational technologies, we support students as they establish a foundational vision for the interplay of education and technology that will serve them into the future, as they, and their learners, adapt tonew and emerging digital environments.  相似文献   

Empirical results show that frequently the meaning of expressions used by students in expressing their understanding of subject matter does not correspond to the meaning of those expressions in the subject matter theory that the students are expected to learn. There is also often a lack of identity of meaning between the same students’ use of the same expression from one use of the expression to another, in very similar contexts. The context gives a specific meaning to any expression. This variation in context and meaning is very central to the phenomena of teaching and learning. In educational research there is a need to differentiate between specific meanings expressed in conceptualizing subject matter, on the one hand, and concepts and meanings seen as parts of cognitive systems and social languages, on the other. The contextual character of the use of language is crucial to the understanding of teaching and learning and needs to be more carefully considered. The article is a discussion of the problem of varying meanings of language expressions in relation to major traditions of research, focusing on meanings and concepts within the field of learning and teaching.  相似文献   


This paper stems from conversations between the authors who recently came to work together in staff and educational development. Having pursued different academic careers in Higher Education (HE), we questioned whether we had a common understanding of our academic community. In particular, we discussed two aspects. First, the extent to which our different disciplinary backgrounds influenced our perspectives on academic practice and our attitudes and approaches to staff and educational development. If we held different views on academic practice, how many other variations were we likely to encounter? Second, we felt it important to be sensitive to the needs of our colleagues in terms of their practices. The research that emanated from our discussions began with an empirical study, reported in this paper. We explore tensions between the various work activities performed by academics at the University of Sheffield. Eighty staff maintained a diary over a specified week early in the academic year 1997‐98. They recorded time spent on the activities of research, teaching, administration, external work, and professional development. Biographical data, including staff grade, length of service in HE, and length of service at the University were collected via a questionnaire attached to the diary. It would appear that the majority of academics surveyed support a role in both teaching and research, with a preference to spend more time on research at the expense of administration but not at the expense of teaching. These empirical data help us to understand more about the role of academics in changing times, and how we, as staff and educational developers, might become more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

This article is a tribute to Graham Nuthall's contribution to classroom research from his early experimental studies through to his recent work on theory integration. It also explains the potential of the methodology, findings and theory building in our collaborative work to make a substantial positive difference for diverse students. The article explains the significance of, and need for, research linking learning to teaching processes (a scientific realist approach to putting ‘process’, socio-cultural context and theory building into a new process–product paradigm). Findings of student outcomes contrary to educational goals (for example, teaching designed to enhance appreciation of cultural differences triggering racist abuse) signal the importance of research that explains the impact of teaching on learner outcomes. The article also foreshadows the implications of the work that Graham and I did for teaching, teacher education, research and educational policy. The article concludes with Graham's view that the most important contribution his work would make, would be to initial teacher education.  相似文献   

In many science education practices, students are expected to develop an understanding of scientific knowledge without being allowed a view of the practices and cultures that have developed and use this knowledge. Therefore, students should be allowed to develop scientific concepts in relation to the contexts in which those concepts are used. Since many concepts are used in a variety of contexts, students need to be able to recontextualise and transfer their understanding of a concept from one context to another. This study aims to develop a learning and teaching strategy for recontextualising cellular respiration. This article focuses on students’ ability to recontextualise cellular respiration. The strategy allowed students to develop their understanding of cellular respiration by exploring its use and meaning in different contexts. A pre- and post-test design was used to test students’ understanding of cellular respiration. The results indicate that while students did develop an acceptable understanding of cellular respiration, they still had difficulty with recontextualising the concept to other contexts. Possible explanations for this ack of understanding are students’ familiarity with the biological object of focus in a context, the manner in which this object is used in a context and students’ understanding of specific elements of cellular respiration during the lessons. Although students did develop an adequate understanding of the concept, they do need more opportunities to practice recontextualising the concept in different contexts. Further research should focus on improving the strategy presented here and developing strategies for other core concepts in science.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors report on their research into the inquiry component of a newly conceptualized pre-service teacher education program. In a series of focus group discussions conducted over a 3-year period, 17 teacher candidates talked about their understanding of, and their experiences with inquiry. They were able to identify benefits such as inquiry's potential to improve classroom practice, support teacher development, and contribute to the learning of the larger educational community. They also identified several challenges of engaging in inquiry, such as the changing nature of the teacher's role, the open-ended nature of the process, and the way in which a commitment to inquiry can disrupt the status quo in schools. The authors conclude with some recommendations and questions that teacher educators need to consider if they expect their teacher candidates to adopt an inquiry stance towards their teaching.  相似文献   

Drawing on our experiences as teacher educators in two programs designed specifically to prepare teachers for particular contexts, this article illustrates how we design our courses to help new teachers link foundational understandings to specific teaching practices in particular school and classroom contexts. We describe our integrated approach, in which candidates learn theory and practice simultaneously, breaking down the dichotomies of theory and practice while connecting to specific contexts or settings and understanding the relationship of practices to visions of good teaching.  相似文献   

We have conducted a web-based questionnaire on the various concepts and topics of object-oriented programming that students on introductory courses found most difficult to cope with.A statistical analysis of our results shows that those topics that rely on a clear understanding of pointers and memory-related concepts (such as copy constructors and virtual functions) prove to be the most difficult. In other words, we believe these concepts are only hard because of the student's inability to comprehend what is happening to their program in memory, as they are incapable of creating a clear mental model of its execution.These results would suggest that a clearer approach to teaching these topics would be beneficial to students. We are currently working on a visualization-based approach to address these issues.  相似文献   

在职业教育中,教师始终是教育教学工作的核心力量。在新形势下,教师必须转变观念,坚持以学生为主体,以能力为本位,以技能为重点,以德育为核心的教育理念。要实现培养适合社会发展需要的人才,教师必须提高自己的理论水平,提高技能技术能力,提高教学改革实践能力,提高以德育为核心的教育教学方法与能力。这既是课程改革的要求也是教师自身专业化成长的需要。  相似文献   

Pre‐service teachers face many challenges as they learn to teach in ways that are different from their own educational experiences. Pre‐service teachers often enter teacher education courses with pre‐conceptions about teaching and learning that may or may not be consistent with contemporary learning theory. To build on preservice teachers' prior knowledge, we need to identify the types of views they have when entering teacher education courses and the views they develop throughout these courses. The study reported here focuses specifically on preservice teachers' views of their own students' prior knowledge and the implications these views have on their understanding of the formative assessment process. Sixty‐one preservice teachers were studied from three sections of a science methods course. Results indicate that preservice teachers exhibited a limited number of views about students' prior knowledge. These views tended to privilege either academic or experience‐based concepts for different aspects of formative assessment, in contrast to contemporary perspectives on teaching for understanding. Rather than considering these views as misconceptions, it is argued that it is more useful to consider them as resources for further development of a more flexible concept of formative assessment. Four common views are discussed in detail and applied to science teacher education. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 497–523, 2008  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the issue of how academic staff experience the understanding of their subject matter and the relationship of this understanding to their experience of teaching. In recent years there has been a substantial amount of research into how academic staff conceive of teaching and learning, how they approach their teaching, and how their approaches to teaching relate to how their students approach their learning. In our present project this research is being extended by looking at the way 31 academics from four broad fields of study experience their understanding of their subject matter and how this relates to the way they experience their teaching. Using a phenomenographic approach we show that academics who experience their subject matter in atomistic and less integrated ways experience their teaching in more information transmission and teacher-focused ways, while those with a more integrated and holistic experience of understanding their subject experience their teaching in more conceptual change and student-focused ways.in final form: 9 September 2004  相似文献   

This paper is based on the first author’s extensive examination of her teaching and her students’ learning in a senior high school Biology classroom at a coeducational K-12 independent college in Victoria, Australia, over a five-year period. Research was guided by the following questions: (1) How can students become more aware of the specific biological terminology that they will need to use to communicate their understanding of biological concepts? (2) How can student familiarity with new biological terminology be enhanced? (3) Which teaching strategies might be most effective across the diverse range of abilities and learning styles within a senior Biology classroom? Three key data-sets ([1] Development of specific teaching procedures; [2] Student responses to using the teaching procedures; [3] Teacher journal entries and reflections) were analysed supported by Korthagen’s ALACT model. Findings support the notion that genuine educational change is linked to teacher change, driven by teachers themselves, drawing new insights into students’ learning.  相似文献   

文章以忻州师范学院扶贫顶岗实习支教区位环境为原点,对实习支教强化师范类学生从教技能、德能等实践效果进行典型示范分析,从中探索新时期师范院校人才培养模式改革的创新之路。在扶贫顶岗实习支教场域,也即真实的教学情境中,存在于准教师以往对教师的模糊经验,理论概念中的教师角色,在当下的场域中贯穿了教师实践的全过程,有助于培养出教师真正信奉、在教学实践中体现出来的教育观念,促进教师实践性知识的成长。同时,在此场域中准教师的主体意识受到启迪,受到感动,开始感知,逐渐地养成吃苦耐劳、感恩奉献的精神,培养了对农村和农村基础教育的感情,树立起高度的社会责任感,促进了其正确的人生观、价值观的形成。  相似文献   

This article elaborates on a view of human subjectivity as open and intersubjectively constituted and discusses it as a presupposition for student's participation in educational situations. It questions the traditional persistent concept of subjectivity as inner and private, the homo clausus, which puts self realization before recognition of the other and individual cognition before mutual meaning. From the perspective of homo clausus participation is thus limited to mere situated activity. A concept of human subjectivity as open and plural, homines aperti, makes it possible to conceptualize educational situations relationally and to take the in‐between as point of departure for understanding pedagogical relationships. Participation can then be understood in terms of involvement in meaning making, knowledge construction and mutual will formation. The relevance of analyzing discrepancies between concepts in educational theory is that they direct our interest and our attention differently. This is also how theoretical understandings work in the praxis of teaching; teachers’ actions are certainly not guided by their theories, but their conceptions about such basic issues as subjectivity and self (what is a pupil?) make some actions and decisions seem more intelligible than others.  相似文献   

学习“三个代表”重要思想,认真思考什么是代表我们教育领域具体工作的先进生产力,以现代信息技术为主的现代教育技术和教育手段就是教育工作者必须要掌握的先进生产力。教育信息化对于教育思想、教育模式、教育手段的影响日显突出。一场影响深远彻底改变生活方式和行为方式的教育革命已经悄然而至。作为一个教育工作者应该如何面对这日愈动荡、变革创新的年代。从南昌教育教育信息化现状和发展出发,联系作者本人在参加南昌市教育信息化建设中的学习体会和工作实践,讨论了教育信息化建设中的资源建设、思想观念、教育信息化应用等问题。  相似文献   

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