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一、明喻(Simile)用另一种事物比方所要说明的事物.通常格式是A像B,使用As,like,as though一类的词.例:The Party is like my mother.My heart is like a singing brid.Her face is as fresh as a rose.二、隐喻:(metaphor)以此比彼而不说像,让读者自己去意会的比喻手法;更富表现力,常有夸张意味.例:She is really a duck(尤物),he thought.He is a mule,Cf、He is like a mule.(明喻)三、修饰语(epithet)一个词或词组给予所修饰的事物以具有表现力的说明,叫修饰语.修饰语多是定语性和状语性词组,但不能把它同语法学上的定语、状语混为一谈.修饰语的重心在于它的描绘比喻的表现力.  相似文献   

比喻是英语表达方式中较为常见的一种修辞格(Figure ofSpeech)。所谓比喻,即用具体形象、通俗浅显的事物或道理,来说明比较复杂、抽象的事物或深奥难懂的道理。一个比喻通常由:“本体”、“喻体”和“喻词”组成。“喻体”是用作比喻的事物。“本体”是要说明或描述的对象。“喻词”是用来联结“本体”和“喻体”,表示比喻关系的词语。根据“喻体”、“本体”和“喻词”这三个成分的异同及隐现,比喻可以分为明喻(Simile)和暗喻(Metahor)。  相似文献   

英语习语是英语语言的重要组成部分,是各种修辞手段的集中体现,而比喻则是其中最主要的修辞手段,大部分英语习语都运用了恰当的形象化语言,通过不同方式来比喻事物。英语习语中的常见的比喻方式主要有以下四种:明喻、暗喻、换喻和提喻。主要讲述这四种比喻方式及其汉译方法。  相似文献   

修辞学是英语专业学生在二、三年级必学的一个内容,也是教学的重点,各套教材在这一阶段对此都有安排.英语在其漫长的语言发展史中,逐步形成了丰富的修辞手法,其中最常见也最重要的可算simile明喻.metaphor暗喻.personification拟人、hyper-bole夸张、euphemism委婉和metonymy借代这几种了.在数年的教学实践中.笔者发现.metaphor和metonymy是其中较易混淆的两种,学生们常感到难以区分,判断中错误率较高.问题出在哪里呢?关键是没有很好掌握两种修辞格的本质和区别.首先让我们来看看它们的定义.由于英汉修辞格的名称和含义不是完全对应的.所以我们着重看对英语修辞格的诠释:Metaphor—A metaphor,like a simile,alsomakes a comparison between two unlike ele-ments,but unlike a simile,this Comparisonis implied,rather than stated.《英汉辞海》的metaphor一条是:用一个词或短语指出常见的一种物体或概念以代替另一种,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处.  相似文献   

沈嘉禾 《阅读》2013,(Z1):75
There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as playing basketball, swimming, climbing. However, my favorite sport is running. In my mind, it is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressure (缓解压力). Every morning, I like running along the road, and I think  相似文献   

“移就”(Transferred Epithet)修辞格在英语言中被广泛使用,特别是在小说、戏剧或者诗歌等一些文学作品中更是多见.英语移就修辞格主要是通过转移形容词的修饰对象来取得特殊的修辞效果,比如可以使语言表达更为丰富、诙谐、幽默、生动、准确及更能引人深思.对于英语语言中这中特殊语言现象的移就修辞需要灵活翻译,翻译的参考标准主要是根据其编离常规语言的实际程度.本文就英语中移就修辞格的修辞效果进行了分析,然后探讨了英语中移就修辞格的翻译策略.  相似文献   

龚晖 《阅读》2005,(11)
★You need(需要准备):A piece of square paper★Do as shown(跟图学做):1.Fold the paper inalf.将纸对折。2.Fold it again.再对折。3.Fold the right cor-er down to the left.右上角向左下方折。4.Do it again on theack to form a doubleriangle.背面折法同,成双三角。5.Fold along theotted line toward theenter,and do it againn the back.沿虚线向中心线折,背!!!!!!!边玩边学面同。6.Fold toward the bottom(底部)and do it again on the back.向下压折,背面同。7.Fold toward the upper(上部)and do it again on the back.向…  相似文献   

宁子 《阅读》2012,(Z2):79-79
<正>同学们,你们知道吗?英语中有很多关于昆虫的俗语,它们不仅形象生动,而且十分有趣。下面,就让我们一起去瞧瞧吧!1.as busy as a bee比喻十分忙碌  相似文献   

英汉翻译涉及英中两国的文化知识,由于文化不同,语言不同,因而两国语言中有许多词的内涵也就不相同,颜色词就是其中一类.诚然作力客观存在着的颜色对英中两民族来说是一致的,例如:blue sky(英)蓝天(汉),white clond(英)白云(汉),green vegetable(英)青菜(汉)………人类熟悉的东西在两国语言中也不约而同地用来形容事物的颜色,例如:描述鲜红色,英语有blood-red,汉语有“血红”;描述纯白色,英语有snow-white,汉语则有“雪白”;其它还有:silvry(银白色),orange-red(桔红色),sky-blue(天蓝色),milk-white(乳白色),waxy-yellow(蜡黄色),peach-pink(桃红色),lead-grey(铅灰色)……两国民族赋予颜色词的文化内涵也有共同之处,以“红色”为例;英中两民族都把“红颜色”与喜庆气氛相连,英语里这类的表达有:red-letter day(喜庆日),to paint the town red(狂欢),toroll ont the red carpet for sb.”(铺展红地毯)隆重欢迎(某人)”……汉语里有“开门红”“红双喜”“红运”………  相似文献   

A Tiger     
梅秋香  毛琳 《阅读》2007,(4):46-47
A tiger is the king of all animals. It is big and fierce(凶猛的). It has yellow and black fur(皮毛). It looks like a cat, but it is much  相似文献   

“as”成语在英语学习中很常见,现就多年的学习积累并参照一些语法书和词典,归纳总结,以供参考。 1.as watchful as a hawk 象鹰一样地注视 The security men should be as watchful as a hawk against the activities of the guilts. 公安战士应该象鹰一样注视罪犯的行动。 2、be used as a door-mat 任人践踏(用作门前的脚垫) It's intolerable to be used as a door-mat.被人践踏是不能容忍的。  相似文献   

刁涵 《阅读》2014,(35):44-45
<正>It is in September or October.In the evening,people usually watch the moon.They also eat moon cakes.Children like to play with lanterns.Can you guess what holiday it is?Yes,you’re right.It’s Mid-autumn Festival.It is my favorite holiday.Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional(传统的)holiday in  相似文献   

美珍 《阅读》2006,(12)
1.The following six pictures are changed regularly(有规律地), but one of them is not the same as the others. Which is it?2.Each line is missing two of the four fields. Can you choose the two pictures on the right side (a, b, c, d, e) which most logical- ly (最符合逻辑) fill in the gaps?3.From the column on the right (a, b, c, d ) , please choose the picture which logically follows the line of pictures on the left. (嘿, 接下来该是哪一幅? )启智游戏(英文)@美珍  相似文献   

包琰琪 《阅读》2007,(2):47-47
In this winter vacation, my mother and I went to Hong Kong Disneyland, I felt very happy. Across the American town street, there was a castle. The castle was gray, pink and blue. How nice! The castle was Disneyland's center. Around it there were lots of amusement facilities(游乐设施), such as Mad Hatter Teacup, Jungle River Cruise, Merry-go-round(旋转木马), Ferris Wheel(摩天轮) and so on other funny games. Mad Hatter Teacup was my favorite game, because it's so interesting. When I sit in the big cup, the cup would turn swiftly(快速地), moving back and forth, moving and moving...  相似文献   

东盟一体化进程中,英语成为东盟通用语(ELF, English as a lingua franca)。广西外向型人才要学好标准英语还要学好东南亚各国语言文化和英语变体。目前,ELF研究集中在语音和词汇方面的研究,语用研究方面较少。文章从ELF角度出发,探讨英语语用教学的核心内容,并提出ELF环境下广西外向型人才英语语用能力的培养目标及方法,为我国的外语教学实践、研究和教材编写提供新思考。  相似文献   

Pat Snake had ten brothers,buthe just wasn’t like others.Theywere nice and kind,but Pat was aproblem boy.H e crawled(原形crawl,爬)like the figure eight.H e liked todo everything,especially to scare(吓唬)the hum an beings(人类).Once he hid(原形hide,躲藏)in Lily’s em pty shoe andslept.W hen Lily wanted to goout and put it on,he woke(原形wake,醒来)up andhollered(原形holler,叫喊,我们还学过近义词cry,shout,都有叫喊的意思),Boo。Lily cried im-“”m ediately(立即,词组at once也表示立即的意思).But …  相似文献   

New year was com ing.Big Lion had sent greeting card(问候卡,我们曾经学过Teachers’card和Christm as Card)to nearly all his friends.W hen it was the turn of Lit-tle Cat,Big Lion was puzzled(我们学过puz-zle表示拼图,此处解释为迷惑)about what to giveLittle Cat who was his best friend.Big Lion thought(think的过去式)overand over.Suddenly,he caught the sight ofthe ginkgo tree(银杏树)in front of hisdoor.Big Lion planted the tree by him selfand it had already been a big one.“I’ve got it。A leaf(…  相似文献   

为了使语言简洁、精练或者因为习惯,以及某些结构的要求,英语句子中某些成分有时不必重复出现.这种语言现象称为省略.例如:The revolutionaries were beaten,renused any-thing to read,kept for a time in semi darkess as wellas in chains(=………were refused anything to read,were kept ot a time……)那些革命者当时受到拷打,不准阅读任何书刊,有一段时间不但带着锁链关在牢中,而且禁闭在昏暗之中.人上面的例句中可以看出,有些省略,尤其是一些比较复杂的省略,如果找不出省略的有关词语,就会对句子的语义理解产生误解,更谈不上准确翻译了.下面就英语复合结构的省略现象分类举例加以说明.一、复合结构中谓语动词的省略.  相似文献   

人生病了,要去医院看医生。那么在英语中,医生会怎样询问你的病情,你又该怎样回答呢?请看下面Tom和医生的对话:D押O h熏Tom熏W hat’s w rong w ith you芽(哦,汤姆,你怎么了?)T押W ell熏doctor熏I have a headache.(医生,我头疼。)D押H ow long has it been like this芽(这种情况有多久了?)T押M aybe since yesterday evening.(也许从昨天晚上开始。)D押Then how about your appetite芽(那你的食欲怎样?)T押I don’t have m uch appetite.(我没什么食欲。)W hat should I do熏doctor芽(医生,我该怎么办?)D押N ever m ind选Take it …  相似文献   

先看一个英语谜语(ariddle)。谜面是:What begins witha T,ends with a T and has lots of T inside it?小朋友,你猜出来了吗?答案是茶壶teapot。字母T和单词tea(茶叶)发音相同,被巧妙的编进这个谜语中。其实,汉语有多音字、多义字、同音字等现象,英语也有。利用一字多义的、词性灵活的情况,双关语(Pun)在英语地区还特别流行呢!★某速递公司的口号:Y oucan’t express it better.表达/快速★某著名手表的广告:Thew atch the world has learned tow atch.手表/注视★美国《时代周刊(Tim e)》的广告:M ake tim e for T im e.腾出时间看《…  相似文献   

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