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内部控制是企业进行自我调节和控制的各种方法和措施。本文主要从组织控制、业务控制、人员控制、信息处理控制、实物控制、检查控制六个方面阐明企业内部控制技术的内容,以期对企业内部控制建设的实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

企业内部会计控制的现状及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内部控制是现代企业加强管理,提高经营效率,保护财产安全,实现经营方针和目标的有效工具和手段。许多企业由于内部控制意识薄弱、机构设置不合理、制度建设不完善,导致经济犯罪案件逐年上升。只有事先确定控制目标,整合控制流程,确定关键控制点,选择控制措施,建立和完善内部控制制度检查与评价体系,才能确保会计内部控制制度的有效实施,才能保证会计信息的真实性和准确性,有效地防范企业经营风险,维护财产和资源的安全完整。  相似文献   

随着各单位管理与会计的逐渐发展、健全,内部控制的重要性也日益明显,本文就我国内部控制的现状、要求、内容、方法等问题进行了探讨,提出只有将内部控制作为成分与单位业务活动环节与程序相融合,才能体现内部控制的真正价值。  相似文献   

新经济下企业的基本特征是什么,企业内部会计控制、财务控制、审计控制应当注意哪些问题,企业应当如何加强内部控制文化建设,企业内部控制的规范体系应当如何建立,这是本文探讨的主题。  相似文献   

内部会计控制失效是导致会计信息失真以及经济违法犯罪的主要原因,加强企业内部会计控制已成为我国经济工作中亟待解决的问题。本文在论述加强内部会计控制的重要现实意义的基础上,对现阶段我国企业内部会计控制存在的主要问题进行剖析,并针对这些问题相应提出加强企业内部会计控制的对策。  相似文献   

透平和压缩机组的自动控制系统的控制算法复杂,对控制系统的安全性要求非常高。因此,在控制系统中一般采用双重冗余或三重冗余控制器。介绍了ICS Triplex的防喘振控制算法和控制策略,初始喘振检测、容量控制和透平速度控制。这种控制算法和控制策略将决定防喘振控制线的精确度,完善控制策略,避免压缩机喘振。同时,使压缩机运行区域增大,可减少压缩机防喘振阀的打开次数,节约能源。  相似文献   

在企业实际工作中,可以将内部会计控制的具体内容分为基础控制、纪律控制和实物控制。它们是实现控制目标的最终途径。  相似文献   

内部控制是现代企业加强管理,提高经营效率,保护财产安全,实现经营方针和目标的有效工具和手段。许多企业由于内部控制意识薄弱、机构设置不合理、制度建设不完善,导致经济犯罪案件逐年上升。只有事先确定控制目标,整合控制流程,确定关键控制点,选择控制措施,建立和完善内部控制制度检查与评价体系,才能确保会计内部控制制度的有效实施,才能保证会计信息的真实性和准确性,有效地防范企业经营风险,维护财产和资源的安全完整。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济的时代,整个社会的管理已从原先的物本管理逐步向人本智本管理过渡。通过对企业现行的内部控制系统模式的分析,提出了一种新的内部控制系统——人本智本控制系统,指出了随着企业经济环境的不断变化,完善企业内部控制系统应加强人本智本管理。  相似文献   

随着现代城市的发展,建筑物密集,地下管线众多,施工困难,顶管技术作为一种下管道施工手段在我国发展迅速,其中,泥水平衡技术应用越来越广泛。简要介绍了泥水平衡顶管施工的监理过程,重点说明了施工过程中监理人员对顶管硕进的速度控制、纠偏控制以及通过对土压控制设定值的审核、触变泥浆配置与注浆操作的检查来进行地面沉降控制的要点。  相似文献   

根据应用型专门技术人才的培养要求,针对数控加工工艺课程的教学目标,开发设计了复杂零件数控加工工艺实践教学项目,并且体现了能力进阶型系列化项目教学法的主要特征。该项目包括图样分析、三维建模、工序安排、机床选型、夹具设计和工艺卡制作等几个部分。通过该项目的实施,提高了学生学习的主动性和创造性,提升了数控加工工艺课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

Current undergraduate medical curricula provides relatively little time for cadaver dissection. The Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Padova has organized a pilot project with the University Hospital for the donation of body parts that are surgically removed for therapeutic purposes and destined under Italian law for destruction. The aim of the project is to improve residents' practical training skills. A survey over the last two years has shown that about 60 body parts were available each year. These included 13 upper limbs or their parts (i.e., forearm with hand, hand, and fingers) and 47 lower limbs or their parts (i.e., legs with feet, feet, or toes). The residents explained the aim of the project to potential donors, and, if patients were willing to donate, their informed consent was obtained. The residents were present in the operating theater during the surgical procedure. In the post-operative phase, the same residents performed dissections on the body part(s), following a teaching schedule prepared by a clinical anatomist, who also assisted residents during their studies. Residents also acted as tutors for undergraduate medical students who attended these dissections. The underlying pathology for which the body part was removed was examined, and surgical procedures were practiced on the body part itself. Our project provided an opportunity for a close relationship between anatomists and surgeons, reinforcing core knowledge of anatomy by appreciation of its clinical importance. The active involvement of residents as learners and as teachers in the various steps of this project improved their knowledge of surgical techniques and helped to establish a sense of ethical responsibility and respect for the human body. This approach involves study of anatomical structures from new perspectives and leads to improved surgical practice.  相似文献   

毕业设计是高校培养学生的关键环节,通过毕业设计可锻炼学生综合运用知识的能力,培养学生的全局观念。将校企合作引入毕业设计中,充分发挥高校和企业长处,优势互补,可显著提高学生毕业设计的质量,提升学生的综合素质和核心竞争力。阐述了校企合作在毕业设计中的重要作用,并提出了校企合作助力毕业设计的形式。  相似文献   

This article reports consequences for student writing quality based on a long-term professional learning project. Project teachers, representing all school subjects in grades 3–7, were presented with a writing construct, ‘Wheel of Writing’, and norms of expectation for writing proficiency. Participating teachers used the writing construct and norms as a basis for writing instruction and writing assessment. The project was conducted in 24 schools across Norway. 3088 students from 20 project schools participated. Two hundred and thirty three students from 4 schools were used as a comparison group. The investigation showed that students in primary school improved their writing quality significantly. Students in lower secondary school did not. However, there was substantial variation in writing quality effects between schools, classes, and individual students. For instance at a number of schools, project students from lower secondary school improved their writing quality significantly. The article discusses potential explanations of the effects.  相似文献   

毕业设计是加强和完善本科学习的最后一个环节,是学生在校期间对所学知识的一次全面检验、总结和提高。针对目前高校本科毕业设计存在的不足,提出一些改进措施,从而提高本科毕业设计的教学质量。  相似文献   

Lessons Learned1 1 The name of the project was deliberately chosen to focus attention on the organizational learned outcomes expected from the initiative. The paper makes an adjective from the project title to form, lessons learned team, lessons learned project and lessons learned materials. This was a feature of the project and we hope it does not distract the reader. was a provincially funded educational technology project based at the University of Calgary in Canada. Within a broader technology-enhanced learning program, Lessons Learned set out to provide project development support, evaluation support, and dissemination mechanisms. The paper describes some of the resources and communication structures provided. A short case study reviews the benefit of the approach through the experience of evaluating a virtual reality multimedia toolkit developed for use in biological science. We make several observations about the role of evaluation as a catalyst to improved teaching and learning as well as its contribution to desirable organizational change.  相似文献   

中海壳牌落户惠州, 不仅是惠州了解认识世界的窗口, 同时还是惠州直接参与世界经济一体化进程的桥梁。中海壳牌效应引发了惠州经济和文化方式的改造, 惠州文化的区域性、地方性及多元性、开放性、包容性会随着壳牌在惠州的发展得到更好的体现, 对整合中海壳牌及惠州文化的可持续性发展提出现代方案。  相似文献   

伙伴式项目管理是一种新型的建筑工程管理模式,它对改善业主和承包商之间的关系,创造和谐的项目实施环境有明显改进。本文就伙伴式项目管理模式的产生和发展进行总结。并分析了伙伴式项目管理的组织结构、合同结构的特点。  相似文献   

In this article the possibility of developing authentic project work in a sixth‐grade classroom of a Venezuelan school is explored, by means of action research (AR) methodology. Two AR cycles with two different projects were carried out. Data were collected via teacher researcher, co‐researcher and student journals, and also by means of audio and video recordings, interviews with students, and compilation of classroom products. Data were interpreted using a narrative presentation and also applying five categories, only one of which is analyzed in this paper. Results show that on the one hand student participation increased in all stages of the project work. On the other hand, students encountered some difficulties carrying out empirical research activities and also relating them to theoretical content, although progress in this regard was made. Additionally, communication should have departed more from mere repetition, although some teams were able to try more formative approaches. It was corroborated that school facilities must be improved in order to promote better project work. AR proved fruitful as a way to produce changes and generate practical and reflexive contributions.  相似文献   

随着现代化加工技术的发展,工程训练作为大学生实践教学的中心环节,其教学内容和教学组织形式也需要不断地升级和完善。从项目驱动角度出发,结合激光内雕加工方式的特点,对现有激光加工工程训练模式进行改进,将教学组织过程类比为项目实施过程,要求学生不仅能够认识和操作加工设备,而且能够根据项目中的问题,利用现有教学资源解决问题,充分调动学生的创新意识和创新思维,增强大学生对工程训练的理解,提高学生工程实践的能力,同时也为同类课程的教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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