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师范生实习支教,置换教师培训是通过组织高师院校师范生到农村中小学进行教育实习,在一定时期内顶替现职农村学校教师的岗位,被置换出的农村教师参加由高师院校组织的短期脱产培训。这是一种双赢的教学和培训模式,它有效提高了师范生的教学技能,切实解决农村教师队伍素质不高这一制约农村基础教育发展的根本问题。文章从当前教育实习和教师培训中存在的问题入手,讨论"实习支教,置换培训"的实践价值并对其有效实施提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines 28 teachers’ views about their teacher education requirements. The participants were enrolled on a one-year full-time pre-service teacher education programme with a focus on post-compulsory education and training. The study examines how student teachers’ self-evaluations against aspects of teaching professional practice changed, developed and evolved over the duration of the course. The results reveal a statistically significant improvement in self-evaluation when all areas of professional expertise are considered. In addition, the study reports a decline, as the programme progresses, in student-assessed need to learn about specific aspects of teaching.  相似文献   

基础教育英语课程标准改革已经10余年,但新的课程理念仍旧无法为教师所接受,课堂上仍旧难以实施真正的以学习者为中心。以一名中国新入职教师和一名澳大利亚在中国任教的新入职教师为案例,通过课堂观察和访谈的方式,分析其课堂管理、教学方法、儿童教育观背后的文化成因可以发现,一个民族的文化因素是影响教师教育教学观念和教学行为的主要因素,因此,职前教师教育和在职培训应该专注价值观的教育,而相应的教师教育课程改革也势在必行。  相似文献   

This study examines student teachers’ perceptions of teacher education and its contribution to their professional life, when they become novice teachers during their internship period. The sample comprised 97 student teachers in their fourth year of studies for a BEd degree. Data were collected through questionnaires which included both a structured and an open‐ended part, with regard to five aspects of the teaching profession and teacher education: motivation for teaching, conceptions of teaching–learning, roles of teachers, components of teacher education, and agents of training. Prominent among the findings regarding the motivational aspects of teaching, is a perception of the profession as granting intrinsic rewards. Teaching is perceived as according self‐realisation, providing a sense of purpose and mission, and enabling lifelong development. The component perceived as most important to the teacher’s role is delivering universal values. Findings regarding perception of learning–teaching processes reveal a preference for a constructivist approach.  相似文献   

美国德克萨斯州的教师教育改革——现场教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国德克萨斯州校本教师培养计划以教学现场为基础,改革课程标准,克服了传统的教师教育的弱点,重新认识了学习效果与教学方法的关系。这种以教学现场为基础的培养模式加强了大学指导教师与中小学教师之间的合作与交流,更加有利于培养社会需要的教师。  相似文献   

教师教育特色是指举办教师教育的不同类型、层次的高等院校,在促进教师发展的长期办学实践中所形成的独特的、持久稳定的办学模式和学校文化。其本质特性表现为培养目标的针对性、课程设置的特殊性、品德教育的重要性、教育实践的人本性、教育文化的民族性。教师教育特色在培养对象和模式等方面有不同的表现形式。科研优先,引领方向;教研并重,打造特色;教学为本,服务地方分别是建设有教师教育特色高水平研究型大学、教学研究型大学、教学服务型大学的路径选择。  相似文献   

本文以D大学为个案,运用问卷调查法和文本分析法,对全日制英语教育硕士专业知识的发展状况进行了跟踪研究,着重分析了全日制英语教育硕士专业知识各基本成分与各类教师培养课程之间的关联。研究发现:全日制英语教育硕士专业知识整体发展较好,但各成分呈现不同程度的发展水平;不同类型教师培养课程对于英语教育硕士专业知识发展的贡献程度不同,教育实践课程对英语学科教学知识发展贡献最大,学科素养课程对英语学科知识发展有较高贡献,学科教学课程对课程知识积累有促进作用,教育理论课程对教育理论知识没有起到应然的促进作用;并据此得到一些有助于教师培养项目持续改进的结论。  相似文献   

人才培养关键在于教师的质量。发达国家与发展中国家在教师教育发展方面存在的差距十分明显。近年来,美国、英国和澳大利亚三国在教师教育改革方面都取得了较大的新进展:制定教师教育改革新政策,高度重视教师专业发展,注重教师职前培养、入职教育和在职培训三阶段培养一体化。比较和分析三国教师教育改革的新进展,有助于我们学习和借鉴三国的教育新理念和改革措施,反思自身存在的问题,促进我国教师教育改革。  相似文献   

大学教师专业化发展是教育理论工作者和教师所共同关注的问题。教师专业化发展既是职业特点的内在要求,又是高等教育发展向教师提出的挑战。大学英语教师必须重视教师专业化发展,必须通过有效的途径不断提高自身的素质。大学英语教师要有专业化发展的观念和意识,要积极参加在职学习与培训,要以开放的态度与其他教师相互交流和对话,要重视反思在教师专业发展中的作用,要积极开展教学研究。  相似文献   

In an era of recurring teacher shortages, Flanders struggles with a considerable proportion of teacher education graduates who do not enter the teaching profession. This study identifies the predictors of teacher education graduates’ choice on job entry (teaching profession or not). A prospective research design with two data collection phases is adopted. Student teachers (subsequently graduates) (N = 217) of integrated teacher training for secondary education were surveyed shortly before as well as shortly after graduation. Results of chi-squared and t-tests indicate that gender, initial motivation for teaching, mentor support, teacher education preparation, teacher efficacy, learner-oriented beliefs, performance in teacher education, and employment opportunities show differences (at 1% level) between graduates who entered and those who did not enter the teaching profession. Results of the subsequent logistic regression validate the importance of teacher education (i.e. mentor support) – beside initial motivation and labour market factors – to explain graduates’ decision on job entry.  相似文献   

国外职教教师教育的特点及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外职教教师教育呈现出教师教育机构专门性与综合性相结合、师资学位证书体系完善、教师培训与进修制度化、强调教学素养形成与实践经验获得等特点。其启示在于:建立健全职教教师教育体系,推进教师教育一体化;规范职教师资生源标准,完善教师教育制度建设;加强校企合作,创新职教师资培养模式;改革课程体系,提升教师职业能力。  相似文献   


This paper reports findings of a mixed methods study examining private school teachers’ perceptions of efficacy in dealing with the challenges presented by inclusive education in Macao. This is highly pertinent after the Government invited consultation to propose changes to amendments of the Decree Law of 1996 concerning the education of students with Special Education Needs (SEN) which will likely see private schools being required to accept these students in the future. Within the context of teacher preparedness for inclusive education, the study found that a number of teachers felt that they were not at all prepared to teach students with SEN. Whilst some teachers suggested that they lacked skills and knowledge in teaching in inclusive classrooms, some felt overwhelmed with the challenges. The teachers proposed that they would need to know how to provide instructional adaptations and modifications to support students with SEN. Implications for continuous development of teacher training and education are discussed within the context of improving teacher efficacy and how private school teachers could better respond to the challenges of inclusive education in Macao.  相似文献   

Taking as reference the proposals of the European Higher Education Area, the aim of this study is to identify the competencies which a wide sample of teachers in Spanish primary schools (6–12 age group) consider to be important for their professional performance and which they use in their everyday teaching, and to what extent their university training prepared them for their practising professional development. To do this, an ad hoc instrument was devised and applied to experienced practising teachers and to teacher trainees who were on teacher training placements during the last semester of their course. The results of the study show that initial teacher training should deal in depth with the competencies related to the organisation and management of teaching–learning, the use of new technologies in the primary classroom, the involvement of the families, education in values, social skills and skills for working in professional groups. Finally, proposals are made for training based on the articulation between theory and practice, to allow the professional competencies mentioned to be developed and used in practice, as well as encouraging close collaboration between teacher trainers and experienced practising teachers.  相似文献   

尊重多元化、开放性、反对中心性、重视实践和人性化等方面是后现代思想的核心特征.从后现代思想的基本特征出发对教师教育实践进行审视,教师教育中存在的目标单一化、内容僵硬化、师生关系不平等以及培养模式封闭化等问题逐渐显现.促进教师教育培养目标的多元化、构建平等的教师教育师生关系、倡导教师教育课程知识的生成以及注重教师教育培养模式的开放四个方面是改进现实问题的可行之路.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(1):183-184
Abstract. Much of the focus in the distance education (DE) literature centers around the learner and learning, almost to the exclusion of the teacher and teaching. Consequently, instructors of DE courses have been left suspended in virtual space. This article focuses on the teachers' position in the DE course content, especially with respect to the type of training they receive. An example of an alternate mode of teacher preparation is presented and suggestions for improvement in DE teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

高校教师的教学、科研水平影响着高等教育的质量,而通过培训则能够提高教师的教学、科研水平。文章以美国几所高校为例,分析了美国高校教师的职前培训、教师培训内容以及培训的保障措施,并提出了美国高校教师培训对我们的启示。  相似文献   

实验与实训教学是高师培养师范生实践能力的重要途径,而实验与实训室是实验与实训教学的载体和组织形式,对其进行科学建设和管理意义重大。在分析教师教育实验与实训室建设现状和存在问题的基础上,结合南京晓庄学院"教师教育实验与实训教学示范中心"的建设,对如何更好地构建教师教育实验与实训中心进行了探讨。  相似文献   

多元文化视野中的教师教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代民族国家文化多样性的社会特征,使学校中的教师不可避免地面临着多元文化的教学情境,教师需要具备多元文化的相关知识,能够处理多元文化情境中出现的教育教学问题。多元文化教师,成为现代民族国家教师教育的理想。但是,我国少数民族师资培养中,忽视了多元文化教育理念培养,缺乏跨文化教育教学能力的专业训练。本文从多元文化视角出发,对多元文化教师所应具备的素养及其教育的方法与策略进行思考,以期对我国民族地区跨文化师资的形成提供有益的启迪。  相似文献   

教师素质的好坏直接影响教育质量的高低,教师教育担负着提高教师素质的重任,可见教师教育改革是教育改革的关键。在20世纪80年代以来的西方新一轮教育改革中,许多国家都将教师培养和培训的改革作为重点。美国的专业发展学校和英国的校本教师培训就是这种改革的产物,它们所反映的面向中小学实际需要的教师教育观,在一定程度上代表了未来教师教育的发展方向。因此,考察英美教师教育改革的经验,能为我国当前的教师教育改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a baseline study of pedagogic practices used by Myanmar primary teachers in the teaching of mathematics and Myanmar language at Grades 3 and 5. The main purpose of the baseline study was to inform the design of teacher education programmes and allow for subsequent evaluations of interventions designed to improve the quality of primary education. It found that the majority of observed lessons (n = 728) used a transmission model of teaching in which the teacher often used a chalkboard and/or textbook to transmit recipe knowledge for recall and there was little variation across the teaching of mathematics and Myanmar language at Grades 3 and 5. Drawing on evidence from the baseline, the paper explores the training needs of primary teachers in Myanmar in the light of proposed reforms to teacher education at the pre- and in-service stages.  相似文献   

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