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This paper reports on a study that investigated the range of institutional support needs of international students at one Australian university with a view to increasing understanding of their needs and the ways in which support was provided. The study involved a number of data collection methods including focus groups, key informant interviews and a larger scale survey, undertaken in an inductive and sequential process. The results indicated that the levels of awareness about services differed, that lack of knowledge of how to access a service and finding information about it were key reasons for non-use, and that the helpfulness of staff impacted on the perception of services as useful. The paper concludes by recommending a reconsideration of current practices to move towards a model of student support service provision in which the student is at the centre.  相似文献   

Mothers who use substances need integrated, multi-sectoral intervention services to support substance use discontinuation. We explored mothers’ service use at Breaking the Cycle, an early intervention and prevention program for pregnant and parenting women and their young children in Toronto, Canada. We conducted retrospective analyses of families’ service records and client charts (N = 160). Aims were to 1) describe women’s use of service, 2) examine how early engagement of pregnant women related to postnatal service use, and 3) examine the circumstances in which women ended their service relationship with Breaking the Cycle. Specifically, we examined circumstances at service ending relating to women’s service goals; custody status with children; and global substance-use, parent-child relationship, and child development outcomes. We found that these vulnerable women were actively engaged in many services and for a long duration, early engagement was associated with greater service use, and greater service use was associated with more positive circumstances upon ending service. Results provide support for a relational approach to service that promotes not only the relationship between mother and child, and mother and service provider, but also highlights relationships among staff, between staff and management, and between community partners as integral to effective service delivery. Integrating positive relationships at all levels is critical to support vulnerable families with complex needs.  相似文献   

高校图书馆延伸社区服务的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校图书馆应充分利用信息资源、人才、技术的优势,借鉴国内外成功经验,通过建立高校与社区长效合作的机制,构建社区数字图书馆服务网络,开展多种形式的社区服务活动,发挥高校图书馆的社会服务功能.  相似文献   

Traditionally, education in Scotland has been viewed as a national service that is locally administered. This research casts new light on that relationship between the Scottish Executive and local authorities by drawing on evidence from an evaluation of the implementation of the additional support staff element of the Teachers’ Agreement which determined not only teachers’ pay structure but also established the professional conditions under which they would work. The paper identifies how local authorities and schools spent the grant aid on staff and equipment, how many additional support staff were appointed, and what impact they were reported to be having on teaching and learning. Information was gathered from a postal survey of all 32 Scottish local authorities and a random sample of 267 schools, and also from interviews held in six case study schools. The findings show that: all the grant aid could not be accounted for, the target number of support staff was not achieved, and their deployment and impact varied across local authorities and schools. By way of conclusion it poses the question: ‘Was the money well spent?’  相似文献   

课程建设和学习支持服务是远程教育和开放大学的两大支柱,课程开发和资源建设是由课程组完成的,学习支持服务尤其是学术支持服务则由以辅导教师为主的教学服务团队来完成。这两个团队的相对独立,导致了远程教育教学中存在着课程设计不合理、教学反馈和课程改进周期长等问题。由大教研室、中心教研组和课程组发展而来的课程教学团队,能够有效地解决以上问题。构建由首席主持、核心小组成员(含专职科研人员)、骨干成员和一般成员组成远程教育课程教学团队需要建立团队运行的动力机制、合作机制和管理机制,将为开放大学的教学队伍建设提供有益的经验。  相似文献   

赵丽 《运城学院学报》2011,29(3):110-112
高校图书馆面向专业的知识服务对促进高校科研创新、服务地方经济社会发展具有重要意义。面向专业的知识服务是在专业信息服务的基础上引入了信息服务人员的智慧运用,高校图书馆要以知识服务理念为先导,建设专业知识资源保障体系,培养高素质馆员,构建面向专业的知识服务平台。  相似文献   

广播电视大学战略转型为开放大学,不应是学校名称简单的改变,而应是办学机制、教学管理服务模式、办学质量的转型。目前,广播电视大学的学籍档案管理队伍、管理系统、支持服务等方面还不适应开放大学建设。应加强学籍档案管理人员队伍建设,全面提升学籍档案管理与服务水平,才能促进开放大学的办学水平和人才培养质量的提高。  相似文献   

Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was enacted in 2009, student veteran populations have nearly doubled while services that support their transition to higher education have dramatically increased. Despite a surge in resources, however, institutions are deficient in training faculty and staff about veterans’ issues, consequently leaving student veterans susceptible to inaccurate perceptions about their service and wellbeing. In an effort to provide an inclusive environment for service members, this article discusses findings from two focus groups and 14 interviews with student veterans. Recommendations for training faculty and staff and enhancing the visibility of veterans’ issues through Veteran Ally training and student veteran discussion panels are discussed.  相似文献   

The nature of counselling and advisory services which the Open University offers its students and applicants is dictated by the fact that its students are learning at a distance, are adults, and are not engaged in full-time study. In addition, a policy of open entry means that while some students come from a background of higher education, others have few or no previous qualifications. These factors require the University to try to provide an individual service to its applicants and students whenever possible. In pursuit of this aim students are allocated to Tutor-Counsellors, part-time staff who are locally based and who have a continuing responsibility for the progress of individual students from their initial registration until graduation. These Tutor-Counsellors play a considerable part in determining the extent, nature, and timing of the resources with which the university can support an individual student. Tuition for higher level specialist courses is normally provided by tutors at a greater distance, with the Tutor-Counsellors continuing to provide local generalist support. The Open University has set up a regional infra-structure of full-time academic and administrative staff for the support, briefing, supervision, and organization of this local network of part-time staff.  相似文献   

Respite is one of the critical support systems for families and carers who support and care for a person with a life‐long disability. This study examined the profile of respite services in the Australian state of New South Wales and explored respite providers’ views of the factors influencing respite use, and their expectations of respite services, including delivery. Data were analysed from a 107‐item survey completed by 90 respite service providers who were members of the peak respite service association in New South Wales. A comprehensive profile of respite service providers is presented. A variety of respite services was provided to persons with different disability types in all age ranges and across geographical regions. The views of respite providers on factors influencing respite use and expectations of respite appear consistent with the research evidence on factors influencing some carers. There is a strong argument for respite service funding to be flexible, responsive to the needs of carers and to be consumer‐driven. Appropriate staff training remains an important issue. The findings suggest that many respite providers have significant experience in running a respite service. There is scope for respite providers to consider support for carers. The development of a tool to determine predictors of respite use and non‐use may be beneficial for resource allocation and planning.  相似文献   

面向学习者,是开放大学的数字化学习环境建设的必然要求。基层电大要成功实现向开放大学的转型,就必须转变办学和管理模式,遵循学习型城市建设思路,充分运用现代信息技术手段,发展数字化学习支持服务体系,建设面向学习者的开放式学习环境,为当地的求学者提供资源丰富、服务统一、成本低廉的学习支持服务,为本地全民学习、终身学习提供支持服务。  相似文献   

The At Risk Parent Child Program is a multidisciplinary network agency designed for the secondary prevention of poor parenting and the extremes of child abuse and neglect. This model system of service delivery emphasizes (1) the coordination of existing community resources to access a target population of families at risk of parenting problems, (2) the provision of multiple special services in a neutral location (ambulatory pediatric clinic), and (3) the importance of intensive individual contact with a clinical professional who serves as primary therapist, social advocate and service coordinator for client families. Identification and assessment of families is best done during prenatal and perinatal periods. Both formal and informal procedures for screening for risk factors are described, and a simple set of at risk criteria for use by hospital nursing staff is provided. Preventive intervention strategies include special medical, psychological, social and developmental services, offered in an inpatient; outpatient, or in-home setting. Matching family needs to modality and setting of treatment is a major program concern. All direct services to at risk families are supplied by professionals employed within existing local agencies (hospital, public health department, state guidance center, and medical school pediatric clinic). Multiple agency involvement allows a broad-based screening capacity which allows thousands of families routine access to program services. The administrative center of the network stands as an independent, community-funded core which coordinates and monitors direct clinical services, and provides local political advocacy for families at risk of parenting problems.  相似文献   

从广播电视大学到开放大学的转变,不是学校名称简单的翻牌,而应是办学体制机制、教学管理服务模式、办学质量、办学水平的飞跃与转型。当前,电大学籍管理在队伍、管理系统、支持服务等方面还不适应开放大学建设。为了在学习管理方面做好电大向开放大学的飞跃与转型,应当进一步加强学籍管理人员队伍建设,积极推进云技术的应用,革新学籍管理系统,全面提升学籍管理与服务水平。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate a system of training designed by a Local Education Authority support service to promote interactive skill building with children on the autism spectrum. Using a case study approach, the study focused thematically upon outcomes for children, perceptions of schools regarding impact of the training programme and key features of the system of delivering training. Five schools (four primary mainstream and on primary special) which had completed training during a one‐year period participated in the research. Data was gathered using multi‐methods including questionnaires, semi‐structured interviews and document scrutiny. Findings indicate a number of positive outcomes for children, including enhanced communication skills and the development of friendships with peers. The model of training was perceived to be effective by all participants, with a focus upon increased staff confidence in order to become trainer of other members of staff. The training model comprises a number of features essential to effectiveness, including the development of partnerships between all stakeholders. The model of training is seen as a system through which continuation of interaction techniques in schools is promoted, initially with input from a local authority specialist, and with the aims of independent continuation of the programme and practices. This case study reflects the ability of support services to identify innovative ways of providing services, underpinned by the notion of promoting inclusive practices: this holistic package of support could serve as a model for other types of interventions with children with a range of needs. Conclusions indicate that involvement of children as active participants at the inception of the programme should be considered: further research ought also to include the voices of children in order to seek insights into the perceptions of the programme.  相似文献   

广东公益性职业介绍服务的现状与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
摘公共职业介绍机构承担公共就业服务职能,是职业介绍机构的主体,其特征是非营利性。到公共职业介绍机构登记求职的人员大多数是下岗、失业人员和农村转移劳动力。公共职业介绍机构目前存在着人员不足、经费不够以及就业介绍成功率偏低等问题。解决的办法主要有加大对职业介绍机构的投入,加快劳动力市场信息网络建设。另外,在体制上,公共职业介绍机构的服务方式应该逐渐向“一站式”转化。营利性职业介绍机构与公共职业介绍机构之间的竞争,可以有效地促进杜会弱势群体就业。  相似文献   

高校图书馆总服务台员工优质规范服务语言是优质信息服务的重要前提,图书馆员工的语言直接影响着师生借阅行为。高校图书馆员工只有将优美的语言融合到服务全过程中,才能为学校教学和科研提供高质量的文献信息服务。  相似文献   

This paper reports initial findings of a research project in Queensland, Australia that did not adopt recommended practices from listings established in other countries for early childhood intervention services. Instead, a contextual and participatory process served to determine a relevant listing of program quality indicators for a large, early intervention service conducted by the state Department of Education (Stage 1). Thirty-one indicators of program quality were identified for this particular service. To validate these indicators and to gather additional information about their implementation, a statewide survey was conducted (Stage 2). For each of the 31 indicators, parents and staff from within this service were asked to (a) indicate their level of acceptance, (b) report on current use, and (c) comment on barriers to implementation. Results provide strong support for the indicator listing and reveal high level of indicator acceptance accompanied by a lower level of indicator implementation. Lack of time and lack of staff were identified as the primary barriers to implementation across all indicators. The validated indicator listing for Early Special Education (Qld) services is provided.  相似文献   

To optimise school-based service delivery for students with disabilities, it is important to understand roles and needs of school staff. This study aimed to clarify ideal and actual roles of school staff (teachers, special educators, administrators) working with students with special needs, and to identify potential strategies to support actual roles. Ninety-five school personnel (64% teachers) from 3 different elementary schools and school boards in Quebec completed a 14-question survey. Open-ended responses were coded and analysed thematically. Common actual roles included task adaptation, offering individualized support, being available and teamwork. Respondents felt roles could improve through in-context professional support, continuing education, teamwork opportunities extending to partnerships with families and access to resources. Clarifying roles and expectations within a tiered-model to best support students also emerged, emphasizing the importance of sharing responsibilities across all service providers. Findings can guide implementation strategies and processes for providing effective services, enabling inclusion for students.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a policy driven and multi-agent based model to enhance the fault tolerance and recovery capabilities of Web services in distributed environment. The evaluation function of fault specifications and the corresponding handling mechanisms of the services are both defined in policies, which are expressed in XML. During the implementation of the services, the occurrences of faults are monitored by the service monitor agent through the local knowledge on the faults. Such local knowledge is dynamically generated by the service policy agent through querying and parsing the service policies from the service policies repository. When the fault occurs, the service process agent will focus on the process of fault handling and service recovery, which will be directed with the actions defined in the policies upon the specific conditions. Such a policy driven and multi-agent based fault handling approach can address the issues of flexibility, automation and availability.  相似文献   

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