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该文对河北省2013级民族预科生英语听说课堂"隐性逃课"现象进行了问卷调研,并对调查结果进行了SPSS分析,通过此项调查掌握了民族预科生英语听说课堂上学习情况的第一手资料,了解了民族预科生英语听说课堂"隐性逃课"现象的表现、原因和学生对"隐性逃课"现象的看法,为教师的教学和管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

汤伟娜 《考试周刊》2013,(39):169-170
信息化时代,与"显性逃课"相对应的"隐性逃课"逐渐成为国内教学工作者关注的焦点。所谓隐性逃课是指在教学过程中,由于各方面原因引起的学生在课堂上表现出的聊天、看小说、打游戏、睡觉等与课程无关的行为。是什么导致了隐性逃课呢?为了解决这一问题,需要明晰导致大学生隐性逃课的动因。本文就国内学者对大学生隐性逃课的动因进行了归纳与总结,发现隐性逃课受到五个方面因素的影响,包括学生个体因素、教师因素、社会因素、家庭因素和制度因素,以期为改善学生隐性逃课现象提供参考。  相似文献   

"隐性逃课"是指学生在课堂上"逃课",即学生"身在曹营心在汉"的现象。隐性逃课虽然不违反校规、校纪,但却比"显性逃课"更加普遍,其危害远比显性逃课来得隐蔽和严重。本文采用问卷调查法以山西师范大学249名学生为研究对象,探讨隐性逃课行为与班级团体动力的关系。结果表明:理性逃课行为、娱乐逃课行为与班级心理氛围相关显著;随着年级的上升,隐性逃课行为增多,班级氛围降低。  相似文献   

该文对河北省2013级民族预科生英语听说课堂“隐性逃课”现象进行了问卷调研,并对调查结果进行了SPSS分析,通过此项调查掌握了民族预科生英语听说课堂上学习情况的第一手资料,了解了民族预科生英语听说课堂“隐性逃课”现象的表现、原因和学生对“隐性逃课”现象的看法,为教师的教学和管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

许幼青 《文教资料》2014,(32):190-192
隐性逃课是指学生在课堂上"人在心不在"的消极听课行为,隐性逃课所造成的后果长期以来都被低估甚至忽视。本文对隐性逃课的危害进行了较为深入的分析,从学生、教师和学校三个层面提出了相应的解决策略,从而在本质上消除学生隐性逃课心理,使其积极主动地参与课堂,以保证课堂教学和管理有效展开,强化课堂教学效果,增强学生的英语能力。  相似文献   

大学生"隐性逃课"现象成因分析及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,大学课堂教学中的"隐性逃课"现象普遍存在,它的存在大大降低了课堂教学的效果.本文试图从个体和制度两个层面来探究这种现象发生的原因,并寻找减少学生"隐性逃课"的办法.  相似文献   

高职学生隐性逃课现象较为普遍,已成为教学管理的难点。以10名隐性逃课的高职学生作为研究对象,运用现象学方法,通过观察和深入访谈的方式对其逃课的主观体验和经历进行了调查研究。研究总结出高职学生隐性逃课体验的五个主题,涉及课堂学习和课堂环境两个方面。在课堂学习上,隐性逃课的学生面临着学习无力感和学习意义危机以及缺乏学习兴趣;在课堂环境方面,他们承受着排斥和隔离以及严格的身体规训。基于此,提出改革高职课堂教学与管理的策略:引导隐性逃课学生从经验中学习,探寻学习意义;改变教学管理模式,提升学习支持服务能力;搭建学习场景,提升学生的学习技能。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、归纳法对中国期刊网近十年来以"隐性逃课"为关键词所搜索到的五十余篇相关文献进行了分类综述,指出了"隐性逃课"研究的必要性,分析了"隐性逃课"的研究现状和研究方法等,并对"隐性逃课"研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

大学生逃课几乎成为各高校的普遍现象,更是高校教学管理工作中的一个难点问题。通过大学生逃课现象分析发现,大学生逃课主要表现为显性逃课和隐性逃课两种形式,而且呈现出逃课"有偿化"、公开化、选课性以及年级递增性四个特点。与此同时,从"主动逃课"、"被动逃课"和"选择逃课"三个逃课群体出发分析了大学生逃课原因。进一步就如何让大学生远离逃课,回归课堂,提出了几点应对措施。  相似文献   

"隐性逃课"在大学课堂已成为一种普遍现象,究其原因很多,但授课教师对此有着不可推卸的责任,要减少此现象的发生,需从提高授课教师的教学水平、增强责任感和提升其人格魅力着手。  相似文献   

大学课堂有效教学的影响因素及提高策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对245名在校大学生的调查研究表明,大学生对课堂教学的有效性评价较低,逃课现象较为普遍。学生的学习基础、学科类别、教师因素、学生的显性和隐性逃课行为、课程类型及是否专业课,都能够影响高校课堂教学的有效性;可以从学生和教师两个方面采取相应的办法来提高大学课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

Little is known about the association of classroom characteristics with adolescent truancy. A critical question is whether high achievement standards, high workload, and fast pace protect against or increase adolescent truancy. In this study, self-reports from 3491 Swiss grade 7, grade 8 and grade 9 students in 202 classes were used to predict truancy. Multilevel modeling was used to differentiate between the student and the class levels. High achievement standards were associated with a lower truancy rate at both the student and the class level, whereas fast instructional pace was associated with more truancy at both levels. A perception of the workload as being too low was an additional predictor of high truancy at both the student and the class level.  相似文献   

随着我国高等职业教育的迅猛发展和生源扩招,加之高职院校管理现状,学生逃课现象愈演愈烈。根据高职学生基本特点,找出导致逃课现象严重的主客观两方面原因:一是基于社会环境、学校管理、教师教学与人际环境的客观原因,二是基于责任感缺失、控制力不足、兴趣度低效与习惯性未养成的主观原因。并以思想引导、有效管理和及时助困等三个维度为基点提出防止逃课现象的策略。  相似文献   

地方高校大学生逃课现象很普遍,逃课有显性逃课和隐性逃课,学生对逃课的态度漠然.选课的原因有学校培养目标和课程结构的不合理,教师素质、教学方法与教学内容与本科层次的要求不适应和学校教学管理模式陈旧三方面的原因.明确培养目标,构建与培养目标相应的课程体系,切实提高教师的专业素质,进行教学管理的改革是减少甚至消除学生逃课的重要措施.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a school‐based truancy court intervention in four middle schools in a mid‐sized school district was evaluated. Cumulative data from 185 youth attending a truancy court from 2004 through 2008 were included in the analyses. Results indicated a differential impact of the truancy court intervention depending on truancy severity at baseline. The intervention was most successful in increasing attendance for students with severe truancy, but had limited impact on students with moderate truancy, and no impact on mild truancy. The intervention did not result in improved school attachment or grade point averages, nor did it significantly reduce discipline offenses. Furthermore, the aftercare intervention, consisting of regular meetings with an authority figure (e.g., a juvenile officer), was only effective at maintaining truancy court attendance gains for students with severe truancy at baseline, although it was associated with a substantial decrease in discipline offenses for all groups. These results suggest that truancy courts similar to the one described here may have an impact on truancy for severely truant students, but may have a limited effect on students with mild or moderate truancy. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

时下高校思想政治理论课教学法以"传统讲授""网络+课堂""大班授课,小班讨论"三大模式最为典型,此三者虽各具特色,但其仍不可避免地存在着一些痛点问题,致使思想政治理论课旷课问题严重,课堂参与度不高,实时控制大课堂教学管理难。鉴于此,在新时代里必须不断增强高校思想政治理论课思想性、理论性和亲和力、针对性,必须始终不渝地坚持党总揽全局、协调各方的关键领导以实现高校思想政治理论课教学法路径优化。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to explore non-truanting youngsters’ perceptions of truants and truancy. In-depth qualitative interviews (N: 8) are used to explore inductively the perceptions of truancy among non-truanting pupils in secondary education in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). We use survey analysis (N: 3314) to assess the prevalence of different attitudes towards truancy and their mutual relationships, the prevalence of truants at school, individual risk factors for truancy, and school context variables. The results reveal two attitudes toward truancy: (1) disapproval of truancy and (2) the appeal of truancy. Factors that increased disapproval of truancy included attachment to school, attachment to parents, belief in school rules and cultural capital. Finding truancy attractive was associated with a lack of attachment to school and the presence of truants in the peer group. In the conclusion we elaborate on the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Not completing upper secondary education is often presignaled by truancy from school. Student-perceived social support from family, peers, and teachers can prevent truancy and the risk of not completing education. However, prior studies have not focused on the stability of social support across school transitions. This longitudinal study of 1901 Finnish students examined the extent to which social support was stable or specific to primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary schools. Moreover, we examined whether support was associated with not completing upper secondary education in normative time and whether truancy mediated the relationship between support and not completing education. The analyses showed that most variance in social support was context-specific; family and peer support was related to truancy and not completing education; and truancy acted as the mediator. The findings underscored the importance of stable social support over school transitions in reducing the likelihood of truancy and not completing education.  相似文献   

Truancy is known to: Hamper academic achievement, predict a range of school-related problems and cause early school leaving. Hence, the development and implementation of measures to tackle truancy are considered as important strategies to prevent early school leaving in Europe. Despite this, there is almost no comparative research which studies variation in truancy rates. This article relies on PISA 2012 data from 24 European countries to empirically answer two questions: (1) To what degree do truancy rates vary cross-nationally? and (2) Do these differences in truancy rates relate to characteristics of the educational system? We found that between-country truancy rates varied more than differences in early school leaving. Moreover, even after taking into account control variables such as economic development and youth unemployment rates, the ways in which educational systems select and group pupils are closely related to truancy rates.  相似文献   

Three procedures to modify excessive absenteeism were implemented by an elementary school principal and assessed with an across-subjects multiple baseline design. In one condition, the principal praised the child in the classroom for attending school. In a second and third condition, parents were contacted by telephone and either praised for their child's attendance or given disapproval for absences and prompts for future attendance. Results indicated that classroom intervention with the child produced a transitory increase in attendance. However, intervention with parents, both approval for attendance and disapproval for absences, produced sustained increases in attendance and parent-initiated contacts with the school. The data suggest that intervention with parents of elementary school children is more effective and efficient than direct intervention with the child in the modification of excessive school absences. School-based intervention strategies for early reduction of absenteeism may be important in the prevention of chronic truancy and of the necessity for extensive remediation.  相似文献   

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