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当我们自己找不到创意人和创意机构的未来时,我们也许要放下自己的身段、忘记自己的头衔和职位,向那些不是创意行业的人去请教,去探讨,也许我们才能真正找到答案。这世界,有一些人,天天在帮人解决他自己无法解决的问题,但是就是没有办法解决自己同样的问题。比如理发师,他能给世界上所有不能给自己理发的人理发,就是没有办法自己为自己理发。手术医生也是,天天给别人开刀,却无法为自己开刀。前者是不能,无法将自己从自己中拔出来。后者是除了不能,还不敢。  相似文献   

于冠深 《青年记者》2009,(20):84-84
回首当年我出发采访时吃饭的吃法,从上世纪60年代末到上世纪末,大体说来,经历了这样几个阶段:自己花钱自己买饭自己吃;自己花钱别人买饭自己吃;花少钱饭菜好自己吃;不花钱饭菜好有陪客。  相似文献   

信息时代高校图书馆的作用和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在信息时代的今天,高校图书馆必须重新审视自己,认清自己,发展自己,要与时俱进.本文立足于高校图书馆,认真分析了当前高校图书馆在高校的作用,同时,根据信息时代要求提出了对今后高校图书馆发展要提升自己,馆员角色定位;宣传自己,完善自己;坚定服务读者的宗旨,创建人性化环境,体现"以人为本"理念的具体建议.  相似文献   

"人家整咱,咱没办法,咱可千万不要自己整自己!" 这句话是我自己发明的,名之曰"快乐语录",因为常念我这条语录,能给你带来快乐. 根据我的测算,一个人的烦恼,差不多百分之九十九来自自己,只有"飞来横祸"那百分之一不是你自己找的.俗话说"招灾惹祸",说的就是灾都是自己招的,祸都是自己惹的.  相似文献   

报纸要从其他媒体的打压中突破,关键是不要迷失自己,要扬长避短,走出自己的特色。不迷失不是固步自封,对新兴的传播手段,如手机报、网站、报纸可以办,但目的不是为了消灭自己,而是为了丰富自己。正如我们吃了牛羊肉只是为了增加营养而不是为了使自己长成牛羊。东施效颦不但会使我们自己失去自己的特长,而且找不到回家的路。在新闻过度娱乐的时代,当部分媒体过分媚俗,以自己价值观的迷失讨好受众时,报纸应该以自己的淳朴和宁静让读者暮然回首。一如大山深处的野菜,在污染的食品世界里愈加珍贵。新闻不能永远娱乐,一个民族  相似文献   

有很多种痛苦,是人自己找来的。喜欢和别人作比较,就是一种自己找来的痛苦:自己是自己,别人是别人,为什么要把自己和别人来做比较呢?本来是全然没有关系的两个个体,一比较,事情就多了起来,种种困扰、痛苦,也就应运而生。在比较的过程中,很多人都会发现,别人比自己生活得开心、快乐;也会发现,别人事业顺境、爱情称心,而自己仿佛什么也没有。在比较的过程中,愤懑之心油然而生——自己的任何条件都不比他差,何以在现实中却处处不如别人?  相似文献   

这是一部鼓励身处逆境的人们,挑战极限,自己战胜自己的书,虽然距今已有140多年的历史,但书中睿智的哲思至今仍掩不住它逼人的光芒.这本书的名字叫做<自己拯救自己>.  相似文献   

书法创新需要外来的刺激,但非邯郸学步的模仿。创新是探索我们自己深层的内心世界,说出我们自己独特的思想感情,塑造我们自己的面目,肯定我们自己,这是生命的事。  相似文献   

和谐、温暖生活的经典法则: 第一,为爱而生。爱自己,所有的爱都是从爱自己开始。慢慢地培育你的爱在心灵中生根发芽,让心中拥有一片爱的绿洲。人必先自爱而人爱之,不要对自己不屑一顾,每天给自己一个希望,给自己一个目标,给自己一点儿信心。爱他人,欣赏别人的好,就会提升自己的好;赞扬别人的好,就会强化对方与自己好。奉献就是爱,爱能让我们拥有财富,把内心鼓励、赞美、欣赏、关切的话语送给身边的每一个人。  相似文献   

气功大师一早起来就有点坐卧不宁。他知道,是自己的寿限到了。但气功大师不知道自己有怎样一个死法。这样也好,他想。同时决定把生命的这最后一天留给自己,不见任何人。气功大师把自己关在一间屋子里。他要对自己的一生作一番必要的梳理。梳理的结果,大师对自己的一生基本满意,无甚遗憾。  相似文献   

Design educators see the need for responsible designers but often disagree over how these individuals should behave or how they might encourage their students to become ethically aware practitioners. With this dichotomy in mind, this essay examines professional moral responsibility from the standpoint of immunity claims. Specifically, it shows how designers attempt to minimize their moral culpability by using pardons arising from role morality or collective responsibility. The essay also shows the effect these claims have on the environment where design students regularly work. The discussion gives design educators new starting points to consider for more nuanced departmental, curricular, and classroom responses to develop and graduate responsible designers.  相似文献   

李佳 《大观周刊》2012,(24):177-178
随着高职教育的蓬勃发展,在校大学生人数的不断增加,不可避免地带来一系列的问题。高职院校学生学习积极性不高,不太服从学校管理,加上现行高职院校学生安全管理理念和手段的落后日益凸显,学校与学生之间的各种安全纠纷不断出现,给我国高职院校学生安全管理面临着极大的挑战。就高职院校而言,作为高等教育活动的主导者,更有义务和责任确保学校学生的安全,为广大青年学生提供一个安全、健康、和谐的学习和生活环境。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):147-159
Students benefit from a collaborative learning situation by taking greater responsibility for their education, broadening their perspectives, and improving their skills in academic and social interactions. Libraries bring together students from all disciplines and are a natural center for interaction. Librarians who employ collaborative learning techniques in their bibliographic instruction sessions may benefit from a better understanding of current research and theoretical discussions, much of which is taking place in composition studies. Collaborative learning and a social constructionist theory of knowledge should prompt us to reexamine our teaching methods as well as out associations with other faculty.  相似文献   


In the mid-1980s, education and social science librarians began to gather information about libraries' management of test collections. This article looks at the circulation loan patterns represented in past research and compares it to results of a survey conducted by the authors. The survey also determined whether libraries are modifying their policies to provide broader access to psycho-educational test kits for distance education students. Circulation loan patterns reported in past studies are compared with current survey results to determine whether libraries modify their policies to improve access to psycho-educational test kits for online and distance education students. The survey looks at ownership and responsibility of test kits, authorizing access and in-house and unrestricted circulation policies.  相似文献   

Secondary teachers have the opportunity and the curriculum mandates to teach information literacy skills, yet students enter post-secondary studies with low information literacy proficiency. In many cases, teachers present the only opportunity for students to develop information literacy proficiency. With semi-structured interviews, this study explored eight secondary teachers' perceptions of information literacy and their experiences with IL as educational professionals. Confusion around the phrase information literacy was a dominant theme as participants were unfamiliar with the term and were inconsistent in defining the scope of what it might mean. Although there are references to information literacy skills in the core curriculum and support documents, participants varied in their instruction and understanding of this skill set. Participants unanimously agreed that information literacy skills, as explained using the Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education (ACRL, 2000), were important for their students. However, the extent of IL skills required varied by student. Pursuing post-secondary studies warranted advanced IL, and these students were more likely to be taught higher-level skills. IL skill development was also assumed to be the responsibility of the student, and passive acquisition was anticipated. Assumptions regarding student need and ability informed instruction. These results suggest that the current curricular mandates are insufficient to ensure IL is incorporated into instruction and that teachers are ill-prepared to instruct IL effectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the separate and combined effects of emotion-laded exemplars and responsibility frames on readers' perceptions and evaluations. Two hundred and sixty-nine students participated in an experiment involving a news story that dealt with the social issue of homelessness in South Korea. Six versions of a news story differed in emotion-laden exemplars with textual information (anger-evoking, sympathy-evoking) and responsibility news frames (attribution of responsibility to society, attribution of responsibility to individual, and no frame). This study found that, compared to the responsibility frames, emotion-laden exemplars significantly affected readers' moral evaluations toward the target individuals and their perceptions of the social issue's severity. The results also indicated that the anger-evoking exemplars influenced readers to attribute responsibility of a problem more to the target individuals than the societal system. In contrast, the sympathy-evoking exemplars prompted greater attribution to the societal system than the target individuals. The likelihood of a reader supporting related governmental aid policy was influenced by both emotional exemplars and responsibility news frames. Implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

曾于芳 《大观周刊》2011,(43):131-132
联合国教科文组织在很早前就提出了学会学习,终身学习的概念。这就要求我们的教育模式不能再是一味的老师灌输,学生被动学习,而是要求以学生为中心为主体,让学生承担学习的责任,并且是高效学习。本文根据目前大学公共外语教学现状和教学趋势结合本人长期教学实践,提出了培养学生自主学习能力的几种切实可行的做法:根据学生个体情况激发他们的学习动机,帮助学生培养自主学习的元认知策略以及在学习过程中的认知策略,在日常教学过程中有意识培养学生养成自主学习的习惯,借助现代的教学资源和设备,改进教学模式等。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以内蒙古赤峰市图书馆为例,探讨在当前社会环境下公共图书馆社会服务能力的建设与实践问题,以期为我国公共图书馆如何更有效地承担起自己的社会责任提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程]结合内蒙古赤峰市图书馆社会服务能力建设的实践过程,总结图书馆社会服务能力建设的共性问题及解决办法。[结果/结论]提出在当前社会环境下,公共图书馆社会服务能力建设应首先将社会责任融入到图书馆的战略规划中,并在制度上给予充分的保障,将其转化为图书馆价值观和理念的一部分,通过与社会力量的广泛合作来开辟新的模式,但要注意量力而为,择优突破。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(67-68):299-311

It is the responsibility of any institution offering distance education programs to provide library resources and services for its students. In contrast to traditional students who can find the library on a campus map and go there, distance learners need orientation in order to “find their way” to their library. Librarians must be proactive in their efforts to make the library visible and accessible to these students. Library resources and services must be made available in ways compatible with the needs of students in these programs. The processes of designing, marketing, providing and evaluating appropriate library services demand continuous outreach to the distance education community.  相似文献   

Using critical thinking as a basis for library user education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article focuses on the critical examination of information in rewriting an undergraduate course of bibliographic instruction. By learning to ask questions, by learning from each other, by thinking critically and by taking responsibility for their own learning, students become effective and confident information users.  相似文献   

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