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谢影倩 《成才之路》2022,(9):99-101
学前教育是由家长及教师利用各种方法、实物,有系统、有计划而且科学地对幼儿的大脑进行刺激,使大脑各部位功能逐渐完善而进行的教育.它属于教育学中一项非常重要的内容,是教育学发展过程中所形成的一个流派,其研究和教育的对象是幼儿.随着时代的发展,幼儿教育越来越受到重视,学前教育的理论性指导也显得格外重要.文章结合教学实践,对学...  相似文献   

The present paper summarizes international and national research findings on the general and differential effectiveness of pedagogical work in early childhood education and care settings, evaluations of pilot projects on compensatory preschool education as well programs to support individual learning abilities. Based on these findings, the following conclusions are drawn: First, attending early childhood education and care settings at an early age (after the age of three) has a positive influence on the development of academic competences. Second, the effectiveness of these settings depends on the instructional quality, which could be considerably improved in Germany. Third, pilot projects on programs to support individual learning abilities could show that compensatory effects for disadvantaged groups of children exist, especially when they are interlinked with stimulating conditions in the family and at school. Fourth, effective training programs exist that can be implemented in early childhood education and care. However, a number of challenges need to be met before they can be successfully implemented.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来。美国学前儿童艺术教育在政府干预下迅速发展。美国学前儿童艺术教育在目标、内容、途径、评价等方面独具特色:儿童艺术教育以全体儿童的整体发展为目标,构建生活化、综合化的儿童艺术教育内容,打造幼儿园与社区联合的艺术教育生态圈,形成了日益完善的儿童艺术教育测评体系和宽容开放的多元文化艺术教育等。美国学前儿童...  相似文献   

高职高专学前教育专业的教师,既要求具备坚实的学科专业素养和较高的教育教学科研水平,还要具有丰富的幼教实践经验和操作能力。笔者从教师专业化发展的角度,分析了学前教育专业师资队伍的现状和特殊性要求,并以四川幼儿师范专科学校为例,提出了严把师资入口关,构建合理师资结构;建设数字化、信息化资源系统;打造研究中心;完善教师培训机制;深入幼教一线开展实践研究等措施,切实提升教师的教学科研能力及专业实践能力,为学前教育专业师资队伍建设提供了借鉴范例。  相似文献   

幼儿教育是基础的基础,近年来新疆尉犁县幼儿教育事业在得到较大发展的同时,也暴露出一些不容忽视的问题,地方政府有关部门应该高瞻远瞩,合理规划,健全幼儿教育管理机制,强化师资队伍建设,发展多元形式的幼儿教育,从而抓住机遇,大力发展西部民族地区农村学前教育水平。  相似文献   

As the American population continues to become more diverse there is a need to provide children in early education with factual information about all ethnic groups to decrease prejudice. First, teachers must examine their own beliefs prior to implementing a multicultural approach into the curriculum. Three questions are presented that will assist teachers in evaluating their views and behaviors toward ethnic groups. Informative resources are provided for teachers to educate themselves, parents, and students. Through children's literature, instructional materials, and Internet sources, teachers can promote more positive attitudes among students and educate children to be respectful and accept the individuality of others.  相似文献   

幼儿园教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基工程,学前教育的改革与发展需要幼儿教师具有全面而娴熟的专业技能;科学的幼儿教师专业技能培训策略对优化师资队伍,促进幼儿教师的专业化发展,保证幼儿教育质量提升具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Considerable change has taken place in Icelandic early childhood education during the past few decades. Preschool, from being geared primarily towards children with evident social needs, has become all but universal. The aim of this study was to shed light on Icelandic parents' views on their children's preschool education and to examine how their views harmonize with the nation's preschool policy. The participants in this study, 43 parents of five‐ and six‐year‐old children in three preschools in Reykjavík, participated in focus‐group interviews concerning the preschool curriculum. The results indicate that the parents' main expectation of the preschools was that they should support the children's social development; the way in which the preschool day was organized, and the content of the curriculum seemed to be less important to them. Parents wanted their children to have the opportunity not only to enjoy themselves as individuals, but to learn self‐reliance and respect for other people. Care‐giving and attentiveness of the staff were more important than the teaching of knowledge and skills. These views are compatible with the social pedagogical tradition, the Icelandic Preschool Act, and the National Curriculum Guidelines for Preschools.  相似文献   

在学前教育事业大发展的今天,农村学前教育一直是我国学前教育发展的重点和难点,而农村幼儿教师更是农村学前教育发展的关键所在.本文通过对鞍山市农村幼儿教师队伍建设情况的调查,发现存在以下主要问题:性别比例严重失衡,青年教师占绝大多数;编制、职称缺失,工资待遇低;师幼比失衡,教师工作负担重压力大;教师素质整体偏低,专业化程度令人担忧;教师专业发展意愿较强烈但参与培训进修的机会少.为破解农村幼儿教师队伍建设中存在的问题,应做到:依法保障农村幼儿教师的合法身份和权利,提高待遇;多渠道补充师资,构建合理的师幼比;重视教师职后培训,构建支持系统;增强发展意识,不断提高自身专业化水平.  相似文献   

Challenging student behaviors are a prominent factor in the development of teacher stress and burnout. When classroom-based teachers of preschool children with disabilities were surveyed to identify their training needs in one North Carolina county, the most frequent request was how to address behavior challenges of preschool children with disabilities. This study examined how instructional support to teachers of preschool children with disabilities and challenging behaviors affected three teachers’ classroom practices. The teachers received training and mentoring in classroom behavior management strategies and engaged in an online community of learners discussion group. Interviews and interactions from an online learning community were used to disclose whether the participants had implemented effective intervention strategies in their classrooms following the training. Teachers felt more competent in managing challenging behaviors after the online interaction with their colleagues. Teachers’ online interactions were a highly effective way to impact teacher efficacy. Therefore, special education preschool programs should consider providing more opportunities for the teachers to build their own learning communities to interact and support one another.  相似文献   

多媒体课件在学前教育中越来越受到重视,但并不是所有的教育活动都必须要使用课件。幼儿教师应以学前教育活动设计为依据,根据活动目标、活动内容及活动过程中的各个环节的具体需要来判断课件的应用情境,从而发挥多媒体课件促进幼儿发展及教师发展的双重作用。  相似文献   

在近代中国幼儿教育及幼儿师范教育发展史上,北平幼稚师范学校的创立发展及教育实验占有 重要地位,具有深远影响,它不仅培养了一批符合时代需要的新型幼教人才,而且探索出了一条适合中国国情 的幼教改革之路。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the possibilities of reframing multicultural teacher education in the context of critical cosmopolitanism. I examine the ways in which 34 pre-service and in-service teachers learn to teach diversity and multicultural issues in their curriculum. I use three sets of coursework materials, including course discussions, small group presentations, and midterm and final papers to investigate their conceptualisations of diversity and equity issues in education. I present two salient themes as they reframe to teach diversity by reviewing both local and global conflicts: (a) analysing the frame of recognition and (b) revisiting the notions of self-other and interrelationality. Butlerian theory of recognisability provides an important theoretical and pedagogical approach for exploring the conditions of recognition as liveable life, rather than focusing on what works best for increasing teachers’ cosmopolitan awareness. Teacher education programmes could benefit from critical cosmopolitanism when implementing a theoretical and pedagogical strategy for teaching diversity within a global context.  相似文献   

学前期混龄教育是近年来教育研究的热点之一。通过对1994-2011年近二十年的期刊文献进行内容的仔细梳理,从混龄教育的价值研究、课程与教学、环境创设、教师的学习与专业挑战及混龄教育的支持系统等方面进行综述。研究认为,混龄教育将会对农村学前教育的发展起到促进作用,未来混龄教育的课程体系将进一步完善。  相似文献   

高职高专院校学前教育专业教育技能培养初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国幼教师资培养日趋高教化,高职高专院校学前教育专业成为培养幼教师资的重要基地。在幼教师资学历提高的同时,也出现了幼教教育技能的下降,出现高学历低能力的问题。通过对高职高专院校学前教育专业教育技能培养的研究,我们对提高学前教育专业学生教育技能的方法策略进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

2019年1月,美国LPI发布了《幼儿教育有效性的实证性依据:对政策制定者的启示》,该报告分析了美国近期开展的21个幼儿教育项目及其评估报告,系统评价了不同幼儿教育项目的有效性。发现,高质量幼儿教育项目支持幼儿的有效性学习,其对幼儿参与者的影响具有持续性、多维性,并能带来一定的社会经济收益,但幼儿教育项目在实施过程中也存在研究对象不确定、其他因素对幼儿参与者的影响不明确等问题。借鉴LPI的研究成果,我国幼儿教育质量评价应从实际出发,改进幼儿教育质量评级政策,关注幼儿教育质量评级标准与工具的有效性,建立幼儿教育项目评价长效机制,不断提升我国幼儿教育质量评价的有效性。  相似文献   

近年来伴随着全纳教育的兴起,重视学前教育的呼声愈来愈高,对学前教育教师提出了更高的要求。学前教育教师的专业能力和专业方向亦得到蕈视,同时他们的专业化建设也得到加强。学前教育教师专业发展受社会环境、学校环境、家庭环境、自身经历等因素影响,通过师范教育、在职培训、同事互助与自我反思等途径可促使学前教育教师专业发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的提高,人们越来越重视作为“基础教育的基础”的幼儿教育,社会亟需一批高素质、高水平的幼儿教师。会弹奏钢琴是每一位高素质的幼儿教师必须具备的专业技能。针对郧阳师专“五年一贯制”学前教育专业的特点和数码钢琴集体课目前存在的问题,提出几点教学思考。  相似文献   

The Finnish social pedagogical curriculum for early childhood education directs early childhood teachers to use documentation to assess and develop pedagogy and practise. This empirical study examines the challenges and benefits a group of Finnish preschool teachers experienced when they learned to document their work. Although the idea of documenting appears fine in theory, and international experiences of constructing child-centered pedagogy through documents are promoted in the literature, accomplishing this task successfully is challenging in practise. In this study, as the features of documentation in early childhood education and care practise were considered critically, ideological discord was found within the national and local policy-making process, including problems with pedagogical leadership, which reduced the power of documentation in practise. However, the study also revealed that using documentation empowered the teachers as professionals, helped them communicate with parents and children, and guided them to focus on the children’s views.  相似文献   

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