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中西方美学分别产生于春秋战国与古希腊罗马时期。先秦美学强调人与人之间的协调性、艺术对情感的表现性及善与美的教化性;古希腊美学强调人与自然的和谐性、艺术对现实的再现性及真与美的功利性。中国的艺术哲学产生于魏晋时期,《文心雕龙》完成了中国古代美学体系的建构。西方直到文艺复兴时代随着人性复苏、艺术哲学的发展,康德与黑格尔的美学体系才得以诞生。中西方美学体系形成之展开方式虽有不同,但基本规律一致。  相似文献   

文章在分析效率和公平的经济学和伦理学双重意义的基础上 ,认为效率与公平的实现要发挥市场与政府的作用 ,但必须看到政府与市场作用的发挥受到限制 ,提出利用社会道德力量弥补市场与政府在调节效率与公平方面的不足  相似文献   

加强教学管理与研究提高教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了从加强对专职教师的培养与管理、加强对兼职教师的培养与管理、加强对教师职业道德的教育等三个方面加强师资队伍建设与管理,从源头上保证教学质量,提出了建立健全符合学校实际的教学质量保证与监控体系,阐述了大众化高等教育条件下科学的质量观,分析了教学质量保证与监控体系的构成和主要工作环节;并提出规范教学档案管理和加强教学与教学管理的研究.  相似文献   

通过对中外文学艺术作品中的怪诞现象的探源和浅析 ,认为怪诞是一个流变的概念。初步概括并分析怪诞的审美特征 :反常的构成原则 ;混合恐惧和滑稽的震惊感 ;双重性的功能价值。怪诞与滑稽的区别主要在于反常程度、创作态度和审美价值的差异上 ;怪诞与荒诞的区别在于怪诞更多作为一种创作手法 ,荒诞更主要是一种观念和意识。  相似文献   

Recognition and toleration are ways of relating to the diversity characteristic of multicultural societies. The article concerns the possible meanings of toleration and recognition, and the conflict that is often claimed to exist between these two approaches to diversity. Different forms or interpretations of recognition and toleration are considered, confusing and problematic uses of the terms are noted, and the compatibility of toleration and recognition is discussed. The article argues that there is a range of legitimate and importantly different conceptions of both toleration and recognition that are often not clearly distinguished, and that compatibility varies across this range and depending on what one considers the conceptions in relation to.  相似文献   

在现代语境特别是当代的现代语境中,存在着美学实践与美学理论的辩证运动,美学总是作为一种审美意识形态而存在的。审美意识形态是现代意识形态的特殊而又重要的部分,审美意识形态的内外关系的多样性,决定了审美意识形态性质的多种多样,也决定了其价值的丰富性和复杂性。只要意识形态在社会生活中还有其存在和发展变化的客观基础、需求和意义,审美意识形态就必然存在、发展变化并或多或少地发挥其独特的作用。  相似文献   

2013年11月,2013教育信息化暨电子课本与电子书包国际论坛在中国上海召开,作为电子课本与电子书包标准领域的首次学术性国际盛会,本次大会兼顾产业发展和教育应用,其规模大、规格高、成果多、影响大、意义远,其宗旨:总结经验、展望发展、促进研究、推进应用、加深产业界和学术界交流与对话.并构建了国际化的协作研究与发展平台。通过对本次会议背景及会议情况的分析.重点阐述和分析了会议专题讨论的五个主题和相关内容,包括论文专题划分、依据作者所在区域划分,并对整个论文和报告内容进行全面概述。最后,给出总结与展望。以期深入推进电子课本与电子书包标准及应用的研究与发展之路.探索电子课本与电子书包的“标准研制一产业发展一教育应用”一体化推进的发展新模式,构筑一个“全”学习数字化教育生态新环境.加快信息技术与教育的深度融合.推动我国教育信息化进程。  相似文献   

尼采的艺术观是他生命哲学的有机组成部分.他认为艺术是日神和酒神两种精神冲撞和进发的产物,是权力意志的表现形式.尼采从形而上的高度,从生命存在的本质、人和世界的关系来认识与理解艺术的本质和价值.艺术美化和神化了痛苦,艺术的幻像满足人的审美需要.艺术的狂欢使人得以忘我,达到超越人生困境和救赎人生的目的.  相似文献   

首先从语言符号的不完备和语言表义功能的不完备两方面阐述了语言的不完备性,然后从认知心理学的角度,指出了表征与感知的不完全匹配和语言与思想的不完全匹配是语言不完备性的认知心理表现,最后阐述了记忆和寻找关联分别是理解和欣赏语言的认知基础和手段。  相似文献   

文明是决定和影响人类活动的长期的基本因素。冷战结束后,特别是随着“文明冲突论”的提出,各种文明观的讨论逐渐演化成文明学的各种派系。当前主要有三种文明观:文明冲突论、文明对话论、文明交往论。在处理国与国关系的实践中应承认并维护文明的多样性。文明发展的趋势是文明和谐和文明相处。人类真正的危险在于各个民族、国家间文明的互不相融,以及由此导致的误解、紧张、冲突乃至战争。世界的持久和平与持续发展有赖于人与人之间、民族与民族之间、国家与国家之间文明的对话、沟通和理解,有赖于文明间的和谐,共同发展。  相似文献   

受传统考试文化、现代消费享乐文化的影响与侵蚀,劳动及其教育观念萎缩的趋势不减,而科技的发展又进一步解放和控制了人的身体,加剧了这种趋势与危机。这些问题的重要认识论根源是身心二元论,劳心者高于劳力者,且认为心的发展与身体无关。其实割裂的机械劳动训练与精神德育灌输,既违背儿童身心发展特征,又逆时代发展。未来,以纯粹体力劳动为生的职业将不复存在,但劳动并不会也不应该消失,它不仅是人类大脑和智力发展的基础活动,而且是学习和创造的重要方式,还将是人们生活和娱乐的一部分。因此,劳动教育也应该回归身心融合的本源,发展面向未来美好生活的具有创造性、娱乐性和综合性的劳动学习,开发适应时代发展和学生兴趣的创生性和融合性劳动课程,让学生的身体、心智与情感等"整全的人"参与到劳动学习与创造中,进而实现劳动意识与习惯以及相关知能意情的全面发展。  相似文献   

The teaching of science and technology in the final year of high school is examined in a new curriculum developed for the education system in Victoria, Australia. The traditional areas of Physics and Chemistry together with a technology related subject, Materials and Technology, are investigated The major curriculum link amongst these studies was the area of materials. In Chemistry this involved the nature of materials, the chemical basis for the production of metals and polymers, and the social consequences of waste disposal. Within Physics, the major involvement was the investigation of the structure and physical properties of materials through theory and practical investigation. The selection of materials, production of components and their testing were the major area involved with Materials and Technology. Although the area of materials related all three subjects enrollments were comparatively high for Physics and Chemistry but Materials and Technology had less than one tenth as much enrollment. Similarly, school providers were significantly lower for materials and technology. Materials and Technology is still considered a vocational subject compared with the science oriented subjects. When gender enrollments were considered, Chemistry had a similar number of females and males, Physics had twice as many males as females, and Materials and Technology had twice as many males as females. This appears to be a consequence of typical gender roles.  相似文献   

This review critically appraised the literature on disability disclosure and accommodations for youth with disabilities in post-secondary education (PSE). Systematic searches of 8 databases identified 36 studies meeting our inclusion criteria. These studies were analysed with respect to the characteristics of the participants, methodology, results of the studies and quality of evidence. Five thousand, one hundred and seventy four participants (mean age 26.4) were represented across six countries. Barriers to disability disclosure and requests for accommodations in PSE included stigma, discrimination, lack of knowledge of supports and how to access them, type of course and instructor, coping styles, and nature of the disability. Facilitators included supports and resources, coping and self-advocacy skills, mentorship, and realising the benefits of disclosure. Factors affecting the process and timing of disability disclosure in PSE included the type of disability, and mode of disclosure. There was a lack of consensus on the timing of disclosure.  相似文献   

学科和课程分化与综合的辩证法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学和学科是课程的基础,科学和学科内容的发展趋势必然影响课程教学内容的发展走势。科学、学科和课程的分化与综合是辩证的。分化是综合的基础,综合是分化的结果。没有分化就没有综合,只是混沌。在分化基础上的综合和在综合基础上的分化既是近现代科学、学科和课程发展的基本趋势和规律,也应该是未来科学发展、学科建设和课程改革的基本依据。  相似文献   

Joseph Wagner 《Interchange》1998,29(3):351-357
Discord in the academy currently manifests in divisions over political correctness, the content of the canon and the defects of modernity. As scholarly and intellectual matters these concerns arise exclusively from the domain of the liberal arts. At their core, these controversies arguably develop from deep epistemic roots reflecting fundamental differences concerning the nature, purpose and value of the liberal arts. At issue is the integrity of the liberal arts and understanding the nature, purpose and value of these fields depends upon appreciating the distinction between professional, theoretical, and moral studies. One can begin to understand these distinctions by considering the contrast in ordinary language between knowledge and wisdom. For it is arguable that while the notion of wisdom is presumably irrelevant to production or dissemination of knowledge in all other disciplines, it is demonstrably central to the purpose and value of both research and teaching in each and every liberal art. If this can be shown then it is possible to understand why emphasis on expertise and professionalism, on knowledge for its own sake undermines commitment to common purposes and concerns. By institutionalizing new patterns of behavior, stress on professionalism changes the nature and conception of liberal arts scholarship in ways that produce deep confusions about meaning and value in these fields. The object of this article is to show that unlike other disciplines the liberal arts depend upon shared purposes and concerns such that participation of in a common moral discourse is essential to the integrity and worth of each field.  相似文献   

闲暇与劳动的关系以及教育与闲暇、劳动的关系,在整个人类社会的历史发展中,经历着一个异化、扬弃、否定之否定的辩证发展过程。教育与闲暇、教育与劳动的关系发展的状况,是从闲暇与劳动这对关系的辩证发展中派生出来的。  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝学士是一个以文翰之士为主的群体 ,这一群体实际上可以分为文人学士与官员学士两类。魏晋南北朝部分学士与秦汉待诏有类似之处。魏晋南北朝学士在此期经学、文献学、史学诸项学术活动中是—支重要力量。  相似文献   

关于心理生活基本性质和内涵的理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的心理生活是人的现实生活的重要构成。理解心理生活的性质和内涵,必须考虑如下几个方面。一是人性与心理生活。心理生活是人所拥有和创造的生活。二是自我与心理生活。这涉及到人格与自我,主我与客我,大我与小我。三是认知与心理生活。这包括认知的性质:对象的认知和生存的认知。四是意向与心理生活。意向决定了心理生活的一体性和自主性。五是观念与心理生活。人的心理生活是对意义的追求,意义的基本心理单元就是观念。六是体验与心理生活。心理体验是指感受、感悟、觉解、觉悟、思想、思念、体察、体会等。七是超越与心理生活。人的心理生活有价值的评判、有追求的目标和有超越的品性。八是创造与心理生活。人的心理有双重的创造功能,包括对外部生活世界和对自身心理行为的建构。  相似文献   

思政课理论性和实践性相统一是新时代思政课教学的新要求,但在现实教学中,思政课理论性和实践性相统一的实然状况和应然愿景之间还存在较大的距离,从学校和教师两个角度剖析思政课理论性和实践性相结合不充分的原因,再从建章立制、教学方法改革、协同教育、理论学习等方面探讨它们相结合的对策和方法。  相似文献   

回顾生态控制理论的形成与发展;介绍茶园病虫草害生态控制的特点;提出茶园病虫草害管理存在的问题及解决途径;总结茶园病虫草害生态控制的原理和研究方法;概括茶园病虫草害生态控制策略与技术措施;展望茶园害虫草害生态控制的发展。  相似文献   

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