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近年来,众多学者关注到社会治理中思想政治教育功能的问题并对此进行了大量研究。主要研究了社会治理与思想政治教育的关联性以及社会治理中思想政治教育功能的应对问题、发挥内容、影响因素与实施路径。当前的研究存在研究视角单一、理论建构薄弱与论域融合浅显的不足。未来的研究工作可以着力于社会治理中思想政治教育功能发挥的历史、质量、风险化解以及国外实践等维度。  相似文献   

公众参与基层社会治理,是构建中国特色社会主义社会治理体系的必然要求,构建广泛、有序、有效的公众参与基层治理格局,对于丰富基层民主形式、巩固党在基层的执政基础具有重要意义。但在基层社会治理实践当中,公众对于基层社会治理的参与,与政策倡导和治理需求相比,还存在一定的差距,呈现出一种复杂多样的局面。运用集体行动理论的分析框架,可以对公众参与基层治理的机理进行有价值的分析。理论与实践证明,提升公众参与的治理与成效,必须发挥党的领导的政治优势,通过基层党组织政治功能消解公众参与基层社会治理的各种阻滞性因素,实现公众参与基层社会治理效能的最大化。  相似文献   

现代治理理论的兴起,推动了学术界对国家治理现代化的多维度研究.而政治文化在不同的国家治理过程中扮演了重要角色,现代政治文化能够通过理性启蒙、法治熏陶、民主包容等途径树立现代公民角色,提高社会和民众的国家认同,从而降低国家治理成本.中国应立足当前的发展现实,构建以现代理性公民、软治理、法治精神为基础的现代政治文明,重塑现代政治文化.  相似文献   

后现代政治思潮的崛起,对现代性的政府治理理论与思维模式产生冲击,现代政府运作的价值理念受到质疑、批判而陷入危机之中。后现代主义政治理论主要通过解构现代性,瓦解理性人假设,肢解官僚制,悬置公共权威与摧毁专家霸权的努力,挑战现代政府价值理念。伴随后现代社会到来所带来的事实诉求,应于后现代主义政治思潮之幕下,实现政府治理模式的转型,构建服务型、网络型、协商型与生态型等后现代政府治理模式,回应后现代社会的诉求。  相似文献   

思想政治教育治理越来越成为我国理论界的热点研究论域,相关研究成果也较为丰富。通过对CNKI文献数据的计量分析和知识图谱绘制,发现近年来国内学界关于思想政治教育治理的主要研究视角有国家治理体系、社会治理功能、高校治理和网络空间治理。我国思想政治教育治理研究的视角多元性和理论丰富性都值得肯定,但仍然存在本体研究欠缺、概念界定不清和研究方法单一等不足之处,需要增进本体研究、准确界定概念以及深化治理路径研究。  相似文献   

中央政府提出要改进社会治理方式,鼓励和支持社会各方面参与,现代社会治理理论也强调治理主体的多元化。农民是农村社会治理中的重要参与者,但在传统社会,受政治、经济和社会等因素的影响,农民身份长期遭受污名化待遇。农民身份污名化体现的是封建社会及其思想影响下的一种社会不平等,是公民权利不平等在社会职业身份上的体现。对此,大家要从思想观念、经济发展和政治参与等方面入手进行农民身份的去污名化。  相似文献   

我国人力资源与社会保障部调查显示,近年来农民工人均月收入有大幅上涨。本文创新性地基于政治社会学的视角,旨在分析这一现象对我国社会治理与构建社会主义和谐社会具有的重大积极意义,同时提出了社会组织加入政府与社会的联动以保障农民工利益等的社会理论构想。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化对国际政治产生的影响越来越深刻,“全球治理”正日益引起国际社会的关注。笔者通过对全球治理的提出、全球治理的主体、全球治理实现的可能性与制约因素进行分析。认为全球治理理论虽顺应了时代潮流,但尚不完善。  相似文献   

中国特殊制度禀赋约束下规制困境与规制治理结构的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府规制作为一种治理方式和制度安排,受到一国特定的制度禀赋约束。本文首先从经济、政治与法律、社会三个层面剖析了中国政府规制所面临的特殊制度禀赋约束,即转轨期的经济体制、尚待健全的政治与法律体制以及不发达的公民社会,然后探索了中国特殊制度禀赋约束下政府规制面临的困境,最后引入多中心治理理论分析视角,重构规制治理结构,以解决规制困境,提升规制绩效。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出"社会治理"理念,给社会管理制度的改革带来了活力。结合社会治理,重新审视思想政治教育内容,找到当下主要困境:未将社会治理内容纳入思想政治教育范畴、社会治理视域的思想政治教育内容结构未得到相应调整、过分强调政治教育而忽视其他要素、内容泛化且结构庞杂。立足社会治理,完善思想政治教育内容结构主要包括:推进思想政治教育内容的时代性、推进思想政治教育内容的社会化、将社会治理需要作为思想政治教育内容结构优化的动力、针对多元治理主体的思想政治教育内容结构应有不同侧重。  相似文献   

当前中国正处于改革和转型的新阶段,社会工作介入乡村治理具有充分的必要性和可行性。其必要性体现在,社会工作有助于解决乡村治理的难题、提升基层政府官员公共服务的能力、促进社会工作理论的创新以及加快高校社会工作专业的发展等。其可行性体现在,中央政府对社会工作的制度化设计、民政部门和基层政府建设社会工作人才队伍所提供的契机、中国本土性社会工作奠定的基础、社会工作具有的科学理论和方法等四个方面,共同为社会工作介入乡村治理创造了可行性。  相似文献   

This paper calls for a more detailed study of social practices in the analysis of governance failures. Using the Woolf report on the breakdown of governance at the London School of Economics as a case study and Wittgenstein's notion of language games as an analytic lens, the author argues that widely used institutional and structural theories of governance are necessary but not sufficient to explain how governance works and why it fails. It is also necessary to understand, through a detailed micro‐analysis of talk and action, the contingent social practices occurring within and outside these structures. This matters because structural accounts of governance tend to present solutions as changes in structures, standards and procedures or measures to make academics comply with these. A language games framing, in contrast, suggests that it matters less what form the structures of governance take than the extent to which they allow effective deliberation on the numerous contradictions and paradoxes that make up their day‐to‐day work. The paper concludes that those charged with governing universities should maximise opportunities for individuals and groups to deliberate on, and ‘muddle through’, the multiple and conflicting demands and accountabilities that characterise contemporary higher education.  相似文献   

This conceptual history traces the rise of ‘social capital’ from the theories of James Coleman and Pierre Bourdieu to its eventual adoption in fields such as primatology and evolutionary psychology. It argues that the earliest theories of social capital were formulated in response to a growing perception that education was an economic investment. It argues, moreover, that peculiarities in the earliest theories of social capital, as well as a confluence of historical factors, led to an explosion of social capital research during the 1990s and 2000s. Though researchers have attributed social capital’s meteoric rise to the expansion of neoliberal discourse, my account suggests that the factors behind the concept’s growth were more complex and manifold. Social capital has never been a singular idea with clear ties to a single theory or ideology. It is all the more troubling, then, that many researchers have discussed this nebulous concept as if it were a self-explanatory and universal empirical principle that can be used to generate ‘further knowledge.’ Recommendations for mitigating this problem are made by discussing how researchers should (and should not) use terms such as social capital, neoliberalism, and analytic concepts in general.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence of parental participation in school governance in South Africa, the question of how these parents manage their participation in these affairs is largely unanswered. This question represents one of the major exclusions in the existing reflections on the school governance debate in the country. Using a qualitative approach, this study investigated the underlying dynamics of social identity as a factor in parents’ engagement in school governance in 10 schools in the Eastern Cape. It provides evidence of the fragmented and dynamic nature of social identity and how it shaped behaviours among the parents. While challenging many contemporary social theories, the paper suggests several implications for policy re‐formulation.  相似文献   

随着我国国有企业改革进入建立现代企业制度的关键期,作为现代企业制度的“核心”,公司治理问题成为理论界和企业界研究的一个重要课题。而作为公司治理重要组成部分——财务治理问题研究的前提,就是对其理论基础进行深入研究并加以综述,纵观国内外研究现状,财务治理理论基础主要涉及新资本结构理论、企业契约理论、产权理论、公司治理理论、财务分层理论及公司激励理论。  相似文献   

中国宪政陷入困境的一个主要原因是:我们对于宪政理念的整体把握乏力,对于西方党政的历史及其意义缺乏足够了解和体悟。经过对作为范本的西方宪政进行文化的历史考察,可以认为,保障人权、限制国家权力、政治容纳性、自由、民主和法治,是西方宪政发展历程中形成的历史品格。西方宪政的历史道路给我们的启示是:宪政需要一定的社会、经济、文化条件;根植于不同文化土壤的宪政,可以具备不同的形式、价值内涵和国家政治形式;缺乏法治和权利文化资源的中国,需要寻找一个更高层次的价值,以统摄文化交融时代的宪政理论和实践。  相似文献   

合法性关乎政治秩序的稳定与政权的兴衰。构建和维护执政合法性基础是我们党必须高度关注的长期要务。社会转型期所出现的阶层利益的分化重组与贫富差距的扩大、思想的开放多元与主流意识形态整合力的弱化、政治腐败的滋生蔓延与党群干群矛盾的激化等等,这些都不可避免地会对党的执政合法性基础造成一定的冲击和消解。面对挑战,党必须采取积极有效的合法化战略和路径,以保证党执政地位的稳固和国家的长治久安。  相似文献   

教师腐败现象是当今国际社会普遍关注的热点话题。教师管理和行为腐败有着广泛而深远的社会负面影响,它的滋生与发展既有社会与职业体制的原因,也与教师本人的职业心理密切相关。因此,对于教师管理和行为腐败的治理,是一项系统性的社会工程。  相似文献   

The ideal of bildung as a goal for higher education and research (HER) in European Union member states is losing ground to more pragmatic goals such as innovation and growth. This shift in the policy perspective about the role of science in society has given rise to a system of multi layered governance which in turn is progressively giving rise to the emergence of a new normative regime for the HER sector. This normative regime involves the blurring of boundaries between the public and the private and the introduction of social accountability as a criterion for evaluating scientific knowledge. The paper concludes that the elision of the boundary between private and public disguises real problems about defining who owns what particularly in the light of the increasing commercialisation of public funded science. Further, the limitation of social accountability to select groups of actors who can afford to pay for influencing research raises questions about the ability of the new governance regime for HER to achieve the democratic aims that it purports to pursue.  相似文献   

As higher education becomes an industry, it commercializes. This process is giving rise to certain anxieties. True, commercialization is bringing certain evils; at the same time, it is generating impulses towards the development of higher education as an essential factor of social progress and economic growth. The commercialization of higher education leads to governance; governance leads to the flow of money; and governance plus money lead to quality. The twin industries of the mass media and higher education are together contributing to mutual benefits and to the benefits of civilization. It is time to rethink their missions in contemporary society and to revise the idea that the right to education is of less importance than the freedom of opinion. In fact, these rights are of equal significance and are interdependent.  相似文献   

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