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有效教学是符合教学规律,有效果、有效益、有效率的教学.影响教学有效性的因素是多方面的,其中教师因素是一个关键的因素.教师的教学观念、口语表达能力、采用教学策略的能力、管理能力、心理品质都对教学的有效性产生影响.通过构建教师在职培训体系、勤学苦练提高口语表达能力、在实践、反思中不断提高教师采用教学策略的能力、掌握课堂管理策略、关注教师心理健康来提高教摔的综合素质以提高教学的有效性.  相似文献   

网络教学模式和教师角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,网络对教育观念、教育过程、教育主体与对象、教育环境等产生了日益重要的影响。网络教学是现代教育理念和教育技术的产物,它对教师提出了一系列的新要求。本文从分析网络教学的本质,特点以及教学模式出发,探讨了网络教师角色意识的转变和教师角色的定位。  相似文献   

教师信念影响和决定教师的教学行为。新课程改革的顺利实施要求教师改变传统的教学方法和教学信念。国外有证据表明,如果教师的信念没有改变,课程改革或教育改革往往会遭遇失败。Posner提出了概念转变的4个条件:对现有概念的不满、新概念可理解、新概念可信和新概念是多产的。据此,建议教师信念转变遵循4个步骤:首先让教师产生新旧信念的冲突,然后让教师充分理解新信念,认识到新信念是可信的,最后,让教师看到新信念在教学实践中是有效的,以期让教师将原有信念转变为与新课程改革相一致的新信念。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的主要宗旨是更新教育观念,确立以学生发展为本的基本理念。教学观念是教师在教学实践过程中,对教学所做的理解和认识,这种理解和认识对教师的教学活动具有明显的影响,主要表现在它影响教学活动的定向、选择与执行,教师所具有的教学观念不同,它所导致的教学实践行为也不同,对学生发展的影响作用也不同,它是教学过程中的一种起指导作用的因素,  相似文献   

新课标实施以来,许多一线高中语文教师根据新教材和新课标的要求,转变教学观念,灵活运用多种教学方法,力求高中语文教学课堂的有声有色、生动活泼。然而,由于一些教师对新教材、新课标的理解不足、肤浅,高中语文课堂教学实践中仍然存在着许多偏离新教材、新课标的无效性教学行为。通过研究无效性教学行为产生的背景、教师课堂无效教学行为的成因和教师课堂无效教学行为的改进策略,以期引起语文教师对无效教学行为的关注和思考。  相似文献   

信息技术教师专业发展中的教师信念重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在教师专业发展的研究中,教师信念、教师知识和教师能力是三个主要的维度。其中,教师信念在教师专业结构中位于较高层次,它统摄着教师专业结构中的其他方面。所以,研究信息技术教师信念对促进信息技术教师专业发展具有重要意义。文章通过对教师专业发展与教师信念相关理论的论述,结合信息技术教师信念状况,提出重建信息技术教师信念的策略,即"应试教育的学校文化向素质教育的学校文化的变革"、"将促进信息技术教师信念生成与转变作为教师教育的重要目标"和"信息技术教师应积极在实践中进行教学反思"。  相似文献   

教师专业认同度指教师个体在教学实践过程中逐步形成的对自身专业的认同程度和水平,它作为一种重要的工作态度,积极影响着教师教学成效。笔者在理解国外学者阿伦特的"行动"理论—实践产生理论、理论为实践做准备的基础上,剖析当前教师专业认同度存在的问题,即教师的无认同概念和伪认同度导致教学行动低效。据此,要加强对教师个体层面的关注;培育实践共同体,营造教师专业合作主义文化;制度上赋予教师更多的权力空间,以便教师在教学行动中思考生成专业认同,不断提高专业认同度,再将其融于教学行动,有效开展专业实践,实现教师生命意义,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

如何提高初中生物课堂提问的有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1新课改理念下教学有效性的理解教学有效性要以学生的进步和发展为宗旨.教学有效与否,要通过学生来表现.教师要关注教学效益,它要求教师有时间和效益的观念.教学有效性的实现要以教师自身的发展为基础.教学有效性以学生学习方式的转变为条件,促进学生有效学习.教学的有效性还要关注教师的教学策略.  相似文献   

基础教育新课程方案的具体实施有赖于教师的理解、设计和具体化 ,而教师教学观念的转变则是关键性的前提。教师观念转变的核心在于教师对学生、自身角色以及对二者在教学过程中所结成的交往关系的重新认识和全新理解  相似文献   

信息技术教师的教学决策和行为都受到其所持有的课程价值取向影响。为了了解全国中小学信息技术教师课程价值取向状况及其影响因素,作者对全国5个地区的信息技术教师进行了问卷调查。根据调查统计结果发现,信息技术教师对六种课程价值取向:学术理性、认知过程、社会重建、人文主义、科技发展和生态整合都不排斥,但对于社会重建取向的认同度最高。对影响信息技术教师课程价值取向的不同因素做了显著性差异检验,发现不同性别、不同教龄、不同区位的教师课程价值取向没有显著性差异,不同年龄、不同学段和不同学历的教师课程价值取向存在显著性差异。在对调查数据分析的基础上,作者提出了相关的思考和建议。  相似文献   

This study investigated how a collaborative mentoring program influenced beginning science teachers' inquiry-based teaching and their reflection on practice. The one-year program consisted of five one-on-one mentoring meetings, weekly science education seminars, weekly mentoring group discussions, and self-evaluation activities. The participants were three beginning science teachers and three mentors at the middle school level (7–9th grades) in an urban area of South Korea. For each beginning teacher, five lessons were evaluated in terms of lesson design/implementation, procedural knowledge, and classroom culture by using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. Five aspects of the beginning teachers' reflections were identified. This study showed that a collaborative mentoring program focusing on inquiry-based science teaching encouraged the beginning teachers to reflect on their own perceptions and teaching practice in terms of inquiry-based science teaching, which led to changes in their teaching practice. This study also highlighted the importance of collaborative interactions between the mentors and the beginning teachers during the mentoring process.  相似文献   

Conclusion The basic assumption underlying this study is that science teachers have misconceptions in some selected science concepts. The overall conclusion which can be drawn is that, although the responses were not consistent across the concepts or within the concepts, there are indeed misconceptions. The result is evidence that the graduate trainee teachers have misconceptions in science. The results show that the view of science held by this group of trainee teachers is sometimes little better than the view of science held by students investigated by Osborne et al. The test appears appropriate for use with science teachers. What do these results imply? They suggest that science teachers may have concepts which are little better than the students they teach. If that is the case, then, is it reasonable to urge teachers to probe their students' concepts before teaching them? Should science educators then redirect their efforts in conceptual change to changing teachers' views before changing students' views?  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the aspects of pedagogical interaction that give rise to negative emotional experiences among university teachers. The study used a phenomenological approach and the data was gathered by interviewing eight teachers from various disciplines in an open manner. The aim of the analysis was to identify the distressing aspects of various pedagogical situations and to identify the potential sources of teachers' negative experiences. The study showed that coping with the emotional load placed on them by the students, making pedagogical decisions under uncertain conditions and facing conflicting expectations and beliefs concerning the teaching‐learning process were the sources of negative emotions. Keeping in mind the subjectivity of human experience this study suggests that university teachers need to be better informed about the complex nature of pedagogical interaction especially when a teacher is regarded as a facilitator of learning.  相似文献   

教师的思想、情感、精神等因素对课堂教学质量有着非比寻常的影响。学校管理者不仅要面对并正视这样的现实,更有必要去努力追寻问题的原因并找到解决问题的根本方法。学校管理者要从唤起教师最朴实的理想和对学生最深切的关怀、激发教师对高品质课堂的向往与追求、培育教师高品质课堂教学的创造力等三个方面,培育教师对高品质课堂教学的自觉追求,以期提升课堂教学质量、推进教师对教学的卓越化追求。  相似文献   

本文基于全国11个省(直辖市、自治区)的高中教师调查,分别从教师的工作时间、成就感和工作满意度三个方面,对我国高中教师的专业生活状态进行了分析。在教师工作时间方面,我国高中教师平均周授课时相对其他国家而言并不长,但教师备课、批改作业时间较长;中、西部地区教师的工作时间长于东部地区的教师。在教师成就感方面,我国东部地区高中教师的成就感明显低于中、西部地区的教师,女教师的成就感普遍低于男教师;随着教龄的增加,教师成就感总的趋势是先上升后下降,但更详细的分析发现成就感随教龄的变化较为复杂。在教师工作满意度方面,中部地区的教师工作满意度显著高于西部和东部地区的教师;工作满意度随教龄和职称的变化大致呈V型分布。  相似文献   

The study analyzed a conversation among a group of teachers responsible for teaching the concepts of mean, median, and mode. After reading an article describing some specific student difficulties in learning the concepts, teachers were asked to discuss how the teaching of the concepts could be improved. Several claims pertinent to improving teaching practice were offered. Claims focused on the appropriate age at which to introduce statistical concepts, the influence of the state-prescribed curriculum on teaching practice, content-specific teaching strategies, and content-independent teaching strategies. Teachers' claims were discussed in terms of points of departure and agreement with existing empirical research.  相似文献   

通过探讨我国教师地位的历史变化过程及现代课堂中教师职业角色的重新定位,建议实施案例教学,情境教学和角色扮演等方法,强化教师教育中的角色转变与身份认同,鼓励教师更新观念,接受继续教育。  相似文献   

中国大学青年教师在教学认知、教学设计、教学操作、教学监控、教学研究等教学能力方面存在着诸多问题,其形成原因既有来自学校和学生方面的,也有来自教师自身方面的。大学青年教师教学能力提升的前提是教学观念的转变,关键是教学研究的加强,保障是绩效考核制度的完善,重点是教学培训模式的创新,条件是教学发展中心平台的建立。  相似文献   

李飞 《中学教育》2010,(7):47-51
由于我国特有的组织结构、文化特色、领导观念等诸多因素的影响,教师领导力的开发遭遇如下障碍:地方教育行政部门的影响;科层式的学校内部组织结构;校长“权力”观念的制约;消极竞争的教师文化;教师时间、精力的有限性;教师的不自信、缺乏经验。为此,从“可为”出发,校长应转变教育观念;创建教职员工普遍认同的价值观和清晰、明确的愿景;形成有利于学习、共享、信任的组织文化;不断创造平台,从多元渠道促进教师领导力的开发;激励机制的完善,让教师的努力“很值得”;变革日常教学管理制度,给教师一定的资源支持。  相似文献   

This study examined Chinese and US middle-school science teachers' perceptions of autonomy support. Previous research has documented the link between teachers' perceptions of autonomy and the use of student-oriented teaching practices for US teachers. But is not clear how the perception of autonomy may differ for teachers from different cultures or more specifically how motivation factors differ across cultures. The survey measured teachers' motivation, perceptions of constraints at work, perceptions of students' motivation, and level of autonomy support for students. Exploratory factor analysis of responses for the combined teacher sample (n?=?201) was carried out for each of the survey assessments. Significance testing for Chinese (n?=?107) and US (n?=?94) teachers revealed significant differences in teachers' motivation and perceptions of constraints at work and no significant differences for perceptions of students' motivation or their level of autonomy support for students. Chinese teachers' perceptions of constraints at work, work motivation, and perceptions of student motivation were found to significantly predict teachers' autonomy support. For the US teachers, teacher motivation was the only significant predictor of teachers' autonomy support. A sub-sample of teachers (n?=?19) was interviewed and results showed that teachers in both countries reported that autonomy was important to their motivation and the quality of science instruction they provided to students. The primary constraints on teaching reported by the US teachers related to materials and laboratory space while the Chinese teachers reported constraints related to the science curriculum and standards.  相似文献   

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