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兰科在横断山地区是维管束植物中的大科之一,共有91属,363种及9变种。 4属为我国特有属,其中1属为本地区所特有;155种及9变种为我国特有种。  其中69种及5变种为本地区所 特有。本文对属、种进行了分析,并对全部种的分布格局作了详细的介绍,概述了本地区兰科植物的区系组成及特点。本文从兰科植物属、种的分布提出了四川峨眉山是东亚植物区中划分中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区的分界线上的一个重要的点的看法。  相似文献   

 Situated in western part of Sichuan Province, 29°30'N, 103°20'E, the sacred Mt. Emei is one of the well-known large mountains in China. Its summit is about 3100 m ab- ove sea level with a relative height of 2550 m.        The orchid flora in Mt. Emei so far known comprises 47 genera and 109 species, among which 21 are epiphytes, 83 terrestrials and 5 saprophytes (Table 1.)        1.  The vertical distribution of the orchid flora in the mountain. The epiphytic orchids are concentrated in the lower region  below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.), where there are 20 species, which make over 95% of epiphytic species; the upper limit for the epiphytic orchids is Jiulaodong and Chudian ( 1800 m alt.). The terrestrial orchids also mainly occur at the lower region below Jiulaodong and Chudian (1800 m alt.), where there are 54 species, most of which are found at even lower part of the mountain, below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.). The tropicas orchids in the mountain, such as Cleisostoma, Vanda, Holcoglossum, Tropiclia, Thunia, Mischobulbum, Ludisia, Anoectochilus, Odontochilus, etc. all grow only at the lower part of the mountain below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.).        2. The floristic features of the orchid flora in the Mt. Emei.        (1)  The orchid flora in the mountain so far known comprises 47 genera (over 2/3 of the total orchid genera in Sichuan) and 109 species (over 1/3 of the total orchid species in Sichuan). The Mt. Emei is very rich in orchid species, as compared with neighbouring mountains of same magnitude, such as Mt. Shennonjia in western Hubei, Qin Ling in sou- thern Shaanxi, Jinfo Shan in south-eastern Sichuan, and Erlang Shan in western Sichuan.        (2)  The orchids in the mountain are complex in floristic components as indicated below:        1)  Twenty seven species, belonging to 18 genera, are widespread, covering the whole East-Asian region.        2)  Twenty three species, belonging to 15 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion. Among them 13 species occur only in Japan and eastern China with the mountain ar the westernmost limit, but the other species extend westwards as far as Kangding and ErLang Shan or Baoxing in Sichuan Province.        3)  Forty two species, belonging to 22 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Himala-yan Subregion, with 5 species having their range extending from the Himalayan  region eastwards to Mt. Emei.        4)  Some tropical genera (8 species), belonging to Indo-Malaysian floristic elements, have the mountain as their northern limit of distribution.       The orchid flora of the Mt. Emei contains not only the East-Asian elements, but also some Indo-Malaysian elements, though its composition is mainly of the temperate and subtropical Eastern Asian (Sino-Japanese) ones.        (3)  The orchid flora in the mountain is characterized by geographical vicariation and differentiation.       There are nine species-pairs (belong to genera Calanthe,  Platanthera,  Dendrobium etc.) of the vertical vicarism and six species-pairs (belonging to genera Tropidia, Aneoctochilus, Mischobulbum, Gymnadenia Orchis, etc.) of the horizontal vicarism in the Mt.  Emei.       Remarkable differentiation of orchid flora in the Mt. Emei is shown in the abundance of endemic elements and as clear geographical vicariation.        (4)  There are 8 endemic species and one variety of orchids in the Mt. Emei, more  abundant than in Xizang.      The floristic features of the orchid flora of the Mt. Emei are rich in species, compara tively complex in components, rather prolific in endemic species, and characterized by geographical vicariation and differentiation. The orchid flora in the Mt. Emei mainly consists of the subtropical and temperate East-Asian elements, with a  considerable proportion of tropical elements though.  相似文献   

为探讨山地植物区系构成特征及其垂直梯度的生态意义,根据对三峡大老岭地区植被垂直样带 调查获得的植物区系资料,分析了该地区植物区系成分构成的基本特征及其随海拔梯度的变化趋势,寻找了区系平衡点的位置;并利用聚类方法分析了山地气候垂直分异对区系成分构成的影响。结果表明:①大老岭植物区系具有温带性质,但仍反映了与热带区系的历史联系,有强烈的区域性;②属的分布区类型可归为热带分布、温带分布、地中海—中亚中心和东亚中心4组,各组区系成分的垂直梯度特征不同;热带、亚热带成分与温带成分的平衡点大致位于海拔650m;③区系成分构成和属的物种数量构成的聚类分析结果一致显示了植物区系构成与山地气候和植被垂直带相对应的格局。  相似文献   

 本文从兰科植物中一些属于中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区典型分布属(或亚属的地理分布格局的研究,提出此两个植物亚区在我国四川省境内是以峨眉山和岷江为其分界,及这条线的走向是从南坪(九寨沟),松潘(黄龙寺)、茂汶、灌县(光光山)、宝兴、二郎山(天全以西)、峨眉山、石棉、西昌、德昌、米易至攀枝花市。  相似文献   

本文对我国苔草属二柱苔草亚属Subgen.Vignea作了系统排列,并提出以下几点的看法:     1.二柱苔草亚属是苔草属中比较自然的一个类群,我国有48种、7亚种和1变种,隶属于16个 组。根据Takhtajan的世界植物区划,将它们分成4种成分,即:(1)环北方植物地区成分,占总数的 20.4%;(2)东亚植物地区成分,占总数的55.5%。实际上,只有4个分类群出现于中国-喜马拉雅森 林植物亚区,而其余的都均分布于中国-日本森林植物亚区,并且在这一亚区内有8个特有成分,占特 有成分总数的61.5%;显然,中国二柱苔草亚属在中国-日本森林植物亚区内的分化较其他地区更为强 烈;(3)伊朗—吐兰植物地区成分,占总数的16.7%;(4)印度支那植物地区成分和印度植物地区成 分,占总数的7.4%。     2.高节苔草C.thomsonii和云雾苔草C.nubigena类群是Subgen.Vignea中较为原始的种类, 它们为印度支那植物地区和印度植物地区成分。这样非但Subgen.Indocarex原始类群分布于东南亚 和马来西亚,而Subgea.Vignea的原始类群也分布于东南亚,这也是对Nelmes提出Carex起源于印度-马来西亚地区的一个佐证。  相似文献   

湘西北壶瓶山自然保护区植物区系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壶瓶山自然保护区具有丰富的植物区系成分,现知维管束植物有205科(蕨类和拟蕨类 植物40科,裸子植物7科,被子植物158科),839属,约1961种(包括154变种)。其中,古  和原始的科、属不乏其代表。从种子植物属的分布区类型的比较分析,该区具有我国15个种子植物属的分布区类型中的14个,表明了与世界各地区植物区系的联系程度。另一方面,该 地区的植物区系虽含有丰富的热带成分,但根据各类温带属占该区总属数的百分比以及分布于该地区的中国特有属中的木本属几乎所有都是落叶的乔木或灌木,该区的植物区系性质明显偏重于温带性质。而且,这种温带性质可能与该区的山体海拔高度有着重要的联系。  相似文献   

本文根据对舟山群岛种子植物348个种(及种以下分类单位)在18个地理单位的分布状况进行 计算机聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),表明了该群岛与我国大陆的浙江和江苏植物区系有着密切的亲 缘关系和相似性;与日本和我国台湾植物区系的联系则不如一般所认为的那样接近,当然,仍有不少十 分有意义的连锁植物存在于三者之间。     舟山群岛在植物区系区划上应为中亚热带北部亚地带,区系特点之一是岛屿植物较发达,而山地森 林区系则与我国南方植物区系相接近。  相似文献   

我国荒漠植物区系形成的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    1.  Based upon the analyses in the floristic elements of the three genera (Suaeda, Salsola and Zygophyllum) in different regions we can see that the genesis of our desert floras in these regions is very much diversified.  The flora of Songaria is similar to that of the Middle Asia, while the Hosi Corridor seems to be a transitional area very close to Alashan and also related to the Tarim Basin in floristic elements. Thus, we may classify the desert floras into three parts: the flora of Songaria, of Alashan including the Hosi Corridor and of the Tarim Basin including the Tsaidam Basin. The ages and approa- ches in their formation are different.      2. There are plenty species but no or rare endemics in Songaria. In spring there are a number of ephemeral plants. The variation of aspect is evident.  The vegetation cover is abundant. The floristic elements are developed from the flora of Middle Asia and it was formed in Quaternary period.      3. The floristic elements of the Tarim Basin are poor, but there are not few en- demics and the distribution of the endemics is much limited.  They are of the charac- teristics of relic species.  Therefore it was formed in the Tertiary period and developed in Quaternary period.  The elements are related to the Mediterranean flora.      4.  There are a large number of endemics and many endemic monotypie genera in Alashan.  They represent the flora formed in Tertiary period. Although it is of a special style, it relates both to the Middle-Asian and the Mediterranean flora.      5. The historic causes for the formation of the different floras lie chiefly on: (1) The rise of the Tibetan plateau and mountains strongly changed the climatic and edaphic conditions and in the long course of evolution some species survived or even developed, while the others deteriorated or even died out from the flora. (2) Because the circum- stances of transgression or regression of the Tethys were different in these regions. (3) The mountain-making movement, the transgression and regression and the fluence of glaciation, all the mutation of these associated factors modified the climatic zonation and then the plant species changes followed, new species formed and migration of floristie elements occurred. (4) Songaria is the nearest region to the then Sibirian glacier, so the frozen injury to the flora might be the greatest. (5) In the Glacial period the descension of snow line in Songaria was greater than that of the Tarim Basin, so the frozen injurymight be greater.  相似文献   

太白山位居秦岭的中段,为秦岭山脉第一高峰。该山区是我国温带植物区系最丰富的地区之一, 约有种子植物1782种,隶属于125科,657属,包括热带属130属,温带属436属和特有属24属。该地 区20个较大科的种数,约占其全部植物区系的66.6%,其中特有种653种。本文对这些大科的性质及 其在植物区系和植被中的作用进行了分析讨论。在分析了全部属和植物群落优势种的地理分布的基础 上,着重讨论了该地区与其他九个山区的植物区系关系。    本文对植被垂直带划分;主要植物群落的基本特点和区系相似性;物种多样性与海拔高度变化的关 系以及生活型谱与不同坡向和海拔变化的关系等作了具体分析。对该地区主要植物群落的形成时期以 及对秦岭地区植物区系的过渡性质提出了自己的看法。从植物学角度出发,秦岭地区作为亚热带和温带 植物的分界线的提法与该地区的植物区系和植物群落性质以及水热条件情况不相符合  相似文献   

 The present paper is an attempt to propose a preliminary taxomomic treatment of the genus Hippolytia Poljak. and to analyse the geographical distribution of its com- posite elements.      This small genus with 17 species is divided  into  2  sections,  namely,  section Anthodesma Shih and section Hippolytia. Anthodesma is a small section with 3 species and is characterized by fascicled corymbs, campanulate and nitid involucres, rigidly herbaceous phyllaries, and undershrubs, while Hippolytia consisting of 14 species is characterized by corymbose inflorescence or glomerules or compund heads, cuneate and unpolished involucres, herbaceous phyllaries with pitch black margines.      There are 12 species of Hippolytia in China, of which 3 are proposed as new in the present paper.      Regarding the distribution pattern of Hippolytia, it is noteworthy to note that its range of distribution forms a more or less U-shape as shown in map 2. It may be seen that Hippolytia distributes in Central Asia-Sino-Himalaya-Median Asia. Section Antho- desma Shih occurs in central Asia, while section Hippolytia in the whole Himalayan region and northern Meridional Ranges and Median Asia.      There seems to be no center of species concentration within the total range of Hippolytia, whose species are localized in distribution, for example, H. desmantha Shih is known only from Qinghai provence (Yu-Shu-Hsien), H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih is restricted to Ninghsia and central part of Kansu provence.  It is interesting to note that H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih and H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih are referred to as vicarious species.  The localization of the  species  distribution  and  the  obvious discontinuity of morphological characters between species indicate a remarkable geogra- phical influence on the species formation of Hippolytia.       Hippolytia is an alpine genus of temperate zone of Asia, in which 64 per cent of species occurs at high elevations of above 3300m. altitude, 30 per cent of species are distributed in middle elevations of above 2200m. altitude.  The life forms are micro- undershrubs, erect perennial herbs, glomerule stemless herbs or stemless herbs. It is very possible that its geographical origin and development may be linked up with occurance of desert steppe, especially of alpine meadow vegetations in the northern temperate zone of Asia.      With regard to the geographical elements to which each species of Hippolytia belongs, it seems to indicate that H. trifida (Turcz.) Poljak., H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih and H. desmantha Shih belong to the geographical elements of central Asia, while H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih, H. glomerata Shih, H. tomentosa (DC.) Tzvel., H. senecionis (Bess.) Poljak. H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih, H. kennedayi (Dunn) Ling, H. syncalathiformis Shih, H. gossypina (Hook. f. et Thoms.) Shih and H. nana (C. B. Clarke) Shih to Himalayan elements, and H. darvasica (C. Winkl.) Poljak., H. megacephala (Rupr.) Poljak,, H. herderi (Rgl. et Schmalh.) Poljak. to Median Asia, H. delavayi (W. W. Smith) Shih to North-West-Yunna.    相似文献   

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