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Case histories were compiled of 100 instances of technological change in 102 manufacturing companies in eight industries in Ireland, Spain and Mexico. The cases are analyzed for the source of initial ideas and for sources of technology employed in resolving major problems.Technology is found to flow principally through informal channels within industries. Very little information was obtained from the formal mechanisms or institutions normally considered central to the technology transfer process.Foreign subsidiaries obtain the greatest proportion of their technology from their parent firms. Surprisingly, they are found to have several channels of technology blocked to them, which are more readily available to domestic firms. Domestic firms, in many ways have easier access to foreign technology than do the subsidiaries of multinational firms.Product and process innovations originate in somewhat different quarters. Process innovations are slightly more likely to be based on foreign technology; product innovations are more likely to be based on domestic technology.The results reported in the present paper are very similar in many ways to results reported previously in Brazil and Australia.  相似文献   

迟婧茹  陶蕊  李婷 《科研管理》2019,40(6):276-284
近年来,我国科技评估行业迅速发展,同时也存在一些问题,亟待改革。跟踪国际上科技评估的研究前沿和行业动态有助于更好地审视我国科技评估行业的发展态势。本文以评估及科技评估领域知名的国际学术期刊为载体,对2014-2016年间刊载的学术论文进行统计。研究发现美国、荷兰等西方国家在评估领域非常活跃;影响评估、文献计量等是近年来科技评估领域的国际研究热点;我国科技评估行业的国际影响力有限,行业发展尚不成熟。建议我国科技评估界在国际交流、行业建设、理论与实践结合等方面借鉴国外经验有所加强。  相似文献   

贸易摩擦的最终目的是争夺技术创新的制高点。研究借助SPSS统计软件,以金砖国家2000-2018年在华获授权的3696项专利为依据,对外国在华专利技术的时序变化、专利权人、优势技术领域、优先权和PCT专利、有效专利、专利权利转移和被引用等特征进行了分析。研究得出以下结论:①大型企业专利权人是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的主导力量,个人专利权人是重要力量。②根据科技发展需求,技术保护是外国在华进行专利技术创新战略的主要目的。③经济发展水平和主导产业优势是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的推动要素。④应该以“一带一路”战略为契机,加强自主创新和技术创新合作,吸引更多核心创新技术首次在华申请专利和进行技术转移,推动中国国际科技创新中心建设,争取更为有利的国际竞争环境。  相似文献   

在高质量发展背景下,中国需着力提高全要素生产率﹑推动全社会技术进步,而具有不同特性且数量持续增长的风险投资﹑科技信贷和公共财政在中国科技创新中扮演着不同的角色并存在异质性的作用,有必要进一步探明异质性科技金融和国际创新合作在中国经济高质量发展中所扮演的角色,为明确推动中国经济高质量发展的实现路径提供参考。借鉴双元创新理论构建理论概念模型,并将国际创新合作作为调节变量,应用有调节的中介效应模型,采用计量经济学方法实证探讨异质性科技金融在中国科技创新中的角色,以及比较风险投资和科技财政等不同科技金融工具的作用大小,以揭示中国经济实现高质量发展的运行机制。主要发现:异质性科技金融中,风险投资的作用最大;中国自主创新对全社会技术进步的作用显著为正;国际创新合作正向调节国外技术引进推动中国全社会技术进步的过程,当国际创新合作程度很低时,技术引进对全社会技术进步的作用方向为负。基于研究发现,提出建议:改革创新融资方式,大力培育风险投资市场;将经济高质量发展的立足点始终放在中国科技的自立自强上;坚持对外开放战略,积极推动国际创新合作;加强技术引进的创新绩效考核。  相似文献   

以三峡工程项目中发电设备的技术引进过程为范例,通过具体的技术引进内容、方式、效果,以及通过引进技术后的消化吸收,再创新的技术发展过程,阐述了引进技术获得成功的经验和体会,分析了引进技术给企业带来的变化,技术进步对于促进企业发展的重大作用,从而使国内发电设备制造企业能够完全地自主开发、自主研制、自主制造和生产出具有当代世界领先水平的水轮发电机组。  相似文献   

We review the recent literature on technological change and diffusion to shed new light on the evolution of the world’s cross-country income distribution. Technology is viewed as non-rival knowledge in the sense that firms in more than one country can simultaneously use it. R&D investments generate often also a return outside the innovating firm itself; these knowledge externalities are called technology spillovers. We emphasize that technology is to some extent tacit, and technology diffusion often involves the face-to-face interaction of people. Our paper reviews the evidence on whether international trade, foreign direct investment, and other cross-border activities are important for technology diffusion.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent evidence on technology transfer to the rapidly growing Western Pacific region, where most developing countries have adopted relatively liberal policies towards the importation of technology and equity capital. In recent years Japan has emerged as a major supplier of technology to the region. Moreover, there have been important changes in the international technology market, which has become larger and more competitive. Nevertheless, many aspects of technology imports have been criticised, including the conditions attached to its sale, and its appropriateness for low income countries. The arguments for limited regulation of technology flows are assessed and the economic and administrative difficulties pointed out. From the host country viewpoint, the policies influencing diffusion of technology within the country seem to be at least as important as the policies directly bearing on technology transfer from overseas.  相似文献   

陈艺丹 《科教文汇》2014,(27):222-223
我国社会主义经济建设的快速发展与1978年改革开放有着十分密切的关系。自从我国打开对外开放的大门之后,就开始不断从国际上引进先进的生产技术和管理经验,这在一定程度上大大提升了我国的经济实力和综合国力,对于我国人民的物质文化水平的提高也有很大的帮助。但是,对外开放是一把双刃剑,它在为我国经济的不断发展提供智力和资金支持的同时,也有大量外资企业涌入我国,给我国传统的国产行业带来了十分大的挑战。因此,根据国际形势和经济发展状况不断地对自身进行改变,成为了当下各行各业发展和进步的关键所在。国际贸易行业作为近些年来经济全球化的产物,发展速度十分迅猛,本文主要针对国际贸易与FDI的技术溢出进行相关的分析,并提出相关建议,仅供大家参考。  相似文献   

Linsu Kim 《Research Policy》1980,9(3):254-277
This article presents a model of development stages that shows when and why local firms in a developing country acquire foreign technologies, how they assimilate and improve imported technologies to strengthen their competitiveness, and what and when external influences affect the process of technological change in these firms. Industrial technology in Korea's electronics industry has developed through three salient stages. Initially established through the implementation of imported foreign technology, local firms in the industry then accumulated experience in product design and production operation which provided a basis for limited indigenous efforts for the assimilation of imported technology. Finally, increased market competition in local and international markets and increasing capability of local personnel, together with assimilation of foreign technology, led to gradual improvements of foreign technology. This pattern is also evident in the history of manufacturing industries not only in Korea but also in other countries. The article also presents several propositions for future research.  相似文献   

基于Coe-Helpman的国际研发资本技术溢出模型,将国际研发投入、跨国技术转移、FDI、OFDI和进口贸易等5条渠道的研发资本技术溢出均纳入该模型,用动态GMM检验各渠道技术溢出与绿色技术创新效率的关系。研究结果表明:从动态性来看,滞后一期的绿色技术创新效率对当期的技术创新效率有显著提升作用,技术的循环累积效应对绿色技术创新效率的提升作用明显。国际研发资本技术溢出比国内研发资本更好地促进了绿色技术创新效率的提升,除了OFDI研发资本技术溢出没有提升绿色技术创新效率,其他渠道均促进了绿色技术创新效率,其中FDI研发资本技术溢出对绿色技术创新效率的提升最为显著。最后本文提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的国际环境下,自主可控和开放合作是发展科技产业的双翼,同等重要。自主可控让我们无后顾之忧;开放合作则允许我们充分开展全球分工与合作,获得竞争优势。文章分析了计算机产业发展史上的重要技术创新:移动芯片ARM和移动操作系统安卓(Android),以及正在发展的智能计算机产业,探讨了新的国际竞争环境下如何才能建立有竞争力的应用科学技术体系。文章认为:(1)只有从源头或者主干开始的基础性技术创新才可能真正做到自主可控,并充分享有国际分工与合作的好处;智能计算机是中国建立自主可控和开放产业的一个机会。(2)只有改变评价体系,从机械地统计论文数目和引用转向重视从源头或者主干开始的基础性技术创新,改变头重脚轻的学科布局,重视知识产权保护,充分利用国际智力开展分工与合作,才能建立具有国际竞争力的应用科学技术体系。  相似文献   

随着中国的崛起,其创新政策越来越受到国际力量的关注,并不可避免地受到国际力量的干预和影响。因此,从国际视野审视创新政策及过程对中国科学地制定创新政策具有重要意义。已有研究主要关注全球化影响下创新政策目标、内容和工具的变化,并把创新政策看作一个主权国家的内部政治活动,从政策过程讨论全球化和国际因素对创新政策的影响还不多见。本文从国际视野出发构建了基于“过程—主体—影响力”的创新政策过程三维分析框架,并对“中国自主创新产品政府采购”政策和“中国制造2025”政策的政策过程进行了比较分析。研究认为,中国的创新政策与贸易乃至对外事务的界限模糊化使得创新政策过程成为国际—国内双重博弈的复杂过程,创新政策制定的各个阶段都受到国际因素的影响,各类利益相关者基于形势变化和利益需求在不同政策中发挥的作用有明显区别,政策出台国和政策干预国的相互依赖程度和国际影响力最终决定了一国创新政策的受干预程度。  相似文献   

This paper charts the development of the knowledge-based theory of internationalisation, driven particularly by early research at the University of Uppsala, led by Sune Carlson. Information and knowledge, allied with an interest in the associated effect on risk and uncertainty, were components of a process perspective. Its essence was a focus on the restraining effects of a lack of knowledge as decision-makers contemplated international market entry or expansion requiring a commitment of resources in various forms, in different types of foreign operations (such as exporting, licensing and foreign direct investment). Lack of knowledge of a prospective foreign market (of its characteristics, culture, ways of doing business) was seen to create uncertainty so that firm decision-makers would be less prepared to commit resources. This situation was bound to change as a firm conducted operations in the foreign market and acquired experiential knowledge (learning by doing), which made the foreign market less of a mystery, in the process lowering uncertainty. As the learning process unfolded, and expanded opportunities were perceived, at some stage the firm might be prepared to undertake additional commitments to the foreign market. Empirical research at Uppsala, and in Finland, had shown a pattern of gradual expansion of foreign commitments by internationalising firms. In terms of theoretical development, a key step was relaxation of the assumption of perfect knowledge used in economics (not without critique), noted by Don Lamberton in 1974. Following the development of internationalisation theory in the 1970s, there was a range of extensions to the basic theory, such as the role of networks, the nature of inward–outward connections, and the need for knowledge to pass over language hurdles in the process of international transmission – within and outside the firm. In one sense, the internationalisation of companies was a perfect research site for an exploration of the role of information and knowledge in firm behaviour, given the additional exigencies of the diverse and demanding information environment that is the international arena.  相似文献   

    高铁技术创新过程是一个新技术合法化的过程,成功的高铁技术创新模式是我国实现重点战略新兴产业发展的典型范式,在当前的国际局势下对我国其他技术赶超领域具有更加重要的借鉴意义。本文从历史分析的视角,在引入技术合法性概念的基础上,综合应用技术创新和新制度理论,梳理了1949年至2015年7000余项科技创新政策并采用纳入政策维度的技术路线图分析框架(P-TRM),探索我国不同发展阶段的科技政策对高铁核心技术创新、产品、市场的作用机制;结合我国高铁从技术引进到自主研发的技术路径,分析我国高铁技术创新的合法化机制,探索我国政府主导的高铁技术创新的制度逻辑与变革路径。研究结果表明:中国高铁所取得的成就与强大的国家能力和政府主导的制度变革和技术进步密不可分。建议充分发挥政府主导的战略部署作用,充分利用我国的制度优势,根据制度创新对技术创新发展的导向关系,推动重点战略新兴产业的发展,建立战略性技术领域的国家创新体系。  相似文献   

气候适应治理的国际比较研究与战略启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球深度减排力度不足导致未来气候变化风险加剧的背景下,强化适应气候变化行动成为我国应对气候风险、提升气候韧性的必要手段。本研究分析比较了中国、英国、德国的适应战略演进和治理体系特征,并依据所得启示从适应知识、技术、资金三个能力维度提出完善我国气候适应治理体系的若干政策建议,旨在为我国争取新一轮国际气候博弈主动权、提升全球气候治理领导力提供决策参考。  相似文献   

本文借鉴库恩科学范式的思想,界定了产业技术范式内涵,刻画了产业技术范式变革过程中技术标准的作用机理。运用专利计量方法定量化描述了传统汽车技术体系形成到新能源汽车技术范式变革的过程,研究表明,传统汽车技术已经经历了完整的范式周期,新能源汽车处于范式发展期且新的技术体系正在形成,进而展示了汽车产业技术变革期技术标准从技术规范到与知识产权相结合的标准体系的演进路径,揭示了技术标准在汽车产业范式演进过程中的规范、桥梁和转化作用,以期为我国新能源汽车产业尽快形成有竞争力的技术标准体系提供理论参考。  相似文献   

起源于欧洲的外籍院士制度是院士制度国际化发展到一定阶段衍生出来的制度体系,是院士制度的重要组成部分。中国科学院外籍院士制度借鉴了国际通行做法,经历了漫长曲折的酝酿设计过程后于1994年建立。随着全球化的发展,外籍院士在国际合作交流中越来越成为一支不可忽视的力量。为保障外籍院士更好地发挥作用,欧美国家在外籍院士制度建设中已经形成一套行之有效的体系机制;中国科学院外籍院士制度建设充分吸纳了国际经验,同时在本土化过程中也深受国家不断提升的综合实力和历史悠久文化的影响,形成了自身的一些特色。文章在比较视野下,对中外外籍院士制度的起源发展和保障外籍院士发挥作用的体系机制方面进行了初浅的研究;在此基础上,提出了进一步优化中国科学院外籍院士制度,助力新时代我国国际科技交流合作战略实施的相关举措。  相似文献   

This paper provides a general background of the characteristics of the Japanese economy that relate to its use of technology to promote economic growth. We do not consider the common view that Japan just catching up with the technological level of other industrialized countries explains its remarkable rate of post-war economic growth. Rather we argue that the effective importation of technology requires complementary resources of management, skilled labor, capital, and domestic R&D as well as public to facilitate the transfer of technology. Japan has such complementary resources and public policies. The first part of the paper describes the process of technology importation and current concerns in Japan about dependence on imported technology. The second part of the paper describes Japan's domestic R&D effort and its major reliance on private sector R&D, supplemented, however, with government intervention in selected industries. The third part of the paper examines the institutional settings that had the significant impacts on Japan's introduction of new technology. These institutional factors include 1) post-war economic growth and changes in industry structure, 2) the character of competition, 3) the business group and 4) characteristics and organization in the supply of labor.  相似文献   

研究了影响跨国公司R&D投资的国家层面因素,结果表明,一个国家创新能力的差异,包括国家技术创新能力、技术基础设施以及人力技能发展是吸引R&D投资的重要因素;不同的国家创新能力吸引外来R&D投资的战略动机不同;此外,知识产权保护强度、R&D投资的国际化经验是吸引外来R&D投资的关键因素。  相似文献   

对外技术依存度是我国测度创新型国家建设进程的重要指标。本文提出基于全球化视角的对外技术依存度测算方法,考虑了外资企业的影响,使指标反映的内容更加全面。基于现有统计数据,计算了近十年的对外技术依存度,并预测了未来十年的对外技术依存度。分析表明,2020年创新型国家对外技术依存度目标是基本能够实现的。  相似文献   

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