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洋泾中学课堂教学改革的主题是变"以教定练"为"以学定教",变"先教后练"为"先学后教",变"以教为主"为"以学为主"。以学定教就是以学生的学情来决定教学方式,先学后教的核心是预习,重点是学生的活动,关键是学生如何展示、研讨、训练。基于这样的考虑,洋泾中学确定了课堂教学改革的路径:核心是学生学的行为变革,让学生动起来;前提是教师教学行为的变革,教师的教学行为应该是引起、维持、推进学生的学的行为;课堂教学结构必须调整,预习是关键;如何让预习落到实处,导学案的编制与使用是整个工作的抓手。  相似文献   

课堂教学行为是由教师教的行为、学生学的行为和师生互动行为构成的受教师的教学理念、教学技能、知识背景、身心健康,学生的心智水平、成长经历学业状态及教学环境、课堂气氛、师生关系等因素的综合影响的结构复杂的组织行为系统。本文试图从课堂教学行为的含义、种类、结构等方面系统准确的阐述课堂教学行为。  相似文献   

教师教学行为是指教师在教学过程中用语言、声像、板书等工具向学生所呈现的一切言语和非言语行为,包括教学准备行为、导入行为、呈示行为、指导行为和监控行为。具体来说,教学准备行为要求教师实现对教学内容、方法、资源、学习者与评价的综合考量;教学导入行为要求教师的教学导入要真实、简短、有情境性、灵活而有效;教学呈示行为要求教师讲述清晰准确、利用媒体促学、板书简洁规范等;教学指导行为要求教师明确要求、激发学生动能等;教学监控行为要求教师要灵活、机智并能运用生成性资源。  相似文献   

教师教学的言语行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教学的言语行为是教师传递教学信息与完成教学任务的主要载体与工具,是教师教学行为中的一个基本的和重要的组成部分。教学言语行为的基本特征是言语信息的流动性、言语思维的协调性、言语交流的临场性和言语手段的综合性。掌握教学言语行为的教学启动、教学表述、教学反馈、教学沟通、教学结合五个优化策略,可以改善教师的教学行为效果,达到促进学生发展、提高教擎质量的目的。  相似文献   

本文对语文课堂教学中师生教与学的行为表现进行了研究,大家都知道无论教师还是学生,还是师生的互动过程都具有生成性特征。课堂上会根据实际情况而生成的应对性的教和学的行为。通过对课堂教学行为的分析研究,基本描述新课程语文教育课堂教学行为的特征,探索提高课堂教学效能的改革方向和措施。  相似文献   

课堂教学行为观察在改善学生课堂学习、促进教师专业发展等方面具有积极的意义。然而,目前通过课堂观察研究教师教学行为还缺乏有效性。有效的课堂教学行为观察应实现五个方面的转向:从关注教师的教转向关注学生的学;从关注教学方法转向关注教学内容;从关注宏观转向关注细节;从关注教学共同性转向关注学科特色;从关注教学理念下的行为转向关注行为下的个人教学哲学。  相似文献   

课堂教学行为观察在改善学生课堂学习、促进教师专业发展等方面具有积极的意义。然而,目前通过课堂观察研究教师教学行为还缺乏有效性。有效的课堂教学行为观察应实现五个方面的转向:从关注教师的教转向关注学生的学;从关注教学方法转向关注教学内容;从关注宏观转向关注细节;从关注教学共同性转向关注学科特色;从关注教学理念下的行为转向关注行为下的个人教学哲学。  相似文献   

在我国传统的教学观念中,往往突出教师教的行为,而忽视了学生学的行为。这不仅影响了教学活动的有效性,而且还制约了学生能力的发展。因此,在实践新课程中,重视对学生学习行为的引导,既是实施有效教学的关键,也是全面提高学生素质的迫切要求。  相似文献   

课堂教学是由教师的"教"和学生的"学"共同组成的双边教学活动,这种双边教学活动是由教育目标所决定的,是师生"共同体"在课堂教学情境中为了实现教育目标而共同规范着各自的"教"的行为与"学"的行为。基于"师生共同体"的课堂教学行为应该以师生科学的教学理解为前提保障,以师生有效的教学配合为关键要义,以师生有意识地反思为终端检验。  相似文献   

语文教学有效课堂教学行为一方面必须完分发扬学生的主动精神,使其成为主动的探究者;另一方面教师必须充分发挥主导作用,使其成为积极的引导者。能否使二者在课堂教学中各得其所,取得"教"与"学"的最佳效果,取决于教师有效的课堂教学行为。其一、要善于运用多种方式组织教学;其二、要善于激发学生内在学习需求和动机;其三、要善于设计探究性教学情境。  相似文献   

教师的教学行为对教学效果会产生直接影响,教学行为改进是一个动态的过程并且具有群体性特征。本研究基于经验学习圈理论,对71名教师在2年持续教学行为改进过程中的350节视频课例,采用内容分析法,探究新手教师、胜任教师和成熟教师三类群体的教学行为改进特征。研究发现:基于经验学习圈2年的持续教学行为改进过程取得了显著的改进效果,三类教师均能够较好地改进问题的开放性;讨论后汇报和鼓励学生提出问题是三类教师在教学行为改进中共同的难点;经验学习中的反思性观察和抽象概括两个阶段对教师教学行为的正向改进作用比较小;三类教师群体的教学行为改进着力点明显不同,成熟教师最难改进的教学行为和最难改进的研修阶段与新手教师和胜任教师不同,新手教师与胜任教师存在不同的教学行为改进难点和相同的最难改进阶段。根据上述不同教师群体的教学行为改进特征,可以进一步优化与完善教师教学行为的改进方法与策略,形成更加精准地教学行为改进支持服务与改进依据,丰富教学行为改进的有关研究。  相似文献   

本研究选取初中聋生194名,采用问卷法,考察初中聋生学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知水平,并探讨其学习动机与教师课堂行为感知各因素对学习策略的影响。结果表明:(1)初中聋生在学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知上的性别差异均不显著;(2)初中聋生在学习策略中的元认知策略得分显著低于社会性策略和认知策略得分,在学习动机的内部热衷性上得分显著高于内部挑战性得分,外部奖赏得分显著高于外部认可得分,在教师课堂感知的支持性行为和教师高期望上得分均显著高于消极反馈得分。(3)学习动机和教师课堂行为感知对初中聋生学习策略影响显著,首先,在元认知策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;其次,在认知策略上,外部奖赏动机、内部热衷性动机、内部挑战性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;在社会性策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机、支持性帮助行为感知和消极反馈行为感知的预测效果显著。  相似文献   

教师的信念对课堂决策有着深刻的影响,教师是带着自己的信念,即对学生、学习和教育根深蒂固的看法走进课堂进行教学的。本文在对教师信念为主题的研究综述的基础上,对语言教学中教师信念的本质、特点、构成、来源及效性进行了系统性探讨,指出语言教师作为教学反思主体,其教学信念在基于学生行为和反馈的基础上可以得到了重塑和发展。  相似文献   

Though it is well known that pre-service teachers’ field experiences are recognized as key to enhancing teaching practice, Taiwanese pre-service teachers who take ‘Teaching Methods and Materials’ in elementary school’s seven areas often complain that they lack field experience. They do not have the opportunity to experience teaching demonstrations among real elementary school students. This case study discusses 35 pre-service English teachers’ professional learning and the field experience they acquired from expert teachers in the Teaching Methods and Materials of English in the Elementary School course in Taiwan. Data in this study include: (1) observation notes, (2) lesson plans, worksheets, and teaching materials, (3) videos on teaching demonstrations, (4) conversation notes on lesson planning, (5) the class syllabus, (6) semi-structured interviews with expert teachers, and (7) participants’ reflections on their mentoring experience. Participants held positive attitudes toward the mentoring experience and their expert teachers. Because it helped them combine their knowledge of the classroom context, lesson plan content, instructional pedagogy, and their students, these 35 participants regarded teaching practice as more beneficial than observing expert teachers’ instructions and having conversation with expert teachers after teaching practice. In addition to mentored field experience, online discussions and seminars on topics are suggested for inclusion in mentoring activities.  相似文献   

Teaching autonomy is an important power of teachers as professionals and also a key factor affecting instructional quality. Based on the relevant data of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018, this study analyzes teachers’ teaching autonomy and its effect on instructional quality. It finds that, firstly, as compared to those in the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), teachers in Shanghai, China, have greater teaching autonomy, but there is still room for improvement in this regard. They have sufficient autonomy in determining the instructional content and disciplining students, but not in assessing students’ learning. Secondly, increasing the teaching autonomy in Shanghai can significantly improve instructional quality. Increasing their autonomy in assessing students’ learning has the greatest effect on improving instructional quality, while increasing the autonomy in choosing teaching methods has the least effect, which is culturally different from the situation in OECD countries. Thirdly, the influence of teaching autonomy on instructional quality is positively moderated by teaching efficacy, which means that teachers need to have the “ability” in addition to the “autonomy.” Based on this, suggestions are also made.  相似文献   

"教学存在感"阐释了教学环境下建立良好学习体验的核心要义,其理论视角对于网络教学、面授教学以及混合教学中改进教学质量、提升学习体验具有指导价值,可作为建立有效教学的抓手。"教学存在感"是"社会存在感"在教育领域的投影,是指学生感知到的教师对其学习的指导和关注,该描述性定义揭示了有效教学过程的本质,适用于在各种情形下确定有效教学的特征。对"教学存在感"定义及其内涵的辨析,有助于理解其存在现实差异的原因,进而揭示影响其强弱的因素:一是教师对专业知识的精通程度,二是教师对教学方法的了解程度,三是教师建立学习共同体的能力。因此,教师可以从扩展专业知识的渊博程度、与学生沟通教学用意、提高教学的针对性等方面提升"教学存在感"。与此同时,为避免因过于强调"教学存在感"而带来的教师工作量激增,可采取如下策略控制实现"教学存在感"的工作量:一是采取有规划更新教学内容的策略以降低更新工作量,二是采取预防为主的策略降低答疑工作量,三是采取学生互助的策略降低回帖工作量,四是采取覆盖抽样的策略降低一对一交流工作量。  相似文献   

Teaching is a highly personal endeavor shaped by ‘funds of knowledge’ and beliefs about teaching, learning, and students. This case study examines how one Asian immigrant teacher’s personal expectations and beliefs influenced his expectations of students and the teaching and instructional strategies he employed. His expectations of students’ behavior and their failure to conform to his expectations influenced him to utilize more traditional, didactic instructional practices and responses to classroom management dilemmas. It is generally assumed that immigrant and minority students will benefit from exposure to teachers from similar backgrounds, and that ethnically diverse teachers can better prepare minority students for the multicultural workplace and global economy. This study focuses on the role a teacher’s background and experiences play in development of their beliefs about teaching and learning, their expectations of students, and the instructional decisions they make regarding teaching and learning. This study suggests that teachers draw on their personal histories and cultural understandings to create classroom practices which are molded by microcosms of personal ‘funds of knowledge’ and beliefs about teaching and learning. In contrast to conventional wisdom and unquestioned myths, this study emphasizes the importance of knowing that teachers’ cultural backgrounds do not necessarily qualify them to provide the most appropriate instructional environment for students from similar cultural backgrounds. This study suggests that all teachers need to learn to recognize and negotiate the unique social elements culturally diverse students bring to the classroom.  相似文献   

在初中数学课堂教学中,"是否完成认知目标"限制了数学教师对学生认知能力以外的其他发展的关注,"丝丝入扣"的教学设计严重束缚了教学中的灵活性和变通性,"样样俱全"的课堂教学常常忽略了学生在学习中的实际需要。对初中数学教师教学行为进行评价包括先进的教学理念、备课方式的改进、学生"创新能力"的培养、学生学习状态的评价、对课堂教学的反思。初中数学教师课堂教学过程的评价细则分为对教学思想、教学目标、教学内容、教学环节、教学方法、教学效果、教师教学艺术、教师的基本素养、教师自我反思、教师对学生课外活动的指导情况十种评价。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of teaching and learning environments on student teachers’ approaches to teaching and compares a lecture‐based setting to a student‐activating teaching environment, in which self‐discovery learning by means of authentic tasks is central. Data collection (N = 852) was obtained by a pre‐test/post‐test design including the Approaches to Teaching Inventory. Though student teachers’ approaches changed significantly, the direction is only consistent with the assumption that the student‐activating experiences push students towards conceptual change/student‐focused approaches; however, not away from information transmission/teacher‐focused teaching. In fact, students’ approaches to teaching at the start of the experiment are important predictors of their scores after they followed the course on child development under both conditions. Moreover, student teachers’ changes in approaches to teaching tend to be affected by variables such as performance, academic self‐esteem, perceived workload and students’ changes in approaches to learning: variables that operate in distinct ways for diverse categories of approaches and work differently in both settings. In addition, the willingness of students to teach in the way they have been taught is not as straightforward as might be expected. Although several students became convinced of the use of the teaching methods in the experiment for their own practice, the majority of students demonstrate reflective practices, make critical judgements, formulate terms or suggest amendments to the teaching methods before simply adopting them for their own future pupils.  相似文献   

多媒体技术在英美文学教学中操作性途径的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多媒体技术与英美文学教学结合具有可行性、必要性和重要性。首先,教师必须更新教育观念,必须考虑到英美文学课教学要针对“新人类”学生的共性,满足学生的不同学习目的和不同学习兴趣的要求;其次,教师充分考虑到文学本身的系统性、教学的生动性和可操作性;以多媒体技术为手段,实现师生多元互动,多向学习,整合英美文学教学。  相似文献   

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