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借鉴TELT的做法,考察6名师范生面向教学的数学知识(MKT)的实然水平,并从数学发生发展的视角分析了其中的原因。师范生对推动学科发展的问题的认识处于非常浅的层次,多是从逻辑的角度反推知识产生的动机;对解决推动学科发展的问题的方法缺乏方法论上的认识,不能把知识点还原成研究工具、认识工具;不具有"解压缩"功能的数学知识,不能把处于"压缩"状态的知识还原成中间过程状态,以小步子的方式逐渐理解认知对象。通过发展对数学任务的关键性理解,在此基础上形成教育教学上的见解,从而促进师范生的MKT是值得考虑的一条路径。  相似文献   

教学模式是指在一定教学思想或教学理论指导下建立起来的较为稳定的教学活动结构框架和活动程序.数学教学模式的选择,是决定学生在课堂教学中能否很好地获取知识、形成能力的关键因素.新课标提出数学教育要以有利于学生全面发展为中心,以提供有价值的数学和倡导有意义的学习方式为基本点.数学教学应是数学活动的过程,教师要重视知识的发生和发展,给学生留有充分的时间与空间,使学生亲自参与获取知识和技能的全过程,激发数学学习兴趣,培养运用数学的意识与能力.  相似文献   

传统的数学课堂教学是以知识的传授为本位的,教师以讲述知识为己任,学生以听懂例题.做对习题为目的,离开了生活的数学教学过程枯燥乏味,使学习活动成为学生的沉重负担.如果我们能在平时的课堂教学过程中实施"生活化",根据教学内容和学生的身心发展,采用语言直观、实  相似文献   

教学模式是指在一定教学思想或教学理论指导下建立起来的较为稳定的教学活动结构框架和活动程序.数学教学模式的选择,是决定学生在课堂教学中能否很好地获取知识、形成能力的关键因素.新课标提出数学教育要以有利于学生全面发展为中心,以提供有价值的数学和倡导有意义的学习方式为基本点.数学教学应是数学活动的过程,教师要重视知识的发生和发展,给学生留有充分的时间与空间,使学生亲自参与获取知识和技能的全过程,激发数学学习兴趣,培养运用数学的意识与能力.在这种理念指导下,课堂教学要重在倡导学生自主参与,从而获得数学知识和发展学生能力.  相似文献   

在PCK(学科教学知识),MPCK(数学学科教学知识)以及MKT(教学需要的数学知识)的理论框架的基础上,从“数学专业的知识”与“数学教学的知识”两个维度对师范生的数学教学知识展开研究.利用一份国际比较研究中,测试在职小学数学教师数学本体性知识的问卷对85名数学师范生进行调查后进而运用访谈了解他们对数学专业知识与数学教学知识的深入理解.结果表明,样本师范生的数学教学知识不容乐观,而在大学期间的课程设置对他们的数学教学知识有一定影响.进一步指出可以从以下方面提升师范生的教学知识:继续加强学科知识的学习;重视对课程标准与教材的理解;更多关注中小学教学实践.  相似文献   

课堂教学是师生的双边活动,数学教学过程不但是知识传授的过程,也是师生情感交流的过程。著名的教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“如果教师不想方设法使学生进入情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态,就急于传授知识,那么,这种知识只能使人产生冷漠的态度,而不动感情的脑力劳动就会带来疲倦。”因此,课堂教学中要注重从以下几方面发掘情感的积极因素,强化学生数学学习的兴趣。  相似文献   

<正>俗话说:"细节决定成败。"这个观点同样适用于我们的课堂教学,因为课堂教学的过程都是由一个个教学细节组成的。数学课堂教学中如果能从大处着眼,小处入手,注重打磨细节,那么就会使我们的数学教学更精致  相似文献   

<正>数学课堂教学要求学生学有价值的知识与实用性知识,有效的课堂教学是指通过课堂教学活动,让学生在认知和情感上均有所发展。我在从事小学数学教学的过程中,对于课堂教学有效性有了以下几点思考。一、充分调动学生的主动性,提高课堂教学有效性。有效的知识教学应遵循教学优化原则,以尽可能少的时间、精力和物力投入,取得尽可能好的教学效果,从而实现特定的教学目标,满足社会和个人的教育价值需求。知识的有效性是保证课堂教学有效的一个十分重要的条件,有效的知识教学应有利于促进学生发展,考虑学生应有的发展水平,提高  相似文献   

<正>数学课堂教学的有效性是指通过数学课堂教学活动,使学生在数学上有提高,有进步,有收获。它既关注学生当前的发展,又关注学生未来的发展,可持续发展。有效的课堂教学是通过课堂教学活动,让学生在认知和情感上均有所发展。在小学数学教学过程中,我对于其有效性有以下思考。1.深钻教材,确保知识的有效性知识的有效性是保证课堂教学有效的一个十分重要的条件。对学生而言,教学知识的有效是指新观点、新材料,他们不  相似文献   

有意义的数学学习不能只是单纯模仿与记忆,有效的数学教学应从学生的生活经验和已有的知识背景出发,向学生提供充分地从事数学活动的机会,动手实践也是数学学习的重要方式。新教材中“做一做”的设立目的就是要教师在课堂教学中努力为学生创设活动情境,激发学生积极主动参与课堂活动的兴趣,使课堂教学成为学生的自主学习活动。教材中的“做一做”主要分为以下几类情形。1.让学生动手做。动手做是让学生直接参与教学活动,获取感性知识的主要途径。学生在活动的过程中,经历了知识的发生与形成过程,从中体会“做数学”的方法,是学生学习过程中…  相似文献   

Instructional practice plays a significant role in understanding teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The aim of the study reported on was to compare mathematics and technology pre-service teachers’ knowledge of PCK. The study used a case study approach of five mathematics and five technology pre-service teachers with a total of ten. Data was collected in seven public schools around Gauteng province in South Africa. The observation technique was employed in order to understand students’ classroom practice, using a video camera to capture the setting. One lesson of 45 minutes presented by each pre-service teacher, rendering a total of ten lessons, was observed. The study adapted the theoretical framework of PCK (Shulman 1987). The study scrutinised the data based on the qualitative content analysis method and found that most pre-service teachers in both mathematics and technology possess a limited knowledge of PCK. In both subjects, most of the pre-service teachers’ classroom practice did not exhibit comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter or knowledge of the learners. However, the difference is that only mathematics pre-service teachers have some knowledge of assessment. The data also indicate that “9E” instructional practice can be a valuable tool to enhance field-specific PCK within the field of mathematics and technology education subjects. Therefore, the study proposes further investigation of the “9E” instructional model that could be used as field-specific PCK within the fields of mathematics, science and technology.  相似文献   


Two major concerns in mathematics teacher education are the role of subject matter knowledge and the development of self-efficacy in pre-service teachers. This article brings these issues together in an exploration of the interaction between pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their subject matter knowledge and their accounts of university and placement experiences as potential sources of self-efficacy. Reporting on a group of ten pre-service teachers in Norway, we explore variations in the ways in which they perceived the role of subject knowledge in relation to experience, particularly “mastery experiences”, over a period of nearly two years. We suggest that recognition of the role of “understanding why” in mathematics is crucial in the experience of mastery, and that there is a need to focus more on the role of subject matter knowledge in all sources of self-efficacy in teaching mathematics.  相似文献   

This study examined pre-service teachers’ intentions to use computers in traditional and innovative teaching practices in primary mathematics classrooms. It extended the technology acceptance model (TAM) by adding as external variables pre-service teachers’ experience with computers and their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Data collected from 226 participants revealed that the proposed model had a good fit for both traditional and innovative uses of computers. Structural equation modelling suggested that the established TAM variables, together with TPCK and experience, were significant determinants of pre-service teachers’ intentions to use computers in teaching mathematics at both levels. The most dominant determinant of behavioural intention was TPCK, followed by attitude. The proposed model explained 22.7% of the variance in the use of computers in traditional teaching practices and 27.6% of the variance in the use of computers in innovative teaching practices. The implications for mathematics teaching are discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

教育类课程对职前数学教师作用欠佳的归因调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育类课程对职前数学教师教学知识的发展作用欠佳的原因是多方面的,既有教育类课程内容方面的原因,也有职前数学教师自身的原因,此外教授职前教育课程的教师的专业能力、教学方法也是不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

Although research suggests that many pre-service mathematics education programmes are weak interventions having a negligible effect on student teachers’ knowledge, beliefs and attitudes, there is consensus that programmes that model and engage student teachers in reform teaching and learning approaches have the potential to effect positive change in attitudes and knowledge of mathematics. This paper focuses on the perceptions of 345 student teachers regarding their mathematics education programme. The authors consider that in order to further our understanding of the characteristics of an effective pre-service mathematics education programme, the opinions of participating student teachers are fundamental. Participants reported improved mathematical subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in addition to greater confidence and decreased anxiety towards mathematics. Programme features such as small group tutorials and interactive engagement were identified as impacting this positive change.  相似文献   

Reflective practice represents a central theme in teacher education. The focus of this study is to look at pre-service teachers’ reflection processes and their breadth and depth in four different contexts. Our research data consist of 53 pre-service teachers’ mathematics portfolios, from which three were selected for closer scrutiny. The chosen portfolios represent different reflection profiles. According to our findings, the breadth and the depth of the pre-service teachers’ reflection processes varied greatly, and their former experiences as learners of mathematics seemed to have a great impact on their reflection when teaching mathematics for the first time. However, through acquaintance with research articles, the pre-service teachers’ reflection deepened and, at the same time, seemed to broaden. The participants’ consideration of biographical contexts aided their understanding and their reflection of other contexts.  相似文献   

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is an important predictor of educational quality. PCK develops from various sources, such as teaching experience. Studies investigating the effects of teaching experience on PCK development mainly focus on the question whether experienced teachers differ from novices in the amount of PCK. In a mixed methods study, we study both quantitative and qualitative differences between pre-service and in-service teachers’ PCK. Total scores on a paper-and-pencil instrument are used as a measure of French PCK. To analyse the participants’ PCK in a qualitative way, answers are coded in four categories and the prevalence of answers in each category is compared between groups. Furthermore, the nature of answers is studied. No differences on our quantitative PCK measure are observed. The qualitative analysis shows that in-service teachers have more difficulties with conceptual knowledge, while showing more practical knowledge of students’ understanding than pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

Over the last 50?years, there has been ample research dedicated to mathematics anxiety in contexts of teaching and learning. However, there has been less attention focused on pre-service teachers’ anxieties about teaching mathematics in classroom settings. This study analyzed pre-service teachers’ reflections at the conclusion of an elementary mathematics field experience in order to determine common themes surrounding anxiety-related events based on mathematics practice-teaching experiences. Through qualitative analysis of pre-service teachers’ reflections using open and axial coding, three categories and ten themes surrounding elementary pre-service teachers’ anxiety-related events based on mathematics practice-teaching experiences emerged. Some of the themes presented were ones that increased pre-service teachers’ anxieties for teaching mathematics, whereas other themes reflected aspects of the field experience that decreased anxiety for teaching mathematics. Based on the themes revealed in this study, suggestions for strategies and materials that could be developed for university mathematics methods courses are discussed. Novel perspectives for considering mathematics teaching anxiety, such as locus of control and future time perspective, are shared.  相似文献   

刘燚 《数学教育学报》2012,(3):95-97,102
知识是数学教师专业成长中的一个重要维度,社会发展和教育变革对数学教师的知识提出了新的要求.教师知识结构是指教师为了胜任教育教学工作,所具备的知识类型、成分及其比例关系,其研究目的在于寻求教师教育教学实践活动的"知识基础".数学教师的知识结构主要应包括:取得教师资格应必备的基础性知识、得以胜任教育教学工作的支撑性知识、促进数学教师有效教学的完善性知识.  相似文献   

加强实践性教学有利于教师教学知识发展,有利于提升师范生的数学教学观念.泰山学院在数学教育类课程计划的编制、课程开设、教学组织形式等方面开展了实践性教学的实践和研究,通过加强实践教学内容、开展教师技能训练、教学设计、模拟数学教学活动、感悟教学理论知识的生成过程,积累教学经验、提高数学教学技能,提升师范生的就业竞争力.  相似文献   

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