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采用文献资料法,论述了乒乓球过程中“人-球”关系的内涵;阐明了调节“人-球”关系的专门化知觉,即方位知觉、运动知觉、时间知觉;提出了移动,调节身体重心等调整“人-球”关系的具体方法。  相似文献   

为促进排球运动的发展,加深对排球运动中人球关系地位及重要性的理解,文章从竞技运动的本质出发,基于球类运动中“人球关系”内涵的解析,从排球运动的特点、人球关系在排球技术中的地位等角度,对排球运动中保持人球关系的重要性进行了剖析,对影响人球关系的专门化知觉、调整人球关系的运动方式进行了整理,并从心理学角度对这些运动方式的控制因素进行了研究.研究得出:排球运动中的人球关系,是排球技术合理运用的基础,在众多的人球关系影响因素中,主要动因是建立在良好战术修养基础上的观察与预判.  相似文献   

奥马尔·西沃里于1935年10月2日出生于阿根廷的圣尼克拉斯市。他是一名优秀的足球前锋。1952—1957年在阿根廷“普拉塔”俱乐部踢球;1957—1965年在意大利“尤文图斯”俱乐部队踢球;1965—1969年在意大利“那不勒斯”俱乐部队踢球。他在“尤文图斯”俱乐部队效力期间,该队曾3次(1958、1960和1961年)荣获意大利甲级联赛冠军、两次(1959年、1960年)获得意大利“冠军杯”赛冠军。1960年他被评为意大利甲级联赛最佳射手——共射入27个球;1961年荣获欧洲“足球先生”称号;1962年参加了在智利举行的第7届世界杯决赛。在他的足球生涯中,共代表阿根廷国家队比赛18场,打进了9个球。1961—1962年间,曾代表意大利国家队出战9场,共射进8个球。  相似文献   

在体育教学实践中,我们灵活地采用了“人球比赛”的教学方法在50米跑教学中收到了良好的效果。现将“人球比赛”法介绍给广大体育教育工作者参考。 “人球比赛”法如下:在若干条跑道的中间道定为球运行的道次,其余为人跑道。在起点处设抛球员1—5人(依次与练习者轮换),终点设裁判员兼拾球员1人。当练习者听到跑口令或者枪声时,抛球员同时抛出地滚球与练习者进行比赛,到终点后由裁判员宣判比赛结果并拾球回起点加入练习。所图所示:  相似文献   

大凡爱球之人,对手中的球拍多半是宝贝般爱护的,曾在乒乓BBS上见过这么—句话一“拍在人在”,读来大有武侠小说中“剑在人在”的味道,可见其迷球之深爱球之切。  相似文献   

“认真打好每一杆球”是对门球爱好者的基本要求,也是门球人严谨、务实、求精、奋进精神的完美体现。无论是初习门球者,还是具有一定球龄的老球友,“认真打好每一杆球”都是有一定难度的。从个人平时练球的角度讲,认真与否的区别就在于练习者是用“槌头”打球,还是用“脑子”打球。要想提高个人球技,平时练习中就必须多用、勤用、善用脑子,按照“五步法”(即“设想—观察—检验—琢磨—重打”)稳扎稳打。第一步,击打前设想。除去站位、瞄准、挥杆击球等基础动作要随时自我检查、纠正外,每打一杆球之前头脑中应当有一个设想:即打什么性质的球…  相似文献   

我认真拜读了“门球之苑”2005年第三期姚福堂同志撰写的“④球封三门——开局布阵守中攻”的文章。我和我的球友对破“④球封三门战术”曾进行多次模拟训练,效果很好,取胜率较高,下面谈谈“破④球封三门”之我见:第一轮①球占二门一号位,②球留球,③球留守,这时④球进场占三门  相似文献   

运动员对球的控制与支配能力,主要取决于对球的特性的感知和调节机能,这种人体对球的特性的感知与调节,我们通常称之为“球感”。“球感”包括多种因素,如对球的形状、大小、弹性、重量、表面光滑程度,球受力时的速度及方向变化等。这些因素通过皮肤分析器,视觉分析器和运动  相似文献   

<正> 一、“少防多”训练法的特点与作用 (一)“少防多”训练法是以球为主,区、人兼顾为原则的一种防守练习形式。每当进攻队的球动,或人动,或人球皆动时,防守队员都要根据球的位置进行顺或逆时针的轮转换位防守。 (二)“少防多”训练法,针对人盯人防守区域联防、混合防守、对位联防中所具有的共性问题进行训练。 (三)“少防多”训练法,打破了固定看人和固定防区的界限,防守的点多面广,队员移动频繁,难度大,强度高。二、“少防多”训练法的原则与要求  相似文献   

近来英国和巴西的媒体正在为究竟是谁发明了“落叶球”而争吵不休,英国人认为贝克汉姆在2002世界杯预选赛最后与希腊的比赛中踢进的那个任意球就是典型的“落叶球”,而巴西人对英国媒体的自吹自擂却不屑一顾,他们举出了半个世纪前的传奇球星迪迪作为例证,以证明这项发明的专利属于“桑巴大陆”,他的绰号就是—枯叶。  相似文献   

“赢球靠防守”这是大家所认可的“公理”。从一定意义上可以说,有球队员是全队共同的敌人。进攻中不但可以进行投篮和突破自己得分,也能够利用传球或策应为同伴创造得分机会。因此,必须提高对有球队员的重视,加强防守。本研究从防守投篮、突破、传球和运球四个方面来分防守有球队员的技术特点。  相似文献   

The effects of three different colour patterns on the surface of volleyballs (versus that of a plain white ball) on the behaviour of a reception player were examined by presenting sidespin volleyball serves. Expert (n = 10) and novice (n = 10) volleyball players intercepted volleyballs projected straight at them or at an initial angle of 9.5 degrees outwards but eventually curving towards the players' original position. In the latter trajectories, players generally took one or more steps laterally before returning to the landing position of the ball. These excursion patterns were significantly more pronounced with the white balls than the coloured balls. Differences between balls of different colour combinations were also observed. The first finding supports the thesis that next to a prospective type of control, such as on-line maintenance of a certain spatiotemporal relationship between the player and the ball, properties of the ball itself allow prediction of the future path of the ball. Differences between types of colour patterns are explained within the framework of the between-colours wavelength contrasts of each type of ball.  相似文献   

The effects of three different colour patterns on the surface of volleyballs (versus that of a plain white ball) on the behaviour of a reception player were examined by presenting sidespin volleyball serves. Expert (n = 10) and novice (n = 10) volleyball players intercepted volleyballs projected straight at them or at an initial angle of 9.5° outwards but eventually curving towards the players' original position. In the latter trajectories, players generally took one or more steps laterally before returning to the landing position of the ball. These excursion patterns were significantly more pronounced with the white balls than the coloured balls. Differences between balls of different colour combinations were also observed. The first finding supports the thesis that next to a prospective type of control, such as on-line maintenance of a certain spatiotemporal relationship between the player and the ball, properties of the ball itself allow prediction of the future path of the ball. Differences between types of colour patterns are explained within the framework of the between-colours wavelength contrasts of each type of ball.  相似文献   

在大多数球类比赛中,运动员需要在长时间内承受间歇性大小负荷的交替变化,因此,对运动员的间歇负荷能力有很高的要求。YO-YO测试可以对运动员重复间歇性负荷的能力进行评价。国内对YO-YO测试与运动员之间的相关研究较为缺乏。文章就近年来国外对YO-YO测试与运动员比赛表现以及有氧耐力、无氧耐力指标的相关性研究进行综述,为"YO-YO测试"在国内足球及其它项目的训练监控应用中提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Different methods of ball carrying can be used when a player runs with the ball in rugby union. We examined how three methods of ball carrying influenced sprinting speed: using both hands, under the left arm and under the right arm. These methods were compared with running without the ball. Our aim was to determine which method of ball carrying optimizes sprinting speed. Altogether, 48 rugby union players (age 21 +/- 2 years, height 1.83 +/- 0.1 m, body mass 85.3 +/- 12 kg, body fat 14 +/- 5%; mean +/- s) were recruited. The players performed twelve 30-m sprints in total (each player performed three trials under each of three methods of carrying the ball and sprinting without the ball). The design of the study was a form of Latin rectangle, balanced across the trial order for each of the methods and for pairwise combinations of the methods in blocks of four per trial. Each sprint consisted of a 10-m rolling start, followed by a 20-m timed section using electronic timing gates. Compared with sprinting 20 m without the ball (2.58 +/- 0.16 s), using both hands (2.62 +/- 0.16 s) led to a significantly slower time (P < 0.05). Sprinting 20 m with the ball under the left arm (2.61 +/- 0.15 s) or under the right arm (2.60 +/- 0.17 s) was significantly quicker than when using 'both hands' (P < 0.05), and both these methods were significantly slower than when running without the ball (P < 0.05). Accordingly, running with the ball in both hands led to the greatest decrement in sprinting performance, although carrying the ball under one arm also reduced the players' sprinting ability. Our results indicate that to gain a speed advantage players should carry the ball under one arm.  相似文献   

论篮球比赛中防守有球队员技术动作方法的运用及其发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从现代篮球运动防守技术趋势和要求出发,针对防守有球队员技术动作概念的涵盖内容和技术动作运用方法的发展,对防守内线、锋线、卫线有球队员技术动作方法上的组合性、攻击性、创新性变化进行了研究,并提出了防守有球队员的训练框架、目标和内容.  相似文献   

There are several ways of carrying the ball in rugby union, which could influence the speed at which a player can run. We assessed 52 rugby players (34 males, 18 females) during a maximum sprint over 30 m without the ball, with the ball under one arm, and with the ball in both hands. Timing gates were used to measure time over the initial 10 m and the last 20 m. It has previously been reported (Grant et al., 2003) that running with the ball produces a slower sprinting speed than running without the ball. We hypothesized that the decrease in speed caused by carrying the ball would become less marked with the experience of the player. The male and female players were each divided into two groups: a "beginner" group that consisted of players in their first or second season and an "experienced" group that was composed of players who had played for more than two seasons. A 2 x 3 mixed-model analysis of variance was used to identify differences (P < 0.01) between the beginner and experienced groups in the three sprinting conditions. The times for the males for the first 10 m sprints without the ball, with the ball under one arm, and with the ball in both hands were 1.87 +/- 0.08 s, 1.87 +/- 0.08 s, and 1.91 +/- 0.1 s for the beginners, and 1.87 +/- 0.1, 1.88 +/- 0.1 and 1.88 +/- 0.12 for the more experienced players respectively. The times for the females for the first 10 m without the ball, with the ball under one arm, and with the ball in both hands were 2.13 +/- 0.16 s, 2.19 +/- 0.17 s, and 2.20 +/- 0.16 s for the beginners, and 2.03 +/- 0.12 s, 2.03 +/- 0.09 s, and 2.04 +/- 0.1 s for the more experienced players respectively. For the last 20 m of the 30-m sprint, there were differences between the different sprint conditions (P < 0.001) but no differences that were attributable to experience (P = 0.297). The times for the males over the last 20 m without the ball, with the ball under one arm, and with the ball in both hands were 2.58 +/- 0.19 s, 2.61 +/- 0.12 s, and 2.65 +/- 0.12 s for the beginners, and 2.59 +/- 0.12, 2.62 +/- 0.23, and 2.65 +/- 0.18 s for the more experienced players respectively. The times for the females over the last 20 m without the ball, with the ball under one arm, and with the ball in both hands were 3.25 +/- 0.38 s, 3.35 +/- 0.42 s, and 3.40 +/- 0.46 s for the beginners, and 3.04 +/- 0.32 s, 3.06 +/- 0.22 s, and 3.13 +/- 0.27 s for the more experienced players respectively. No gender-specific differences were detected. The results of this study suggest that practising sprints while carrying a ball benefits the early phase of sprinting while carrying the ball.  相似文献   

跳马团身前空翻起跳动作在跳马竞技中并非惊人的动作,但每个惊人的跳马动作几乎都和它的起跳技术相关连.如果在启蒙阶段起跳动作还存在着明显的技术缺陷,会给今后的跳马训练带来危害.为此,起跳技术的好坏对完成掌握跳马动作的质量尤显重要.通过对跳马团身前空翻起跳技术原理与训练中容易产生的误区以及有效的训练方法等方面进行分析,旨在共同切磋探讨,以推进科学训练.  相似文献   

高校女子篮球运动员人格与技术特点相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ—RSC),对第十二届CUBA中国大学生篮球联赛女子八强队伍进行测查。结果表明:1)得分、三分球命中率、二分球命中率、失误与运动员艾森克N维度呈现显著性相关,罚球命中率、助攻与艾森克E维度呈现显著性相关,助攻、失误与艾森克P维度呈现显著性相关;2)粘液质、多血质球员在得分方面高于抑郁质与胆汁质,多血质与胆汁质球员三分球命中率、二分球命中率方面高于另外两种类型球员。结论:N维度低分运动员情绪较为稳定,是球队的核心人选,得分手以及二分球选手也都属于情绪稳定性;粘液质、多血质球员是球队的主要得分手,多血质与胆汁质球员是三分射手的优秀人选。  相似文献   

通过对2004-2005赛季C BA联赛参赛球员自然状况及队伍技术状况的数据资料分析,其结果发现高大球员、特别是身高超过205C m球员的数量与球队成绩的关系密切。随着比赛水平的提高和争夺激烈程度的增加,获胜球队的防守明显加强、二分球的攻击显著增加。而所输球队的三分球攻击明显高于获胜的球队。另外,本赛季C BA联赛的防守较弱。  相似文献   

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