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Amy Morris Homans was a great champion for women’s pursuit of leadership in physical education and sport. In honor of her legacy, the purpose of this article is to: (a) discuss some defining leadership characteristics of Amy Morris Homans; (b) examine leadership issues related to gender; (c) examine leadership issues related to kinesiology; and (d) delineate ways to overcome leadership obstacles related to both gender and kinesiology. In true Amy Morris Homans fashion, I draw from multiple perspectives to discuss these topics. I hope that this discussion at the congress challenges scholars to increase their awareness of the glass obstacles that confront our field, and design research studies on gender- and kinesiology-specific leadership challenges that will shatter those obstacles once and for all. If a new generation of women and men who champion women’s pursuit of and longevity in leadership roles is inspired, this lecture has been a success.  相似文献   

This article shares examples of how leadership opportunities, self-directedness, self-efficacy and self-determination developed in professional women who have been recognised as leaders. This study presents six women honoured as ‘Women of Achievement’. Through narrative interviews, each woman described aspects of her life that guided decision-making and her approach to various life situations. Using the narrative examples provided, one may be able to see themes or strategies for working with other learners to enhance their own leadership. Findings included: growth and development as leaders within their own environments and through interactions with people who mentored or influenced them; openness to opportunities presented to them; the effect that time, place and culture contributed to the goals and tasks that these women undertook. While they were bound by social constraints concerning gender, race and class, each found a way to adapt within those environments and make changes for the better through their contributions. Consistently, these women realised their actions made a difference. Implications for further research include: enhancing self-directedness, self-efficacy and self-determination in women; expanding the definition of leadership; and understanding the motivation for engaging in leadership opportunities. Through this and other research, we seek to expand women’s roles and participation as leaders.  相似文献   

This study explored the gendered experiences of students belonging to an evangelical Christian religious community on a university campus in the United States. As some religious traditions harbour distinctive views on gender differences and roles, the study focused on community characteristics that pertained to beliefs about gender and the behaviours that emanated from those beliefs. The findings revealed that the community was defined by masculine norms, the endorsement of essential gender differences and separate roles for men and women with respect to leadership, modesty and dating/marriage. Suggestions for improving the conditions for women in religious groups and the broader college campus are discussed.  相似文献   

Wing-Wah Law 《Compare》2013,43(3):295-322
Since the 1980s, numerous studies have demonstrated the influences of culture and gender on leadership, including school leadership. Such studies have been criticised, however, for being dominated by Anglo-American paradigms and frameworks and for under-exploring the roles of culture and gender on leadership in non-Western societies. With reference to China, this paper focuses on the relationship between gender and school leadership and explores gender differences between Chinese male and female school leaders in their leadership orientations. The study adopted a mixed methodology of a questionnaire survey and individual interviews to solicit Chinese school leaders' views in 2008. The study finds mixed patterns of gender differences in Chinese school leadership, including stereotypical, non-stereotypical and no differences. This paper argues that these patterns can be interpreted as resulting from the dynamic interplay among traditional Chinese culture, contemporary political context and organisational settings into which Chinese school leaders are socialised and in which their leadership styles and behaviours are shaped and leadership is exercised.  相似文献   

Recent gender retheorisation has drawn on Mikhail Bakhtin's literary and linguistic theories of monoglossia and heteroglossia to reconcile seemingly contradictory gender discourses. Thus, girls/women and boys/men as they are biologically sexed might be discussed within a poststructural gender theory discourse that disconnects gender from the body. The concepts of gender monoglossia, gender heteroglossia and polyglossia have been applied here to empirical research into the construction of gendered leadership as it was seen to be done by one woman head teacher. The accounts of members of staff expose heteroglossia in the articulation of their understandings of gendered leadership beneath the construction of a monoglossic façade. They also reveal an understanding of polyglossic simultaneity as the head teacher is observed to ‘switch’ seamlessly between modes of doing gendered leadership depending on context and circumstances. There is also evidence of polyglossic simultaneity in the reports that might lead to the rejection and/or redefinition of gender theory discourses.  相似文献   

Issues of gender imbalance in leadership have long been a significant issue in universities, as is the case across most industries. This paper explores the experiences of seven females who have successfully achieved senior leadership positions at a regional university in Australia. While the experiences of these women differ in many ways, there are certainly similarities in the challenges and adversities that they have faced, and their perceptions of what has allowed them to experience success in their leadership roles. This paper provides a number of recommendations for women aspiring to be leaders in higher education, such as committing to ongoing development, taking opportunities when presented, developing resilience, developing a track record, and seeking support, and also recommendations for institutions.  相似文献   


Due to the ever-increasing life expectancy rates worldwide, there has been an emerging need to conduct more research on older adults’ participation in the labor market after reaching the state pension age. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with postretirement work in Chile, a country characterized by a strong persistence of a male-breadwinner model endorsed by deeply-rooted traditional gender roles, and at the same time characterized by a dual-earner model strongly encouraged by a neoliberal system. Relying on a gendered life course perspective and using a nationally representative survey, we conducted logistic regression analyses to explore how a number of cumulative advantages and disadvantages (such as work trajectory, job satisfaction, and caregiving duties) shape working beyond legal retirement age and the intrinsic motivation to continue working among economically active older adults in Chile. One of the main findings of the present study is that intrinsic motivation to continue working was a remarkably significant predictor of postretirement work among older Chilean adults, especially among women. The results also suggest that even though older women are motivated to continue working, the national labor market is unlikely to offer such possibility. The findings of this study have implications for practice in the sense that they demonstrate the imperative need for organizations to focus on intrinsic motivation-related factors in striving to improve employees’ willingness to stay within the company after the state pension age.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the third-level sector across the world has acknowledged a hopeless track record of promoting and retaining competent women in leadership roles. However, change, in terms of women’s contribution and participation, has been minimal at least, or gradual at the most optimistic. In this paper, a woman with more than two decades experience as a full-time academic in the field of higher education relates her sense of loss and purposelessness when attempts to reach for a higher level position were consistently unsuccessful. Using autoethnography she relates her experiences of sexism in higher education, and the ways in which sexism turns into oppression through silencing. She proposes how her experiences point to the need for change, and she indicates that training to reduce gender bias has been proven to improve feelings of workplace fit for participants who collaborate with people who have addressed their gender bias.  相似文献   

The positive aspects of women from traditional societies acquiring higher education have been widely documented, while the loss and pain entailed in the process, involving transition and changing gender roles, have usually been ignored. This narrative research explores the experience of Druze women who were the first or among the first, from their villages to study at Israeli universities, focusing on their return home following their studies. Studying in university involved crossing boundaries of gender and culture, leading the women through a path profoundly different from that of their families or childhood friends. Upon return, feelings of pride and accomplishment were accompanied by alienation, hybridity and pain. These aspects, previously overlooked in research literature, are discussed in the present article, adding a new dimension to the understanding of emotional and social facets in the lives of women from so-called ‘traditional’ societies who seek higher education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how gender roles of women teachers affect their practices in the classrooms. Participants in the study were 75 female teachers working in elementary schools in Adana, Turkey. Findings indicated that gender roles of women teachers have important effects on their educational practices. Women teachers explained how their gender roles affect their profession mostly in terms of “also being a mother” in both positive and negative directions. The main points in teachers’ explanations were “being a mother and a spouse”, “stress”, “close relationships with students and parents” and “lack of authority and issues of confidence”.  相似文献   

Between 1994 and 1999, new discourses of social justice and gender equity enabled the entry of significant numbers of women into the previously all-male domains of the educational bureaucracy. At the same time, women in one bureaucracy were leaving as fast as they were entering. This article probes this phenomenon of the simultaneous transformation of the educational administration and the apparent consolidation of earlier patriarchal forms of control, albeit on a non-racial basis. On the basis of 16 in-depth interviews conducted in the Gauteng Department of Education with key decision-makers, the article argues that these developments can be explained by the particular constructs and practices of leadership in educational administration that associate leadership and competence with masculinity, rationality and whiteness. This is evident in how interviewees framed their experience of authority and leadership, visibility and recognition and balance between public and private life. The experience overall was such as to lever women out of their positions. All interviewees drew on a range of personal and social resources to deal with the stresses and strains of working in educational administration. Black women drew strength from a belief in the collective strength and capability of women rooted in maternal feminism.  相似文献   

春秋战国时期,在社会性别角色的区分下,礼制对妇女有着相应的约束。男女有别的社会意识将她们束缚在家庭之内,虽然,她们在一定程度上参与社会活动,但是男女地位不协调已经成为一种社会趋势。有关妇女家庭地位的评述,多从女子的家庭经济地位切入,没有深入到她们本身所受礼法观念的束缚和对其一生的影响,因此,从礼法角度进一步探讨她们的家庭地位,就具有一定补缺意义。  相似文献   

This study is based on a longitudinal, qualitative investigation of a burgeoning evangelical student organisation on a university campus in the USA. In addition to four months of observation, in‐depth interviews were conducted with students in their first and third years of college to understand the gender climate and ideology that characterised the organisation, as well as how students' gender ideologies were altered or reinforced after three years of exposure to the organisation. The findings from the initial study revealed that the evangelical student community was steeped in a complementarian gender ideology; that is, the culture embraced normative masculinity, essential gender differences, and separate roles and expectations for men and women with respect to leadership, modesty, and dating/marriage. A narrative analysis of the longitudinal interview data revealed the diverse ways in which four women negotiated the gender ideology of the evangelical organisation during their college years.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of economic recession and high unemployment on teenage girls’ subcultures in Australia. It is argued that the tensions between domestic roles and economic roles, which are experienced by young women, have been exacerbated by recent changes in the economic context. A number of general cultural responses to this context are then discussed, followed by a more specific focus on the issue of teenage ‘welfare mothers’.

It is argued that both economic and cultural factors shape young working‐class women's life experience and reinforce dependency, through marriage or welfare. Education and youth policies have failed to benefit these young women, who are still disadvantaged in the labour market. Currently there is evidence that they are more likely than ever to be leading lonely, isolated and dependent lives, and without policies which specifically meet the needs of young working‐class women there is unlikely to be much change in the future.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study employs a gender perspective to understand the motivations of eight women literacy learners participating in a village‐based functional literacy programme in rural North‐eastern Thailand. Field research took place over six months of periodic residence in a North‐eastern Thai village, and involved participant observation, individual interviews and informal focus groups. An analysis of the women’s reproductive, productive and community roles, and their practical and strategic gender needs (Moser ) is used to frame findings on the women’s participation in the literacy programme. In brief, although the women valued educational programmes that reduced the burden of their reproductive labour, offered income‐generating opportunities in their productive roles and supported their leadership roles in the community, the village literacy programme had limited effect in addressing these practical gender needs. However, because a patriarchal ideology and Buddhist institutions had denied the women access to schooling as children, they now saw the literacy programme as both a symbolic return to school and a collective women’s space to advocate for more desirable adult educational programmes. In these ways, the programme addressed their strategic gender needs. The study argues that a gender lens is critical in explaining women’s participation in literacy programmes and in designing literacy education for development.  相似文献   

The article begins by presenting some background material on the employment in Austrian universities of women academics, pointing out that progress has been very slow and the way paved with obstacles. A commitment to equal opportunity for women has come from the Austrian Conference of Rectors which has created a working group on equal opportunity for men and women and has engaged the services of two consultants who are specialists in gender equality. Both of them are advising working groups in the various higher education institutions of Austria on the establishment of preferential hiring and promotion schemes for women academics.  相似文献   

德国“精英大学”近年来普遍推行两性平等策略,旨在强化女性科研人员的学术地位,并着力提高中高级管理人员中的女性比例,为女性提供生活保障和职业发展支持,包括幼儿照顾、科研和教学培训、学术网络构建、领导力和管理能力开发等。两性平等是“精英大学”创业转变中的重要策略,对于培养女性学术人才和管理后备人才将发挥重要作用,并在逐步改变各校师资队伍的性别结构。两性平等策略对于发掘科技人力资源潜力具有重要意义,并将成为研究型大学开放融合的创业文化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

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