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述及人体的化学组成,微量元素的人体生理功能,几种主要微量元素对保护队体健康的作用及辩证地认识人体微量元素的平衡关系等。研究人体微量元素对保障人体健康,防治疾病及延长人的寿命等方面均有意义。  相似文献   

茶叶是我国的一种传统饮料,有非常悠久的历史.茶叶中除含有丰富的维生素、茶多酚、氨基酸等营养物质外,还含有较丰富的微量元素.这些微量元素与人体健康有着密切的联系.常饮茶有利于补充这些必需微量元素.本文在介绍茶叶中的部分微量元素的分析方法近况后,讨论了饮茶与人体健康的关系.  相似文献   

本文介绍了对人体必需的微量元素和对人体有害的微量元素,指出了地下水中的有益微量元素和有害微量元素及对人体健康的影响.  相似文献   

通过对粮食中微量元素的含量、分布、存在形态的分析以及粮食中微量元素与正常人体中微量元素的含量比较,简要讨论了微量元素对人体的四种功能,并指出其浓度和存在形式对人体健康的影响,同时叙述了几种微量元素在医药和强化食品中的应用。说明人们对膳食中需要各种食物合理搭配食用,才能使机体微量元素达到平衡,健康人体。  相似文献   

试论粮食中的微量元素与人体健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对粮食中微量元素的含量、分布、存在形态的分析以及粮食中微量元素与正常人体中微量元素的含量比较,简要讨论了微量元素对人体的四种功能,并指出其浓度和存在形式对人体健康的影响,同时叙述了几种微量元素在医药和强化食品中的应用。说明人们对膳食中需要各种食物合理搭配食用,才能使机体微量元素达到平衡,健康人体。  相似文献   

微量元素与人体健康科学家早已发现,食物中的很多微量元素影响着人类的健康。在人体中发现的大约20种该类元素.虽然量很少,但对人的健康至关重要。碘。碘是人类熟知的最重要微量元素之一。骨骼的正常生长、婴儿中枢神经系统的发育都离不开它。缺碘会弓;起甲状腺肿大...  相似文献   

重金属对人类健康的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有些重金属是人体必须的微量元素,但其在人体内蓄积量达到一定值时,就会对人体产生毒性,影响到人类的健康。  相似文献   

元素与人体健康关系极为密切,微量元素在人体内缺少某些元素会影响健康;微量元素的摄入量也不能超过正常值,要控制适度,过多也会影响健康。  相似文献   

“智慧元素”──碘甘肃省榆中县第六中学(730100)牛承芳“智慧元素”这一美称,送给人体必不可少的微量元素──碘是很确切的。生理学和医学研究都表明,碘在人体内的某些生理功能方面所发挥的作用是极其重要的,与其它人体必需微量元素铁、锌等相比,是毫不逊色...  相似文献   

微量元素锌与人体健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微量元素锌与人体健康有着非常密切的关系,了解微量元素的生物功能,对预防,治疗锌缺之症疾病,提高人口素质有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

The relationships among verbal skills of primary school students with learning disabilities and a typically developing comparison group were studied and compared with written tasks carried out in Estonian classrooms. Word defining, categorising/justifying, guessing, and memorising tasks were used. The participants were 251 students in Grades 2–4; of these, 163 were described as achieving normally and were in regular education classrooms, and 88 were diagnosed as having specific learning disabilities and attended special schools or classes for students with specific learning disabilities. Except for performance on the memorising tasks by grade, all the scores were better in upper grades. Children with learning disabilities performed less well than the children in the typically developing comparison group on all the tests. Associations between the results of various tests were stronger in the typically developing comparison group than in the group of children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

《城口厅志》应只有一种版本,即刘绍文主持的道光24年刻本。所见三种印本中,四川本印刷时间更早,书版的毁损程度较轻。城口本、重庆本印刷时间约晚50年,书版的毁损程度较重,但印刷质量较好,内容更完整,并增补有少量光绪年间的材料。城口本中的补正出自近人,讹误较多。  相似文献   

鼻息肉上皮中血管活性肠肽和P物质表达的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨人鼻息肉组织中SP和VIP的表达及意义.方法:采用HE染色、PAS染色和免疫组化方法检测人鼻息肉组织的病理变化及SP和VIP表达.结果:鼻息肉黏膜均有不同程度的改变,实验组与对照组相比基膜明显增厚(P<0.01);A、C组差别显著(P<0.05).实验组黏液腺面积与对照组相比差别显著(P<0.01).SP和VIP免疫反应阳性结构均呈棕黄色,二者在实验组与对照组分布相似.SP阳性纤维分布于血管、腺体周围,可见散在的圆形或椭圆型阳性细胞,部分黏膜下腺体上皮细胞也呈SP阳性;但实验组阳性纤维和细胞明显稀疏.VIP阳性纤维和细胞位于黏膜腺体、血管周围以及部分黏膜上皮和黏膜下腺上皮细胞胞质中,但实验组中VIP阳性纤维着色较深,密度增加.结论:SP和VIP在鼻息肉形成中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

宋代巴蜀诗社不多,大概只有八、九个,这些诗社主要分布于宋之成都府及宋之夔州路,其中成都府诗社最多。另外,巴蜀诗社规模皆不大,大多都是由巴蜀本地官员组成。对宋代巴蜀诗社情况进行具体分析,也许可以为研究宋代巴蜀文学提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

Results from a programme level survey at a university in Hong Kong were used to select six departments which had good records in developing graduate capabilities. Focus group interviews were conducted with students in the departments to discover which capabilities students thought were important, how the capabilities were nurtured and the influence of the teaching and learning environment on their development. Analysis of the data showed that the findings were consistent with a previous quantitative model. Capabilities were developed if the curriculum made demands on students to practise the use of the capability. Intellectual capabilities were nurtured through active learning experiences, performed in class or for assessment, which required the practise of the capability. Communication and teamwork skills developed through group projects and activities in which communication was practised.  相似文献   

This study investigated student-student and teacher-student interaction in a problem-based course and looked at study success in relation to group dynamics and approaches to studying. Data for this study were provided by 31 law students who were enrolled in a course in legal history at the University of Helsinki in February 2001. The students were divided into three small groups that were tutored by one teacher. Both the students and the teacher were interviewed. The interaction between the students and their teacher, and the group dynamics of each subgroup, were observed during the tutor sessions. The results showed that the student groups were very different from each other in terms of study success, group dynamics and communication between the group members. One group achieved significantly higher grades than the other two groups. There was only one clear difference between the three groups. The interviews and observations showed that the students in the best group participated more evenly and actively in the discussions than students in the other two groups.  相似文献   

在组织切片上进行原位RT-PCR扩增(in situ RT-PCR),并在扩增过程中掺入地高辛标记的尿嘧啶核苷酸(Dig-UTP),观察新基因SNC 66在胃癌组织与正常胃粘膜中的表达差异,以分析SNC 66与胃癌发生的相关性。结果发现,25个循环时,20例胃癌标本中有4例阴性不表达,16例呈强阳性表达;当循环数降至10时,则6例呈阴性,9例呈弱阳性表达,另有5例呈强阳性表达。表明SNC 66基因在胃癌组织中存在明显的表达降低或表达缺陷,SNC 66可能是一个消化道肿瘤的负相关基因。  相似文献   

在完善的水循环人工生态系统养殖华支睾吸虫的第一、第二中间宿主淡水螺类和鱼类,并进行人工感染实验,为教学提供生物材料。解剖动物收集华支睾吸虫卵,放入培养皿和养殖缸内感染第一中间宿主纹沼螺、长角涵螺;取阳性螺逸尾蚴感染第二中间宿主鱼类;采用鱼肉压片法观察寄生在鱼肉中的活囊蚴;采用人工消化法分离鱼体内的活囊蚴感染实验动物;解剖动物模型。学生观察到了华支睾吸虫生活史发育过程中的各时期活虫体,并获得生态室内鱼类的感染数据。在完善的水循环生态环境条件下,感染华支睾吸虫的第一、二中间宿主生长繁殖良好,其体内的尾蚴和囊蚴为实验教学提供了丰富的生物材料。  相似文献   

Strategies in Home and School Collaboration among Early Education Teachers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this study, the strategies teachers use in home and school collaboration were surveyed. The subjects were early education teachers in Helsinki, Finland. Questionnaires were used for the data collection. Factor analysis resulted in the extraction of six strategy types. Strategies representing parents as the recipients of information were most frequently used. Strategies representing two‐way communication were also quite often in evidence. The most rarely used strategies included parents as decision makers, volunteers, or resources in the elaboration of learning. Teachers who had children who were approximately the same age as their pupils were more active in using strategies involving teachers as supporters of parenting and parents as a resource for the elaboration of learning. The strategies found and the implications of the Finnish data are discussed.  相似文献   

通过调查外来民工子弟学生与本地学生自我价值感发展状况。结果表明:两类被试在特殊自我价值感上存在显著性差异,而在总体和一般自我价值感上无显著性差异;六年级的当地普通学生在个人取向家庭自我价值、社会取向人际和生理自我价值感上都显著高于外来民工子弟学生,而在社会取向心理自我价值感上则显著低于后者;外来民工子弟男生在个人取向生理自我价值感上显著高于当地普通男生;但女生在这个方面显著低于当地普通女生。  相似文献   

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