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试析我国有线数字电视发展中的政府规制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐心 《新闻界》2007,(2):94-95
政府规制是指由政府职能部门或政府委员会对特定行业实施的中观和微观干预。①在广播电视产业领域,必须要有媒介的政府规制,这是由广播电视媒介市场的两个主要经济学特征决定的:一、广电行业具有自然垄断的行业属性,它的自然垄断  相似文献   

公共利益界定与广播电视规制——以美国为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共利益是广电媒介政府规制的正当 性所在。规制目的是为了调和产业利益与公共利 益之矛盾。公共利益这个概念渗透在规范传播产 业的所有法规和政策中,它的关系范围涉及媒 介、政府、企业、社会和公众,尤其是在政经制 度框架里,政治利益和文化利益表达机会的公平 性。但是,在规制实践中,公共利益概念具有模 糊性和功利性,常常被各种势力利用来合法化其 自身利益。而且,在政策制定和执行过程中,由 于媒介企业与公众之间组织资源的不平衡,公共 利益本身往往不能公平地表达。这一直是广电媒 介政府规制的症结所在。本文以美国为例,解析 公共利益与广电媒介规制的复杂关系,意在提醒 人们关注媒介规制的公共利益本体。  相似文献   

刘双 《大观周刊》2011,(45):39-39
政府规制是和市场经济相伴产生的政府行为。广电媒介市场的日渐扩大,竞争愈发激烈,需要政府进行适时有效的规制,以建立和维护一个统一、开放、竞争、开放的媒介市场环境。因此,在广播电视产业化不断加速的进程中,政府的有效规制就显得越发重要。近年来,广播电视的发展势头日益显现,但是我国对该行业的规制仍然处于摸索阶段。  相似文献   

论中国广电业的政府规制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张志 《现代传播》2004,(2):76-79
中国广电传媒经济系统的进化对管理体制创新提出新的要求 ,按照市场经济原则和民主法制的要求 ,逐步建立中国广播电视事业的现代政府规制体制 ,是管理体制创新的必然选择 ,也是市场经济体制下保证我国广播电视事业健康发展和广播电视产业高效运行的制度保障。为了从理论上探索政府规制体制创新的途径 ,需要从政治学、经济学、法学角度探讨我国特有的制度环境下广电事业现代政府规制的法理依据和实现形式。本文首先从法理上探讨未来政府对广播电视事业的规制依据和职能定位 ,在此基础上揭示中国广播电视事业的政府规制目标和结构特征  相似文献   

广播电视放松规制与重新界定公共利益   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
夏倩芳 《现代传播》2005,2(4):19-25
公共利益是政府广电规制的正当性。20世纪80年代以来,美英等西方国家公共政策领域放松规制的浪潮,推动广电领域全面放松规制,这导致公共利益被重新界定以符合市场和消费主义价值观。放松所有权规制和内容规制,依赖市场来实现公共利益,事实证明存在诸多矛盾。消费者主权、媒介多元化、公共服务等都受到了市场的挑战而不是保障。同时,在全球化背景下,国家的角色更加复杂,在国家利益、媒介企业利益与公共利益之间,国家的平衡能力遭遇更大挑战。  相似文献   

论西方广电传媒业的公共规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对广播电视业的公共规制依据、西方广电传媒业的公共规制模式、西方广电传媒业的规制改革趋势的分析 ,力图从公共规制的角度来揭示西方现代广电传媒体制的多样性和普遍性 ,为我国的广电事业管理体制改革和广电事业公共规制理论的探索提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

区域性广电传媒与新媒体的"融合"过程实际上就是广电传媒的"新媒体化"过程,即广电传媒的现代化、数字化过程,同时也是区域性广电传媒跨区域发展的过程.媒介融合时代区域性广电传媒要成为具有竞争力的跨区域现代传媒,仍然有很多问题亟须解决.只有这些问题解决了,区域性广电传媒才能实现真正的跨区域发展. 三个问题 关于政府管理规制统一问题.在媒介融合的大背景下,广电、电信和互联网的发展,逐渐形成一个大的传媒产业,这为广电传媒联合外界力量走跨区域发展壮大之路提供了可能.  相似文献   

张莉 《新闻大学》2003,(2):62-64
由媒介的双重属性所决定,中国的媒介,尤其是广电业,在作为一种规制性产业进行经营管理改革时,内中通常隐含着行政力量与市场力量的互动与较量。尽管市场动因往往是现阶段我国广电改革的前提,然而改革要由边缘探索上升至全面推行,决策部门的行业政策推动乃是必不可少的许可证。这是现阶段我国广电改革的特殊性所在。在此意义上,广电高层的态度反复直接导致了制播分离体制的呼而  相似文献   

广电媒体制播制度经历了"自产自销的制播合一体制、制播一体走向分化、一波三折的制播分离之路、整体制播分离试点起航"四个时期,政府规制是制播制度调控的主导力量,放松规制是制播制度改革的基本走向.由于广电媒体不同于一般经济体的特殊属性,在推行制播改革中应充分考虑其潜在风险,以确保国家文化安全与广电产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

赵瑜 《新闻大学》2015,(1):56-64
近十年来国家广电总局颁布了多条禁令以"净化荧屏",而以"反三俗"和"反泛娱乐化"为起点的新一轮政策规制对待市场化媒体和媒介市场化的态度渐趋保守,这体现了国家规制与媒介市场化之间张力的持续强化。文章通过梳理近十年来我国先后掀起的四次电视内容整治行动,以期展现广电主管部门的管理逻辑及媒介市场化与国家规制间的博弈。  相似文献   

传统广播电视的数字化进程是革命性的。数字新媒体不仅在频道定位、内容形态、赢利模式、产业链等方面改变了广播电视的业态,同时也为广播电视带来了新的传播生态和社会交往方式。广播电视新媒体的发展必须要认清数字媒体对广播电视业态以及媒介生态的影响。决定广播电视新媒体发展方向的不是技术本身,而是民众数字生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

Major changes are pressuring the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Its cultural centrality has been questioned as a result of these changes. The CBC was set up as a public, rather than a state, broadcaster with some arm's length characteristics. Recently, its mandate has focused more on increasing Canadian content as reflected in its own policy actions, the Broadcasting Act of 1991 and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. Despite the CBC's problems, federal appropriations have been held constant in real terms over the last decade, with most of this being devoted to television. Recent changes in programming include more Canadian content, more regional production, and more independent programming. The major threat to CBC's role is technological change, especially new delivery systems that will increase the number of television channels (i.e., channel capacity), increase the number of distribution systems, and change the location of some of the broadcasting signals reaching Canada. These changes alter both normative conclusions about ownership and regulation of broadcasting as well as the positive analysis of how public sector broadcasting is likely to fare in the new environment. The implications for Canada are that distribution is likely to become a competitive industry with reduced or zero excess profits and with greater programming diversity. Several rationales for the CBC will have been seriously undermined. The CBC's future will depend on its ability to meet Canadian content needs that will not be met by the private sector and yet generate sufficient audiences to justify major government support.  相似文献   

As Mexico's government undertook neoliberal reforms to join the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, a number of scholars questioned the cultural consequences of closer media ties to the United States and Canada. Government officials countered that Mexico's strong identity needed no protection. This study situates the disagreement within cultural policy traditions, and examines how Mexican television broadcasting changed under globalization forces—including domestic competition, international market expansion, and new technology development—during the 1990s and early 2000s.Thestudy concludes that insufficient attention was given NAFTA's impact on Mexico's own television industry, which strongly influences culture.  相似文献   

From the late 1920s, all radio broadcasting in the United Kingdom was undertaken by a public sector broadcaster—the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Television was also the exclusive preserve of the BBC until the mid-1950s, when advertiser-supported commercial stations came into existence. This form of competition for audiences, but not for finance, between two broadcasting sectors—called by some a 'comfortable duopoly'—persisted until the late 1980s when the government permitted competitive entry by cable and satellite operators, introduced competition for advertising revenue between terrestrial stations, and placed commercial television broadcasting on a more competitive footing by introducing tendering for franchises. As these changes have occurred, the BBC has maintained its traditional system of regulation and has continued to operate under a Royal Charter. Although the expiry of the current Charter at the end of 1996 has provoked a debate about the role of the BBC, the government has stated its intention to renew the Charter for another 10 years. It seems likely that, until the year 2002 at least, the current system of regulating and financing public Service broadcasting in the United Kingdom will remain intact. However, the proliferation of channels represents a threat to the BBC's audience base. There may also be difficulties in combining within the same organization a public service mission and highly commercial activities, undertaken in a very competitive world market.  相似文献   

本文结合2009年10月上海文广传媒集团的制播分离,分析了制播分析的产业经济理论及现实来源,通过梳理中国广播电视新闻业的体制及现实,认为中国广播电视行业已经走向了一个更加纵深发展的阶段——电视台内部把节目制作与播出机构相对分立,在成本核算的基础上模拟市场运作。  相似文献   

针对传播技术的进步、广播电视业经营与市场的变化 ,欧洲理事会与欧盟为规范欧洲范围内的广播电视 ,制定了一系列指导性法规文件 ,力图构建全欧统一的信息与思想交流平台、统一的广播电视业市场 ,推广“欧洲意识” ,抵制美国影视业的“入侵”。这种全方位的法规管理框架对欧洲广播电视业的发展起着越来越重要的作用  相似文献   

Increasing commercial industry concern about corporate underwriting of public television productions has focused attention again on the overall funding situation in public broadcasting. Here the author, a doctoral student at Temple University's School of Communications and Theater, provides a broad introduction to the background, problems, and prospects for foundation support of non‐commercial broadcasting in the U.S. In a forthcoming second part of this article, she will focus specifically on the commanding role of the Ford Foundation, biggest giver in the field.  相似文献   

Marc Edge 《媒体管理杂志》2013,15(3-4):184-193
The media market in Singapore was deregulated to a limited extent in 2000 when the government there announced the introduction of "controlled competition." Newspaper publisher Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), which for 16 years had enjoyed a government-sanctioned print monopoly, was granted licences for 2 television stations and began broadcasting in both English and Chinese. Government-owned MediaCorp, which formerly held a broadcasting monopoly, was issued a newspaper publishing licence and began publishing a free commuter tabloid titled Today in competition with SPH's broadsheet Straits Times. The start-up losses brought by competition in both media have resulted in heavy financial losses for both firms and have led to government signals that a return to monopoly media might be considered. Some in the Singapore media, along with some scholars there, have argued that the island nation of 4 million is too small as a market to support competing media outlets, particularly in newspaper publishing. This article is an analysis of the Singapore situation in which I argue for a rationalization of media competition there rather than its elimination.  相似文献   

This article reports the results o f a qualitative study of women in television and radio broadcasting. Its purpose is to chronicle career experiences and to relate those experiences to the culture of mass media organizations. Fourteen women managers in a major metropolitan market were interviewed about their own career paths and the overall status of women in the industry. Based on these interviews, the article suggests questions for future research on women in broadcast management.  相似文献   

Mainstream discourses on the globalisation of media that delineate the emergence of privately owned television channels in the periphery country as evening out metropolitan domination are belied by concrete evidence. This essay argues that the rise of southern players has undermined state broadcasting rather than dismantling ‘media imperialism’. Based on two case studies, Pakistan Television (PTV) and Doordarshan (DD), this study demonstrates that the actual, if inadvertent, victim of globalisation has been state broadcasting and an associated developmentist model of television. As a result the decline of state-led television channels has radically transformed television systems in India and Pakistan. While DD and PTV view their audiences as citizens, the globalisation of media has resulted in a commodification of television audiences. Instead of public interest, audience maximisation has become the dominant logic of television systems in both these countries. In the process, developmentist television systems have been replaced by the commercially driven systems.  相似文献   

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