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医学生培养的最重要环节就是临床技能的实际操作,也就是我们通常所说的临床实践。只有经过严格的临床实践训练,才有可能培养出合格的医生。如何对医学生临床实践培训结果进行评价是相当重要的环节。在实际工作中,我们经常看到教学医院只注重临床考核的成绩,并不重视考核的实际性质。在文章中,笔者引入标准分数的概念,与原始分数相比,标准分数对解读医学生临床实践评价有更好的效果。  相似文献   

当下,艺术鉴赏课程多开设于艺术学院和综合性大学,而对于医学院的学生,艺术鉴赏仿佛是并不相关的课程。本文希望通过梳理艺术与医学之间从古到今的复杂互动影响,来阐明医学生学习艺术鉴赏课程的诸多积极作用。在审美体验,道德意识,哲学理念,临床实践,以及长效学习发展等各个方面。  相似文献   

医学教育工作者认为应当对医学生加强有关健康促进和疾病预防的教育,忽略预防教育会阻碍临床实践的发展。美国医学院协会曾对1989年在美国毕业的医学生进行了调查,56%的人认为他们在校期间缺少预防医学教育。片面教育导致不必要的死亡和发病的比例并不很清楚,但很可能是严重的,美国疾病控制中心(CDC)估计1990年可能有1200多万人死于可预防的疾病。  相似文献   

对《病理学》教学的几点思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病理学是一门理论性及实践性很强的学科,对每一位医学生来说,病理学是他们由基础课进入临床课学习的桥梁学科.在承担病理学课程教学过程中,我们要不断探讨和改进教学方法,本文针对如何才能切实有效地提高病理学教学质量,结合实践经验提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

临床医学是一门实践性很强的学科,其中临床实践教学过程是其重要环节,主要以提高医学生基本理论、基本技能为主,教育过程中,课程思政教育经常被忽略.文章通过分析课程思政在妇产科临床实践教学中的现状和原因,结合本校推进课程思政的举措,探索课程思政在临床实践教学中的应用策略,以真正实现全员、全过程、全方位育人.  相似文献   

任务引领——突破传统课程的“老三段”模式 近年来,中职生源质量出现了大幅度的下滑,基础薄弱的他们对原来那种枯燥的教学模式难以接受,厌学情绪日益突出。与之密切相关的,是延续了几十年的由化基础课、专业基础课和专业课组成的“三段式”课程设置模式越发难以适应现代职业教育的发展。  相似文献   

张海方 《考试周刊》2010,(32):203-204
医学生物化学课程是医学生非常重要的专业基础课之一,其教学效果的好坏直接影响到整个医学教育的成败。本文探讨了在医学生物化学课程的教学中,引入多媒体结合以问题为基础的教学方法的重要性,并提出了该教学方法的基本运作过程,为医学生物化学课程教学方法的改革提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了从学生角度了解教师课堂教学的情况,提高本科课堂教学的质量,文章采用自制调查问卷的方法,统计了医学生对医学基础课教师课堂教学能力的评价,探讨了医学生对医学院基础课青年教师在教学内容、教学方法、知识更新及应用方面的认可程度。  相似文献   

在当前医学生职业素质教育中依旧存在着思政课程孤立、思政课程功能减弱、实践育人课程不足等问题。基于思政视角,分析思政教育和医学生职业素质教育之间的关系,并从发挥思政课程核心作用、深化专业课程思政内涵、加强实践课程价值传递三方面,提出医学生职业素质教育实践的有效路径,以期能够将思政教育贯穿在医学生职业素质教育的各个环节中,切实提高医学生的职业素质,为他们日后的职业生涯发展奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

临床教学是医学生走向工作前的一个重要学习阶段。对医学生来说,不仅要有较高的专业理论水平,而且要有较高的临床实践技能水平,为了更好地培养出实用型人才.笔者有以下两点体会。  相似文献   

An attempt to replace a tradition of theoretical rote memorization by objective oriented learning is described. The experiment reported concerns teaching of basic medical sciences in the context of clinical application.Both students and teachers were enthusiastic about the approach employed. In practice both groups experienced difficulty in meeting some of the demands of an independent learning system. The problems encountered were concerned with the difficulty of breaking old learning habits and with the simultaneous existence of traditional and experimental teaching systems in the same curriculum. These problems are discussed. The argument against the traditional approach and in favour of that of the experiment, is presented.  相似文献   

Today's medical students are faced with numerous learning needs. Continuously developing curricula have reduced time for basic science subjects such as anatomy. This study aimed to determine the students' views on the relevance of anatomy teaching, anatomical knowledge, and the effect these have on their career choices. A Likert scale questionnaire was distributed to second year medical students [response rate 91% (n = 292/320)]. The same questionnaire was subsequently distributed to the cohort three years later when they were final year students [response rate 37% (n = 146/392)]. Students in both the cohorts of study agreed strongly that clinically correlated anatomical teaching was relevant to clinical practice (92% and 86% of second and final year respondents, respectively) and helped them during their clinical placements (73% and 92%, respectively). Only 28% of the second year and 31% of the final year students agreed that their anatomy teaching prepared them to interpret clinical images (P = 0.269). Only 14% of the final year students felt confident in their knowledge of anatomy. Of the final year students, 30% felt that they had enough opportunity to scrub in the operating room. Nearly half of those students who would consider surgery as a career (19%) think that they will eventually become surgeons (11%). This data suggests that modern anatomy curriculum should focus on clinical correlations and clinical image interpretation. Students would value more opportunities to participate in surgeries. Vertical integration of anatomy teaching throughout the full medical course may be useful. Anat Sci Educ. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

对亳州职业技术学院课程改革中教师教学行为的调研表明:高职生虽然对教师的教学态度比较满意,但对课程改革中教师教学行为整体上认同度较低;高职教师在实施新课程中还存在理论知识传授较多、教学方法单一、实践课程考核不严格等现象,整体水平有待提高。欠发达地区高职院校课程改革,政府和教育行政部门应构建支持体系,学校应完善管理机制,教师应提高实施水平。  相似文献   

Traditional medical school curricula have made a clear demarcation between the basic biomedical sciences and the clinical years. It is our view that a comprehensive medical education necessarily involves an increased correlation between basic science knowledge and its clinical applications. A basic anatomy course should have two main objectives: for the student to successfully gain a solid knowledge base of human anatomy and to develop and hone clinical reasoning skills. In a basic anatomy course, clinical case discussions based on underlying anatomic anomalies or abnormalities are the major means to teach students clinical reasoning skills. By identifying, classifying, and analyzing the clinical data given, a student learns to methodically approach a clinical case and formulate plausible diagnoses. Practicing and perfecting clinical problem‐solving skills should be a major objective of the anatomy curriculum. Such clinical reasoning skills are indeed crucial for the successful and expert practice of medicine. Anat Sci Ed 1:267–268, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

In Continuous Education curricula in Spain, the programs on sciences of the environment are aimed toward understandings of sustainability. Teaching practice rarely leaves the classroom for outdoor field studies. At the same time, teaching practice is generally focused on examples of how human activities are harmful for ecosystems. From a pedagogic point of view, it is less effective to teach environmental science with negative examples such as catastrophe, tragedy, and crisis. Rather, teaching environmental sciences and sustainable development might be focused on positive human-environment relationships, which is both important for the further development of students and educators. Within rural settings, there are many such examples of positive relationships that can be emphasized and integrated into the curriculum. In this article, we propose teaching environmental sciences through immersion in rural cultural life. We discuss how fieldwork serves as a learning methodology. When students are engaged through research with traditional cultural practices of environmental management, which is a part of the real and traditional culture of a region, they better understand how positive pedagogy instead of pedagogy structured around how not-to-do examples, can be used to stimulate the interactions between humans and the environment with their students. In this way, cultural goods serve as teaching resources in science and environmental education. What we present is authentic cases where adults involved in a course of Continuous Education explore ‘environmentally-friendly’ practices of traditional agriculture in Asturias (north of Spain), employing methodologies of cultural studies.  相似文献   

"病原生物学和免疫学"是一门医学基础课程,学好本课程是医药卫生专业学生学好专业课程的前提。为了使本课程能更好地满足高职医药卫生专业人才培养目标的要求,笔者对课程内容、课程设置、课程的实训实习和教学方法进行了一些改革探索,为医学基础课的教学改革积累了一些经验。  相似文献   

德国汉诺威医学院创立的汉尼拔医学课程模式是一种特殊的医学教育模式,本文从入学选拔、培养目标、课程设置、临床教学、课程考核、教学管理与评价这六个方面对其进行剖析。严格的选拔标准和学医动机考核是准入条件;人才培养以德国国家医学能力框架设定的医学学习目标为指导,注重以患者为中心、以科学研究为导向、以实用为原则;课程设置模块化,课程内容丰富,临床实践开展早;教学过程实行以疾病研究为中心的“学习螺旋”与三级化教学,提供高度跨学科的临床实训;采用客观结构化临床考试是课程考核的主要特点;在教学质量保障上,有受法律保护的教学质量监控管理体系和教学评估监督机制。  相似文献   

本文论述了过去100年中基础医学科学在本科生医学课程中的作用和课程改革,讨论了进入21世纪之际仍然反映在医学教育中科学与技艺之间的紧张关系。  相似文献   

目的:为了探讨学生标准化病人(SSP)在内分泌科实习岗前培训中效果,寻找一种更有效的临床医学生岗前培训的教学模式,提高医学生的基本学习技能和实习效果。方法:选我院临床医学系本科2012年至2013年至内分泌科进行实习前岗前培训的学生共450人为研究对象,确定其中50人作为学生标准化病人,其余400人随机分为对照组和实验组,每组各200人。其中研究组采用SSP模式进行岗前培训与考核,对照组采用常规的通过对岗前培训学生标准化病人开展内分泌科临床教学进行分析与总结,将其教师为主的传统教学模式进行岗前培训与考核。结果:无论是SSP还是教师评分都显示:实验组的系统问诊、全身查体、病情诊断、病例分析、医患沟通成绩明显比对照组得分更高(P<0.05),而在病例书写方面,两组没有显著区别(P>0.05)。结论:基于SSP的教学模式,可以显著提高内分泌科岗前培训学生的临床问诊、体检、病情诊断分析等临床基本技能和与患者的沟通能力,不失为一种良好的岗前培训的教学模式,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

高等师范院校是培养基础教育教师的摇篮,基础教育课程改革迫切要求高等师范院校为其培养实践能力强,综合素质高,有创新意识,适应课程改革要求的师范生.高等师范院校需要树立科学的教育实践观,努力推进实践教学改革,培养实践创新人才,以应对基础教育新课程改革带来的挑战,更好地服务基础教育.  相似文献   

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