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对定向比赛过程中认知优势特征及结构进行综述、探讨,结果表明:优秀的定向选手认知优势结构特征表现为读图认知能力强,图例识别速度快,工作记忆容量大,视觉搜索策略合理:采用眼动记录技术、口语报告法可较好解决定向运动认知优势的结构特征及机制;以优秀运动员认知优势的理论模型为基础,探究该项目运动员的行为表现特征与认知结构机制研究相结合是今后该领域研究发展的趋势.  相似文献   

排球运动员观察运动情境图片的眼动分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采取专家-新手范式,利用眼动仪记录专家运动员、一般运动员和新手在观察运动情境图片时的眼动规律,了解排球运动员的视觉信息特征,分析被试的注视次数,注视时间,眼跳距离等眼动指标.研究表明,专家组对排球情境图片信息的加工更为细致,他们的首、次注视点时间较长,注视次数少,注视持续时间较长,与新手组有显著差异.专家组的注视范围较为宽广,注视点少而分散.被试的注视多以球的位置为中心.向四周呈放射状散开,重要信息区内都有较多的视觉注视.图片材料的不同对于被试的首注视点、次注视点时间以及瞳孔直径有显著影响.  相似文献   

为了寻找高水平网球运动员预判优势特征的行为和生理证据,通过两种空间遮蔽方式,采用眼动和事件相关电位技术,考察网球专家选手行为判断所对应的视觉搜索和ERP特征.行为数据结果发现,网球专家预判速度较快,且准确性明显高于经验组和新手组,同时发现经验组被试的行为结果明显好于新手组被试.眼动结果发现,网球专家注视点精准且稳定,他们在视觉定位的时候更倾向于整体的信息,平均注视点数明显少于其他被试.ERP数据结果显示,网球专家诱发的P2波幅显著大于其他被试,且在遮盖式遮蔽条件更大;专家被试大脑顶枕区域(posterior)诱发的晚期正成分(LPC)平均波幅显著大于经验被试,新手被试的LPC诱发不明显;LPC波幅大小还受到不同空间遮蔽方式的影响,在背景式遮蔽条件下,网球专家与经验被试所诱发的LPC波幅最小.眼动和ERP数据结果证实了网球专家具备网球专项情境的空间记忆,其空间知觉预判是一个自上而下的加工过程,大脑皮层的顶叶和枕叶区域在网球运动员的空间知觉判断中发挥着重要的功能.  相似文献   

采用眼动技术对专家运动员、一般运动员和新手在中央和外周运动情境信息加工的眼动规律进行了研究,同时探讨了不同类型运动信息加工的眼动规律。通过实验探究,得出了如下结论:(1)专家对图片信息的加工能力较强,次注视点持续时间短,注视次数多,平均注视时间短,与新手组差异显著,专家组和一般组的眼跳距离差异显著。不同材料对被试的次注视点持续时间、注视次数、注视持续时间和眼跳距离有显著影响;(2)对于从专家到新手的不同水平运动员,同样任务的认知难度增加,被试的眼动指标也有明显的改变,具体表现为初始加工时间延长,平均注视时间延长,注视频率降低,瞳孔直径减小,眼跳距离减小,对球体的关注也明显减少;(3)运动员对中央信息的注视次数少于外周信息,专家的注视次数多于新手,专家对中央信息眼跳角度小于外周信息,且专家的眼跳范围显著大于新手,其余中央和外周信息指标的差异不显著。说明专家采用对中央信息集中注视和搜索的策略,而对外周信息采用快速和大范围扫视的策略。  相似文献   

通过对比不同水平篮球运动员的视觉搜索模式,揭示高水平篮球运动员的认知加工策略及眼动特征,有助于更好的解释高水平运动员的运动表现.实验采用Dikablis Pro头戴式眼动仪,以"专家-新手"为研究范式,10名二级篮球运动员、10名普通大学生作为被试,让被试观看实验材料同时记录专家组与新手组的运动决策和眼动特征.实验结果...  相似文献   

目的是对射箭运动员的视觉注视行为进行研究,揭示射箭运动员瞄准时的注视特征.研究对象为7名射箭专家和10名射箭新手运动员.采用运动中视觉注视的方法对被试进行测试和评价,结果表明不同水平射箭运动员射箭过程的视觉注视策略不同.与射箭新手相比,射箭专家展现了较长的静眼注视.射箭专家开始阶段的注视持续时间短于瞄准阶段的注视持续时间.静眼注视可以作为区分射箭专家与射箭新手的专项指标.  相似文献   

采用美国应用实验室生产的ASL-H6头戴式眼动仪,对20名专业网球运动员和30名网球专项大学生在观看网球静态图片时的眼动特征进行研究,对两组不同水平网球运动员的首个注视点时间、注视点个数、平均瞳孔直径、注视点平均注视时间、注视顺序、注视轨迹进行分析,发现:(1)在观看网球图片时,专家运动员与新手运动员的视觉搜索特征存在显著性差异;(2)专家运动员的注视点平均注视时间少、平均瞳孔直径小、注视点个数少;(3)专家运动员的注视轨迹简单集中,特别是在注视顺序上有一定的策略性,而新手运动员的注视轨迹复杂,注视顺序比较随意,没有任何的加工策略。  相似文献   

目的:探究篮球赛事转播过程中不同位置背景广告的总视觉注意和单位面积视觉注意的差异,从而为赛事运营方设计广告位置和品牌赞助方优化投放策略时提供参考。方法:通过头戴式眼动追踪技术,应用眼动实验法和情景实验法,记录33名体育专业大学生观看2020年中国男子篮球职业联赛总决赛视频片段的眼动指标,通过眼动处理软件对比赛视频进行兴趣区(AOI)的划分和面积计算,分析各兴趣区背景广告的总视觉注意和单位面积视觉注意的差异。结果:不同位置背景广告的注视时间、注视次数、单位面积注视时间和单位面积注视次数均具有显著性差异(P <0.001)。结论:在篮球赛事转播中,不同位置背景广告的总视觉注意和单位视觉注意均具有显著性差异,边线区视觉注意效果最好,底线区和地板区次之,篮架区最差。底线区的视觉注意效率最高,地板区和边线区次之,篮架区最差。建议研究人员在制定投放策略时,应充分考虑不同位置背景广告视觉注意的差异,从而达到更好的曝光和传播效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高水平运动员进攻战术预判决策的视觉搜索特征和空间工作记忆(spatial working memory,SWM)容量的影响。方法:共选取27名被试,采用2(运动水平:专家组、新手组)×2(SWM容量:高容量组、低容量组)双因素实验设计,以回忆报告范式测量被试SWM容量,以还原拍摄的“3 v 2”真实比赛录像视频为战术决策任务材料,采用Dikablis Professional头戴式眼动仪,配合D-Lab 3.0、SPSS 25.0、GraphPad Prism 8软件进行数据采集、处理、统计分析和绘图。结果:1)专家组战术决策更敏捷、合理(P<0.01),原因是专家组多采用“大眼跳、注视集中”的经验驱动搜索策略,有较高的特征提取和模式匹配能力。2)高容量组战术决策的敏捷性显著低于低容量组(P<0.01),SWM容量影响专家组进攻战术预判决策的视觉搜索特征,高容量专家组采用“小眼跳、注视集中”的刺激驱动与经验驱动相结合的视觉搜索策略,在空当(P<0.05)和近端防守球员(P<0.01)AOI投入较多的注视次数,在空当AOI投入较长的注视时间(P<0...  相似文献   

对20名省队网球专业运动员和30名体育院校网球专业大学生观看网球视频时的眼动特征进行研究发现:(1)专家运动员与新手运动员在观看网球视频时注视点平均注视时间、平均瞳孔直径、注视点个数都存在显著性差异。(2)专家运动员比新手运动员的视觉信息加工效率更高,视觉搜索策略更合理,主要原因是专家运动员与新手运动员在观看网球视频时知识组织方式、问题解决方式和认知加工方式的不同。  相似文献   

This study investigated the visual attention of older expert orienteers and older adults not practicing activities with high attentional and psychomotor demands, and considered whether prolonged practice of orienteering may counteract the age-related deterioration of visual attentional performance both at rest and under acute exercise. In two discriminative reaction time experiments, performed both at rest and under submaximal physical workload, visual attention was cued by means of spatial cues of different sizes followed, at different stimulus-onset asynchronies, by compound stimuli with local and global target features. Orienteers, as compared to nonathletes, showed a faster reaction speed and a complex pattern of attentional differences depending on the time constraints of the attentional task, the demands on endogenous attentional control, and the presence or absence of a concomitant effortful motor task. Results suggest that older expert orienteers have developed attentional skills that outweigh, at least at rest, the age-related deficits of visual attentional focusing.  相似文献   

This study explored how differences in orienteering experience are related to differences in how visual attention is allocated to the map, the environment and to travel. Twenty more experienced and 20 less experienced individuals orienteered while wearing a head-mounted video camera with microphone. The participants verbalized what they were attending to (map, environment or travel) at any given time. Each recorded film was coded at each point in time in terms of what the participant was attending to and whether the participant was moving or stationary. More experienced orienteers attended to the map markedly more while moving and spent less time stationary than less experienced orienteers. The participants' performance was significantly related to the ability to attend to the map while moving. The strategic control of attention is proposed to explain this ability. It is proposed that attentional training might enhance performance in sports characterized by multiple and dynamically varying elements.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this exploratory field study was to examine the use of cognitive behavioural strategies by highly skilled orienteers prior to and during competition. A secondary purpose of the study was to investigate whether differences in the level of qualification in orienteering is related to state anxiety. The subjects were divided into three classes with respect to their international and national records. The first two classes (A and B) were composed of international and national level athletes. The third class (C) included orienteers with unknown international records. Examination of the use of behavioural cognitive strategies during competition indicated that all orienteers reported a moderate use of mental imagery, above moderate use of inner talk and a focus of attention on present action rather than past or future. The other major findings were that prior to competition, superior orienteers reported use of higher self-efficacy, more positive outcome expectations and more task demand orientation than their less successful counterparts. Top orienteers coped more successfully with pre-competition anxiety by lowering their anxiety to a more moderate level prior to the actual performance.  相似文献   


This study explored how differences in orienteering experience are related to differences in how visual attention is allocated to the map, the environment and to travel. Twenty more experienced and 20 less experienced individuals orienteered while wearing a head-mounted video camera with microphone. The participants verbalized what they were attending to (map, environment or travel) at any given time. Each recorded film was coded at each point in time in terms of what the participant was attending to and whether the participant was moving or stationary. More experienced orienteers attended to the map markedly more while moving and spent less time stationary than less experienced orienteers. The participants' performance was significantly related to the ability to attend to the map while moving. The strategic control of attention is proposed to explain this ability. It is proposed that attentional training might enhance performance in sports characterized by multiple and dynamically varying elements.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this exploratory field study was to examine the use of cognitive behavioural strategies by highly skilled orienteers prior to and during competition. A secondary purpose of the study was to investigate whether differences in the level of qualification in orienteering is related to state anxiety. The subjects were divided into three classes with respect to their international and national records. The first two classes (A and B) were composed of international and national level athletes. The third class (C) included orienteers with unknown international records. Examination of the use of behavioural cognitive strategies during competition indicated that all orienteers reported a moderate use of mental imagery, above moderate use of inner talk and a focus of attention on present action rather than past or future. The other major findings were that prior to competition, superior orienteers reported use of higher self‐efficacy, more positive outcome expectations and more task demand orientation than their less successful counterparts. Top orienteers coped more successfully with pre‐competition anxiety by lowering their anxiety to a more moderate level prior to the actual performance.  相似文献   

Expert orienteers have reported using two heuristics when planning routes to points in the environment that must be located, known as 'controls'. These heuristics constitute attending to the start first and subsequently planning forward to a given control, and attending to the control first and planning backwards to the start. The aim of this study was to establish which heuristic experts use predominantly and whether novices' use of these heuristics differs from that of experts. Two methods for tracing attention were used while 20 expert and 20 novice orienteers planned routes in the laboratory. The results were used to infer the use of heuristics. The orienteers were also interviewed about planning. We found that, when planning, experts generally attend to the control first and novices to the start first. There was also some evidence that novices work forwards from the start to the control and that experts work backwards from the control to the start. From the interviews, it would appear that experts regard the location of the control as the crux of the problem and prioritize this area during planning. These results have implications for an understanding of expertise and problem-solving in sport.  相似文献   

注意分配是指被试在同一时间内把注意指向两种或几种不同的对象或活动上。为了更深入地研究运动员的注意分配指向性特征,使研究更具有生态学效度,采用跨通道(视觉和本体感觉)的双任务研究范式,将被试视觉通道信息加工特征作为注意分配特征中的注意分配外指向,将被试本体感觉通道信息加工特征作为注意分配特征中的注意分配内指向,两者的结合可以更有效地开展运动员注意分配指向性特征的研究。结果表明:不同性别、不同等级射箭运动员注意分配的指向性有不同倾向性;在诱发情境下射箭运动员更倾向于注意分配外指向;认知方式不能区别射箭运动员的注意分配指向性特征。  相似文献   

运动员注意优先效应的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过考察分心刺激数量、目标-线索一致性和目标特征来探讨运动员视觉选择性注意中的优先效应,力图对运动员的信息加工能力从注意认知的角度提供新视角。实验采用3×2×2被试内设计。结果表明:有效线索提示和新异目标具有注意优先权,有效线索-新异目标>无效线索-新异目标>有效线索-非新异目标>无效线索-非新异目标;运动员具有较好的视觉选择注意加工能力,能充分利用现有的诸多信息进行合理有效的整合加工和决策,调整自己注意的范围和焦点。  相似文献   

The aims ofthe present study were to assess running economy in track runners and orienteers and to identify the factors responsible for any differences. The participants were 11 orienteers and 10 track runners of similar age, body mass, maximal oxygen uptake and training background. However, the orienteers included heavy terrain running in their daily training, whereas the track runners ran almost entirely on the roads and tracks. Maximal oxygen uptake and running economy were calculated during horizontal path running and during cross-country running in rough terrain with steep hills, using a telemetric system (K2, Cosmed, Italy). Running economy during path running was 217 +/- 12 and 212 +/- 14 ml.kg -1 .km -1 (mean +/- s) in the orienteers and the track runners, respectively. Running economy was impaired by 41-52% in heavy terrain (P ? 0.05), and was less pronounced in the orienteers than in the track runners (88 +/- 18 vs 109 +/- 26 ml.kg -1 .km -1 ; P ? 0.05). In conclusion, the better running economy of orienteers when changing from horizontal path to heavy terrain running could be an innate ability, or it could be speculated that specific training may improve running economy, indicating the importance of specific training for orienteers.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to assess running economy in track runners and orienteers and to identify the factors responsible for any differences. The participants were 11 orienteers and 10 track runners of similar age, body mass, maximal oxygen uptake and training background. However, the orienteers included heavy terrain running in their daily training, whereas the track runners ran almost entirely on the roads and tracks. Maximal oxygen uptake and running economy were calculated during horizontal path running and during cross-country running in rough terrain with steep hills, using a telemetric system (K2, Cosmed, Italy). Running economy during path running was 217+/-12 and 212+/-14 ml x kg(-1) x km(-1) (mean +/- s) in the orienteers and the track runners, respectively. Running economy was impaired by 41-52% in heavy terrain (P < 0.05), and was less pronounced in the orienteers than in the track runners (88+/-18 vs 109+/-26 ml x kg(-1) x km(-1); P < 0.05). In conclusion, the better running economy of orienteers when changing from horizontal path to heavy terrain running could be an innate ability, or it could be speculated that specific training may improve running economy, indicating the importance of specific training for orienteers.  相似文献   

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