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运动休闲对现代生活方式的渗透   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
潘兰芳  卢碧 《山东体育科技》2005,27(3):82-83,107
运动休闲作为现代人享受休闲的一种方式,已经渗透到文化、教育、生活等各个方面.从运动休闲的功能和现代生活方式的特征入手,以文献资料为基础,论述了现代生活方式中运动休闲的渗透是由现代生产生活方式的特征和运动休闲的功能所决定的:(1)现代社会生产对运动休闲的特殊需求,使运动休闲渗透于现代生活方式中;(2)现代生活方式中的健康隐患呼唤运动休闲;(3)健康生活方式的选择促进了运动休闲对现代生活方式的渗透.  相似文献   

<正> 现代科学技术的高度发展,引起了生产方式和社会生活的巨大变化。无庸置疑,现代科学技术,带来了现代社会的文明。然而,我们也不能不看到,现代科学技术的进步,也给人类的社会生活带来了许多新的矛盾,对人体的健康带来了一些不利的影响,因而体育在现代文明社会中的地位也就显得更加重要、更加突出了。一、现代社会对人体健康的影响 (一)现代生产方式对人体健康的影响随着现代科学技术的发展,现代生产方式已经由传统的生产方式,向机械化、自动化、智能化、电气化的方向发展,人在生产中的身体活动,越来越多地被现代技术装置所代替。这种变化全面地影响到社会结构和社会生存活动的一切方面,影响到劳动者的生活方式、文化以及身心的发展。  相似文献   

崔乐泉 《收藏》2008,(4):28-37
原始体育的发端 体育活动是人类在社会生产、生活的实践中不断创造、发展起来的。古代体育活动既是古代社会生活的一个重要方面,也为现代体育的发生和发展奠定了历史的基础。  相似文献   

人类自从开始使用电,社会便进入了飞速发展阶段。人们在工农业生产中使用了各种电器设备,在日常生活中使用了电灯、电话、电视机等,这些都体现了电力工业和电子技术在现代生产和文化生活中  相似文献   

海洋民俗体育的内涵、流变及发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋民俗体育是海岛民众在生产生活中借助海洋资源开展的,具有浓厚民族文化色彩和海洋特色的传统体育活动.在古代吴越文化的影响下,出于生产生活、娱乐身心、抵御外辱的需求,古人神灵信仰与后人娱乐生活两种意境结合的海洋民俗体育具有自身鲜明的特色.涉海性是海洋民俗体育活动的裁体;渔民生活与交融的活动形式是海洋民俗体育活动的内容倾向特征;丰厚的精神内蕴是深厚的人文核心.随着社会的变迁,海洋民俗体育活动发生了较大的流变,从娱乐性、随意性转向竞技性、正规性,由娱神、娱己到娱人,同时,其内涵、传承方式、活动形式等都发生了改变.海洋民俗体育活动在与现代生活、现代体育日益融合的同时,其延续和发展正经历着种种困境,需要有科学而行之有效的发展策略来保护和促进海洋民俗体育活动的发展.  相似文献   

体育运动能在现代人类社会中蓬勃发展,成为不同人群、不同民族和不同意识形态国家普遍接受的一种现代生活方式和社会文化现象背后肯定有其存在和发展的客观社会原因.因此,研究体育运动成为人们现代生活方式重要内容的形成原因,探索现代体育在人类社会存在和发展的社会客观根源,对指导体育工作实践和丰富体育理论体系都有着十分重要的现实意义和理论价值.  相似文献   

G806,6804.32 20023071生活方式与健康体育=Life style and health sport[刊,中,A]/李明//南京体育学院学报.-2002.-16(1).-4-8图4参8(SJ)体育活动//健康//生活方式//管理//体质//疾病//调研在分析现代社会特征的基础上,确立“生活方式的变化、生活方式与健康体育和作为生活方式的健康体育”三大主题,从“生活方式的理解、生活方式的变化、现代社会与成人病、现代社会与健康管理、创造健康、有规律的开展健康体育活动、积极推进家庭健康体育活动和从小培养良好的生活方式”等八个方面,对生活方式与健康体育问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

现代社会的群众体育是建立在现代社会生产发展水平上的,它的发展规模和速度受社会生产水平所制约。现代社会的生产对人体提出更精确的要求,而体育则成为沟通现代社会生产对人体特殊要求的桥梁。本文对现代群众体育对现代社会的物质生产的作用进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 现代城市文明的发展,体育运动作为生活方式的部分,已是余暇消费生活重要的内容之一,“体育热”风靡全球,这无疑是当今一件引人瞩目而又耐人寻味的社会现象和文化现象。这个现象的出现,有其社会发展的现实背景。科学技术的进步,特别是新技术革命的冲击波引带出现代工业文明的大发展,大机器化生产、解放了劳动力,传统的生活程序随之改  相似文献   

在探讨确立法价值的重要意义及法价值涵义的基础上,对体育法价值进行分析.认为:随着我国社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,行政管理体制的改革和社会生活的发展,体育体制也正在进行转轨,作为规范体育社会生活的体育法应该具有现代价值取向.现代体育法价值结构应包括体育秩序、体育和谐、体育公平、体育民主和体育整体效益.  相似文献   

运动个性特征研究是运动心理学研究比较成熟的领域。在长达几十年的研究与探索过程中,研究投入了大量的人力和物力,得出了一系列建设性的结论。本文在浏览了大量当代运动个性研究文献之后,综述了这一领域的研究成果,探讨了研究中的不足和未来的可能发展,从而对我国的同类相关研究提供某些方向性认识。  相似文献   

Soccer players should achieve an energy intake that provides sufficient carbohydrate to fuel the training and competition programme, supplies all nutrient requirements, and allows manipulation of energy or nutrient balance to achieve changes in lean body mass, body fat or growth. Although the traditional culture of soccer has focused on carbohydrate intake for immediate match preparation, top players should adapt their carbohydrate intake on a daily basis to ensure adequate fuel for training and recovery between matches. For players with a mobile playing style, there is sound evidence that dietary programmes that restore and even super-compensate muscle glycogen levels can enhance activity patterns during matches. This will presumably also benefit intensive training, such as twice daily practices. As well as achieving a total intake of carbohydrate commensurate with fuel needs, the everyday diet should promote strategic intake of carbohydrate and protein before and after key training sessions to optimize the adaptations and enhance recovery. The achievement of the ideal physique for soccer is a long-term goal that should be undertaken over successive years, and particularly during the off-season and pre-season. An increase in lean body mass or a decrease in body fat is the product of a targeted training and eating programme. Consultation with a sports nutrition expert can assist soccer players to manipulate energy and nutrient intake to meet such goals. Players should be warned against the accidental or deliberate mismatch of energy intake and energy expenditure, such that energy availability (intake minus the cost of exercise) falls below 125 kJ (30 kcal) per kilogram of fat-free mass per day. Such low energy availability causes disturbances to hormonal, metabolic, and immune function.  相似文献   

For a person undertaking regular exercise, any fluid deficit that is incurred during one exercise session can potentially compromise the next exercise session if adequate fluid replacement does not occur. Fluid replacement after exercise can, therefore, frequently be thought of as hydration before the next exercise bout. The importance of ensuring euhydration before exercise and the potential benefits of temporary hyperhydration with sodium salts or glycerol solutions are also important issues. Post-exercise restoration of fluid balance after sweat-induced dehydration avoids the detrimental effects of a body water deficit on physiological function and subsequent exercise performance. For effective restoration of fluid balance, the consumption of a volume of fluid in excess of the sweat loss and replacement of electrolyte, particularly sodium, losses are essential. Intravenous fluid replacement after exercise has been investigated to a lesser extent and its role for fluid replacement in the dehydrated but otherwise well athlete remains equivocal.  相似文献   

For a person undertaking regular exercise, any fluid deficit that is incurred during one exercise session can potentially compromise the next exercise session if adequate fluid replacement does not occur. Fluid replacement after exercise can, therefore, frequently be thought of as hydration before the next exercise bout. The importance of ensuring euhydration before exercise and the potential benefits of temporary hyperhydration with sodium salts or glycerol solutions are also important issues. Post-exercise restoration of fluid balance after sweat-induced dehydration avoids the detrimental effects of a body water deficit on physiological function and subsequent exercise performance. For effective restoration of fluid balance, the consumption of a volume of fluid in excess of the sweat loss and replacement of electrolyte, particularly sodium, losses are essential. Intravenous fluid replacement after exercise has been investigated to a lesser extent and its role for fluid replacement in the dehydrated but otherwise well athlete remains equivocal.  相似文献   


Charles O. Dotson begins this section by discussing the concept of research reflecting high density logic, indicating that the most desirable research papers are those sharply reasoned contributions with maximal application of inductive syllogisms. This is followed by a critical review of the quality of research published in the Research Quarterly over the past 50 years. Dotson suggests that much of this research reflects low logical density, and concludes his paper with several recommendations for upgrading the logical density of research in physical education. The second paper in this section was prepared by Robert W. Schutz, who discusses the role of mathematical analysis in the study of sport strategy and structure and in the development and verification of theories of motor behavior. Schutz delineates a field of sports studies labelled sport mathematics and classifies topics of investigation amenable to mathematical analysis. He presents arguments supporting the identification of mathematics and sport as a subdiscipline within sports studies. Mathematical analysis in the study of motor behavior, on the other hand, is viewed as a methodology.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates and fat for training and recovery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An important goal of the athlete's everyday diet is to provide the muscle with substrates to fuel the training programme that will achieve optimal adaptation for performance enhancements. In reviewing the scientific literature on post-exercise glycogen storage since 1991, the following guidelines for the training diet are proposed. Athletes should aim to achieve carbohydrate intakes to meet the fuel requirements of their training programme and to optimize restoration of muscle glycogen stores between workouts. General recommendations can be provided, preferably in terms of grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of the athlete's body mass, but should be fine-tuned with individual consideration of total energy needs, specific training needs and feedback from training performance. It is valuable to choose nutrient-rich carbohydrate foods and to add other foods to recovery meals and snacks to provide a good source of protein and other nutrients. These nutrients may assist in other recovery processes and, in the case of protein, may promote additional glycogen recovery when carbohydrate intake is suboptimal or when frequent snacking is not possible. When the period between exercise sessions is < 8 h, the athlete should begin carbohydrate intake as soon as practical after the first workout to maximize the effective recovery time between sessions. There may be some advantages in meeting carbohydrate intake targets as a series of snacks during the early recovery phase, but during longer recovery periods (24 h) the athlete should organize the pattern and timing of carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks according to what is practical and comfortable for their individual situation. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate to high glycaemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals. Although there is new interest in the recovery of intramuscular triglyceride stores between training sessions, there is no evidence that diets which are high in fat and restricted in carbohydrate enhance training.  相似文献   

人类的血型、指纹图形与运动选材关系初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类的血型、指纹与等遗传标记与人们的运动能力之间是否也存在某种内在的联系 ,还没有更多的材料说明。因此探索血型、指纹不同运动项目的运动员血型、指纹与的特点 ,有助于揭示运动能力与血型和指纹之间的内在关系 ,并为运动员的科学选材研究开拓新的思路和方法。基于这种认识 ,笔者调查了 8个运动项目、2 84名运动等级在国家一级以上男、女运动员的血型与指纹图形进行比较研究。结果表明 :运动员的血型与指纹图形与一般人比较有一定差异 ,但各运动项目之间差异不大 ,故在运动员的初选阶段 ,血型和指纹图形可以作为参考指标 ,但是 ,还不宜作为运动员选择运动项目的依据。  相似文献   

In the twentieth century, sport, and especially soccer, was turned into a kind of universal modern language and was simultaneously transformed into a repository for constructing specificities (continental, national, regional, local). In the last two decades, this process has become a theme of reflection for anthropologists, sociologists and historians. In Brazil and Argentina, certain authors have been debating how, by using soccer, the nation is represented in its specificity, thus generating enough academic analyses to be able to compare certain results. The objective of this essay is to compare the construction of a national identity through soccer, in Brazil and in Argentina, by using some of these analyses. Certain interfaces will be explored, including, for example, the value attributed to individual players considered exceptionally talented, as well as certain peculiarities, such as distinct traditions invoked in constructing these individuals.  相似文献   

The high metabolic rates sustained by soccer players during training and match-play cause sweat to be produced in both warm and temperate environments. There is limited published information available on the effects of this sweat loss on performance in soccer. However, this limited information, together with knowledge of the effects of sweat loss in other sports with skill components as well as endurance and sprint components, suggests that the effects of sweating will be similar to the effects in these other activities. Therefore, the generalization that a body mass reduction equivalent to 2% should be the acceptable limit of sweat losses seems reasonable. This amount, or more, of sweat loss reflected in body mass loss is a common experience for some players. Sodium is the main electrolyte lost in sweat and the available data indicate considerable variability in sodium losses between players due to differences in sweating rate and sweat electrolyte concentration. Additionally, the extent of sodium loss is such that its replacement will be warranted for some of these players during training sessions and matches. Although soccer is a team sport, the great individual variability in sweat and electrolyte losses of players in the same training session or match dictates that individual monitoring to determine individual water and electrolyte requirements should be an essential part of a player's nutritional strategy.  相似文献   

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