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对科幻小说审美特征的论述是葛兰西文艺思想和政治思想的重要组成部分。葛兰西重点论述了凡尔纳和威尔斯等人的科幻小说作品。他对凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性、幻想性和乐观精神等特点给予了高度评价,也指出这些特点给凡尔纳创作所带来的局限性;他重点论述了威尔斯科幻小说的现实批判性特征,对威尔斯小说中的道德说教倾向进行了批评。葛兰西对科幻小说审美特点的论述具有理论家的深刻性和革命家的现实性。由于从既定的理论出发,葛兰西对科幻小说审美特征的分析也有先入为主的缺陷。  相似文献   

对科幻小说审美特征的论述是葛兰西文艺思想和政治思想的重要组成部分。葛兰西重点论述了凡尔纳和威尔斯等人的科幻小说作品。他对凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性、幻想性和乐观精神等特点给予了高度评价,也指出这些特点给凡尔纳创作所带来的局限性;他重点论述了威尔斯科幻小说的现实批判性特征,对威尔斯小说中的道德说教倾向进行了批评。葛兰西对科幻小说审美特点的论述具有理论家的深刻性和革命家的现实性。由于从既定的理论出发,葛兰西对科幻小说审美特征的分析也有先入为主的缺陷。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between New Critical close reading techniques and studies of literary engagement by building on the work of Sumara, Rosenblatt and Todorov. New Critical techniques responded to the allusive density and terseness of modernist poetry and fiction. In the half‐century since, the situated approaches favoured by postmodernism have pushed the hermeticism and analytic underpinnings of modernism (that of the text as an entity unto itself) from vogue. After delineating some precepts from the New Critical perspective and tracing the shift towards postmodernism, this paper argues for a synergistic critical approach for literary exploration in the secondary and tertiary classroom; specifically, it argues for the pedagogical necessity of close reading as a precursor to literary engagement and postmodernist textual considerations.  相似文献   

"狐狸"王蒙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蒙是一个狐狸型的全能作家,堪称当代文学巨匠,他在小说、随笔、诗歌、文学评论等领域均有建树,其中尤以小说和政论随笔成就最大。王蒙的小说是一种自叙传式的“骚体小说”,由于意识流手法的运用、独特的语言风格、超群的政治智慧和复调主题,从而丰富和深化了现实主义流派.形成了“经验现实主义”风格。同时,他的小说也存在着潜在模式化、“思”的缺席、政治术语过多、理念大于形象等缺陷。王蒙的政论随笔确立了其改良主义与左翼自由主义者的立场,以讲常识、讲中道、讲多元为核心命题,反对一元化、绝对化和建构论唯理主义,因而达到了时代的思想高度。王蒙的创作虽非完美无缺,却与赵树理、浩然一起.代表了一个文学共鸣时代的艺术和思想高度;他以自身的创作实绩和影响,命名了当代文学史上的一个“王蒙时代”。  相似文献   

This article explains how literary engagements can function as archives for interpretation. Drawing on hermeneutic and pragmatist philosophy, and Iser's discussions of 'literary anthropology', argues that engagements with literary fiction, when supported with what it describes as a 'Commonplace Book' interpretative structure, can develop personal and collective insight. In addition, the article suggests that these Commonplace Book practices and products show how philosophical, theoretical and literary engagements can create events of pedagogy that are experienced by students and teachers as surprising and purposeful.  相似文献   

在文学叙事理论研究中,由布斯提出的“隐含作者”概念具有重要的理论价值和意义。从小说叙事文本自身的内在构成和小说阅读活动两个角度可以发现,隐含作者具有双重功能。  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》作为一部融志怪、考证、著书诸特质于一身的志怪小说集,集合了纪昀的学术考据成果与个人情感及观点表达,是一部以学术思维写就的具有鲜明学者气质的小说集,具体表现为以考据之法写小说、以志怪内容说学理、以著书立言为旨趣,较为典型地反映了学者创作小说的手法和以小说“载道”的文学理想,其面貌之驳杂与当时的学术环境、政治环境及纪昀的学者身份有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

Christer Ekholm's point of departure in this article is Gert J. J. Biesta's call for a new pedagogical attitude that takes a stand against the current trend in education. At present, the dominant approach is to make what we do in school into something wholly predictable, measurable, and assessable, which (as Biesta argues) misses important aspects of what education actually is or should be. One such aspect has to do with “subjectification,” that is, events where someone makes an appeal to me, singles me out in my uniqueness, and makes me ethically responsible to the other one before me. What role can literary education play in facilitating such events? What kind of reading strategies should be promoted with the aim of such an ambition? On the basis of a critical analysis of the discursive construction of an opposition between reading as engagement and reading as distance, Ekholm argues that the answer to these questions is to be found in an alternative literature didactics, where the work of fiction is understood not as text, but as utterance; not as something written, but as writing; perhaps even, not in terms of object(ification), but of subject(ification)?  相似文献   

晚清乌托邦小说创作曾经出现过短暂的繁荣,将此阶段的乌托邦小说与当时的域外小说进行比较,便可发现晚清作家的这部分作品受到了西方乌托邦小说和日本政治小说的共同影响,其中又以《回顾》的影响最大。在列强环伺、国运衰微的特定历史语境中,《回顾》中的“拟乌托邦”思想由于切合了晚清知识分子急切渴望翻转现实的心态而在晚清知识界引起广泛关注,其创作模式更因此而成为一时圭臬,对晚清乌托邦小说的时空结构、叙述方式皆有决定性影响。而由于日本政治小说对晚清作家的直接影响亦同时发生,客观上便使得当时的政治小说、理想小说、科学小说等文类概念相互混杂。  相似文献   

文学虚构理论真正成熟的阶段是在现代主义时期。在这一时期,众多的文论家和美学家开始更多地从作品的层面去思考文学虚构问题。他们把虚构视为作品获得文学性的根据,虚构也因此具有了本体论意义。而到了后现代主义时期,在那种消解一切,包括文学与非文学、虚构与现实的状况下,现代主义时期的文学虚构理论的存在依据也就从根本上被否定了,文学虚构一词开始失去了它独立的内涵,变得无法进行界定了,文学虚构自身因此被消解了。  相似文献   

接受美学作为一种读者中心论范式的文学理论,认为文学作品一方面要照顾读者群体的阅读需求,引导读者阅读和鉴赏;另一方面还要超越读者,拓展读者的期待视野。“林译小说”之所以会风靡一时,正因为其迎合了读者的这样一种审美心理。从接受美学的角度探讨其颇受欢迎的原因,既能给人以新的启示,同时也是一种有益的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

文学虚构理论真正成熟的阶段是在现代主义时期。在这一时期,众多的文论家和美学家开始把虚构视为文本获得文学性的根据,虚构也因此具有了本体论意义。而到了后现代主义时期,虚构则因其不断泛化而失去边界,变得无法进行界定了,文学虚构自身因此被消解了。如何克服虚构理论的这种困境呢?本文试提出虚拟意向关系这一新的范畴,并依此代替虚构范畴来重新定位文学、定位审美现象。  相似文献   

论从文学研究到文化研究的范式转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文学研究和文化研究的关系问题是近年来国内学术界颇为关注的热点话题。本文试图通过回顾英美学界从文学研究到文化研究的范式转换的内在动因,为讨论另辟蹊径。论文将重点分析文学研究和文化研究在研究对象、研究方法和学科理念等三个关键领域的差异。笔者认为文化研究不是困扰文学研究发展的一个问题,而是解决文学研究诸多内在问题的一个潜在方案。  相似文献   

在不断变化的文学写作格局下,作为商业畅销小说作家海岩,保持着一种独有的话语表述立场.这个立场既不是政治性的国家意志,也不是一味追求世俗趣味的审美系统.而是借用人民话语的严肃理想,有效地发挥了类型化通俗小说的活力,运用“时尚”制造了一种当代的都市“崇高”,由此反映了时代大众对文学的述求和情绪,也显示出“适者生存”的一种写作经验  相似文献   

罗怀宇 《海外英语》2014,(20):211-213
As an important aspect of fiction or narrative in general,characterization has long been a popular object for scholarly enquiries in literary studies. However,the well-known distinction into direct and indirect characterizations discursively formulated in Western literary theory may not be capable of accommodating various forms of characterization in other literatures and cultures. This article sets out to summarize and discuss the distinctive approaches to characterization in classical Chinese fiction in the triple purpose of complementing the binary distinction in the West,introducing the indigenous Chinese literary theory to Western readers,and facilitating their reading and understanding of Chinese fiction.  相似文献   

明代文言小说总集述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小说创作发展到明代,已成为白话小说兴盛的时代,言小说创作相对处于不太景气的状态,但言小说总集的编选却出现了异常繁盛的局面,并与白话小说融合为这一时代学的主流。但长期来,研究对明代小说研究的兴趣,多集中于白话小说,研究言小说的,也多注意明代新创作的作品,明代言小说总集的研究基本上处于无人问津的状况,这不能不说是一个很大的缺憾。  相似文献   

First published in 1958, Elizabeth George Speare's Newbery award-winning novel The Witch of Blackbird Pond remains an immensely popular teaching tool in U.S. social studies classrooms today. Speare's story—which describes the challenges an orphaned daughter of wealthy Barbadian planters faces when she begins life anew in the Puritan colony of Connecticut in 1687—continues to capture educators' attention because it emphasizes themes such as tolerance of difference, abhorrence of slavery, support of heterodoxy, and a commitment to liberty, justice, and freedom that bolster contemporary American values. But while literary critics have praised the book's historical accuracy, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, like all works of historical fiction, reinterprets the past. In reinterpreting the events of 1680s Connecticut, Speare reveals much about the McCarthy-era 1950s in which she wrote, and indeed, much about the issues and concerns capturing 21st-century educators' attention. As this article argues, both teachers and students would benefit from examining the ways in which history and myth interact in the novel, creating a rich commentary on the 17th-century past, the 1950s in which Speare wrote, and today's 21st-century present.  相似文献   

郑军是当代中国科幻文坛一位“理论与实践相结合”的非典型科幻作家。他以科幻迷的身份走入科幻界,凭着自己对科幻创作的执著与坚韧,在而立之年投身科幻创作,用了15年的时间从边缘走向中心。在创作理念上,他独辟蹊径,坚持以真实生活为创作背景,在科技发展的最前沿寻觅科幻素材,拒绝“老三样”式的科幻八股。  相似文献   

This paper examines the work of one of New Zealand’s most acclaimed writers, Maurice Gee, and the use of his children’s fiction as an experimental ground for postmodernist techniques further developed in his writing for adults. In particular, it considers Gee’s borrowings of his own and others’ non-fictional and fictional material, to produce richly literary, historical novels. The paper argues that realist and postmodernist features are woven into the children’s and adult books, but that the balance is differently skewed in each. It thus addresses an area largely atypical of the children’s novel, but one that should be of concern to children’s literature critics.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the 2002 Coretta Scott King Award book by Mildred Taylor entitled The Land. The novel and its author are situated within a tradition of historical fiction written by and about African Americans. I then offer an analysis that utilizes Critical Race Theory as an interpretive tool for examining the ways Taylor embeds meanings of land ownership into the novel. In particular the following themes emerged: (1) inspiration and adoration, (2) entitlement and privilege, and (3) freedom and security. The conclusion addresses the importance of applying Critical Race Theory to literary studies as well as identifying ways to purposefully incorporate African American young adult historical fiction within today’s classrooms. In this article, the ownership of land as property is foregrounded although the term “property” is both literally and metaphorically understood in Critical Race scholarship (Harris 1993).  相似文献   

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