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调查中国学生在哥伦比亚Columbia大学教育院习职业教育者,以前祗嚴君拔萃一人,今夏归国,现在武昌中华大学任事,(编者按嚴君亦本社社员,近受鄂当局委托,筹办职业学校。)今在此者,祗锺  相似文献   

正中国成赴美留学生最大来源国商业工程最热根据华盛顿智库布鲁金斯学院(The Brookings Institution)近日发布的报告,中国已经成为赴美留学国际学生最大的来源国,在2008-2012年间共有近28.5万名学生通过F-1学生签证来美留学。在前25所最受国际学生欢迎的大学中,南加州大学以13996名国际学生的数量位居第一位。而中国学生最集中的前五名学校分别是普渡大学、伊利诺大学、密歇根州立大学、南加州大学和俄亥俄州立大学。最受本科生、硕士生和博士生欢迎的专业  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,美国哥伦比亚大学归国留学生群体占据民国高等教育界要津,主导了一场如火如荼的高等教育改革运动,进行了把西方(尤其是美国)现代大学教育理念和模式与中国本土需要相结合的探索,开创了中国高等教育现代化建设的新时期。他们在促进中国现代大学精神和现代大学制度确立的过程中扮演了极其重要的角色。在他们的努力下,中国高等教育融入了世界教育发展的主流,成为世界现代教育改革的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

本文以资料整理和实地调查的研究方法,以云南省高校留学人员及其归国情况为研究对象,重点从整体效益角度分析和研究了相关问题。本文的研究结论是:高等学校开展国际合作与交流是建设高水平大学,提高教育、教学质量,提高大学师资水平,开拓学术人员的学术视野的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

第 1期新的起点本刊评论员 (1)…………………………日本的高等教育改革 ———以社会条件、职能、构造为中心有本章文 ,张慧洁译 (5 )…………………………………竞争环境中的大学管理运营大场淳文 ,胡国勇译 (11)……………………………………………道德的共同体 :教育的政治哲学观叶国文 ,陈 洁 (14 )………………………………………………现代化进程中的知识与权力何历宇 (2 0 )…………归国人员在高等教育领域的地位及变迁李成 文 ,许嫣嫣 译 (2 6 )………………………………跨国资本 :对中国归国学术人才的评估斯坦利·罗森 ,崔大…  相似文献   

哈佛大学前校长德雷克·博克的新著<回归大学之道>,向中国读者展示了一名知名美国大学校长如何反思美国大学本科教育的根本目标,如何评价这些目标的实现程度,又如何为美国大学的本科教育更上一层楼提出建议的.作者在本书中强调了两点:本科教育需要确立务实的目标;以学生发展为导向的本科教育需要依靠大学自身(特别是大学领导人)使命感的推动.  相似文献   

大一写简历的过程,也是规划大学学业的过程。那么,简历怎么"干",下面从简历的基本模块中,对要"干"的部分进行分析。乍看这一题目,你会提出两个问题:一简历通常是写的,怎么是"干"简历;二简历通常在毕业前写,  相似文献   

为了促进亚洲各国在中学生情感发展方面的科学研究和教育实践,联合国教科文组织亚太地区总办事处和亚洲教育改革发展中心(ACEID)委托菲律宾大学科学与数学教育发展研究所(UPISMD),于1990年6月18日~30日,在菲律宾大学主办“开展情感领域科学测验的小型研讨会”。来自亚洲五个国家(中国、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国)的八名课程研究工作者以及UPISMD的七名有关研究人员参加了这一研讨会。  相似文献   

中国的留学生教育始于1872年。归国学者无论在政治、经济、军事,还是在科学、教育上,都为国家发展作出了不同程度的贡献。上世纪二三十年代,归国学者对国内的大学发展产生了重要影响。云南大学正是在这一时期建立起来。本文结合有关史料,以云南大学为例,总结概述了上世纪二三十年代留学归国者对中国大学发展的影响。  相似文献   

军事教育是国防建设的重要支柱、社会教育的重要领域.在民国军事教育体系中,留学归国人员担任军事教育行政机关的长官,担任军事院校的领导,担任军事教育的导师,扮演了举足轻重的角色.在民国军事教育发展过程中,留学归国人员引进世界军事科学,促进国际化;替代外籍教师,促进本土化;完善教育体系,促进系统化;做出了令人瞩目的贡献.  相似文献   

学缘对教师学术职业发展有重要影响,而海归教师因同时拥有国内和海外二元学术关系网络而在学缘上表现出特殊性。本研究采用混合研究方法,在量化部分以上海21所高校的359位海归教师为样本,在质性部分对来自上海6所高校的10名海归教师开展一对一半结构访谈,共同探究学缘对海归教师学术职业发展的影响。研究发现:高校海归教师对自身学术职业发展现状的评价不高;学缘影响海归教师学术职业平台选择以及职业"入场券"的获得。"校缘"对海归教师学术职业发展影响不显著,但与海外导师联系的频率对海归教师学术职业发展有显著正向影响。研究最后从高校、学院和个体层面对促进高校海归教师学术职业发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   


Over the past decade, an increasing number of overseas Chinese PhD graduates have returned to China to develop their career. For these academic returnees, one of the challenges is to (re)construct an academic identity in a familiar context that is also strange because they have been absent for a few years. In this autobiographical paper, the researcher describes and reflects upon the pains and gains experienced when re-entering and working in Chinese universities as a PhD returnee, revealing the process of his academic identity (re)construction when adjusting to different academic assessment policies. This writing offers an individual perspective on the challenges to returnees’ academic identity (re)construction and argues for the need to set up in-between spaces for inter/cross-disciplinary academic discourse between returnees and local scholars at Chinese universities. This paper aims to contribute to pedagogic debate on the development of more open research practices in Chinese universities.  相似文献   

I propose to research on the topic of how organisational culture impacts upon cultural adaptation of foreign-educated returnees at universities in Yunnan and how to manage communication in the process of cultural adaptation and reintegration.In the literature review section,I review the major literature surrounding the role the foreign-trained returnees have played in China’s higher education.I also discuss the tensions between new returnees,senior returnees,locally trained young and senior scholars,and management in the organisational contexts of Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

Drawing on a unique dataset that combines returnees’ survey data and their information on research publications extracted from the Scopus database, this study systematically examines whether and how international doctoral mentorship for Chinese students in European countries promotes research collaboration before and upon the return of these Chinese PhDs to China. The results show that a considerable proportion of European-trained Chinese PhD returnees had co-authorship with their supervisors during their PhD study, and most of them maintained this research partnership after returning to China. In addition to the co-authorship during doctoral study, some individual characteristics (e.g., gender and marital status) and organizational factors (e.g., country of doctoral study and current work unit) were also found to contribute to international research collaboration upon the return to China of these Chinese PhD holders. This study sheds new light on the mobility and research collaboration of international students and provides policy implications for promoting Sino-foreign student exchange and research collaboration.  相似文献   

世界一流大学都有自己独特的治校理念.美国一流大学占世界一流大学的比例很大.以美国一流大学康奈尔大学为例来探讨美国一流大学的治校理念,探究其历史文化背景,反思西方高等教育的本质,以期对我国高等学校争创世界一流大学和成为建设创新型国家的摇篮等方面有所启迪.  相似文献   

Jia Song 《Higher Education》2018,75(4):729-742
In recent years, creating world-class universities has been an important project on the Chinese mainland. With the all-encompassing internationalization of higher education in the global market, it is of the utmost importance that the quality of universities be improved and that some of the top universities are pushed to become world-class. Influenced by the stimulating policies and financial incentives, some of China’s top universities are striving to earn the prestigious label of “world-class university” by conducting a series of reforms. The aim of the study discussed here was to explore the effects of the ongoing reforms and present the current dilemmas of top-down actions at elite universities. The data were obtained through in-depth interviews. First, we found that a personnel reform had been implemented to comply with the performance benchmark, but that it had subsequently been suspended owing to conflicts among different stakeholders. Second, it appeared that the humanities department at the selected university is at a disadvantage for both internal and external reasons. Third, it was found that the policy of recruiting returnees (graduates returning from study abroad) to lecturers’ positions is partly responsible for the further decline in students’ confidence in domestic universities. Fourth, the policy of admitting international students has triggered domestic tensions on the issue of educational quality and equality. Lastly, finding a way of coordinating the features of “World-Class” and “Chinese Characteristics” is not easy to be achieved.  相似文献   

WTO与中国高等教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国高等教育经历了漫长的发展历程,它伴随社会与经济的发展跌宕起伏,目前是最好的历史发展时期之一;中国加入WTO业已五年,中国的高等教育正大踏步地走向世界已是不争的事实;面对社会空前激烈竞争的21世纪,中国的高等教育需要与时俱进,全面改革,创新高等教育体制与机制,切实做好国际交流与合作,以融入整个国际社会。  相似文献   

以上海交通大学药学院为例,分析了海归教师在带动校园氛围国际化、科研国际化、教学国际化和学生国际化等方面发挥的作用;为了进一步发挥海归教师在高校国际化建设过程作用,高校应为海归教师营造良好的国际化环境、提供和谐自由的学术氛围、建构先进的高校管理体制。  相似文献   

This paper highlights how returnees and knowledge diaspora are important sources for China’s human resources development, identifying push and pull factors that also contribute significantly to innovation in the higher education sector. By outlining China’s key projects and schemes for recruiting international professional workers, the paper argues that bringing advanced knowledge and skills back to a country of origin through international education and experiences is neither new, nor limited to China. At the same time, the rise of a large, worldwide Chinese knowledge diaspora is now of global importance in promoting transnational scientific and business networks that underpin both research and development, and the quest for world-class universities. China’s size and weight, its determination to boost development and improve its higher education system, as well as the willingness of both diaspora and returnees to contribute, constitute its advantages. However, there remain limitations to its success, notably a lack of high-quality research, reservations regarding new ideas, low awareness of international collaborations, too much attention given to material rewards and quick results, corruption, and too many administrative controls and government regulations.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,海归人才已成为高校教师队伍中的重要组成部分。对不同年代归国教师的首聘期工作满意度及其变化趋势、影响因素进行分析,是对高校人才政策环境和海外引才效果的检验。课题组以全国48所研究型大学1979-2017年期间归国的541名教师为样本,开展问卷调查。研究发现,过去40年海归教师首聘期总体满意度水平不高。通过对四个时期多维度满意度的量化分析发现:薪酬待遇和文化适应等方面的满意度存在显著差异;随着时间的推移,工作自主性、压力和科研团队等方面的满意度呈现下降趋势;薪酬待遇满意度的平均水平最低,但近年来已略有提升。基于研究发现,提出增加海归教师工作自主性和职业认同感、提高基础薪资和建立稳定的薪酬增长机制等建议。  相似文献   

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