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以色列的两位学者基于社会文化理论设计了调查内容与方法,对4家自然历史博物馆的学生集体参观学习的过程、活动形式、交流互动和博物馆工作人员的导览内容、方式进行了分析,讨论了组织学生集体参观科技类博物馆不同策略下的学习效果。研究结果显示:传统的参观导览内容与方式,既不符合当代的科学教育发展趋势和博物馆对学习效果的新追求,也不适用于科技类博物馆基于实物展品的体验式学习和探究式学习。本研究的内容、方法、结果及其理论基础,对我国科技类博物馆均有启发。  相似文献   

Based on a nationwide investigation of the current state of preservation of museum objects in China, around 51% of the 35 million museum objects show different degrees of deterioration. Although treatment of objects is necessary, treatment alone is not sufficient. In China's present situation, preventing damage to museum objects is much more cost-effective than allowing damage to happen and then treating it. The number of museums in China is increasing very fast: 23?000 exhibitions are held, 600 million visits are made, and 35?000 archaeological objects are excavated nationwide, each year. At the same time, these museums are widely distributed and have different levels of resources. We need both technical knowledge and preventive conservation to safeguard our precious museum objects. This paper introduces research achievements in preventive conservation, and traces the development of this discipline in China. Starting from the classification of museums in China, legislation is detailed on preventive measures such as selecting appropriate light sources, controlling temperature, relative humidity, light damage, and pollutants. This paper describes achievements in monitoring, analysis, evaluation, and control of museum environments in China. It also proposes future directions for museum environment studies during China's twelfth Five-Year Plan.  相似文献   

场馆是家庭开展教育活动的重要场域,而家庭也被列为场馆教育的核心面向。针对场馆究竟如何开展家庭教育的问题,本研究从场馆教育者的专业视角出发,考察中国和加拿大场馆开展家庭教育的情况,寻求跨文化的经验借鉴。通过对场馆的教育理解和期待、家庭与场馆的教育动机以及家庭行为与场馆支持三个方面的深度比较,研究显示中加场馆开展家庭教育的特点各有侧重。无论优势,还是缺陷,都有共识和差异。在取长补短的意义上,我国场馆和家庭分别获得三点启示。  相似文献   

Abstract Although John Dewey's educational concepts have been discussed previously in relation to museums, his own writing about museums has received little attention. Dewey, who visited museums frequently throughout his life, recognized the powerful educational value of museums. He assigned a central role to museums as integrative components of raw experiences in his educational theory, and he made extensive use of student visits to museums at the Chicago Laboratory School. Early twentieth‐century museum educators and directors applied Dewey's ideas, and advocated a museum education philosophy, based on the progressive education movement, that has significance for current exhibition and educational practice.  相似文献   

目前科技博物馆教育活动覆盖的主要学龄段集中于小学阶段,高中生受众较少。科技博物馆如何加强与高中学校的合作,吸引高中生参与馆内教育活动,发挥自身教育职能,成为科技博物馆面临的一大挑战。通过梳理国内外案例,笔者认为科技博物馆在升学和就业上能够与学校教育形成互补,助力高中生未来发展,并且总结归纳得出四种服务于高中生未来发展的馆校合作新方式:到馆实习型;动手实验型;专业研究型;课程资源型。最后,本文在分析案例的基础上,结合国内科技博物馆高中学段馆校合作现状,提出可借鉴的意见和建议。  相似文献   

儿童博物馆在过去二十年间由于种种原因,并没有在中国发展起来。一些相关的基本问题:“什么是儿童博物馆?儿童博物馆展示什么?为什么需要儿童博物馆?”在中国并不为大众熟悉,也没有受到太多博物馆专业领域人士的关注。本文将从影响儿童博物馆的理论及研究,儿童博物馆与其它场馆的区别,儿童博物馆的教育内容等几个方面来介绍儿童博物馆的核心教育理念。以期通过本文能够把儿童博物馆的精髓呈现出来,让更多的人了解并关注儿童博物馆,为中国儿童教育方式的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

科学教育逐渐受到重视,科技博物馆成为科学教育的重要场所。如何通过设计开发教育活动达到科学教育的目的是当前研究的重点。本文结合“基于证据的论证”和课堂教学中的论证模型,构建了“基于证据的论证”用于科技博物馆的教学流程。本研究以此教学流程为基础,以小学三年级学生为对象,设计开发了学习昆虫知识的博物馆教育活动。研究发现,基于此教学流程,学生的科学知识有所提升,并且在活动中呈现出基于证据进行有效论证的对话。  相似文献   

《让孩子爱上博物馆》一书着重分析了建构主义理论在博物馆儿童教育中的应用,并针对博物馆儿童观众的研究成果分析做了深入阐述,对于全面指导博物馆儿童早期教育项目的设计与执行具有现实意义。受该书启发,本文最后以系统学视角,对教师、家长、博物馆从业者等不同主体促进孩子爱上博物馆提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The Education Department at the Museum of the Rockies and the Kellogg Center for Adult Learning Research at Montana State University conducted a national study of adult museum programs from 1996–1999. A total of 508 adult program participants, 75 instructors, and 143 planners of adult programs in museums were interviewed either via telephone or in person. The study sought to answer three questions: (1) From participants' perspectives, what constitutes an excellent museum program for adults? (2) What teaching strategies are employed in successful and innovative museum programs? and (3) Does the informal learning environment of a museum offer anything unique to the adult learning experience? This research effort is one example of how university museums advance our understanding of informal education theory and its application to practice.  相似文献   

《解读科学中心与博物馆中的互动:走向社会文化视角》一书运用社会文化视角,以众多实践案例为基础,对科学中心与博物馆中产生的各种互动进行了详细的论述。同时也对互动之于博物馆教育活动的重要性,如何才能开展有益的互动以及展品是如何促进学生学习等问题做了相关阐述。通过此书可以为博物馆教育工作者、学校教师以及在校学生带来一些启发和思考,并在一定程度上促进博物馆开展教育活动的进步。  相似文献   

Museums today face a crisis of confidence arising from two issues: (1) the erosion of a historically unreliable funding base, and (2) a challenge for audience by entrepreneurial elements in the culture. Other issues center on a growing public idea that museum work can be shared by entities such as theme parks and exhibition halls and the perception that education should be shaped as recreation. Museum responses to these problems have exacerbated their vulnerability as unique institutions. Certain dichotomies in the museum world help to explain this situation: (1) professionalism versus the audience, (2) connoisseurship versus the public experience, (3) the centrality versus the peripherality of objects in museums, (4) museums as businesses versus museums as educators, and (5) visitor expectations versus available resources. Resolution of the conflicts requires museums to remember that they are communication systems capable of teaching hard information, to stop emulating the forces that threaten to destroy them, and to pay attention to certain lessons understood in the business world. Museums also must find stable and reliable funding, reinvigorate the museum accreditation program, and pay attention to what museums really exist for. Museums are still necessary only when they function as true museums.  相似文献   

Throughout their history, museums have performed diverse public services: from preservation, collection, and exhibition, to interpretation, education, and civic engagement. As Stephen E. Weil ( 2002 ) explains, since the mid‐twentieth century, museums have experienced two major revolutions. First, a revolution in focus from collection‐oriented to visitor‐oriented practices, and second, a revolution in public expectations as museums secured a position within the nonprofit sector (81–82). With competition for public, private, and philanthropic support resting upon measurable results, the evaluation of museums depends upon its ability to “accomplish its purpose” (5). However, the question remains: what is the museum's purpose? Which is the more important: collection and artifact preservation, or public engagement and education? An overview of museum practices reveals a multiplicity of professional tasks distributed among three imperatives: preservation, scholarship, and programming (Weil 2002 , 11). The competition for resources devoted to each of these imperatives can spark controversy—particularly if museum professionals answer the question of the purpose of museums differently. Organizational communication scholar, Janie M. Harden Fritz, developed a theoretical framework that seeks to respond to such controversies in Professional Civility: Communicating Virtue at Work. This essay considers Fritz's “professional civility” in the context of the American museum sector, lending insight to the question of museum purpose and function.  相似文献   

This article presents the background, methodology, and results of a yearlong study of visitor motivation conducted by the Visitor Research Team (VRT) of Winterthur, a Delaware decorative arts museum. The article details the VRT's use of focus groups to determine what really motivates visitors to attend museums. Study results are consistent with recent work in the field showing that learning and recreation are the primary motivations behind museum visitation. Visitors valued museums as places for active, personal learning through the observation of objects and as outlets for physical and mental relaxation and escapism. Results also show that Winterthur visitors ascribe meanings to the words learning and recreation that are different from education and entertainment. The author calls on museums to discover the needs of their audiences and to design marketing and programming using visitors' vocabularies to promote and provide meaningful museum experiences.  相似文献   

实地参观是博物馆学习中的一种常见且重要的形式。到科技博物馆实地参观,被许多中小学作为校内科学课学习的补充。美国研究人员以纽约市8年级学生为研究对象,通过分析2007—2012年学生去科技博物馆参观的情况和学生们在州级标准化测试中科学科目成绩数据之间的关系研究发现:实地参观体验对于8年级学生的科学课成绩有一定的积极影响,特别是对西班牙裔学生和享受免费午餐的学生有更大影响。这一基于观众调查和大量数据分析的研究内容、数据分析过程及其研究结果等,对我国的相关研究及博物馆实践都具有启发意义。  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

本文在课题调研和数据分析的基础上,提出了当前我国专业科技博物馆在场馆和观众数量快速增长的同时,在发展质量上存在诸多问题,制约着专业科技博物馆科普教育功能的发挥,提出了我国专业科技博物馆“十三五”期间的五个战略重点:全面免费开放;开展监测评估,进行分类指导;专业科技博物馆充分利用新媒体;强化专业科技博物馆科普职能;推动专业科技博物馆校结合。并针对存在问题提出了六项对策与建议。  相似文献   

作者通过实地考察和检索相关文献,提出当前美国科技博物馆呈现几个值得关注的发展态势:与正规教育紧密结合、高度社会化、高度市场化、科学中心与传统博物馆相互借鉴相互融合、重视新技术应用。在此基础上,本文提出我国科技博物馆建设与发展的对策:正视差异与差距,加快科技馆体系建设,加强科技和工业藏品的征集,提升科技博物馆的经营能力,实现我国科技博物馆事业的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

科技馆是校外科学教育的基础阵地,在提升青少年科学素质、培育未来科技创新人才等方面发挥着重要作用。《现代科技馆体系发展“十四五”规划(2021—2025年)》的出台,标志着我国科技馆体系进入新的发展阶段。本文从分析科技馆科学教育的重要定位出发,指出科技馆科学教育在实现价值引领、供给侧改革以及开放体系建设上的新目标,并结合我国科技馆科学教育发展中的现存问题,从理论研究、资源建设和生态构建层面提出解决方案,助力我国青少年科学素质提升。  相似文献   

场馆教育是近年来受到持续关注的热点领域。本研究采用文献计量法,用CiteSpace软件对中国知网中2007—2022年场馆教育核心期刊文献进行可视化分析。研究结果显示:从文献数量分布来看,场馆教育研究数量在15年间持续上升,研究者主要分布在博物馆学与教育学领域,其中教育学研究视角偏少;从研究热点来看,研究重点关注场馆中的学习行为以及场馆与学校教育的结合;从研究现状来看,我国场馆教育研究目前缺少有推广价值的实践案例。  相似文献   

本文从植物等真实生命体在植物园中的运用实例出发,探讨围绕多感官体验的博物馆新型展览的构建。博物馆如何借鉴植物园中的相关经验来满足观众的学习与体验需求,同时促进观众间的互动和交流沟通,通过触摸真实植物等来开展自然基础教育,这值得我国博物馆尤其是自然科学博物馆借鉴。  相似文献   

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