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通过高速摄影、表面肌电图(sEMG)测量以及等速肌力测试等方法对12名体育专业男生进行研究,获取踝关节主要屈伸肌(胫骨前肌和腓肠肌)等速肌力与sEMG之间的关系,以此说明用sEMG来直接评价肌肉用力情况时需进行标准化的必要性及最佳标准化方式。结果表明:相同肌肉收缩过程中,肌力矩值与平均振幅(MA)的变化趋势呈现高度相关,相关系数r在0.6以上;不同收缩形式、不同收缩速度下,均方根振幅(RMS)、积分肌电(iEMG)值会随着收缩速度的增加而减小;跳深动作下肢肌肉sEMG标准化后的值与跳深腾起速度之间均有一定的相关性,标准化后以最大随意等长收缩(MVIC)的标准化值与跳深腾起速度的相关性最高。  相似文献   

目的研究老年人、年轻人在完成最大伸膝动作时的肌力与肌电特征。方法研究选择48位受试者,老年人32位,年轻人16位,共分为6组,包括年轻男女组、常锻炼老年男女组、不常锻炼老年男女组,受试者以角速度60°/s与180°/s在等速肌力测试系统进行5次最大伸膝测试,同时进行肌电测试,测量股四头肌的相对100%MVC、100%MVC时的相对RMS值等指标。结果不常锻炼老年人相对肌力要显著低于其他组,常锻炼女性老年人的相对100%MVC数值明显高于其他老年人,快速收缩状态下女性老年人大腿优势侧相对肌力更差;在伸膝动作中,各组受试者股外肌、股直肌、股内肌100%MVC时的相对RMS值常锻炼老年人与年轻人更接近。结论运动对老年人相对肌力、肌电信号改善效果非常显著,特别是对女性老年人效果更好。因受试者个人的运动习惯、运动项目不同,各块肌肉发挥的作用也不同。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中老年女性增龄性肌力流失的规律特征。方法:以85名中老年女性为实验组,按年龄分为3个年龄组,以29名青年女性为对照组,运用全身型双能X线骨密度仪、Con-Trex等速肌力测试系统进行全身肌肉质量,下肢髋、膝、踝关节屈伸等长与60°/s的等速肌力测试。结论:50年龄段的中年女性已表现出明显的肌肉质量流失、且在70岁前仍表现为以下肢肌肉质量流失为主的局部性特征。中老年女性下肢肌肉力量流失的增龄性特征表现为髋关节的肌肉力量流失最早表现,下肢肌肉收缩力量呈现快速流失的“拐点”约在60岁年龄段,且有肌肉的动态收缩力量的流失先于等长收缩力量的年龄特征。下肢三关节等长收缩力量流失呈现“髋-膝-踝”模式,60°/s的等速力量约在60岁后呈现“膝-踝-髋”模式。结论:老年女性膝关节屈肌较之伸肌可能有着更高的肌力流失速率。肌肉质量与力量流失的关系方面表现出力量流失先于质量流失的特征。  相似文献   

目的探讨我国45~60岁中年男性肌肉力量的增龄性变化的规律,以及最大肌肉力量及爆发力随年龄变化的相关性分析。方法通过自主研发的数字化等长肌肉收缩功能检测系统,对总共240名45~60岁中年男性进行肌肉力量等长肌力测试,包括左右肘关节、左右膝关节屈伸最大肌力及爆发力的测试,同时采集肢体形态指标(包含体质量、瘦体质量、上臂及大腿围度)的数据信息。对每一年龄段受试者采集到的肌肉力量等数据进行统计分析,与相对应年龄段受试者肌肉力量及身体形态指标进行相关性分析。结果 45岁以上中年男性左右肘、膝关节屈伸肌肌肉力量呈现逐年缓慢下降的趋势,其中肌肉爆发力下降趋势最明显。对45~60岁中年男性上、下肢最大肌力与体质量、去脂体质量、上下肢体围度等身体形态指标的关系进行相关性分析,结果发现45~60岁中年男性左右肘、膝关节屈伸最大肌力与体质量、去脂体质量、上下肢体围度呈显著的正相关性;而与年龄增长呈负相关性。结论 45~60岁中年男性肌肉力量、耐力及爆发力与年龄增长呈负相关性;与体质量、去脂体质量、上下肢体度呈显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

方法:利用CONTREX等速肌力测试与训练系统,以180°/s、120°/s、60°/s3种角速度对苏州市自行车训练队26名运动员右腿膝关节进行等速向心屈伸测试。目的:分析自行车运动员不同角速度下等速向心收缩与膝关节肌肌力的关系及肌力特征。结果:1、屈伸肌峰力矩随速度的增加呈减小趋势。2、到达峰力矩的时间随测试速度的增加而缩短。且男女运动员在180°/s与120°/s组间均无显著差异。3、膝关节相对平均功率伸肌均大于屈肌,120°/ts时,屈伸肌的相对平均功率最大。4、屈伸肌比在64.8%~70.6%内,有随速度增加而增加的趋势。结论:以60°/s的角速度训练肌肉最大力量效果更明显;爆发力在120°/s时训练效果最佳;屈/伸肌比值(H/Q)在正常范围内,但低于优秀运动员(优秀运动员可达80%以上)。  相似文献   

目的:髌股疼痛综合征(patellofemoral pain syndrome, PFPS)是一种常见的膝关节疼痛,运动疗法以及肌肉电刺激已被证明可以改善PFPS人群的疼痛及功能,但关于其是否能够改善下肢异常的生物力学特征仍存在争议。因此,研究旨在探讨6周的肌肉电刺激结合肌力训练以及单纯肌力训练对PFPS人群单腿下蹲动作生物力学和肌肉激活特征的影响。方法:招募46名PFPS受试者,随机分为肌肉电刺激训练(electric muscle stimulation,EMS)组和单纯肌力训练(muscle strength training,MST)组。通过疼痛视觉模拟评分表(visual analog scale, VAS)、膝前痛量表(anterior knee pain scale, AKPS)、红外动作捕捉系统、测力台以及表面肌电测试仪采集受试者干预前后单腿下蹲时的运动学、动力学以及表面肌电数据。采用双因素重复测量方差分析确定组别与时间对单腿下蹲时下肢生物力学特征的影响。结果:6周干预训练后,两组单腿下蹲时的VAS评分、髋关节最大内旋角、髋关节最大外展力矩、膝关节最大外展角、膝关节三维...  相似文献   

为探讨在沙滩这种特殊的介质上进行排球训练对运动员膝、踝关节肌群肌力的影响.在1998年沙滩排球训练周期前后.对我国12名兼职沙滩女排运动员的膝、踩关节屈伸肌群进行了等速向心收缩肌力测试。结果表明。沙滩训练后.膝关节屈肌群快肌纤维的爆发力.伸肌群快肌纤维的最大肌力和爆发力,踝关节跖肌群慢、快肌纤维的最大肌力和爆发力增长有显性意义。这是沙滩训练后原地纵跳成绩提高的重要肌力原因。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上、下楼梯时附加认知任务,年龄差异(组间)及任务难度(组内)对步态时空及下肢关节协调参数的影响。方法:18位健康老年人为老年组,18位健康大学生为年轻组,各组内均为9男9女,依次接受认知任务测试、上、下楼测试(单任务)及上、下楼合并认知任务测试(双任务)。结果:认知任务方面,两种任务情境下各年龄组上楼回答次数皆显著多于下楼。步态参数方面,两种任务情境下年轻组相对于老年组,以及各年龄组在单任务情境下相对于双任务,皆呈现较短步行时间、较快步行频率、速度及较大步行长度的情形。下肢协调性方面,年轻组上楼过渡时摆动期的膝‐踝协调稳定度在双任务下较单任务差,而处于双任务情境下,年轻组上楼过程中支撑期的膝‐踝协调稳定度比老年组差;年轻组下楼过程中摆动期的髋‐膝协调稳定度在ST 和DT 中都比老年组差,老年组膝‐踝协调稳定度比年轻组差,下楼过渡时,年轻组支撑期髋‐膝协调稳定度在两种任务情境下皆比老年组差。结论:老年人和年轻人会根据任务难度来选择是否专注于认知任务上,此外年轻人因有足够下肢肌力控制而采取较大胆动作策略,导致其上下楼梯时下肢协调稳定度较差,而老年人则趋向选择较保守的策略来维持下肢关节协调稳定度。  相似文献   

快速力量是以人体在最短的时间发挥肌肉 力量的能力为基本特征,是神经肌肉系统以很高的收缩速度克服阻力的能力,是跳高运动员必须具备的基本素质。快速力量主要包括有爆发力、反应力等,快速力量对跳高的成绩也往往起着决定性作用。 发展运动员快速力量的训练必须要合理把握肌肉收缩速度(V)与肌肉收缩力量(F)两方面的关系,科学地安排训练负荷,全面发展,突出重点。 一、在抗阻练习中,发展爆发力不宜采用大重量负荷 外部力量的增大可以减缓肌肉的收缩速度,一般应采用个人最大力量的40%-50%的负荷进行训练。在练习中重点应…  相似文献   

目的:采用表面肌电信号(Surface Electromyographic Signal,sEMG)分析技术研究不同负荷水平颈部两侧头夹肌、胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌上部肌肉等长收缩对相关肌肉平均肌电((Average EMG,AEMG)活动的影响,为进一步开展颈部肌肉功能和康复训练效果评价提供科学依据。方法:16名无颈部疾病的健康青年男性志愿者,分别在颈椎屈曲、后伸、左侧屈和右侧屈4个运动方向上完成20%最大随意收缩力(Maxi mal Voluntary Contraction,MVC)、40%MVC、60%MVC、80%MVC和100%MVC的等长收缩实验,期间采集被检肌肉的sEMG信号,计算标准化的AEMG。结果:①受试者最大颈椎后伸力量显著大于颈椎屈曲、颈左侧屈及右侧屈力量,而后三者之间没有显著差异;②递增负荷水平等长收缩条件下与运动方向同侧的颈部肌肉出现收缩增强效应,而对侧拮抗肌表现出明显的共收缩现象;③运动方向和负荷水平均对各被检肌肉的AE-MG有明显作用,且以上两因素对各被检肌肉AEMG有明显交互作用。结论:人体颈部最大伸颈力量显著大于屈颈、颈左侧屈和右侧屈力量,完成矢状面屈伸和额状面侧屈运动时各被检肌肉的AEMG值与负荷水平成正比。  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of holding a bag with one hand on the center of foot pressure (COP) and the electromyographic responses in lower leg muscles. Thirteen healthy male adults participated in this study to keep an upright posture while holding a load with the dominant hand with four bag weight conditions (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the jerk strength). Integrated Electromyography (iEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) of EMG were calculated to estimate the degree of muscle activity and fatigue in the tibialis anterior and soleus that are involved in ankle joint control. Body sway was evaluated by the mean position of left-right (X) and front-back (Y) axis sway and the following 4 body sway factors; unit time sway factor (F1), front-back sway factor (F2), left-right sway factor (F3), high frequency band power spectrum factor (F4). When holding a bag at 45% MVC or more of the jerk strength with a single hand for one minute, muscle activity in the lower leg on the side of the bag increased markedly, and muscle fatigue was induced in the antigravity muscles of both legs. As a result, anteroposterior sway increased to a short, quick sway.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between performance-based and laboratory tests for muscular strength and power assessment in older women. Thirty-two women aged 68.8 +/- 2.8 years were recruited. All participants were asessed for: (a) two performance-based tests--the box-stepping test (mean 296 +/- 51 J) and two-revolution maximum test (mean 7.1 +/- 2 kg) performed while pedalling on a cycle ergometer; and (b) muscular function tests--maximal instantaneous peak power jumping on a force platform (mean 1528 +/- 279 W); maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) during knee extension (mean 601 +/- 571 N) and leg press (mean 626 +/- 126 N), and leg press power (mean 483 +/- 98 W) on a dynamometer. Using univariate analysis, performance-based tests were compared with laboratory muscle strength and power measurements. Muscle power correlated most strongly with the performance-based tests for both jumping and leg press power (r-values between 0.67 and 0.75; P < 0.01). The correlation with muscle strength measures ranged between 0.48 and 0.61 (P < 0.01). The proposed tests may have particular relevance in geriatric and rehabilitation environments as they represent an easy, practical, and inexpensive alternative for the assessment of muscular strength and power.  相似文献   

‘A tribute to Dr J. Rogge’ aims to systematically review muscle activity and muscle fatigue during sustained submaximal quasi-isometric knee extension exercise (hiking) related to Olympic dinghy sailing as a tribute to Dr Rogge’s merits in the world of sports. Dr Jacques Rogge is not only the former President of the International Olympic Committee, he was also an orthopaedic surgeon and a keen sailor, competing at three Olympic Games. In 1972, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Sports Medicine, he was the first who studied a sailors’ muscle activity by means of invasive needle electromyography (EMG) during a specific sailing technique (hiking) on a self-constructed sailing ergometer. Hiking is a bilateral and multi-joint submaximal quasi-isometric movement which dinghy sailors use to optimize boat speed and to prevent the boat from capsizing. Large stresses are generated in the anterior muscles that cross the knee and hip joint, mainly employing the quadriceps at an intensity of 30–40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), sometimes exceeding 100% MVC. Better sailing level is partially determined by a lower rate of neuromuscular fatigue during hiking and for ≈60% predicted by a higher maximal isometric quadriceps strength. Although useful in exercise testing, prediction of hiking endurance capacity based on the changes in surface EMG in thigh and trunk muscles during a hiking maintenance task is not reliable. This could probably be explained by the varying exercise intensity and joint angles, and the great number of muscles and joints involved in hiking.


  • Dr Jacques Rogge, former president of the International Olympic Committee and Olympic Finn sailor, was the first to study muscle activity during sailing using invasive needle EMG to obtain his Master degree in Sports Medicine at the Ghent University.

  • Hiking is a critical bilateral and multi-joint movement during dinghy racing, accounting for >60% of the total upwind leg time. Hiking generates large stresses in the anterior muscles that cross the knee and hip joint.

  • Hiking is considered as a quasi-isometric bilateral knee extension exercise. Muscle activity measurements during sailing, recorded by means of EMG, show a mean contraction intensity of 30-40% maximal voluntary contraction with peaks exceeding 100%.

  • Hiking performance is strongly related to the development of neuromuscular fatigue in the quadriceps muscle. Since maximal strength is an important determinant of neuromuscular fatigue during hiking, combined strength and endurance training should be incorporated in the training program of dinghy sailors.



Twenty-eight young, adult women were tested for maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the grip flexors and were then given five fatigue trials in which the task was to maintain a maximum isometric contraction until the strength level had been degraded to either 80%, 60%, or 40% MVC. At that time, the subject relaxed and within one second was commanded to generate a single contraction as rapidly and forcefully as possible. Testing was also conducted in the nonfatigued state (1.00 MVC). Forces were determined at 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1,024 msec following the initial deflection of the pen from the baseline. Normalized force values were calculated by dividing the force expressed at the various time intervals by the maximum force generated under that condition at 1,024 msec. For both absolute and normalized rate of force development, the highest rate was attained between 32–64 msec. During that time period, the rate of absolute force development was reduced 10% at the 80% MVC level, 30% at 60% MVC, and 53% at 40% MVC. There was a definite pattern of depressed rate of absolute force development up to 256 msec at the higher fatigue levels. For normalized force, fatiguing a muscle to 80% MVC had no effect except at 64 msec where a greater percentage of maximal force was attained than at 1.00 MVC. Beyond that level of fatigue, however, normalized force tended to be adversely affected as fatigue progressed. The time required to develop either 50% or 70% of maximal force was significantly longer for the 40% MVC level than for the remaining conditions. In addition, the time necessary to develop 70% of maximal force was longer for the 60% MVC fatigue level than for the 80% MVC level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the time-course of and the relationships between muscle oxygenation, blood volume and myoelectrical manifestations during isometric exercise in children. Twelve healthy children aged 12.5 +/- 1.2 years (mean +/- s) performed an isometric knee extension at 50% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) until exhaustion to assess endurance time (limit time, T(lim)). Changes in muscle oxygenation and blood volume were assessed by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The root mean square (RMS) amplitude and the mean power frequency (MPF) from electromyogram (EMG) signals were obtained, as NIRS parameters, from the vastus lateralis. Mean T(lim) was 117 +/- 34 s. The muscle oxygenation and blood volume curves decreased immediately at the beginning of exercise. Maximal deoxygenation occurred at 50% T(lim), and fell by 76.9% from the resting value. Similarly, minimal blood volume was observed at 50% T(lim); it reached a plateau that lasted until the end of exercise. The kinetics of the MPF and RMS curves were inversely related to time. At the last set of exercises (after 75% T(lim)), a steeper RMS curve and an abrupt decrease in the MPF curve were observed. Significant correlations (r) between muscle oxygenation, blood volume, root mean square amplitude and mean power frequency were observed, which ranged from 0.72 to 0.99. These findings suggest that the fatigue resulting from sustained isometric exercise is related to a decrease in oxygenation and blood volume.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate, by an electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) combined approach, whether years of specific climbing activity induced neuromuscular changes towards performances related to a functional prevalence of fast resistant or fast fatigable motor units. For this purpose, after the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) assessment, 11 elite climbers and 10 controls performed an exhaustive handgrip isometric effort at 80% MVC. Force, EMG and MMG signals were recorded from the finger flexor muscles during contraction. Time and frequency domain analysis of EMG and MMG signals was performed. In climbers: (i) MVC was higher (762 ± 34 vs 512 ± 57 N; effect size: 1.64; confidence interval: 0.65–2.63; < 0.05); (ii) endurance time at 80% MVC was 43% longer (34.2 ± 3.7 vs 22.3 ± 1.5 s; effect size: 1.21; confidence interval: 0.28–2.14; < 0.05); (iii) force accuracy and stability were greater during contraction (< 0.05); (iv) EMG and MMG parameters were higher throughout the entire isometric effort (< 0.05). Collectively, force, EMG and MMG combined analysis revealed that several years of specific climbing activity addressed the motor control system to adopt muscle activation strategies based on the functional prevalence of fast resistant motor units.  相似文献   

Respiratory muscle fatigue has been reported following short bouts of high-intensity exercise, and prolonged, moderate-intensity exercise, as evidenced by decrements in inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures. However, links to functionally relevant outcomes such as breathing effort have been lacking. The present study examined dyspnoea and leg fatigue during a treadmill marathon in nine experienced runners. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure, peak inspiratory and expiratory flow, forced vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume in one second were assessed before, immediately after, and four and 24 hours after a marathon. During the run, leg effort was rated higher than respiratory effort from 18 through 42 km (P < 0.05). Immediately after the marathon, there were significant decreases in maximal inspiratory pressure and peak inspiratory flow (from 118 +/- 20 cm H(2)O and 6.3 +/- 1.4 litres x s(-1) to 100 +/- 22 cm H(2)O and 4.9 +/- 1.5 litres x s(-1) respectively; P < 0.01), while expiratory function remained unchanged. Leg maximum voluntary contraction force was significantly lower post-marathon. Breathing effort correlated significantly with leg fatigue (r = 0.69), but not inspiratory muscle fatigue. Our results confirm that prolonged moderate-intensity exercise induces inspiratory muscle fatigue. Furthermore, they suggest that the relative intensity of inspiratory muscle work during exercise makes some contribution to leg fatigue.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between performance-based and laboratory tests for muscular strength and power assessment in older women. Thirty-two women aged 68.8 ± 2.8 years were recruited. All participants were asessed for: (a) two performance-based tests – the box-stepping test (mean 296 ± 51 J) and two-revolution maximum test (mean 7.1 ± 2 kg) performed while pedalling on a cycle ergometer; and (b) muscular function tests – maximal instantaneous peak power jumping on a force platform (mean 1528 ± 279 W); maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) during knee extension (mean 601 ± 571 N) and leg press (mean 626 ± 126 N), and leg press power (mean 483 ± 98 W) on a dynamometer. Using univariate analysis, performance-based tests were compared with laboratory muscle strength and power measurements. Muscle power correlated most strongly with the performance-based tests for both jumping and leg press power (r-values between 0.67 and 0.75; P < 0.01). The correlation with muscle strength measures ranged between 0.48 and 0.61 (P < 0.01). The proposed tests may have particular relevance in geriatric and rehabilitation environments as they represent an easy, practical, and inexpensive alternative for the assessment of muscular strength and power.  相似文献   

Previous studies analysing electromyograms (EMGs) from indwelling electrodes have indicated that fast-twitch motor units are selectively recruited for low-intensity eccentric contractions. The aim of this study was to compare the frequency content of surface EMGs from quadriceps muscles during eccentric and concentric contractions at various contraction intensities. Electromyograms were recorded from the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles of 10 men during isokinetic (1.05 rad x s(-1)) eccentric and concentric knee extension contractions at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for each contraction mode. Additionally, isometric contractions (70 degrees) were performed at each intensity. The mean frequency and root mean square (RMS) of the surface EMG were computed. Mean frequency was higher for eccentric than concentric contractions at 25% (P < 0.01), 50% (P < 0.01) and 75% (P < 0.05) but not at 100% MVC. It increased with increasing contraction intensity for isometric (P < 0.001) and concentric (P < 0.01) contractions but not for eccentric contractions (P = 0.27). The EMG amplitude (RMS) increased with increasing contraction intensity similarly in each contraction mode (P < 0.0001). Higher mean frequencies for eccentric than concentric contractions at submaximal contraction intensities is consistent with more fast-twitch motor units being active during eccentric contractions.  相似文献   


Congestive heart failure (CHF) patients experience reduced muscle fatigue resistance and exercise capacity. The aim of this study was to assess whether skeletal muscle in CHF patients has a normal training response compared to healthy subjects. We compared the effect of one-legged knee extensor (1-KE) endurance training in CHF patients (n=10), patients with coronary artery disease (CAD, n=9) and healthy subjects (n=13). The training response was evaluated by comparing trained leg and control leg after the training period. The fall in peak torque during 75 maximal 1-KE isokinetic contractions revealed that CHF patients were less fatigue resistant than healthy subjects in the control leg, but not in the trained leg. Peak power and peak oxygen uptake during dynamic 1-KE exercise was ~10–16% higher in trained leg than control leg. This training response was not significant different between groups. Muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis showed that fibre type composition was not different between trained leg and control leg. Capillary density was 6.5% higher in trained leg than control leg when all groups were pooled. In conclusion, the more fatigable skeletal muscle of CHF patients responds equally to endurance training compared to skeletal muscle of CAD patients and healthy subjects.  相似文献   

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