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通过位移和速度传感器对举重专项练习的实时测试,获得举重运动员发力上拉杠铃的力学数据。结果显示运动员提拉杠铃的最大高度、最大速度和提拉重量之间存在显著性负相关;最大速度出现的相对高度因人而异,彼此显著差异;最大力、最大功率与提拉重量没有明显相关关系。通过次极限重量的回归估计,可得到每个运动员的极限提拉重量。分析表明此极限重量与每个运动员的抓举挺举成绩显著相关,从而较细致的量化运动员的提拉能力;在次重量练习过程评估运动员的能力增长状况;有效地监控训练效果,客观地评价运动能力。  相似文献   

影响挺举上挺效果因素的生物力学分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对我国运动员,挺举上挺技术差的现状,应用生物力学和统计学的分析方法,对影响挺举上挺效果的因素进行初步分析。结果表明:制动时间是评价上挺效果的重要指标。制动时间长,上挺效果差。由于制动时间与单位杠铃重的最大爆发力之间的相关系数为-0.842(P<0.01),因此欲缩短制动时间,就要提高爆发力这一力量素质。此外,还发现单位杠铃重运动员输出的最大功率与杠铃上升的最大垂直速度之间呈高度相关(r=0.982,P>0.01),故建立两参数之间的回归方程:P_(max)/BW=19.01·V_(max)-10.16。应用此方程可对运动员的上挺能力进行评定。  相似文献   

举重抓举和下蹲翻运动学比较与用力特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用三维运动学的研究方法对参加2003年全国女子举重锦标赛的10名运动员的抓举和下蹲翻进行运动学分析并对力量的特点进行比较分析;运用逆向动力学方法对两种技术动作的主要关节的净力矩进行比较分析。结果表明,膝关节角度在提铃离地时刻有显著性的差异;对力量参数回归分析表明,运动员抓举杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员所能够输出的最大功率,而运动员下蹲翻杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员对杠铃的作用力的积累过程;对于抓举和下蹲翻动作髋关节净力矩分析表明,对于抓举,髋关节最大净力矩与对应此时刻的髋关节角度呈负相关,而对于下蹲翻,髋关节最大净力矩则与所试举的杠铃重量呈正相关。  相似文献   

探索我国优秀男子帆板运动员在专项力量训练中的评价指标和相关因素,对帆板项目的上肢向心力量训练及其监控与评 价问题进行了分析研究,为我国帆板运动员的专项力量训练提供科学依据.帆板力量训练应该以提高功率为核心,而提高功率的 关键是提高动作速度.最大上拉速度可以作为评价卧拉峰值功率的敏感指标.较大卧拉重量对于提高帆板运动成绩没有显著贡 献,建议减少在卧拉训练时大重量杠铃的训练,加强中小重量的力量速度和力量耐力训练.  相似文献   

浅析挺举上挺技术动作的重要性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采用文献资料法、观察调查法对国内外优秀举重运动员的挺举上挺技术进行研究,研究结果表明:上挺的关键所在是预蹲动作,在预蹲过程中应保持身体重心与杠铃重心垂直向下运动,而且要迅速地由预蹲中的制动转为上挺发力。制动是预蹲与发力的中间环节,起着承上启下的衔接作用。制动时应做到尽快地由预蹲的退让性工作转化为发力阶段的克制性工作,这是上挺成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

采用星钛便携高速摄像系统对运动员进行平面定点拍摄,运用运动生物力学原理和方法,对孟××抓举技术动作进行拍摄和分析膝角、髋角、躯干角、杠铃高度、铃水平速度和铃垂直速度及其过程参数。研究表明:躯干在伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段,过早的后仰发力,造成引膝不充分、躯干角在铃速最大时刻过度后仰;抓举动作技术的不稳定如杠铃在达到最高点后距离支撑平面不稳定,水平速度不合理均导致其抓举失败。  相似文献   

运用三维测力台系统和红外光点运动分析系统同步测试的方法,定量测试分析运动员杠铃负重量半蹲练习过程中,人体对地面的跨伸力、对杠铃的作功率和杠铃在人体作用下运动的加速度、末速度、动量等参数指标与负荷重量的相互关系;及各参数指标的最大值与弹跳力的相关关系。为继不同训练水平的运动员发展弹跳力的力量素质训练内容的定向化、负荷重量的定量化提供了科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

G884.03,HL006 9903280女子举重运动员等动肌力及动作技术的分析[HL,中,A]/陆爱云,刘巍中,胡贤豪,罗海涛∥第五届全国体育科学大会论文摘要汇编.-1997.-427-428(XG)女子∥举重∥等动收缩∥肌肉力量∥技术∥功率∥发力∥力矩本课题主要对发力阶段关节角度变化的特点及其与等动肌力矩的关系、发力阶段杠铃速度与等动肌力指标的关系、杠铃速度与同一运动方式的不同肌力指标的关系进行了研究。测试完全按 Cybex 使用手册中的步骤进行,测试速度按标准方式选择60°/S、180°  相似文献   

方法:运用高速摄相和三维运动解析的方法对运动员的抓举技术进行研究.目的:通过对运动员朱丁梅抓举技术的分析找出运动员技术上存在的不足并进行改进,帮助运动员取得更好的成绩.结果表明:(1)运动员膝关节角、髋关节角比较合理,在发力阶段伸髋不充分.(2)杠铃的运动轨迹偏向后方,没有呈现近似s型,运动员发力时有明显的后跳动作.(3)各阶段时间比和杠铃上升高度比整体较合理,精细化程度不够.结论:(1)发力阶段伸髋不充分影响了运动员的成绩.(2)两心向运动员后上方偏移,抓举技术动作不符合"近"的原则.(3)运动员在抓举90kg时过早发力,当杠铃高度达到最高点时杠铃在支撑点后方不利于支撑,导致后掉失败.(4)抓举的总体节奏较好但是精细化程度还不够.(5)对运动员的后跳动作不予以纠正.  相似文献   

运用三维运动学研究方法,对参加2019年亚洲举重锦标赛暨东京奥运会资格赛的我国男子举重67kg公斤级优秀运动员谌利军与冯吕栋抓举技术进行对比分析。研究结果认为:提铃准备阶段,冯吕栋身体姿势更符合抓举中“近”的技术要求;总体上,冯吕栋伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段技术动作优于谌利军,谌利军发力和惯性上升及接铃阶段技术动作优于冯吕栋。谌利军抓举过程中主要存在伸膝提铃阶段髋关节打开过早,引膝提铃阶段膝关节回屈角度小以及整个抓举过程中杠铃重心左右偏移量过大的问题;冯吕栋主要存在发力和惯性上升阶段“两心”前后距离过大,杠铃相对于运动员水平运动幅度大,垂直运动幅度小以及接铃过程中杠铃下落距离长,下降速度过快的问题。建议谌利军加强膝关节主要屈伸肌群的力量训练以及进行身体左右侧力量平衡的评估;冯吕栋应掌握在发力和惯性上升阶段正确的用力方向,并改善接铃节奏。  相似文献   

We investigated the linear kinematics and the change in energy of the barbell and the angular kinematics of the trunk and leg during the snatch technique of 12 elite male Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions after the new weight classification. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 Hz were used to record the lifts. The spatial coordinates of selected points were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure; after digital filtering of the raw data, the angular displacements and angular velocities were calculated for the hip, knee and ankle joints. The following variables were also calculated for the barbell: vertical and horizontal displacement, vertical linear velocity and acceleration, external mechanical work and power output. The results revealed that all weightlifters flexed their knees during the transition phase, independently of their weight category. This indicates that the athletes use the elastic energy produced during the stretch-shortening cycle to enhance their performance. In nine athletes, we found that the barbell trajectory did not cross a vertical reference line that passed through the initial position of the barbell. The vertical linear velocity of the barbell was increased continuously from the beginning of the movement until the second maximum extension of the knee joint, with no notable dip being observed. Regarding the change in energy of the barbell, we found that the mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in the first pull was significantly greater than the mechanical work in the second pull. In contrast, the estimated average mechanical power output of the athletes during the vertical displacement of the barbell was significantly greater in the second pull than in the first pull. We conclude that the major elements of the snatch technique of elite Greek weightlifters have not been affected by the new weight classification.  相似文献   

We investigated the linear kinematics and the change in energy of the barbell and the angular kinematics of the trunk and leg during the snatch technique of 12 elite male Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions after the new weight classification. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 Hz were used to record the lifts. The spatial coordinates of selected points were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure; after digital filtering of the raw data, the angular displacements and angular velocities were calculated for the hip, knee and ankle joints. The following variables were also calculated for the barbell: vertical and horizontal displacement, vertical linear velocity and acceleration, external mechanical work and power output. The results revealed that all weightlifters flexed their knees during the transition phase, independently of their weight category. This indicates that the athletes use the elastic energy produced during the stretch–shortening cycle to enhance their performance. In nine athletes, we found that the barbell trajectory did not cross a vertical reference line that passed through the initial position of the barbell. The vertical linear velocity of the barbell was increased continuously from the beginning of the movement until the second maximum extension of the knee joint, with no notable dip being observed. Regarding the change in energy of the barbell, we found that the mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in the first pull was significantly greater than the mechanical work in the second pull. In contrast, the estimated average mechanical power output of the athletes during the vertical displacement of the barbell was significantly greater in the second pull than in the first pull. We conclude that the major elements of the snatch technique of elite Greek weightlifters have not been aff ected by the new weight classification.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a simple coarse-grained model of a barbell that can be used to determine the qualitative role of bar bend during a jerk. In simulations of this model, we observed a narrow time window during which the lifter can leverage the elasticity of the bar in order to lift the weight to a maximal height. This time window shifted to later times as the weight was increased. In addition, we found that the optimal time to initiate the drive was strongly correlated with the time at which the bar had reached a maximum upward velocity after recoiling. By isolating the effect of the bar, we obtained a generalized strategy for lifting heavy weight in the jerk.  相似文献   

从运动学和动力学特征两方面对女子举重箭步挺进行研究,为教练员和运动员认识和寻找适合自己的上挺方式提供理论依据。采用三维录像和三维测力台同步测试的方法进行研究,发现箭步挺下蹲撑铃点高,人体重心下蹲撑铃不太迅速,杠铃上升距离长,所需杠铃上升速度大。但是箭步挺撑铃的前后稳定角及平衡角大,稳定性高,稍有不慎也不会导致动作失败。箭步挺撑铃和起立时间较短,起立距离也较短,消耗的能量少。  相似文献   

For simplicity of biomechanical analyses, the weightlifting barbell is typically modelled as a rigid, nondeformable object. Most coaches and weightlifters, however, are aware of the elastic nature of the barbell, and its influence on the successful completion of lifting attempts. Variables such as velocity, work performed, and power output are indicators of the quality of performance during the snatch, clean, and related weightlifting pulling movements. The aim of this study was to establish whether differences exist in determining these biomechanical parameters when the centre of the barbell is analysed compared with each end of the barbell. Nine men performed three maximal-effort repetitions in the clean pull exercise at 85% of their self-reported single repetition maximum (1-RM) clean (90-155 kg) using a barbell instrumented for mechanical analysis. Results indicated that peak barbell speed was 5-30% (P < 0.05) lower for the centre of the barbell than the ends. Although differences (P < 0.05) in kinetic and potential energy were found between the centre and ends of the bar, differences between total work performed were small (< 6%; P < 0.05) and no differences were observed for average power (P > 0.05). Although approximately the same work and power occur for the centre and ends of the barbell, they manifest as different kinematics as a result of the elastic nature of the equipment. The elastic characteristics should be considered when selecting instrumentation and variables for research involving barbells. Coaches should be aware of the elasticity of barbells, including selecting appropriate viewing angles as well as understanding how deformation may affect the ends of the barbell relative to the centre.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the association between weightlifting performance and vertical barbell acceleration patterns. Barbell kinematic time-series data were tracked from 18 snatches from six weightlifters during a regional weightlifting competition. These data were used to calculate vertical barbell accelerations. Time-series data were normalised to 100% of lift phase, defined as the time interval between barbell lift-off and maximum height of the barbell during each snatch lift. The time-series data were then entered into a pattern recognition algorithm that extracted principal patterns and calculated principal pattern scores. Body mass-normalised lift weight, which was used to quantify weightlifting performance, was significantly correlated (r = 0.673; P = 0.033) with a pattern that captured a difference in peak vertical barbell acceleration between the transition and the second pull phase. This correlation indicated that barbell acceleration profiles of higher weight snatch lifts were characterised by smaller decreases in acceleration during the second knee bend and smaller peak acceleration during the second pull phase. Weightlifting coaches and sports scientist should monitor and track vertical acceleration of the barbell, with focus on acceleration profiles that limit (1) deceleration during the transition phase between the first and second pull and (2) peak acceleration during the second pull phase of the snatch.  相似文献   

For simplicity of biomechanical analyses, the weightlifting barbell is typically modelled as a rigid, non-deformable object. Most coaches and weightlifters, however, are aware of the elastic nature of the barbell, and its influence on the successful completion of lifting attempts. Variables such as velocity, work performed, and power output are indicators of the quality of performance during the snatch, clean, and related weightlifting pulling movements. The aim of this study was to establish whether differences exist in determining these biomechanical parameters when the centre of the barbell is analysed compared with each end of the barbell. Nine men performed three maximal-effort repetitions in the clean pull exercise at 85% of their self-reported single repetition maximum (1-RM) clean (90–155 kg) using a barbell instrumented for mechanical analysis. Results indicated that peak barbell speed was 5–30% (P < 0.05) lower for the centre of the barbell than the ends. Although differences (P < 0.05) in kinetic and potential energy were found between the centre and ends of the bar, differences between total work performed were small ( < 6%; P < 0.05) and no differences were observed for average power (P > 0.05). Although approximately the same work and power occur for the centre and ends of the barbell, they manifest as different kinematics as a result of the elastic nature of the equipment. The elastic characteristics should be considered when selecting instrumentation and variables for research involving barbells. Coaches should be aware of the elasticity of barbells, including selecting appropriate viewing angles as well as understanding how deformation may affect the ends of the barbell relative to the centre.  相似文献   

Although the power clean is an almost ubiquitous exercise in the strength and conditioning setting, relatively little is known about the biomechanics of successful and unsuccessful power clean lift attempts. The purpose of this study was to determine biomechanical differences between successful and unsuccessful power clean lift attempts in male collegiate athletes. Fifteen male lacrosse players (Age: 20.1 ± 1.2; Height: 1.78 ± 0.07 m; Body mass: 80.4 ± 8.1 kg; Relative one-repetition maximum power clean: 1.25 ± 0.13 kg/kg) were videotaped during a lifting session that required the completion of maximal effort power cleans to establish a one-repetition maximum. The position of the barbell was digitised and used to calculate the displacement, velocity, acceleration, and acceleration vector of the barbell. The results revealed that unsuccessful attempts were characterised by differences during the second pull phase. Unsuccessful lifts exhibited greater peak forward barbell displacement, lower backward barbell velocities, and lower resultant acceleration angles during the second pull. Strength and conditioning coaches should therefore emphasise limited forward motion of the barbell during the second pull and instruct athletes to generate a more backward-directed force during the second pull in order to lift greater loads during testing and subsequent lifting sessions.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of different loads on system and lower-body kinetics during jump squats, 12 resistance-trained men performed jumps under different loading conditions: 0%, 12%, 27%, 42%, 56%, 71%, and 85% of 1-repetition maximum (1-RM). System power output was calculated as the product of the vertical component of the ground reaction force and the vertical velocity of the bar during its ascent. Joint power output was calculated during bar ascent for the hip, knee, and ankle joints, and was also summed across the joints. System power output and joint power at knee and ankle joints were maximized at 0% 1-RM (p < 0.001) and followed the linear trends (p < 0.001) caused by power output decreasing as the load increased. Power output at the hip was maximized at 42% 1-RM (p = 0.016) and followed a quadratic trend (p = 0.030). Summed joint power could be predicted from system power (p < 0.05), while system power could predict power at the knee and ankle joints under some of the loading conditions. Power at the hip could not be predicted from system power. System power during loaded jumps reflects the power at the knee and ankle, while power at the hip does not correspond to system power.  相似文献   

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