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Universities around the world are increasingly focusing on entrepreneurial activities (Slaughter and Lesley 1997; Clark 1998). In Australia, the growth of international entrepreneurial activities has resulted in the creation of a significant export-oriented sector. These activities include the recruitment of international students to Australian campuses, the development of Australian university campuses in offshore locations, and the delivery of Australian degree programs at both onshore and offshore locations in partnership with universities, professional associations and private corporations. In 2000, Australian universities received A$770 million from international student fees (Maslen 2000a, p. 10). Australian universities currently receive on average around eight percent of revenues from these sources, with some depending on international entrepreneurialism for as much as one-third of revenues (DETYA 1998a). Managing these activities in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner has thus become critically important to virtually every institution in the Australian higher education sector. As is the case when businesses become international, universities are faced with the need to manage the complexities, risks and challenges associated with international operations. To date, little empirical work has been undertaken which explores and examines how Australian universities are managing their international entrepreneurial business operations. The aim of this study is thus to respond to this research gap by exploring how Australian universities, particularly in terms of their Faculties of Business, organise and manage international entrepreneurial activities. The research examines management approaches, practices and processes at five Australian universities. A Strategic Advantage Model of Internationalisation is presented representing a theoretical and conceptual synthesis of the findings.  相似文献   

在经历了三十余年的快速发展之后,中国民办高等教育又重新站在了历史的重要转折点,面临严峻的生存危机。本研究从民办高校的财务分析入手,采用实证研究考察了民办高校办学模式中所存在的特质。研究发现:(1)我国民办高校在经费筹措方面高度依赖学费收入,尚未形成有效的多元化资金渠道;(2)政府高校评估与办学基准的调整,大幅增加了民办高校的基建支出压力,并由此导致教学运作直接成本的高度压缩;(3)民办高校主要通过学费标准优先策略、招生规模优先策略和提升院校的入学选拔性方式,扩大经费收入;(4)民办高校通过人员经费开支压缩  相似文献   

This article analyzes patterns of expenditure on higher education in Jordan, explores the current system??s adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and identifies its strengths and weaknesses in light of current constraints and future challenges. Among the constraints are the relatively low public expenditure on higher education, leaving households to compensate through private expenditure. Moreover, despite more spending on university education, the quickly rising volume of students has required compromises in quality. Meanwhile, gradually falling subsidies have pressured public universities to reconsider their financing mechanisms and become more efficient. Cost-sharing mechanisms have been introduced through commercial private universities and ??parallel programmes?? at public universities. This generates much-needed income, but raises two critical issues. Students from poorer backgrounds find it even more difficult to enter university, and quality is constrained because universities must compromise on tasks that are essential but not profitable such as research and development. Among the suggested solutions are promoting the culture of charitable endowments, perhaps through a revision of the Islamic awqaf system, and developing innovative financial mechanisms to tap private savings without incurring the hazards of profit maximization.  相似文献   

创业型大学与营利性大学是20世纪后期世界高等教育领域兴起的两种新型的教育机构,二者既有差异,也有共同之处.从组织性质、产生背景、大学职能、办学目的四个方面分析了这两类大学的不同之处,同时也指出了二者的共同之处:对“额外收入”或“利润”的追求以及企业化的运作方式.创业型大学模式为我国公立高校中具备条件的研究型大学发展提供了一种可资借鉴的实践范式,而营利性大学模式则启示我国应实行“营利性”和“非营利性”民办高校的分类管理模式.  相似文献   

目前我国民办高等教育已经进入了持续健康发展的新阶段,民办高校已经成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。民办高等教育质量的好坏直接影响我国高等教育质量,而加强高校实践教学是提高高等教育质量的一个切入点和突破口。本文分析了民办高校实践性教学环节的现状,指出了在实践教学条件、实施、质量控制等方面存在的问题,论述了民办高校实践性教学环节质量控制及改革的必要性,以及建立实践教学质量控制体系的必要性。以民办高校北京城市学院为例,对基于"全过程管理、全员参与"的"五个层面"实践教学质量控制体系的构建进行了分析,并对教学实践结果进行了阐析,此外就目前仍存在的问题提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Private initiatives in higher education in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa's higher education crisis has prompted the growth of private institutions. Enrollments are very low and in most African countries do not account for a significant proportion of university enrollments. The largest number of private institutions are in Kenya which is the subject of a case study. Private institutions provide professional training in fields of employment opportunity but also offer an education that emphasizes character building functions of higher studies. Private higher education is expensive to provide and costly to attend. Many private institutions are caught in a dilemma. They can not achieve significant efficiencies by reducing instructional costs without damage to the quality of their programs, and they are reluctant to raise tuition and accommodation charges because of the distorting effects on student recruitment. As long as public higher education is provided at low or no cost and private higher education is entirely self-supporting, the private sector will have a peripheral role in higher education in Kenya and other African countries.  相似文献   

本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

美国营利性大学以其新型大学制度特征引起了人们的关注。美国营利性大学得以制胜的制度主要有课程制度、管理制度、产权制度、就业制度和外部支持制度等等。营利性大学制度的出现带来了大学办学思想上的革命,创新了传统大学的经营和管理方式,其具有强大生命力的原因在于降低了运营成本,并具有强大的市场适应力。美国营利性大学制度对我国民办大学制度建设颇有启示意义。  相似文献   

境外分校是高等教育国际化发展的新趋势,也是促进各国高等教育交流的重要途径。美国纽约州立大学阿尔巴尼亚分校跨境教育研究小组(C-BERT)是世界权威的跨境高等教育研究机构,该机构致力于搜集分析世界范围内境外分校的基本信息。本研究正是基于该机构所提供的境外分校的基本数据,借助统计手段揭示近年来世界范围内境外分校的发展规模、主校与境外分校的分布状况、办学水平、专业设置等特征,进而为我国高校发展境外分校提供建设性意见和参考。  相似文献   

Major issues of university education policy in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University education is believed to be one of the most controversial public policies in Hong Kong. Numerous changes have also occurred in the university education sector since the 1990s when the rapid expansion of university places was put into force. The most notable changes may include the institutionalization of quality assurance mechanisms, the reform of university governance and staff remuneration systems, the adoption of role differentiation among the universities, the potential emergence of private universities and community colleges, and the trend of internationalizing university education. This article identifies major issues of university education policy and examines those factors that are affecting the development of university education, in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Franchising degrees to overseas providers, normally for‐profit private companies, has become big business for English universities. The latest data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency reveal that there are now more international students registered for the awards of English higher education institutions that are studying wholly offshore than are on campus. There is an extensive economic literature exploring the role of franchising (or licensing) in the internationalisation of multinational companies. There are, however, few studies that have attempted to understand the reasons why so many English universities have moved beyond exporting (educating foreign students on campus) to franchising their degrees to overseas partners. This study uses an exploratory research methodology to get ‘inside the black box’. It investigates the motivations of decision‐makers entering and maintaining franchising operations at four English universities, revealing that financial considerations are less dominant than widely believed within the sector and are overshadowed by other, non‐commercial considerations.  相似文献   

The author, the Vice‐Chancellor and President of Central Queensland University in Australia, argues that globalization and the new information technologies permit a deconstruction of the functions of the vertically integrated typical university. Thus, some of these functions, particularly the offering of instructional services, the evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills, and the credentialling of graduates can be accomplished separately, often electronically, at locations distant from the main campus, and at a lower cost to the learner than attendance at a typical and traditional university. The author describes the operation of four for‐profit branch “outlets” of his university, a public institution, in partnership with Campus Management Services, a private for‐profit business. He considers that such for‐profit operations are the wave of the future and that if traditional typical universities survive it will only be as the result of their socialization and character‐building functions.  相似文献   

One of the characteristics in Japan's system of higher education is its large private higher education sector. However, recent financing reforms have targetedmainly national universities since the largestproportion of government support to highereducation goes to these institutions. Recentreforms have been changing the structure and natureof national university finance. These changeswere also influenced by a large private sector. Private universities also compete with nationaluniversities in order to increase financialresources. Therefore, there is a need toreconsider resource allocation and thedistribution of functions among whole universities.  相似文献   

移动互联网正在以"无处不在的网络、无所不通的业务"思想广泛而又深入地影响着大学生的学习和生活。随着各高校数字校园建设的不断升级,移动技术的优势也为高校教育模式的新一轮变革创造了条件,移动学习已经成为继远程学习和数字化学习之后教育发展的新阶段。但是,目前关于移动学习的研究主要集中在理论方面,缺少体系化的实践经验。以视频、微博等移动APP在高校课程教学中的应用为例,开展"移动学习"的学习方法和模式的应用研究,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的效果。  相似文献   

The intent of the authors in preparing this paper is to compare and contrast the roles of Institutional Research in informing decision making and governance in higher education. Using a case study format the authors will provide an example of a research project conducted within each of the following sectors of United States higher education system: private 4-year not for profit, public major research institutions/private specialized institutions, and a pubic state university system. The first case study from the private sector will feature a mixed methodology study that used data from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and student focus groups to explore student engagement at this institution and inform faculty development. The second case study will compare the use of data for decision making from the standpoint of large public research institutions and private specialized institutions. The third case study from a state university system focuses on recent initiatives in the public sector to inform the public, the institutions, the State, and the federal government using data from institutional research offices, student engagement surveys, and student learning assessments shared through consortia and national associations. These examples will be discussed within the structure of decision making and governance in higher education.  相似文献   

The first step toward the introduction and development of university education in Kenya was taken in 1961, when the then Royal College, Nairobi, was elevated to university college status under a special arrangement with the University of London. However, it was not until 1970 that the University College of Nairobi attained university status. Although comparatively young, state universities in Kenya have accomplished a lot. They accomplished their initial mission of producing adequate human resources for the civil service, national corporations, and the private sector; graduated thousands of students; and helped foster an intellectual community in the country. In just 30 years, public higher education has expanded from a single university (the University of Nairobi) to the current 6 public universities: Nairobi, Moi, Kenyatta, Egerton, Jomo Kenyatta, and Maseno. In spite of this growth, public universities in Kenya have faced enrollments beyond their capacity to plan and finance, fiscal challenges beyond their control, a decline in quality beyond their anticipation, and weak management practices beyond their level of training. To help solve some of these problems, private universities have increasingly emerged and gained ground in the country as an alternative route to higher education provision. This article seeks to examine some of the trends, prospects, and challenges to the emergence and development of private university education in Kenya.  相似文献   

构建高校安全文化教育体系 促进和谐校园建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安全是高校的重要工作。建设高校安全文化,认识安全与和谐对高校的重要性,使得高校安全文化建设能促进和谐校园建设并丰富和谐校园的内涵;高校和谐校园建设需要安全文化的支撑,安全文化教育的缺失影响和谐校园建设的成效。因此,完善高校安全文化教育的内容,明确高校安全文化教育的组织与制度措施,对构建高校安全文化教育体系,促进和谐校园建设具有重大的现实意义和深远的指导意义。  相似文献   

Private education is a remarkably dynamic area of change in post-secondary education, particularly in Latin America. Evidence of growth in the number of private institutions and enrollment suggests that higher education is becoming increasingly diversified into two sectors – public and private. While this appears to be true throughout Latin America, and much of the developing world, recent evidence from Argentina casts doubt on the degree to which private sector growth trends may actually translate into a significant increase in the impact of private institutions in higher education, where impact is proxied by the relative share of student enrollment and graduates. This study explores the dimensions and impact of private expansion in Argentina, and places the findings in a comparative (regional) and theoretical framework. The analysis shows that, despite unprecedented growth in the number of private universities, the public sector remains the dominant provider of university education. Private institutions, while certainly more numerous and training a growing number of students, do not account for a larger share of university enrollment. They have, however, developed specific niches (e.g., in graduate level training and in urban areas). Significantly, following a pattern of institutional proliferation found throughout Latin America, some private universities offer elite alternatives to prestigious public institutions. The findings serve to qualify apparent `gains' in private higher education and to underscore the need for further research into the relevant intrasectoral (public and private) dimensions of change in post-secondary education.  相似文献   

Access to higher education in Brazil is to a large extent restricted to the higher socio-economic groups. Public universities have limited places and entry is determined by highly competitive exams, thereby excluding those who have not had a high quality secondary education or attended an expensive preparatory course. There has been considerable growth in the private sector to absorb the excess demand, but the majority of Brazilians cannot afford the fees. This paper develops a concept of equity in higher education in which, firstly, there should be sufficient places in the system as a whole and, secondly, all people should have a fair opportunity of attending the university of their choice regardless of socio-economic background. Recent efforts to expand access are analysed, including incentives for the growth of private universities, student loans and the new Prouni initiative, in which private institutions provide free places to low-income students in return for tax exemptions. While these initiatives have the potential to increase the total number of places, they will not lead to an equitable expansion, as disadvantaged students will still be confined to courses of lower quality or with lower subsequent value on the employment market. Initiatives aimed at the public sector such as the introduction of quotas and changes to entry examinations are also discussed. Finally, some implications for future policy development are outlined. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Havana, 25th–29th October 2004.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, international branch campuses have been established by universities from developing countries as well as developed countries. Little research has been conducted into students’ perceptions of branch campuses from different countries, or how universities from different countries compete in the increasingly competitive market. A framework incorporating the concepts of country of origin and country of service delivery is adopted to assess how potential undergraduate students in Malaysia perceive the home and international branch campuses of universities from the United Kingdom (UK) and India, which are used to represent universities from developed and developing nations. It was found that for a university from a developing nation, students perceived the image, reputation, quality and brand equity of its home campus more positively than its international branch campus. The results suggest that although all universities must devise and implement strategies that enhance the image and reputation of their international branch campuses, institutions from developing countries should seek niche markets where they do not have to compete directly with prestigious universities from developed countries.  相似文献   

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