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一、引言上机实验是程序设计课程实践教学的重要环节。以同步协同上机实验系统作为支撑环境的上机实验打破了教师规定实验题目和步骤,学生按部就班进行实验的传统模式。同步协同上机实验系统的上机实验完全以学生为主体,教师只起组织和引导作用,实验内容完全开放,学生在  相似文献   

这是广西一所普通乡镇初中一年级学生的一节信息技术课,上一节的课程内容是。网上冲浪”。教师通过观察学生上机实验情况,了解到大部分学生已经掌握通过Intemet Explorer浏览器上网、保存网页与网页上的图片等技能,有些学生还可以对浏览器进行一些简单的个性化设计。课堂教学在多媒体教室中进行,此教室只有一台教师控制的计算机,授课时间为45分钟;上机实验在计算机实验室中进行,信息技术课每周1节,单周上课,双周为上机实验。  相似文献   

探究性学习是学生在教师的指导下,主动选择和确定研究课题,自主、独立地发现问题,进行实验、操作、调查、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流的一种学习方式。探究性学习以问题为中心,通过问题的提出,引导学生探究问题并开展积极主动的学习。影响探究性学习的因素主要包括教师因素、学生因素和环境因素。  相似文献   

一、 决定计算机教学效果的因素计算机辅助教学的效果取决于三种因素的相互作用:环境、教师和学生。环境因素包括社会、学校,但其中重要的是教学课件提供的学习环境。课件选择了什么样的内容,设计了什么样的学习活动,它能否引发和促进学生的分析、鉴别、推理等思维活动,能否深化学生的理解,能否激发学习兴趣,并促进学生对学习的反思和调节,等等,这都会直接影响到教学的效果。在特定的学习环境,具备了较好的教学课件外,学生学习的效果还取决于另外两种活跃的因素:教师和学生。教师是教学过程的设计者,计算机不可能取代教师的这…  相似文献   

探索微机实验课模式本刊讯:江苏省金湖县职业高中在教学过程中总结出常用的六种微机实验课模式。先讲解后实验式。教师讲述有关重要知识后,学生才能上机进行验证性的实验或强化训练。反之,学生的实验难以正常进行或效果不好。边讲授边实验儿将实验室教室合二而一,利用...  相似文献   

从教学实践出发,提出在辅导课教学组织中教师和学生换位的教法,构成了“课堂精讲、辅导课学生自讲、上机实验”三位一体的计算机语言课程教学模式。  相似文献   

影响“有感情朗读”效果的因素是众多的,有学生本人的、教材内容的、环境因素的、教师指导水平的等等。本文主要从环境条件和指导方式两个方面加以分析。  相似文献   

利用粗糙集理论。分析了学生上机兴趣与教师因素的关系,通过学生对各因素的重要性分析,为今后学生上机教学中如何提高学生学习兴趣提供了理论依据  相似文献   

影响学生课堂学习有诸多因素,对课堂教学效果和教学质量有较大作用的主要是心理因素、环境因素和教师因素.论述了提高三种主要因素的几种途经.  相似文献   

上机实验是高校计算机教学中的一个重要环节,上机实验指导则是上机实验教学的重要依据。该文提出了一种分总模式设计上机实验指导的思想,把掌握课程的基础知识和提高综合应用知识的能力进行有机的结合,以达到更好的实验效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the identity of the teacher as a dialectical being that is in permanent construction, to identify some obstacles teachers might find in this process while operating in an institutional framework, and the effects these could have upon the teacher and the goals she pursues with her students. By ruling out the idea of identity as an autonomous self that can be constructed with no ties with its context, we propose that identity is dialogical and is built through the relationships we establish with others. This fact situates the relationship between the student and the teacher at the center of pedagogical practices and allows us to establish the ideas of teacher presence and integrity as central elements for the moral development of students. In this context, we identify the excessive institutionalization of the role of the teacher as a cause for the reduction of identity and a defensive retreat to the possible outcomes of being judged by strictly formal criteria, which in turn can hinder the relation between student and teacher and risks possible negative consequences in the moral growth of both.  相似文献   

刘高潮 《高教论坛》2007,(B12):40-42
采用Proteus仿真软件进行单片机技术课程的教学,具有比较明显的优势,如涉及到的教学实验、实习内容全面,硬件投入少,学生可自行实验学习。使学生从单片机技术课程的教学中,从一个个枯燥无味的硬件标记和软件符号里走出来。在教师的指导下.学生能够以极大的兴趣投入到各个实训项目和课程设计的完成中,大量动作性、操作性的内容代替了单片机课程的说教,学习效果明显提高。学生学得容易.教师教得轻松。  相似文献   

主体间教育实验以主体间指导学习教育本质理论为依据,目的是在基础教育研究性学科教学、科学发展新学校建设和知行统一高校教育学专业改造实验和教学活动中,通过促进教师专业发展而促进学校改进、师生全面素质提高和创造性发展,形成教师专业发展——学校全面发展——教师全面发展——学生全面发展四位一体的师生主体间相互促进、共同发展的关系,提高师生主体性,提高教育质量,同时深化教育教学研究,创新教育教学理论。  相似文献   

This paper describes a 10-year collaboration between a teacher educator and a high-school science teacher as they investigated different ways to gather student feedback to enhance teacher reflection. Four different procedures were developed during this time: (i) interviews by a teacher educator with students; (ii) learning logs written by students; (iii) observation schedules completed by students; and (iv) a survey completed by students and teachers. Of the four procedures, the most meaningful for teacher reflection was the student interviews because they were the most personal. However, other procedures for gathering student feedback may be more useful to initiate teacher reflection because they are less confronting.  相似文献   

This study explored the beliefs about student engagement in mathematics of three Year 5 and 6 teachers, focusing on the shifts that occurred during a 10-week intervention. Data obtained from teacher surveys, interviews, video-recorded workshop observations and artefacts from teachers’ classrooms reveal variations in their reactions to the professional learning experiences. Teacher responses were mediated by personal and contextual elements including teacher efficacy beliefs, teacher confidence in mathematics and their conceptions of student engagement. Theories of teacher conceptual change are used to account for variations to teacher beliefs.  相似文献   

主体间教育实验的理论基础和方案设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
主体间教育实验以主体间指导学习教育本质理论为依据,目的是在基础教育研究性学科教学、科学发展新学校建设和知行统一高校教育学专业改造实验和教学活动中,通过促进教师专业发展而促进学校改进、师生全面素质提高和创造性发展,形成"教师专业发展——学校全面发展——教师全面发展——学生全面发展"四位一体的师生主体间相互促进、共同发展的关系,提高师生主体性,提高教育质量,同时深化教育教学研究,创新教育教学理论。  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was carried out with 120 undergraduate students to examine a possible aptitude–treatment interaction between teacher clarity and student test anxiety in relation to two outcome measures, namely student achievement and student motivation, with student intelligence statistically controlled. Students completed measures of intelligence and test anxiety and were randomly assigned to high teacher clarity or low teacher clarity conditions, defined by the presence or absence of specific teaching behaviours in a videotaped lecture with content held constant across conditions. Measures of motivation and self-efficacy for learning the material were completed immediately post-treatment, then one week later participants completed an achievement test based on the material contained in the lecture and assigned homework. Results revealed significant beneficial main effects for high vs. low teacher clarity for both achievement and motivation measures, but no aptitude–treatment interaction between teacher clarity and student test anxiety.  相似文献   

实习教师是教师队伍的新生力量,其社会化活动是以教育实习的环境支撑系统为前提的。对实习教师社会化环境支撑系统的考察,大致包含实习教师社会化制度环境、社会化环境组织结构、社会化环境机体要素和社会化环境活动内容等四个方面。对实习教师社会化环境支撑系统的分析可以使我们更现实地去看待实习教师的社会化须具备的基础条件,帮助实习教师实现最有效的社会化成长。  相似文献   

Although research has come to recognize the importance of studying classroom-based student–teacher discourse in science, the emphasis remains largely on teachers' abilities to ask questions and provide students with feedback, or on students' abilities to ask questions or engage in argumentative discourse. Consequently, little research has focused on the discourse elements relating to teacher–student discourse interactions. In this article, we argue for a shift of research attention toward describing what the teacher is responding to (Identification of student inquiry), the process of deciding how to respond (Interpretation—Evaluation of student inquiry), and how the teacher is responding (Response to student inquiry). We propose a new methodological approach for studying teacher discourse, which involves a framework we developed while analyzing 1,385 minutes of fifth grade, whole-class science conversations covering a 2-year period and facilitated by an experienced science teacher. Then, as a case in point, we applied our framework to the teacher discourse data of the study, aiming to show that the framework can be a useful tool for examining how a teacher supports students' inquiry.  相似文献   


Survey data from an achieved sample of 1818 teachers and 6490 students in one large Canadian school district were used to explore the relative effects of principal and teacher leadership on student engagement with school. Results demonstrated greater effects on student engagement of principal as compared with teacher sources of leadership. The effects of principal leadership were weak but significant, whereas the effects of teacher leadership were not significant. Both forms of leadership were mediated by many of the same elements of the school organisation.  相似文献   

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