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目前国内优秀儿童文学作品存在与市场脱节的现象,长期下去容易造成劣币驱逐良币的现象.优秀儿童文学作家与儿童品牌融合,创造出能够影响到孩子们的优秀作品,是整个儿童文学界应该承担的责任. 一流的儿童文学作品首先要有好看的故事,第二要有记得住的人物形象,第三作品要让孩子看了能感动,文学作品要有思想.这就是一流文学作品的三要素,也是世界一流儿童文学需要的.  相似文献   

儿童文学作品不是一般的教科书.虽然我们并不提倡所谓教育工具论,也无须片面强调儿童文学就是"教育儿童的文学",但是它确能对孩子们的身心发育、健康成长,对他们的意志、性格、品质、理想的培养和形成,起着潜移默化的作用.应该使孩子们喜欢看这些作品,能够从中得到益处.就是说,儿童文学应该是有益和有味的.对此张天翼曾强调,写给孩子们的作品"应该努力办到这两件事,或者说是两个标准".  相似文献   

正大约三年前,党史社社长汪晓军说他所在的出版社打算做一套儿童文学图书,我听后心里略略一怔:嗯,党史社也出儿童文学?因是聊其他事顺便提及,所以也没细问是套什么样的书。近日晓军发来这套书的作者名单及其作品篇目,始知,原来这是套叫"儿童文学红色经典"的丛书。还别说,这书还真适合党史社来做。难怪当初晓军提及这套书时信心满满的样子。这套书的三个关键词很醒目:"红色""经典""儿童文学"。  相似文献   

正目前国内优秀儿童文学作品存在与市场脱节的现象,长期下去容易造成劣币驱逐良币的现象。优秀儿童文学作家与儿童品牌融合,创造出能够影响到孩子们的优秀作品,是整个儿童文学界应该承担的责任。一流的儿童文学作品首先要有好看的故事,第二要有记得住的人物形象,第三作品要让孩子看了能感动,文学作品要有思想。这就是一流文学作品的三要素,也是世界一流儿童文学需要的。对未来儿童文学发展趋向的认识,我认为百年中国儿童文学发展到了今天,在一个市场经济与世界密切结合的大环境下,儿童文学已经到了转折点,体现在  相似文献   

近几年,系列作品创作已成风气.小说、故事、童话作家写作品往往成系列,少则三部、五部、多则八部、十部,甚至二十几部.这种情形,外国儿童文学早已出现.而我所读过的原创系列作品,大多结构形式即不是由一部部长篇作品构成,而是由一个个短篇故事组成一本书,再由这样的一本本书构成一个系列.其实这两种结构形式并没有优劣之分.  相似文献   

面临巨大的升学压力,少年儿童自行支配的时间越来越少,很难静下心来欣赏儿童文学作品.在这种环境下,从事儿童文学创作的作家们也受到诸多的影响和改变,有的因为创作的思路不能迎合孩子们的思想,导致作品不能被市场接受而只能转向从事别的方向的创作;有的因为种种原因放弃走这条艰难的创作道路,儿童文学创作人才流失.  相似文献   

闫庆博 《出版广角》2016,(14):46-47
梅子涵先生的《麻雀》在我国当下的儿童文学领域中,可以说是独具个性的作品.文章从《麻雀》写作的题材、背景个性化,写作内涵的深刻性、多样性,以及写作语言的鲜明个性来阐述这一作品的文学价值以及对儿童文学的影响.  相似文献   

邸畅 《出版广角》2012,(9):90-91
从这一系列的童话作品中,我们可以看到谭旭东老师对儿童文学创作新的探索.  相似文献   

王蕾 《出版广角》2016,(22):55-56
《城南旧事》作为一部经典的儿童文学作品在国内童书市场持续热销.除作品独有的美学特色外,从语言到文学本身的阅读教育指向也是其长销的重要原因.儿童文学已经成为阅读教育的重要资源,教育指向应成为评估当前儿童文学作品的重要维度.儿童文学出版不仅要从美学上进行考量,还要从语言教育性和文学教育性上进行考量.  相似文献   

黄孝楠  肖颖 《出版广角》2015,(13):72-73
把经典的儿童文学作品改编成唯美动人的漫画,在传递文化、滋养心灵的同时,又不忘顺应孩子的心理发展规律,这是儿童文学名家典藏漫画《伍美珍漫画嘉年华》的宗旨.  相似文献   

古旧书业对于发掘、保存、流通、出版文献,从而嘉惠学者、推动学术发展起到了很大作用。民国前期杭州古旧书业兴盛闻名全国,旗手是文元堂书庄。业主杨耀松在商重文影响后世,其古籍修复技艺代有传承光大,《浙江省出版志》所载有误。  相似文献   

Conclusion Children’s books are cultural products that face unique challenges when crossing cultural boundaries. Among these challenges are the translation into a new language, the cost of the translation both in terms of money and content, and the culture of the destination market. The main consumers of translations of children's books are currently developed countries such as France, Germany, and Italy. Less developed countries such as China and Korea, though, are experiencing a growth in their children's book markets. Although international boundaries are becoming less defined in today's market place and although there is an emphasis on multiculturalism within the United States, more children's books are licensed for translation in foreign markets than in the domestic American market. American publishers need to feel more secure in their ability to publish translations of children's books profitably. Only then will American children be able to have this important tool to help prepare them for a growing international environment.  相似文献   

Judy Delton, who has written numerous children's books, provides an author’s view of trends in children's literature, the role of series books, the importance of timing, the need for honesty in writing for children, and the rewards of being a children's book author. Judy Delton is the author of more than one hundred books for children and adults, among them thePee Wee Scout series,The Condo Kids, andAngel. She has four children who are also writers and artists.  相似文献   

Although the demand for multicultural children's literature dates back to the mid-nine-teenth century, recent years have seen a rejuvenation and expansion of the field. Publishers large and small have responded to this demand in a variety of ways. This article reviews the current status of multicultural children's literature and trends in publishing. It also offers suggestions for publishers who want to be more responsive to these demands and the growing market they represent. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in children's literature. Her current research interests are in the literacy materials created for African-American children prior to 1950 and literature reflective of the various ethnic communities in the United States.  相似文献   

介绍我国儿童文学出版的大众化趋向,分析当前儿童丈学出版的三种方式.同时指出市场经济条件下儿童文学是出版的必然选择,随着出版产业的发展,我国儿童文学出版必将走向大繁荣.  相似文献   

为了跟踪国外儿童图书馆的最新研究进展,以国外相关学术期刊论文为数据源,借助Ucinet对该领域的研究现状和热点进行描述,在此基础上归纳出三个主题领域:儿童图书馆服务、新技术在儿童图书馆中的应用、儿童信息认知和检索行为。最后结合国外儿童图书馆研究重点、难点,提出儿童图书馆研究的未来发展趋势以及对国内研究的启示。  相似文献   

阿英是中国著名的文学家、戏剧家、文史家和藏书家。论文细述了阿英的藏书经历、藏书特色和研究成果,分析了其藏书思想并解读了其作为藏书家的道德与风范。  相似文献   

郭丽 《图书情报工作》2009,53(23):141-132
现今保存最早的《管子》,是南宋绍兴年间具杨忱《序》的浙江刻本。此本经文征明、黄丕烈诸位藏书家之手,传至铁琴铜剑楼,现存于国家图书馆。避讳从赵氏宗室的远祖到宋仁宗;用字多保存古字古义,颇有古本风貌;内容上能够补充明初刘绩《管子补注》本的不足;文字上能够订正明刘绩本和赵用贤《管韩合刻》本的讹误,对赵用贤本的刊印具有重大影响。清代学者陆贻典对此本评价甚高,并用以校对明刻刘绩本。  相似文献   

In France, book information disseminated on television reaches large numbers of potential purchasers and increases sales of the books featured, despite a ban on advertising. There is a clear relationship between television appearances and bestsellerdom. The ability of television to influence sales affects the behavior of book purchasers (who focus on a small number of rapidly changing titles), publishers (who devote advertising and production budgets to mediagenic titles), and book-sellers (who devote more shelf space to titles promoted on television). This article analyzes the impact of television on the book market and on trends in production and editorial decision making. Translated by Beth Luey.  相似文献   

Most analyses of multicultural children's books concentrate on published works by white authors and the implications of their depictions of non-white characters. This article explores the production process of multicultural children's literature. The differences between multicultural and culturally conscious literature are discussed. The production and distribution processes of children's books are described. Interview data is used to highlight areas of these systems which constrain the production of books by non-white authors.  相似文献   

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