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本文使用语料库语言学的研究方法来研究分析我国高校留学生英语招生简章的词汇特征,并将欧美高校留学生英语招生简章的词汇特征作为参照,探寻我国高校留学生英语招生简章在写作、翻译用词选择上应改进和需要注意的方面。  相似文献   

冯丹 《考试周刊》2015,(13):156
在高等教育国际化大背景下,生源竞争不断加剧,为进一步提高我国高校在国际上的影响力和知名度,加强高校留学生管理势在必行。为此,本文在分析加强高校留学生管理必要性的基础上,指出目前高校留学生管理中存在的问题,并提出切实可行的解决策略。  相似文献   

在国际化教育的背景下,提高来华留学生的教学质量,探索留学生教育培养模式成为高校日益重视的课题。文章分析了在初级阶段留学生实施差异教学的必要性,并以重庆文理学院为例,提出了初级阶段留学生实施差异教学的具体策略,为高校留学生教育提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

近几十年来,我国来华留学生教育事业快速发展,在促进我国教育事业的建设同时,也推动了我国高等教育的国际化水平。特别是在建设"两个一百年"的关键时期,在"一带一路"的背景下,随着广西高校来华留学生的日益增多,我国高校对于留学生"趋同化"管理工作也成为培养高层次来华留学生人才的重要保障[1]。结合我国高校趋同管理的现状,文章以广西高校来华留学硕士研究生为例,对留学生趋同管理进行分析。  相似文献   

面对越来越多的留学生,如何确保高校留学生管理质量,提升高校留学生管理水平,成为摆在各高校留学生管理者面前的难题。本文从文化差异的背景入手,分析由于文化不同所导致的高校留学生管理中存在的矛盾和问题,在此基础上,通过分析归纳,提出有效推进高校留学生管理的对策和建议,为我国高校更好地开展留学生管理工作提供一些理论参考。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化是当今世界高等教育发展的必然趋势。在越来越多的留学生到中国高校深造的背景下,传统的学生管理背景和方式方法在与国外文化对接和碰撞,必然面临改革和创新。从高校校园文化、学生管理工作者和学生管理方法三个方面分析留学生管理面向教育国际化应进行的改革与创新。  相似文献   

2016年全国来华留学生人数突破了44万人,如何提升来华留学生教育服务质量,已经成为高校留学生工作面临的重要任务。以云南农业大学为例,简要介绍学校留学生教育发展现状,分析云南农业大学留学生教育服务工作存在的主要问题,有针对性地提出"一带一路"背景下,提升留学生教育服务质量的策略。  相似文献   

周波 《教育教学论坛》2011,(20):111-112
随着我国日益国际化和市场化,以及高校办学质量的大幅度提高,大量的留学生来华留学,同时,发展留学生教育是发挥我国国际影响、传播中国文化和促进国际友好交往的良好途径和载体。与此同时,在高校的留学生日常管理工作中,也不可避免地出现了许多问题,尤其是文化性的因素越来越成为制约留学生管理的深层次问题。本文旨在探讨留学生管理中文化冲突产生的原因,以及如何以跨文化的视角加强留学主管理工作,做好高校留学生管理工作,不断提高管理效能,推进高校留学生管理工作向和谐的方向持续发展。  相似文献   

在多元文化的背景下,对高校留学生的教育管理工作是一种跨文化教育管理,是一种深层次的以服务为导向的教育管理模式。在高校留学生教育管理中,管理机构和工作者要积极转变理念,切实提高服务意识;拓宽文化交流的渠道,深化教育管理模式;赋予留学生更多的自主权,引导留学生进行有效的"自我管理";倡导文化自律,建立健全留学生教育管理体制;关注文化差异和间性特质,做好留学生突发事件的教育管理工作。  相似文献   

留学生教育关系着我国高等教育的国际化进程,也事关我国的国际影响力。本文针对地方高校国际教育现状,对地方高校留学生导师制培养模式进行了探索,首先从留学生语言基础、背景知识结构、实践能力和未来规划等方面进行差异化分析,进而在此基础上探讨了以适应校园生活、巩固课程学习和提升研究水平为目标导向的培养模式,最后分析了地方高校推行留学生导师制的现实意义。  相似文献   

关联主义:网络学习环境下劣构问题表征的新取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问题表征是劣构问题求解的关键步骤.本文剖析了劣构问题表征的过程,从关联主义学习观的视角,对劣构问题表征的实质作出解释,并提出了基于关联主义的劣构问题表征的策略,为网络学习环境下劣构问题的求解提供了一些新的思路和启发.  相似文献   


The documentary film is a popular curriculum tool, and the goal of this paper is to expand the educational significance of the documentary genre I argue that current understandings of this genre are limited and limiting, and offer an alternative perspective on the genre. This alternative will be built from Stanley Cavell’s philosophy of education, in particular, his understanding of the role that ‘representativeness’ plays in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2007,12(1):60-79
High-stakes writing assessments currently exert a strong influence on the writing curriculum and instruction in schools across the United States. Under these circumstances it is important to examine the construct of writing competence on which these assessments are based, as well as the extent to which this construct supports the goals of secondary education. In this paper we conduct an exploratory analysis of the genre demands of high-stakes writing assessments from three states – California, Texas, and New York – with the aim of discerning, comparing, and evaluating the role that genre knowledge plays in the construct of writing competence measured by these assessments. Our method of inquiry includes both task analysis of the prompts and genre analysis of high-scoring benchmark papers written in response to these prompts. For the analysis of benchmark papers we employed both structural analysis and quantitative counts of key linguistic features to characterize the genres represented in these assessment tasks. Our results suggest a lack of alignment between the genres of the benchmark papers designated as exemplary and the genre demands of the prompts to which they were written. Exceptions to this pattern were most common on the New York assessments, which contextualize writing tasks in tests of subject–matter knowledge. Findings from our exploratory analysis lead us to argue for greater consistency and clarity of expectations in the design of high-stakes writing exams, and for the design of writing tasks that adequately represent the demands of discipline-specific forms of written discourse.  相似文献   

格调说的兴起与明清时期古、近体诗共同兴盛的创作风尚密切相关。明清人使用"格调"既是指诗歌声韵结构模式,又是指诗歌的艺术风貌。由于诗歌深层的艺术风貌往往通过浅层的格律声调来显示,故格调派论诗非常重视体格声调的辨析。通过辨体寻求典范,为学诗者指明途径,这正是格调派区别于其他诗学主张的重要标志。同时,格调说追求神似古人也蕴涵着对新变的重视。  相似文献   

本文首先界定了网络服务商的定义.认为网络服务商主要指为网络提供信息传播中间服务的主体,即网络中间服务商,而不包括本身就是独立主体的网络内容提供商。在此基础上。研究了网络服务商的责任形式,主要应以过错责任为主,按权利义务相一致的原则承担相应义务。文章最后讨论了我国立法对网络中间服务商的责任的限制。  相似文献   

古今文体分类存在着一些问题.文体分类具有两个前提:必须以体现文体本质特征的思维方式为依据,对文体进行一次分类,将全部文体现象概括为科学性文体、艺术性文体和复合性文体;以体现文体工具特征的表达方式为依据,对文体进行二次分类,将科学性文体分为说明性文体和议论性文体,将艺术性文体分为描写性文体、抒情性文体和叙述性文体,将复合性文体分为迭加式复合性文体和套合式复合性文体.  相似文献   

Mission statements provide educational institutions with the legitimacy to market and promote services through positive statements. This study applied genre analysis to examine the function of promotional rhetoric in top 100 international universities' mission statements. Bhatia's rhetorical moves of promotional genre was triangulated with Pearce and David's components for mission-writing. It was seen that international universities rely on promotional rhetorical moves to articulate their self-concept and services. Moreover, universities actively compete against each other to secure a high position in the international ranking lists. This ensures that they obtain additional incentives that help them gain economic stability and build a reputation. Promotional genre has become a practiced culture in the professional discourse community of higher education. Hence, there is a need to allow mission statements genre membership. We suggested a genre model that can be taught and used for writing mission statements. The most recurrent moves employed suggest that the communicative purpose for mission-writing used by international universities is to target the international market and build a public image to reel in more students, thereby improving their financial status while ensuring a good reputation. Based on this study, institutions can get guidance on designing and drafting effective mission statements.  相似文献   

刘悦 《怀化学院学报》2011,30(7):103-104
从学术用途英语(EAP)语篇体裁的实际应用的重要性等出发,梳理目前EAP研究的现状,发现目前EAP的理论研究忽视了语篇体裁分析的功能性,而教学研究的功能兼容性差的特点;构造由学术体裁的语篇结构模式、学术语篇体裁结构的功能分析、学术语篇体裁的文体特征分析、学术语篇体裁的应用构成的EAP语篇体裁分析框架;从师资培养、处理好...  相似文献   

Increasingly learning advisors provide generic support for doctoral students. The terms ‘genre’ (a category, type or family) and ‘generic’ (ambiguously both ‘of a category’ and ‘non-specific’) are interrogated here in relation to such support. Literary studies scholars divide texts by genre for the purpose of analysis. It is helpful to see the doctoral thesis as a literary genre and discuss generic writing support in this context. Taking a theoretical position, I suggest that doctoral writing support can be theorised and conceived differently to complement supervisory support within disciplines. Ideas about the social significance of genre translate well to doctoral writing, which is also socially situated, speaking back to the discourse by which it is produced. Generic learning support is a contested phrase in higher education, a non-specific bolt-on process suspected of being never pertinent because it is not embedded in a discipline. Yet it is highly useful for doctoral students, a fact recognised in burgeoning practice. Around the world, generic support for doctoral study is increasingly provided as universities strive to sustain a healthy completion rate and ensure that discipline-specific, mainly supervisory, support is firmly complemented. Arguing for the thesis as genre enables the term ‘generic’ to have traction for those providing doctoral support across campus and opens up a theoretical way of discussing practice.  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育人才培养模式的国际比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人才培养模式是指教育过程中具有一定格式要求的人才培养程序、方式和结构,它涉及到诸多方面的内容,是一个发展的概念。本重点就高职教育人才培养模式所涵盖的培养目标、专业设置、课程结构、实践教学等几个主要问题进行国际比较与研究,以探求其发展规律并服务于办学实践。  相似文献   

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