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随着移动终端设备的快速发展,增强现实教育游戏已延伸至户外空间,拓展了教育游戏的应用范围。通过分析现有案例,归纳了移动增强现实教育游戏的基本功能模块,设计并开发了一款移动增强现实教育游戏——"快乐寻宝"。该游戏结合基于位置和基于图像的两种增强现实技术,参与者利用多个手持终端协同工作,通过寻找任务、回答知识,交流与协作,共同完成室外寻找"宝藏"的活动。应用表明,"快乐寻宝"游戏虚实结合,互动性强,具有较强的临场感和沉浸感,可以完成多种类型的学习任务。  相似文献   

增强现实作为一种新兴技术,被广泛应用于医疗、娱乐、科技等领域。然而,增强现实在教育领域的应用还处于初级阶段,文章对增强现实教育应用的潜力、聚焦主题、挑战等问题进行探讨。文章认为,增强现实聚焦的主题为教育资源研究、教育游戏研究、基于设计的学习;其价值在于创设学习环境、提升学习成效、创新教学方法、提升交互效果;其挑战来自于教师层面、技术层面、教学效果层面、教学资源层面等。  相似文献   

在介绍增强现实的概念及其系统构成基础上,阐述了增强现实与虚拟现实的区别、支持增强现实教学游戏的学习理论以及增强现实教学游戏的概念模型设计及其关键技术,最后展望了增强现实在教学游戏中的应用前景。  相似文献   

教育信息化时代的发展,课堂教学形式变得多种多样.由于小学生空间构造能力不够丰富,对几何图形理解不强,对较为抽象的知识难以理解,学习数学有较大难度.增强现实技术为这一问题提供了解决方案,运用增强现实技术开发的小学数学教育游戏,能够让小学生和知识互动起来,增强知识的可理解性.文章运用增强现实技术探究游戏化教学在课堂上的应用...  相似文献   

智能手机增强现实系统的架构及教育应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增强现实技术能为学习者提供近乎真实的虚实相融合的学习场景。将增强现实技术的应用移植到智能手机上,由于智能手机具有体积小、携带方便及普及率高等特点,因此更具有教育应用前景。该文首先给出智能手机增强现实系统的架构,然后论述了智能手机增强现实对学习环境的影响,最后从移动情境学习、游戏模拟的体验式学习、实验操作技能学习及书本阅读学习四个方面探讨智能手机增强现实在教育领域中的应用前景。通过该文的研究,以期能对智能手机增强现实给教育带来的影响及作用有更深的理解。  相似文献   

增强现实的技术类型与教育应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增强现实是真实世界与虚拟环境相结合的系统,其显示技术经历了头盔式、光学反射式、手持式、全息投影等技术类型。增强现实的教育应用,涵盖网页浏览与信息获取、三维导航与教学游戏、虚拟仿真与互动教学等多种领域,蕴含着丰富认知、突破时空、实时互动等教育价值。  相似文献   

在全球基础教育教学方式不断重组改变的今天,教育游戏作为一种新兴的教学媒体,其寓教于乐的作用受到了相关领域专家、教师以及家长的广泛关注.游戏化学习或基于游戏的学习,尤其是使用移动应用程序和增强现实游戏,已经成为许多教育研究领域的主题.本文首先阐述了学习行为投入的概念和构成维度,并结合体验学习、动机—活动以及自我调节学习理...  相似文献   

网络技术和手持移动设备的高速发展,为基于网络和移动设备上的研究开发提供了便利的基础和平台。在虚拟现实基础上发展起来的增强现实技术,正在逐渐开拓小型手持移动设备的新领域。移动设备的移动性、便携性以及较强的人机交互性,使得增强现实系统能够脱离体积庞大的计算机、摆脱摄像系统等硬件的限制。在教育技术领域,将智能手机作为增强现实技术的开发应用平台,无疑是其发展的新福音。介绍了增强现实技术的应用现状,对基于增强现实技术的移动虚拟电子书进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

增强现实技术可以实现现实与虚拟的交互,大幅增加展示的沉浸感,故迅速走向大众化并在教育领域得到了一定程度的应用。在此背景下,文章基于AR技术实现的硬件、软件分析,提出了基于智能手机的Vuforia+Unity3D增强现实技术方案,并分析了该方案的优点。同时,文章以"岭南佳果"为例,依托该方案开发了物体识别的增强现实移动应用,具体展示了该方案的教育应用。  相似文献   

虚拟现实是指通过一系列技术手段使人们置身于虚拟世界中,而增强现实是指将虚拟的物体在真实世界中展现出来,所以增强现实更加真实也更加贴近生活,在现实生活中应用广泛。增强现实在工业领域最先提出,后来相继在医疗、军事、娱乐游戏、教育领域出现,可用于化学实验、建筑模拟、教学指导等。阐述了国内外增强现实的发展历程,对增强现实未来领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

While the knowledge economy has reshaped the world, schools lag behind in producing appropriate learning for this social change. Science education needs to prepare students for a future world in which multiple representations are the norm and adults are required to “think like scientists.” Location-based augmented reality games offer an opportunity to create a “post-progressive” pedagogy in which students are not only immersed in authentic scientific inquiry, but also required to perform in adult scientific discourses. This cross-case comparison as a component of a design-based research study investigates three cases (roughly 28 students total) where an Augmented Reality curriculum, Mad City Mystery, was used to support learning in environmental science. We investigate whether augmented reality games on handhelds can be used to engage students in scientific thinking (particularly argumentation), how game structures affect students’ thinking, the impact of role playing on learning, and the role of the physical environment in shaping learning. We argue that such games hold potential for engaging students in meaningful scientific argumentation. Through game play, players are required to develop narrative accounts of scientific phenomena, a process that requires them to develop and argue scientific explanations. We argue that specific game features scaffold this thinking process, creating supports for student thinking non-existent in most inquiry-based learning environments.  相似文献   

Experiments in the use of augmented reality games formerly required extensive material resources and expertise to implement above and beyond what might be possible within the usual educational contexts. Currently, the more common availability of hardware in these contexts and the existence of easy-to-use, general purpose augmented reality design software invite much wider participation. Yet, significant obstacles to widespread use remain. A possible strategy to enable broader exploration of this space is to organize augmented reality games research and development at the local level, as relatively autonomous and informal action by educational practitioners and learners, rather than solely directed by educational researchers. The Local Games Lab ABQ is a loose confederation of faculty and students at the University of New Mexico pursuing the educational uses of augmented reality games. This paper examines how locally organized development might solve problems in a different and more efficient way of scaling educational technology.  相似文献   

Advancements in handheld computing, particularly its portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and individuality, open new opportunities for immersive learning environments. This article articulates the pedagogical potential of augmented reality simulations in environmental engineering education by immersing students in the roles of scientists conducting investigations. This design experiment examined if augmented reality simulation games can be used to help students understand science as a social practice, whereby inquiry is a process of balancing and managing resources, combining multiple data sources, and forming and revising hypotheses in situ. We provide 4 case studies of secondary environmental science students participating in the program. Positioning students in virtual investigations made apparent their beliefs about science and confronted simplistic beliefs about the nature of science. Playing the game in “real” space also triggered students' preexisting knowledge, suggesting that a powerful potential of augmented reality simulation games can be in their ability to connect academic content and practices with students' physical, lived worlds. The game structure provided students a narrative to think with, although students differed in their ability to create a coherent narrative of events. We argue that Environmental Detectives is 1 model for helping students understand the socially situated nature of scientific practice.  相似文献   

游戏是儿童最重要的活动形式和生活方式之一,然而在现实的教育生活中却遭到了成人世界的忽视和排挤。游戏日益表现出两种极端的形式:从教育生活中逃逸和以敌对的姿态侵入教育生活。儿童可能会因此出现极力压制游戏需求的内在奴役状态,既不敢游戏也不会游戏了,也可能会彻底抛开学习,逃避到一切形式的游戏中去。这两种情况都将导致儿童不正常的生活状态。  相似文献   

数字化教育游戏能为学习者提供一个丰富的视听多媒体学习环境,在这样的环境下,教师和学习者同为游戏者。他们在精心设计的游戏中合作学习完成学习任务,游戏情节本身就是学习目标。数字化教育游戏还能为学习者提供适当的学习策略,教师或高水平的学习者还可以提供支架来帮助其他学习者。数字化教育游戏作为一种极具吸引力的学习过程,需要适当的教学系统设计理论和方法来指导才能使教学效果达到最优化。尤其是将教育游戏应用于具体领域时,需要对教学设计模式进行必要的研究。本研究旨在通过对如何构建教学设计模式进行探讨,从而提出一种适合数字化教育游戏的教学设计模式。  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the literature about the use of augmented reality in education and specifically in the context of formal and informal environments. It examines the research that has been conducted up to date on the use of those games through mobile technology devices such as mobile phones and tablets, both in primary and secondary education. The review of the relative literature was carried out in the period 2000 to early 2014 in ScienceDirect and ERIC. The outcomes of this review illustrated a set of studies that provide evidence of positive outcomes regarding student learning. These studies, which focused mainly on the natural sciences and took place within informal learning environments, used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The earliest study that was conducted about this topic used personal digital assistants, while the more recent one used smart (mobile) phones and tablets. The services of augmented reality focused on markers/quick response codes, virtual items, global positioning system services as well as on platforms for game creation. The findings of the literature review are discussed in relation to research approaches that are needed for augmented reality games to be played either in formal or informal learning environments.  相似文献   

“第二人生”(Second Life)是一部模拟真实的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,它巧妙融合了联网游戏和在线虚拟社区的诸多概念,创造了一种新型的网络空间。SL为信息时代的学习、教育提供了积极的、浸润式的数字化游戏式学习环境,一些大学和教育机构已经开始使用SL,鼓励师生探索、学习和合作。基于人与人、人与对象、对象与对象三种活动方式,SL中的教育潜力可以被不断发掘出来。  相似文献   

How might we balance assistance and penalties to intelligent tutors and educational games that increase learning and interest? We created two versions of an educational game for learning policy argumentation called Policy World. The game (only) version provided minimal feedback and penalized students for errors whereas the game+tutor version provided additional step-level teaching feedback and immediate error correction. A total of 105 university students played either the game or game+tutor version of Policy World in a randomized, controlled, two-group, between-subjects experiment, during which we measured students’ problem-solving abilities, interest in the game, self-reported competence, and pre- and posttest performance. The game+tutor version increased learning of policy analysis skills and self-reported competence. A path analysis supported the claim that greater assistance helped students to learn analysis better, which increased their feelings of competence, which increased their interest in the game. Log data of student behavior showed that debate performance improved only for students who had sufficiently mastered analysis. This study shows that we can design interesting and effective games to teach policy argumentation and how increasing tutoring and reducing penalties in educational games can increase learning without sacrificing interest.  相似文献   

游戏与教育如何融合一直是教育游戏研究的重要命题。教育游戏研究不仅应该根据教育理论,而且需要参考游戏理论。传统游戏理论过于强调游戏者的主体性,具有哲学上的主客二分的问题。而伽达默尔游戏理论突破了近代认识论模式的束缚,侧重于游戏与游戏者的统一,对教育游戏研究具有重要启示。根据伽达默尔的游戏理论,教育游戏的真实主体是游戏自身,存在方式为自我表现,意义产生需要观者在场参与。因此,教育游戏应该将娱乐性与严肃性紧密结合,引导学习者融入游戏;使游戏规则与自由保持张力,优化学习者的游戏过程;注重观看与参与相互渗透,促使学习者获得意义。  相似文献   

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