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Web资源保存现状与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨道玲 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(10):32-36
随着网络通信技术的发展,Web资源已经日益成为我们文化遗产的重要组成部分。网络信息的迅速增长,为数字图书馆和数字档案馆的内容采集、保存和利用提出了新的挑战,这种挑战使我们面临新的课题。本文通过对国内外几个主要相关项目的介绍与评述,在对比研究的基础上,提出Web资源保存所面临的几个问题与思考。  相似文献   

In recent years, much of the focus in archival literature and endeavour has been directed towards the management of digital records. The need to work closely with information and communication technology (ICT) professionals is essential if digital preservation aspirations are to be realised. However, consideration has not been given to the challenges inherent in being respected or trusted by this occupational group. As a preliminary step to identifying possible cultural differences, a survey was developed to investigate the perceptions of ICT professionals as regards digital archives and the role of recordkeepers. Findings from this survey show differences in the perception of trustworthiness in terms of abilities to manage paper versus digital records. In addition, responses also highlight risks inherent in developing digital archives which do not take access requirements sufficiently into account. We suggest that attention must be paid to this dimension of custody if digital archives initiatives are to succeed.  相似文献   

少数民族档案文献遗产承载着少数民族的历史文化和精神传统,是少数民族记忆宝库的重要组成。云贵地区少数民族档案文献遗产具有鲜明的地域性特征,是保有其文化特色的“记忆之源”,由此带来了档案文献遗产保护的特殊性和内在需求。基于调查和分析,笔者归纳了云贵地区少数民族档案文献遗产保护面临的遗产保护观念欠缺、管理机构各自为政、官方统计信息不全、民间普查征集困难、文字信息难以读解、库房保护条件有限、专门修复技艺稀缺、数字保护面临瓶颈、组织运行管理不力、工作标准规范缺乏十个方面的问题。针对上述问题,笔者分别从探索基于多元主体协同的保护模式、落实基于客体分级认知的保护策略、优化基于整体环境保护的预防措施、实现基于自主技术创新的方法应用、建立基于区域保护中心的运行机制五个方面提出了整体性的推进策略,最终目标是实现对云贵地区少数民族档案文献遗产的精准保护与记忆传承。  相似文献   

随着非物质文化遗产保护工作的深入开展,非物质文化遗产档案数量与日俱增,如何长久保存非物质文化遗产档案,已成为非物质文化遗产保护工作的新课题。本文从非物质文化遗产档案保管存在的问题入手,探索非物质文化遗产档案的长久保存策略,为非物质文化遗产档案的科学、长久保护提供参考。  相似文献   

泉州南音是见证闽南语系地区文化生活的重要凭证,是我国非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,对其建档保护是避免南音社会记忆断层的重要方式。通过分析南音建档保护的必要性,基于南音非遗建档保护工作的现实困境,从完善南音非遗建档制度、加强南音档案收集、推动数字资源整合、明确南音建档主体、构建专业化人才队伍等方面提出加强南音非物质文化遗产建档保护工作建议。  相似文献   

应用历史地理信息系统、知识图谱、虚拟现实等多种现代信息技术进行城市历史时空的逆向建模和回溯是推进档案资源深度开发、智能化档案数据服务和智慧城市建设的多重需要。本文在介绍欧盟“时光机”等城市时空回溯类数字人文项目的基础上,综合“城市记忆工程”和“逆向工程”理念,提出了具有中国特色的“城市逆向记忆工程”概念并对其学术内涵、理论基础、实践策略等问题进行了系统剖析。“城市逆向记忆工程”是城市档案管理部门及公共文化机构以收藏和保存的历史档案文献为依据,通过语义数据反向推导和关联融合,在网络空间重构城市空间格局,模拟社会活动过程,构建城市时空本体数据集,并通过多种形式呈现和利用的过程,是我国城市档案信息化建设的前沿领域,具有城市历史文化传承和人工智能数据基础设施建设的双重战略价值。  相似文献   

电子文件中心的定位与核心取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子文件中心是档案馆有机组成部分,是永久保管电子档案的基地;其核心价值是保存数字遗产,核心目标是保证电子文件完整、真实、有效和长久可用;电子文件中心是电子文件管理国家战略的主体工程。  相似文献   

数字人文为社会科学领域提供了设计和使用记录创造与记录保存工具的机会。电影档案作为兼具记忆价值与艺术价值的珍贵文献遗产,可以借助数字人文技术开展跨领域的“出圈”式建构与开发。本文在分析国内外电影档案相关数字人文项目现状的基础上,以西部电影集团为例,设计了基于数字人文的电影档案资源共建共享平台开发框架,并从资源采集、数据加工、深度服务、影人年谱、智能运维五个方面提出具体实现路径。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some key issues for digital archives and metadata in a networked information environment to keep our community memory for the future. The paper is based primarily on the experiences and lessons learnt by the author from his research activities on metadata and digital archives. The author participated in a study group on digital archives hosted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Japanese Government from February 2011 to March 2012. The group discussed the promotion of digital archives in Japan, particularly at memory institutions. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 caused serious damage in the north-eastern part of Japan, especially the Pacific coastal regions. This disaster significantly affected the discussions of the group. The basic lesson that the author learned is that digital archives built on a robust information environment are essential for keeping our community memory safe for the future. Not only do the primary digital resources need to be properly maintained and preserved for the future but also secondary resources, metadata and meta-metadata. We need to use Linked Open Data technologies to enhance the usability of such digital resources in the archives.  相似文献   

Private archival institutions collect records from churches, trade unions, companies, associations and any other non-government organisations. Organisations and associations have played an important role in Swedish public life during the twentieth century, being agents in the process of democratisation and societal change leading to the modern welfare state. Citizens' influence on politics and administration has to a large extent been channelled through organisations of various kinds. During the second half of the last century, a nationwide network of so-called popular movement archives emerged, initiated by the records creating organisations themselves. These institutions are important complements to the public archives, covering other spheres of society and contributing to preserve the history of everyday life, and political and social development. However, the traditional forms of stable rule-based organisations with structured records creation are dissolving, and being replaced with more loosely connected and continuously changing communities working in an online environment. Furthermore, the last decades have witnessed the emergence of digital information, and most private institutions lack the technological infrastructure and knowledge to receive digital records for long-term preservation. This study explores the developments and current status of popular movement archives in Sweden, and the challenges they are facing, in order to outline a scenario for future development and consequences for future societal memory.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift changed radically how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user's role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus, and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in digital heritage theories, methodologies, standards relevant to the European region, as well as the larger, global audience.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的保护和传承已引起了全人类的共同关注,非物质文化遗产的保护方式可以有许多,其中之一便是档案化保护。笔者认为,非物质文化遗产的档案化保护有其坚实的理论基础,它们分别是:非物质文化遗产与档案的共同属性、隐性知识的显性化理论、文件横向运动理论、口述档案理论、文件生命周期理论等。另外,当前的有关非物质文化遗产保护法律法规和部分保护措施事实上已涉及到了非物质文化遗产的档案化保护问题。  相似文献   

边媛 《档案学研究》2021,35(3):90-96
“档案数字化”和“数字化档案”等观念的提出,意味着档案学者对数字技术到来的认可,其结果是档案数字化将促成档案从知识策略到记忆策略转换的转变。这种转变的最大意义在于档案资源不仅限于文本的数字化,还包括物体、场景以及行为的数字化,使面向数字人文的档案资源整合成为大趋势。在文化遗产数字化建档保护过程中,各主体参与数字化采集、保存和利用,化档案归档移交为参与式数字化建档。本文在分析文化遗产数字化建档的趋势和面临挑战的基础上,分析其理论基础和建档模式,并提出具体实施策略。  相似文献   

With the growth of digital records, particularly email, archives must adapt their methods of acquiring, appraising and providing access to records. As one possible solution, the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick advocates the use of digital forensics. This article moves beyond simply advocating a technical solution, however, to include a fuller understanding of the challenges archivists may encounter when appraising email, such as the discovery of personal information, personally identifiable information and other information that is not reflected in traditional correspondence.  相似文献   

Archives,libraries, museums and the spell of ubiquitous knowledge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the convergence of libraries, archives, and museums in Germany from traditional brick-and-mortar institutions to a digital memory institution on the Internet. An implementation of such a digital memory institution is BAM—the joint portal of archives, libraries, and museums in Germany. BAM has the potential to serve as a single point of access to existing, but separate offerings of the several branches of cultural heritage, e.g. union catalogs, and a great number of separate digitization projects offering their content on the German Web. BAM can make an important contribution to the efforts of both the German governments (federal and states) and the European Union, which are in the process of establishing portals to cultural content on the Internet. The article gives an outline of the current undertakings and illustrates how the striving for ubiquitous knowledge delivered by Internet portals relates to the scientific tradition of documentation in Europe.  相似文献   

王莉 《兰台世界》2020,(5):62-64
作为社会公共文化重要组成部分,公共档案馆更应该顺应现代新媒体技术发展要求,做好两者融合,发挥其社会公共文化服务功能,展现信息服务优势。本文分析了新媒体环境下的公共档案馆信息服务的网站、微博、微信公众号、档案科普栏目等具体形式,针对新媒体环境下的公共档案馆信息服务中存在的信息资源利用不足、数据资源整合和共享不足、新媒体技术应用层次不高等问题,提出了要把馆藏资源和新媒体技术在信息服务中进行有效融合、建立和完善数字档案资源的整合和分享机制、不断提升公共档案信息文化传播影响力等相关措施和建议。  相似文献   

信息安全是电子档案管理的重要内容。作者在分析国内外运用区块链及相关技术建设电子档案管理系统研究与实践的基础上,提出“联盟+公有”双区块链结构的电子档案安全管理系统,即以一条联盟区块链记录电子档案管理信息,另一条公有区块链记录电子档案使用信息。本文首先介绍了系统架构,该系统不仅可解决一个机构内的电子档案管理和使用中的信息安全问题,而且具有可拓展性,可以整合不同组织间相互隔离的信息系统,提供可靠的电子档案管理平台;其次以该系统在暨南大学的实现和应用论证了系统的适用和可行,并从数据安全性、操作回溯性、可验证性、保密性等几个方面对系统进行了评估。希望该系统的建立能够为数字档案馆和电子档案管理平台建设提供案例参考和有益启发。  相似文献   

赵屹 《兰台世界》2020,(2):16-20,24
英国萨里大学牵头、数个国家档案馆参与的ARCHANGEL项目旨在利用分布式账本技术(区块链)设计、开发和应用一个确保数字档案长期完整性的服务原型。项目研究内容主要包括构建区块链、构建档案完整性验证架构、开发原型系统、探索用户需求与公众态度。ARCHANGEL项目实现的功能包括打造档案的数字指纹、打造档案区块链平台、保障档案长期真实性、打造可信数字档案馆。ARCHANGEL给予我们的启示是档案机构可以利用区块链构建可信平台,达到去中心化的存证管理,并改变以往纯粹的档案管理为多方协作互动、相互制约的共同治理。  相似文献   

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