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有效又便于教师掌握的研究方法对教师专业成长十分重要。引导性日志作为一种新的质性研究方法,是以关注被研究者的内心情感为出发,在研究者的引导下通过日志的形式,记录自己的学习成长经历和学习过程中的情感体验,这种新兴的研究方法为研究者提供第一手可靠的资料。本文在借鉴国外理论和实践研究的基础上,重点探讨关于引导性日志的模式建构及其开发应用的策略,为引导性日志在国内本土化的教育实践开发和应用中提供理论借鉴的基础和依据。  相似文献   

作为质性研究方法之一的学生日志,不仅是成就教师作为研究者的有效工具,且有助于师生的共同成长和共同发展。作为质性研究的学生日志与我国传统的日志如班务日志在理念和功用上是不同的,作为研究者的教师应加以区分,以在教学中运用好学生日志。  相似文献   

作为质性研究方法之一的学生日志,不仅是成就教师作为研究者的有效工具,且有助于师生的共同成长和共同发展.作为质性研究的学生日志与我国传统的日志如班务日志在理念和功用上是不同的,作为研究者的教师应加以区分,以在教学中运用好学生日志.  相似文献   

新课程呼唤教师作为研究者。教师在从事质的研究时,在教学中引入学生日志法,不仅成就了教师作为研究者,且有助于师生的共同成长和共同发展。日志通常聚焦于特殊事件。林德希.米勒(Lindsaymiller)认为学生日志是对已经发生的一事件的记载(holly1984)及发自内心的对一些重要事件的倾诉(hettich,1976:60)。布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield,s.d.)认为学生的学习日志是学生学习经历的一种经常性的总结,是学生们用自己的词汇对记录下来的体验作的一种整理。本文探讨的日志既指学生记载的关于学习的日志也包含学生对学习过程中所发生的相关事件的记载。  相似文献   

我园的研究性活动课程,是旨在培养适应社会发展的研究与创新型人才的课程,它的建构过程,是教师与幼儿在研究性活动中共同学习、共同成长、共同发展,不断建构学习共同体的过程。在研究性活动课程的建构过程中,教师应该既是实践者,更是研究者。教师只有在理论学习、同行互动的支持下,不断提高研究自身生活实践和教育实践的自觉意识,才可能有效促进自身的人格成长和专业成长。  相似文献   

在地方本科院校转型发展之际,混合式教学模式对于教学质量工程的提升具有重要意义。因此,文章通过混合式教学的实践过程,收集大量的学习日志;在此基础上,设计科学合理的评价体系,并使用质性分析软件NVIVO对学习日志进行编码,最终从教师、课程、学习者、设计、环境、技术等六个方面探究混合式学习中学习者的学习体验。研究发现,在混合式学习过程中,学习者的情感体验很丰富,教师的面对面指导非常重要,混合式教学模式非常适合软件操作类课程的学习,在线交流讨论答疑环节非常受学习者喜爱,平台提供的反复观看功能很实用,混合式学习的技术门槛较低。  相似文献   

结合教学实践和情感理论,通过分析教师态度对学生学习表现的影响,提出要运用适当的课堂评价语言,采用量化和质性评价的课堂评价方法调动学生学习积极性,以有效提高课堂学习效率。  相似文献   

学生学习过程性评价是上海市二期课程改革提出的新要求,而信息科技学科是率先进行试点研究的。由于过程性评价与传统的评价方式有比较大的差异,又缺乏成熟的指导和可借鉴的经验,因此对于教育研究者和一线教师来说都是新的课题,无论是过程与方法还是情感态度与价值观,直接进行评价往往是难以操作的。通过论述在过程性评价实践研究中的一些做法,以解决信息科技新课程学生学习过程性评价方面一些操作性的困难。  相似文献   

关注教师专业发展的重要方面是理解教师学习,对实践共同体(Co Ps)中教师学习的角色冲突与专业发展的质性研究能够描述和解释促进教师专业成长的过程和原因。研究借助对8名小学数学教师展开叙事访谈收集数据,使用质性分析软件ATLAS.ti8辅助资料分析,采用文献回顾延迟进行的方式建立扎根理论。文中聚焦的角色冲突是发生在教师实践共同体中的一种教师需要面对的真实困境,探讨了教师在学习活动中所经历的角色内冲突和角色间冲突下教师发展困境的诱因;教师角色协调中权威信任和权威服从行为作为突破困境的心理基础;理性对待外部认同是突破教师专业发展框架的重要驱动力;进一步讨论了角色冲突作为教师专业成长重要契机,并针对教师队伍建设提出建议。  相似文献   

撰写教学日志是教师教学反思的一种形式。采用个案研究方法,追踪一高职青年英语教师教学日志撰写与其专业成长的关系。研究表明:教学反思日志有助于高职教师专业发展,主要表现在反思思维的培养、教学方式的创新和课堂自主能力的提升上;高职教师教学日志主题体现在备课、教学/学习过程、课堂互动、课堂管理与教学评估五个方面;秉持以学生为中心的理念促使高职英语教师积极采取行动研究以提升学生的学习效率和学习动机。  相似文献   

大学学习方法研究:缘起、观点及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方大学学习研究已有近40年的发展历史,而大学学习方法研究是这一领域的主体性部分。大学学习方法研究最早起源于瑞典学者关于学习方法的深层方法与浅层方法的分类,随后英澳学者的大学学习方法量表开发引领了这一研究领域的发展。目前西方大学学习方法的研究正呈现出研究内容不断拓展,研究方法更关注利用设计研究法进行扎根研究,研究对象越来越注重东方学生群体,研究视野逐渐拓展到更广泛的学习经验研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in teacher education have a short history which is little longer than that of this journal. Twenty years ago they were the province of early adopters only and limited to email and, more unusually, asynchronous conferencing. Today, VLEs are widespread and mainstream, sophisticated and officially sanctioned components of many courses. Research in this field has borne some of the hallmarks of Underwood’s seminal critique of research in education technology more generally, namely, failure to construct and build upon the history of the field; failure to use the language and theoretical perspectives of the field; a focus on technology rather than on its impact on practice; and an over-reliance on qualitative methods. The three snapshots which are used as a basis of the study show, to an extent, that the technology has moved from unreliable and primitive, to reliable, ambient and versatile. Less obvious in these snapshots are any substantial changes in pedagogy over time although social learning theories seem to have increasing prevalence in support of collaborative learning praxis. Throughout the sample, it is notable that the impact of teachers’ online learning on teaching and learning in schools is still relatively rarely investigated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how science faculty members?? belief systems about inquiry-based teaching changed through their experience in a professional development program. The program was designed to support early career science faculty in learning about inquiry and incorporating an inquiry-based approach to teaching laboratories. Data sources for this qualitative study included three semi-structured interviews, observations during the program and during faculty members?? implementation in their courses, and a researcher??s journal. In the first phase of data analysis, we created profiles for each of the four participants. Next, we developed assertions, and tested for confirming and disconfirming evidence across the profiles. The assertions indicated that, through the professional development program, participants?? knowledge and beliefs about inquiry-based teaching shifted, placing more value on student-directed learning and classroom inquiry. Participants who were internally motivated to participate and held incoming positive attitudes toward the mini-journal inquiry-based approach were more likely to incorporate the approach in their future practice. Students?? responses played a critical role in participants?? belief systems and their decision to continue using the inquiry-based format. The findings from this study have implications for professional development design.  相似文献   

This paper explores the adoption of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) by 10 Malaysian university academics. SoTL was part of a pioneering sector-wide initiative for improving teaching and learning. The qualitative study showed that there had been no true learning phase for SoTL because academics had high expectations of rapid success in their new research area, including journal publication. Most of their peers did not understand or value SoTL and so SoTL researchers established minority self-sustaining groups across disciplines and universities. SoTL brought new ways of thinking about teaching that were transformational for the teacher but not necessarily welcomed by the students. Students resisted radical change, and teachers were drawn back to educational practices they no longer valued. SoTL was experienced in a hierarchical educational culture where questioning of self and others was difficult and this hindered teacher development. We conclude with recommendations about realistic expectations and the importance of social learning for those considering SoTL for academic development.  相似文献   

浙江工贸职业技术学院学报作为正式学术刊物,已整整10年。追忆创刊、办刊的历程,学报的成长与学校的发展息息相关,可以说是学校文化的缩影。学报特定的功能中,它作为学校重要的“另张名片”,对教育思想的宣传、教育教学改革经验的推广、教师队伍建设和教育理论及方法研究的交流等方面,发挥了重要的作用。借学报创刊10周年之际,在总结办刊经验的同时,共谋学院新一轮的发展,再创辉煌,这应是纪念的意义所在。  相似文献   

A key step in the development of skills to conduct independent research is the ability to develop topics of interest into research studies that examine problems of significance in a field of study. This qualitative interview study conducted in the USA examined how seven novice qualitative researchers who had taken course work in qualitative research methods selected topics for research and developed these into studies for dissertation research. Findings identify processes contributing to novice researchers' abilities to conceptualize their topics as significant. These processes include recognizing the need to integrate their interests in existing disciplinary fields, learning that occurred through the practice of fieldwork, applying guidance from advisors and committee members, and developing a deeper understanding of the relationship of their studies to existing research. The paper suggests points of tension for new scholars in the development of research topics, exploring how doctoral supervisors and instructors might assist students in learning how to design and conduct qualitative studies for doctoral research.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the research literature in the field of K-12 online learning to identify the leading scholars, journals, top cited articles, research methods, and topics in this field of inquiry. Our research process involved collecting a corpus of journal articles focused on K-12 online and distance learning; categorizing these articles according to their research methodologies; analyzing trends not only in methodologies employed but also in authorship, citations, journals, and topics addressed. We found the field of K-12 online learning to be growing rapidly in recent years with acceleration not only of new articles but especially of new authors. We also found the field began primarily with emphasizing theoretical articles but is now maturing and emphasizing increasingly more data-based articles. We found K-12 online learning scholarship is scattered among many journals, providing rich opportunities for scholars while also making it more difficult to discern trends across the discipline.  相似文献   

Practitioner–researchers are well-positioned to apply qualitative methods to the study of significant problems of educational practice. However, while learning the skills of qualitative inquiry, practitioners may be compelled by forces outside of qualitative research classrooms to think quantitatively. In this article, the author considers two sources of pressure on novice education researchers that may hinder their development as qualitative researchers. Drawing on the long-established tradition of reflexivity in qualitative inquiry, the author outlines an instructional approach that can guide students in examining and responding to these pressures.  相似文献   

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