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当今大学生口语水平僵化的现象普遍存在。试通过介绍国外在"输出假设"方面的研究,指出在教学实践中重视语言输出的作用,加强输出的练习,通过对学习者已吸收的语言输入的反复操练,使其转化为相应的语言交际能力,从而改变"口语僵化"现象,推进大学英语教学向纵深发展。  相似文献   

高职院校青年教师承担着教育者、研究者、企业实践参与者的多种角色。受各种角色性质不同、院校工作要求以及自身能力等因素的影响,青年教师在工作中存在着不同程度的角色冲突。高职院校需要通过给青年教师搭建成长平台、引导青年教师重视研究、建设教师文化以及帮助教师自主发展等方式化解角色冲突。  相似文献   

分析诸多学者对性别角色的概念界定发现,性别角色虽然受到社会各因素的影响,但其发展基础仍来源于生物因素。由此,本文选取性别角色发展的生物学理论中最具代表性的三种理论:生物进化理论、生物社会理论和精神分析理论,对性别角色发展的生物因素进行概述和分析,分别从进化原理、遗传基因、激素影响和性生理特征等方面分析性别角色发展的机制,客观、辩证地评价各理论流派的理论学说,以期帮助学前教育工作者了解儿童性别角色发展的规律。  相似文献   

本文讨论了假山在现代城市园林中的地位,以及“假山热”对园林事业的推动作用和消极影响,探究了“假山热”的成因,从而得山在园林绿化领域重视园林科技知识,重视园林绿化法规是刻不容缓的大事。  相似文献   

It comes as no surprise that persons in leadership roles face many decisions related to providing distance learning experiences, especially ones centered on the Internet. In this paper we will try to focus upon leadership issues that arose during the creation and offering of an Internet-based course for high school chemistry teachers. One of us served as the department chair, another as the professor of record and course designer, and the third as a researcher who developed a systematic case study of the course.  相似文献   

中国教育学一直以来面临太多责难,学界的反思也是连篇累牍莫衷一是。评价教育学的研究现状需要持科学、理性的态度和对学科关爱、负责的情怀,脚踏实地、在实践中不断反思和完善自身,这才是每一个研究者的学科责任。  相似文献   

建构我国犯罪被害人国家补偿制度的设想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
被害人问题是伴随着犯罪问题而存在的一个重要的社会问题。但长期以来社会对犯罪被害人权利问题一直未引起高度关注,致使被害人成了一个被忽视的群体。随着被害人权利的逐渐受到重视.建构我国犯罪被害人国家补偿制度就成为我国刑事政策研究中的重要课题。  相似文献   

对中小学青年教师价值观的问卷调查和访谈,了解到当前中小学青年教师最注重的是生存价值观,其次为关系价值观,成长价值观;中小学青年教师价值观在性别、学历等人口统计学变量上存在差异.从教育主管部门、学校和青年教师个人三个方面提出了促进中小学青年教师树立合理、积极向上价值观的建议.  相似文献   

教学论学科发展的根本目的在于解决现实教学问题。教学论学科中的问题只有来自现实教学问题中的教学论时,才是有生命力有现实性的教学论问题。要推动教学论学科的发展,我们不能仅仅停留于对教学论学科中的问题的思考上,重要的是要研究和探讨现实教学问题中的教学论。无论是教学论学科发展理论基础和生长点的寻求以及方法论变革的呼唤,还是对当下教学理论体系超越的期盼,本土化教学论构建的热衷都不能无视现实教学问题。每一个教学论研究者都需要重新审视自己研究的目的和出发点,不断反思自己的研究过程和方法。教学论研究者也只有置身于现实的教学世界,立足自身的教学实践活动,捕捉现实的教学问题,研究现实教学问题中的教学论,才能真正理解教学论,才能有所谓真正的教学论的创造和发展。  相似文献   

未来课堂研究的转变:社会性回归和人的回归   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
技术推动的课堂变革,已经成为教育研究者们的关注热点。从"人"的本质开始对未来课堂教学重新进行思考,通过"人"认识发展的趋势来探寻未来课堂教学理念上"社会性回归"和"人的回归"的转变,并据此提出未来课堂研究要关注"人"与其学习环境的整体研究以及关注学习共同体的社会性研究。研究结论能够为未来课堂研究的聚焦提供理论的思考,开阔未来课堂研究的思路。  相似文献   

职业院校在办学过程中必须高度重视学生的就业工作,将专业教育与就业教育、毕业与就业有效地衔接是当前职业院校教育教学改革的重点和难点之一。就职业教育中开展"校企合作就业"的可行性、必要性和目前存在问题及解决对策进行了分析研究;对"校企合作就业"后产生的预期效果进行了探讨,提出"校企合作就业"是职业院校和企业实现可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Arrival stories are said to be typical components of anthropologically informed ethnographies in which the ethnographer as ‘stranger’ comes face to face with research subjects as ‘others’, establishes a context for the research and perhaps uses the story to justify the validity of his or her observations. The notion of a conventional ethnographic arrival is critiqued from the position of teacher–ethnographer, revealing a less conventional sense of arrival and a text relying more on reflexive ethnographic practice. After briefly considering arrival stories in ethnographic studies of schooling, those illustrating modernist epistemological tendencies are compared to more recent attempts to write a more reflexive sense of arrival. The trope of the arrival story is illustrated with reference to the author's arrival as a teacher–researcher at a school where research for this paper was carried out, and to the arrival of a student. Arrival is shown to be far more than an innocent physical activity but one that is accompanied by a range of emotions as both researcher and student confront their subjectivation. In the case of the student, the process of getting to school and arriving reveals some of the intensity with which his subjectivation is contested and throws light on what it is to be regarded as disaffected with one's schooling.  相似文献   

教育研究中的技术与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最有价值的知识是方法的知识,科学方法是通向科学知识或真理的唯一入口。从科学史的角度看,科学发展的每一次大的突破都与方法的革新有关。在教育研究中,方法论的知识成为获得研究成果的有效工具,现今的教育研究活动逐渐从相对简单、单一的操作发展到复杂的综合运用,有质量的教育科研必然是严格遵守学术规范和注重科学研究方法,注重定性和定量相结合,有能力的教育研究者一定是掌握了先进的教育研究方法和技术的研究者。  相似文献   

彭先桃 《高教论坛》2007,(4):16-18,30
专业教育与人文精神的培养是大学生自身发展的内在要求,也是现代社会对大学生的客观要求,更是高等教育发展的世界潮流.文章针对当今教育普遍存在着重科技、轻人文,重专业教育、忽视人文教育的倾向,分析了大学教育专业化的局限性,呼吁让人文教育走进大学课堂,并指出培养大学生的人文精神是大学教育应有的价值目标.  相似文献   

“教育与创造性不相关”论影响创新教育的顺利实施,足以引起教育界的深刻反思,不相关论产生的历史背景主要是来自教育对创造性的压抑,克服“不相关”论的基本对策是要进一步明确教育目标,更新教育观念,营造创新教育的宏观环境,建立主休到达与的教育机制,切实减负,充分发挥创新教育的作用。  相似文献   

Through an analysis of a recent Danish administrative educational reform in the area of early childhood education, this article raises a discussion about the way pedagogical objects and subjects are generated in the knowledge acquisition of administrative educational reforms promoting accountability, visibility and documentation. It is argued that pedagogy is generated as a sequential and unit-specified way of working on the production of ‘the learning child’, forming a time- and material-optimising approach. Hereby, the nursery teacher, as a daily scientific researcher, comes to serve the nation by an ongoing observational intervention, producing the learning foundation for the entrepreneurial citizen, and thus the nation as a knowledge society in a globalised world. This is what this article terms the emergence of the analytical method.  相似文献   

This paper asks what and how some children tell others about themselves and the life they live at home and in school. Drawing on data collected through ethnographic observations, interviews and children's written texts about themselves, the article illustrates the meanings children create and attach to their everyday experience of interactions with adults and other children. Family, friends, pets, school and leisure activities occupy much space in the children's writings. Some of the texts include the placement of self in a positive interpersonal context both at home and at school, with a focus on the importance of these relationships for the children. Some others contain children's negative feelings at home or towards the school. These children blame themselves for their negative feelings in their texts. At the same time, they write about not having a voice when it comes to important decisions concerning their life. They can tell/write it as it is, but they cannot participate in decision-making when it comes to problematic situations.  相似文献   

The application of formative assessment principles in higher education has become increasingly important in South Africa. In this case study the researcher assesses the effectiveness of the application of an early warning system to the higher-education environment in a high failure rate subject. This method is applied according to recommended feedback guidelines for formative assessment and self-regulated learning. Over the period of three years the collected data indicates that the subject affected the outcomes of the students significantly. Students who were at the highest risk of failure benefited the most from the application of an early warning system and corresponding tutorial classes to the subject, which is in line with other formative assessment findings. The students participating in the ‘at risk’ list achieved a summative grade on average 8% higher than the class average grade without the implementation of the early warning system and accompanying tutorial classes.  相似文献   

Qualitative interviewing is a commonly used approach in the social sciences and is generally regarded as an effective way of developing understandings about everyday experiences and the meanings people attach to them. Where fieldwork time-frames are relatively short, a single interview with each participant is common. This paper explores the potential benefits of adopting a repeat-interview design even when research time-frames are short. Illustrative examples from a study of the educational experiences of pregnant schoolgirls and schoolgirl mothers are used to show what additional data were gathered via the use of repeat interviews as well as how this impacted on data quality. The key benefits of repeat interviews relate to the quality of the relationship that developed with participants over time, the opportunities this afforded to develop understandings about multiple identities and shifting realities and the way in which they allowed the researcher to seek clarification or additional information about issues raised in earlier interviews. The paper concludes that repeat interviews provide opportunities not available within a single-interview research design and that such an approach is particularly appropriate for research that deals with vulnerable populations and sensitive issues or research which aims to capture something about events, experiences and perceptions over time.  相似文献   

随着我国教师专业化发展的全面推进,对中小学教师专业化发展也提出了更高的要求,探索如何有效的促进中小学教师专业化发展也成为当前教师教育理论和实践的一个重要课题。为全面了解合肥地区中小学教师的专业化发展现状及其相关保障机制建设的情况,进而尝试构建一套具有科学性、针对性和可操作性的有效促进中小学教师专业化发展的制度保障体系,以期更有效的促进中小学教师专业化发展,为此,研究者对此展开了一次问卷调查。通过调查与分析,指出合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展在制度层面亟待解决的问题,并以此为例。提出了有效促进中小学教师专业化发展的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

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